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Gumo dear humans Mal here!!! Today a new update for Honey Select 1 Shaders wich include a lot of shader improvement and fixes for visualization issues on Cycles render. (some fixes too for Eevee 😊)

The Add-on is also being updated to fix some artifacts on faces due to some displacement mods which could affect the face mesh exporting.

If your character face still looks a bit weird under the eyelids, you can smooth the mesh with a sculpt brush, i recommend use Smooth Brush at 0.2 strength, just some simple touches and it's fixed🎇

Second pic is the thickness issue, this could be fixed with just disconnecting the nail/cheecks node connection but now it's no more needed 🦇

I also improved a lot the nipples shaders now they can easily change colors and works for both eevee/cycles. 💯

[DOWNLOAD UPDATE BELOW] **public version**



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