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I'm sure you all have already heard about Hurricane Matthew (some of you may be making plans in preparation for it). Basically where I live is in the path of it, so I may be out of commission for a while if it hits as hard as local news outlets are predicting. 

Depending on the power situation afterwards, I may not be able to upload or even draw anything new for a week or two. 

I will try my best to post an update after it happens as soon as I can. And to anyone else in it's path, stay safe! I hope for the best case scenario.



Stay safe man! I live on the west coast of FL (Tampa) so I might be getting some wind and rain from Matthew.


Be safe Trinity Fate I'll be praying for you.


I hope some wind and rain is all we get too here in Savannah. Thanks though. You stay safe too. <:v>

Nate Smith

Hey, free vacation. Stay safe!


Hope everything goes smoothly for you o:


You stay safe man


I wish you the best of luck, mate. I just hope the hurricane wears down after Florida.


I live in the Orlando area of Florida so I too will be in it's direction. Hopefully I'll be fine, probably just going to be at my house drinking booze all night. Thank you for the kind wishes Trinity, you stay safe too dude.


Be safe!


Try to stay safe.


stay safe !

James Greig

Stay safe Trinity