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Hey there! I hope you had a delightful weekend, filled with laughter and relaxation. As always, I'm incredibly grateful for your continued support and love. You truly make my journey brighter!

Here's a fun question for you: If you could spend a day with any fictional character, who would it be and why? I'd love to hear about the magical worlds and enchanting adventures that capture your imagination. Share your thoughts in the comments! I honestly don’t know who I’d pick, maybe someone joyful and adorable like Winnie the Pooh - but I can’t make up my mind! 🤭

Wishing you a week filled with joy, inspiration, and plenty of reasons to smile. Remember, you are cherished beyond words!

Yours always,

- Ophelia ♥️


Alexander Olson

I'd probably spend my day with Optimus Prime, because why not? He's wise, powerful, inspiring, and I'd never have to pay for gas again. Lol! Have a great day, Opheilia.❤️


I figure I'd have to spend a day with Gandalf. He'd probably be a blast to just chill with.


If I could pick any character, I’d have to choose someone from Stardew Valley. Maybe Linus or Jodi. I feel like they would be fun to hang out with or just go spend time with.


Oh nice! Although I’m going to have to confess I haven’t watched any of the transformer movies! 😅 But it sounds like you’ll have a lot of fun! 🥰


That’s so lovely, just hanging out in that cottagecore, townie atmosphere with your friends! 🥰💗

Alexander Olson

The first three movies are great, the fourth and fifth installments were either meh, or awful. And both Bumblebee and Rise of the Beasts are an amazing reboot to the series. If you like giant transforming robots, I'd highly recommend watching them. But that's just my opinion.

Emperor Penguin

I have the week off and I'm spending it doing some home improvement, i am repaving my patio, so I'm keeping busy. As always I am more than happy to be your follower and supporter my darling Ophelia. *(hugs)* 🫂🐧🤗💜 as for your question I think I'd like to hang out with the Hobbits in Hobbiton. They have such a peaceful existence and they seem like such a kind, party loving folk and I would give anything to eat some of that famous food of theirs. 😋


First one that comes to mind would be Toriel from Undertale. She feels so cuddly, sweet, motherly... Talk about cozy time with a sweet goatlady. Then Kida from atlantis or Chel from El Dorado (love them both, feel like they would be super fun in an interesting enviroment). Then would choose some character from monster musume (monster girl show), they are all lovely.


Qwfwq from Italo Calvino's novel Cosmicomics would be my top choice. He's existed since before the big bang, when everything and everyone was all in one place (which would have been cramped, except they had no conception of space), played marbles with the first particles in the universe, was the last living dinosaur until he got on a train, and used to gather cheese from the moon back when it was close enough to reach with a tall boat. Honorable mentions for Paarthurnax from Skyrim for his endless stories and wordplay, and Leah from Stardew Valley, who is cheerful, strong, creative yet grounded, and shares my love of nature and foraging. Hope you've had a good week Ophelia. TBH Poohbear is a pretty solid choice of yours. Easy to get along with while still getting into interesting adventures.


Honestly this is a week where I'm just grateful that I already planned multiple appointments with my therapist 😅😂 As far as the question, I actually have no idea! But I'd probably pick a cute cuddly-looking pokemon and just hug it all day 🥰


Hey, it sounds like you’ve had a great week! I’m glad you managed to do so much of your room improvement, you must be so proud! ♥️ And your suggestion is just adorable, it would be such a lovely party to have in Hobbiton with the hobbits! ☺️


They’re all such lovely suggestions, Aradan! 😆 Yes!! I always thought Kida was so cool, with her Atlantian background, how smart she was and how amazing she looked! They’re all wonderful characters too! 💗

Abdi Nadh

Not a character in particular but the world of monster hunter would be really cool because even tho living there might be really hard with all the Dangerous powerful animals that live there, visit a place like the Coral highlands with it's colorful corals. and also having a cute talking cat as my partner would be really nice for me :D


Oh my gosh, Qwfwq sounds like an amazing character to hang out with and be friends! 😊 Just the sound of what happened to him in his life sounds like an amazing story!! Ah yes, the beloved video game characters! Very good choices too! I know, little pooh bear! 🙈 He would such a sweet and kind soul to talk to, I’d love to go to his house for honey 💛🍯


