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Hello, my little roses! 🌹

Today is a special day – it's my birthday! 🎉🎂 I wanted to take this opportunity to celebrate with all of you and share some thoughts and reflections as I mark another year.

First and foremost, I want to thank each and every one of you for the incredible love and support you've shown me over the past year. This is my second birthday that I’ll be celebrating with you all and your kind words, thoughtful messages, and unwavering encouragement have made this journey so much more meaningful and joyful. You all are truly the best gift I could ask for! 🥰

Reflecting on the past year, I feel an immense sense of gratitude. I've grown so much, both personally and as a creator, and a big part of that growth is thanks to this wonderful community. Your feedback has helped me refine my content, explore new ideas, and continuously strive to bring you the best ASMR experiences possible.

I don’t know about you but birthdays always make me reflective. I think about the past year, the lessons learned, the challenges overcome, and the beautiful moments shared. This year, I'm especially grateful for the connections I've made with all of you… Genuinely, I don’t know where I would be without all of you 💗

To celebrate my birthday, I'd love to know: What are some of your favorite birthday memories? Do you have any special traditions or ways you like to celebrate? Share your stories with me in the comments – I'd love to hear them!

Thank you for being such a significant part of my life and for making this past year so memorable. Here's to another year of growth, joy, and wonderful ASMR moments together!!

Sending you all my love and sharing my birthday wishes!

Love always,

Ophelia ♥️



Happy birthday Ophelia! I hope you have some fun, or at least relaxing, plans. Most birthdays I spend shunning humanity and just being miserable for a day, but one year some people I knew ended up planning a party in the local campus's steam tunnels, and when they found out that day was my birthday, it got converted to an underground birthday party for me. Definitely not comfortable or safe, and I have no idea how they got the DJ table down there, but it was memorable.


Happy birthday!🎂🎉


Thank you sooo much Estraven! I did have a good day, although I’m sorry to hear you don’t enjoy birthdays that much, but that last minute, underground birthday party sounds insane but so much fun! Glad you made it out in one piece haha! 🌹