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REMEMBER: You can vote for more than one idea, so please vote for as many ideas as you like!

This year is already going quick and things in general aren't looking much better than 2020, but we have art to distract us from the world sucking and this month we have four fantastic ideas to choose from!
Get your votes in and remember that you can vote for more than one idea!

I'll make another post regarding this in February but I'm considering adding an option to my commissions guide where people can commission the ideas that lose in these polls with a small discount. (So like an idea that'd be £65 would be £55 etc etc)
I'll go more into it when the time comes but I've had a few people interested in commisssioning losing ideas in the past, and think it could be a good way of getting these ideas out there.



Could we have the option to link with other like-minded people to commission some of the losing ideas? Splitting the cost?


Not entirely sure what you mean, but if you mean like two people pay half each it'd be better for one of you to send the money to the other so it can be paid in one go.