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Hey everyone!
I let time get ahead of me this month and I'm kinda late with getting the poll up for July's images, and for that I apologize.
I will be trying to get it up tomorrow, but in the meantime I wanted to suggest an idea with said poll for this month.

I've had a sort of 'waifu to-draw list' for years full of characters I've wanted to draw but haven't had the chance to yet.
My idea is I suggest a bunch of these characters (like 7-8 options) in a poll and do the top three voted characters as pinups with clothing alts.
It'd be a nice break from fetish themed images (Though these pinups could still have fetishy undertones depending on the character) and let me draw some of the characters I've wanted to draw for a long while without having to worry as much about scenario. etc

What do you guys think?



More Ursula 😍😍😍


I think that’s a great idea! Be fun to see who’s on the draw list


The list is purely characters I've never drawn before, so Ursula won't be in the running. lol


Excellent idea, I can't wait to see who comes up on the list!


Yeah go for it. Though I do still love the fetish work


Sounds great, super excited to see the options