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I'm a tad late in saying it but I hope everyone had a great Christmas despite the awful bollocks this year, and I hope that next year brings happiness regardless of what it might bring.

Onto the update!
I'll be putting the poll up for January's Patreon Reward Images over the next few days with it ending on New Years Day so I can begin work on the images in early January.
I'm considering going back to two reward images each month like before, I feel it worked the best and helped me avoid burnout at the start of the month, while also allowing me to focus all my effort on two images instead of spreading it a bit thinner over three. (Quality over quantity and all that.)
Let me know what you guys think!



How did you spend your boxing day, mate?


As long as one id bondage themed im game :)


Why not spread your releases out a little further? I'm always overjoyed to see so much art in the first few days of the month, but then I basically forget I'm pledged until the next poll begins.


I do usually post full resolutions of commissions/ my own art I do over the month to fill that gap between monthly reward images, but December I was kinda pre-occupied and forgot to. (I'll do a big pack of those towards the end of the month.) As for why I don't spread the reward images themselves out, I guess I don't have a reason apart from it just being how I've always done it. I like doing them at the start of a month, taking a break, then working on commissions/other art.