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I know I probably sound like a broken record now, but I just wanted to take the time to thank everyone for all the support and kind words following the release of the Snoot x Elyssa short! Seriously I'm floored by how many new folks there are here now. I know a lot of people probably only intend to sub temporarily, but it still means a lot regardless!

I said this before after the Kureka short dropped, but my drive to make more long form stuff increases with each one I put out. And the more support I get here, the more time I can dedicate to doing them more often, so that's always good!

I'm still in the brainstorming stage for the next one since I have a commission queue to work through, but it will more than likely be a Fate and Trinity pairing. 



I've been meaning to sub for a while now, figured it was a better time then any! keep up the great work!!


Thank you for your effort of making that awesome animation, I hope we can have an encore with Kureka considering her new height and look