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Hello lovely Patrons!

I hope you’re having a happy July! And a happy 4th of July if you’re celebrating!! 🌸 I wishing that this month brings you all the joy and positivity you deserve. As always, I want to start by saying how incredibly grateful I am for each and every one of you. Your support means the world to me, and I couldn't do what I love without you.

Let's kick off this month with a fun question: What's your favorite summer activity? Whether it's lounging on the beach or enjoying a refreshing ice cream, I'd love to know! I love walking home and seeing the ice cream van and treating myself to a classic vanilla ice cream! (I know I’m boring 😆)

Sending you all big, warm virtual hugs!!

Yours always,

Ophelia ♥️


VanderMeme Productions

My favorite summer activity is stumbling to the AC in the middle of the night because it's so blazing hot, then waking up freezing in the morning because now it's too cold. Can you tell I'm a winter kinda guy? Lol. But in all seriousness I do like taking a walk on the nature trail near my apartment. There's always ducks and deer roaming about near the creek there and they're really cute!


Happy July Ophelia! Hmmm my favorite summer activity... well I definitely would say whenever we have a chance to go the more mediterranean countries, then rent a boat and drive out to the ocean. The sun beating down while we relax on a boat, it swaying a little, read a book or jump into the water. It's always a blast but if I am not in those countries, then just a relaxing van day after a good run or walk is nice too!


Nothing vanilla with vanilla. It's only considered basic because it's the best 😤💪 I'm just excited to go on holiday to Slovenia and just have a couple of weeks free haha. But I also look forward to dancing more like I used to. What about you? Are you going on vacation to another country? Enjoy the summer and the weather!


Glad to know you are a fellow vanilla lover, we just have very refined palates afterall😌. Summer activities for me will always be hiking a new trail or just having some cookouts with family/friends. Nothing more relaxing than being with the people you are close with and enjoying the heat.

Emperor Penguin

Hello, happy Tuesday and happy July Ophelia.😊🎆 I must amidt summer is not my favorite time of year, but my favorite summer activity has got to be sunning outside, I have a darker skin color and its nice to get back the natural tan after the months of winter darkness. I sit outside with music in my ears, a cold drink or an ice cream, and just relax. Yup I like that the most. 😌👌 I hope you have a great July!!!🍦☀️🧉

Abdi Nadh

Vanilla and strawberry ice cream are the best tho. my favorite summer activity is hanging out with my friends when i can even though it uses a lot of energy for me


Eating a snow cone at the park 😋


Hey hey hey now, real vanilla bean(not the artificial stuff) is one of the most complex spices around, having over 200 flavor compounds, so don't dismiss it as boring. Enjoy it knowing you have a refined palate capable of appreciating subtlety and nuance. While I'm not a big fan of the heat and humidity of summer in general, it is the best time of the year for swimming, boating, and kayaking. Summer thunderstorms also have a unique aroma to them that you just don't get any other time of the year. So basically, anything having to do with water. For now, I'm off to a barbecue, where we'll be watching the fireworks show over the lake. Hope you enjoy your summer strolls and ice cream this week. Thanks for all the wonderful audios.


Oh yeah, that sounds like something I would do! I’m definitely more of a winter person! Aww, ducks and deer?! You’re so lucky! 🥰 I rarely see deer but when I do it’s as good as seeing a rainbow haha!


Ah that sounds lovely, getting out on a boat and exploring the blue, beautiful sea! It must be so refreshing to go for a dip too! I hope you get to go on a little holiday and enjoy yourself ☺️


Yeah you’re right! Vanilla is delicious and is an absolute classic! 😋 Slovenia sounds lovely, I hope you have an amazing time there, and take every opportunity of dancing too! No plans for a vacation this year, but I’m looking at going somewhere next Spring 🌸 Thank you, enjoy yourself too!


Haha! Yes Sebastian, great minds think alike, Vanilla is so good!! That sounds so cosy and wholesome, I love spending a night outside with family and friends, chatting and eating good food. I hope you have a great time with everyone 🥰


Hi Pengy! Yeah, you and me both - Summer is my least favourite season, it’s too hot and sticky haha!! Oh, that sounds so nice, music and something cold to eat and drink! ☺️ Thank you, have a great July too!


Yes, they are the best flavours! I’m similar to you, crowds of people sap my energy a lot of the time, but it’s so nice to just chill with people you care about ☺️


You’re very right Estraven! I guess I have expensive tastes then haha! Yeah, the humidity is what kills me in summer but those incredible thunderstorms make it all worth it! I’m happy to hear you love them so much too!! Have an amazing barbecue and fireworks show, you lucky thing! Aww you’re very welcome 🥰


As someone who prefers the colder weather, I don’t love the summer months. But we’ve been traveling in France and Germany this past week, and it’s been great! Hope you’re doing well and congrats on 24k subs Ophy!! You deserve that and much more!!


Same Venge, I always prefer being cold to being hot 🥵 It’s so lovely to hear you’re travelling around Europe and having such a good time too! And thank you for the congrats, I could have only done it with all of you! 🥰

Hazardous 088

Hello, mama Ophelia! Thank ya for the splendid holiday wishes. Unfortunately I don’t have many summer activities I like to partake in since I really hate summer due to the overwhelming heat it brings with it. All I like to enjoy doing is sitting inside and turn the AC on and practically turn my room into an icebox. Ice cream is good too though. My favorite flavor is mint chocolate chip. Anyways, nice speaking with you, mama. Hope you have a wonderful day and night. Byeeee. 😊

Eating Pancakes Right Now

Summer activities? That's hard, I don't get outside often.... Camping and bonfires. Sitting around with family and friends, someone playing guitar or drums. Usually a great time and the highlight of camping trips


Some of my favorite activities are scuba diving and camping! Actually just became certified in open water diving these past couple of weeks which is exciting! I hope you are enjoying summer so far! Have a great week!


Well I hope you’re doing okay in the heat Hazard! Make sure to keep cool and hydrated too, ice cream is the only good thing about Summer sometimes! 😅 Have a wonderful day too! 🥰


Yeah I know what you mean, all of my work is done inside so I have to make myself go out and get some sun! Yes, those late nights camping with friends are the best moments of the trip! ♥️


Wow! Scuba diving! That’s amazing, you’re so brave Sax! And well done on becoming certified too, have lots of great adventures this summer! ☺️


I wish I liked swimming more but the pools are too chlorine filled and the lakes are too dirty where I live

OpheliaASMR (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-17 05:35:55 Oh no, that’s a shame! I hope you can find somewhere to swim and enjoy yourself ☺️
2023-07-06 09:14:11 Oh no, that’s a shame! I hope you can find somewhere to swim and enjoy yourself ☺️

Oh no, that’s a shame! I hope you can find somewhere to swim and enjoy yourself ☺️


I think my favorite summer activity is swimming 😊 we visit some family every summer who used to have a pool in their backyard, but they moved to a different state a couple of years ago and don't have one anymore :(

OpheliaASMR (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-17 05:35:55 Swimming is so lovely, I wish I do more of it! Aww, I’m sorry to hear you don’t have your pool anymore, I hope you get the chance to at least swim sometime 🌹
2023-07-07 22:01:19 Swimming is so lovely, I wish I do more of it! Aww, I’m sorry to hear you don’t have your pool anymore, I hope you get the chance to at least swim sometime 🌹

Swimming is so lovely, I wish I do more of it! Aww, I’m sorry to hear you don’t have your pool anymore, I hope you get the chance to at least swim sometime 🌹