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Happy New Year everyone! Hoping for the best for all you folks in 2024!

So, I know I said the original plan was to have the short done before December ended. Unfortunately, the bad news is that I once again miscalculated the time necessary to get it done. The good news however is that pretty much all the shading and coloring is done. All that's left is backgrounds and audio/video editing. Now this time I'm not going to jynx myself and say when I'll have it finished. Instead I'll just say that realistically it should be done soon. 

And as always, thank you everyone for your support and patience. I absolutely wouldn't be able to do any of this without you all 



Take your time


Happy New Year Trinity!! And no worries at all, take all the time you need


Happy new year! Can’t wait! This short is about to be peak!


Happy New Year! These things happen


Happy new year dude!

Ultra Blade

Take your time, rather have quality then rushed. Happy New Year


Happy New Yearssss. I look forward to supporting my you more throughout the year. Make sure not to stress yourself, we all support you 💛

Raul Adell

Feliz Ano Novo para você também!🥳🥳 Ótimo trabalho e comprometimento até agora na animação, estou ansioso para apoiá-lo mais ao longo do ano. Por favor, reserve o tempo que precisar e não se estresse.


Happy New Years!