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It’s me again! How are we all doing this week? I can’t believe it’s Monday already - it’s criminal that the weekend is only two days! 😣

Anyway, I hope this post finds you all well and enjoying the first hints of spring weather. It's been pretty sunny here lately, and I found the time to go outside and enjoy some fresh air!

As always, I want to take a moment to express my gratitude for all of you. (I feel like I do this every post, so I hope I’m not annoying you!) Your support means the world to me, and I'm so grateful to have such a wonderful group of people cheering me on. You all make it possible for me to pursue my passions, and I can't thank you enough! 😘

This week, I'm planning the new exclusive ASMR for this month that I'm really excited about. I'm not quite ready to share all the details yet, but I can tell it’s going to be intense 😏 I can't wait to share it with you soon!

In the meantime, I hope you all have a fantastic week. Thanks again for being such amazing supporters, and I'll catch you all soon!

Yours always,

~Ophelia ♥️


Emperor Penguin

ugh I know I wish weekends were a day longer 😅 I am just like you in that I am loving the slowly rising temps, its so good to outside and actually feel warmth. and as always I am so happy to support you Ophelia! I look forward to this months exclusive, I hope you have a great week and an amazing spring. take care my friend! 🐧🥰🤗🌺🌺🌺🌺

OpheliaASMR (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-12 14:49:03 It’s completely unbalanced, our workdays and our weekends! 🤣 It’s so nice to feel warm again, I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself! Thank you for your supportive words and for always been so kind! Take care! 🥰♥️
2023-03-27 18:32:52 It’s completely unbalanced, our workdays and our weekends! 🤣 It’s so nice to feel warm again, I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself! Thank you for your supportive words and for always been so kind! Take care! 🥰♥️

It’s completely unbalanced, our workdays and our weekends! 🤣 It’s so nice to feel warm again, I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself! Thank you for your supportive words and for always been so kind! Take care! 🥰♥️


I cannot wait for the exclusive this month!! Even though I prefer the snow and cold of my area, the summer is a nice change and I can’t wait! You are the best Ophy!!

OpheliaASMR (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-12 14:49:03 Thank you Venge! 🥰 It’s lovely to see everything turning green again! No, you’re the best! 💗
2023-03-28 07:31:37 Thank you Venge! 🥰 It’s lovely to see everything turning green again! No, you’re the best! 💗

Thank you Venge! 🥰 It’s lovely to see everything turning green again! No, you’re the best! 💗