Aww Robin! I’m sorry you’re going through some things, but so glad to hear you’re getting the help you need! ♥️🌹That’s alright, there are so many to choose from - I think we had the same idea having a cuddly character to snuggle with! Just make sure that Pokémon can’t electrocute you like Pikachu!! 🤭


Oh wow, Abdi! That does sound incredible! I have heard of Monster Hunter and when I first saw those cat companions I could have died from the cuteness!! Be sure to stay safe out there 🥰

Devil Slayer2

I'm not sure, this is hard for me. lol But I have to pick it'll be Iroh from Avatar the last airbender because he gives great wisdom and advice. And he'll be a good person to have a laugh with and drink tea.

Hazardous 088

I’d love to spend a day with Judeau from Berserk. He was always so charming, selfless, welcoming, and brave amongst the band of the hawk. Plus he looks the most like me in terms of face, haha. 😅


Wow this is such a hard question, had to think about it for a bit to chose. But I would personally chose Hiccup from How To Train Your Dragon. I love that trilogy and Hiccup is such a cool character and I could learn a lot about inventing from him plus who wouldn’t want to be in a world full of dragons! Hope you have a great rest of the week!


Hmm...This is hard, I know so many characters I would like to hang out with, from movies, to games, to anime...hmmm if I had to pick one...then I think I would go for Peter Parker. I would like for him to come here to a world were super villains don't exist so he can have a break for ones, have a conversation and who knows, maybe he lets me backpack hang to him while we swing around the city for a little. Whenever I think of somebody who tries to do better or helps where help is needed, he comes to my mind. Plus some other characters but this is what I think of him ^^

Big Bear Audios (edited)

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2023-07-17 05:35:50 It would have to be Hobie “Spider-Punk” Brown out of the new Spider-Man movie so we can both wander the streets of London doing loads of rebellious stuff. I play bass guitar as well so maybe we could both jam and play some Sex Pistols or Joy Division before ending our evening at a Brewdog pub sipping on, you guessed it, Punk IPA 😋XD
2023-06-28 06:08:12 It would have to be Hobie “Spider-Punk” Brown out of the new Spider-Man movie so we can both wander the streets of London doing loads of rebellious stuff. I play bass guitar as well so maybe we could both jam and play some Sex Pistols or Joy Division before ending our evening at a Brewdog pub sipping on, you guessed it, Punk IPA 😋XD

It would have to be Hobie “Spider-Punk” Brown out of the new Spider-Man movie so we can both wander the streets of London doing loads of rebellious stuff. I play bass guitar as well so maybe we could both jam and play some Sex Pistols or Joy Division before ending our evening at a Brewdog pub sipping on, you guessed it, Punk IPA 😋XD


That sounds so sweet! I’m sure you’d have a great time with Iroh, learning from him and listening to his stories ☺️


Oh Hiccup! Yeah those movies were great, weren’t they? Imagine having a dragon ride with him, how amazing would that be?! 🤩 Thank you, have a great week too! 🌹

OpheliaASMR (edited)

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2023-07-17 05:35:56 That sounds like such a fun character to hang out with! I’m sure Peter would love to chill out and see what this universe has to offer too! 🥰
2023-06-28 08:44:00 That sounds like such a fun character to hang out with! I’m sure Peter would love to chill out and see what this universe has to offer too! 🥰

That sounds like such a fun character to hang out with! I’m sure Peter would love to chill out and see what this universe has to offer too! 🥰

OpheliaASMR (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-17 05:35:56 I haven’t seen the new Spider-Man movie yet, but I’m sure this character would be great to spend time with! Making music with someone as passionate as you would always be amazing! ☺️♥️
2023-06-28 08:45:14 I haven’t seen the new Spider-Man movie yet, but I’m sure this character would be great to spend time with! Making music with someone as passionate as you would always be amazing! ☺️♥️

I haven’t seen the new Spider-Man movie yet, but I’m sure this character would be great to spend time with! Making music with someone as passionate as you would always be amazing! ☺️♥️