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After a long fight with her viscid enemy Vira, a small slipup causes Zeta to get herself pinned down under Vira's exceptionally huge backside and smothered between her cheeks.
Zeta can only squirm in vain as the mucilaginous monster above her jeers maliciously and presses her whole weight down on the helpless mechanoid.
Zeta at least doesn't need to breathe, but she's seriously regretting the olfactory sensor in her helmet right about now.

The second November reward image is here and I have to say, I think it's the best drawing of Vira yet. (And one hell of an ass)
Hope you guys like it!



Zengumi The Candymouse

G..goodness!! Between this butt and sugar i..I cant tell witch one is bigger! @//@

Aishling Sparrow

W-woah~! Okay, going to be honest and admit that this is totally amazing 0//0 Totally glad I stumbled upon your patreon page today...


Ooh thats one big goopy bootie. ^^


I love Vira and Zeta so much! It's an oddly good feeling wanting the villain to win soooo badly.


I love this so much, her ass slapping into a face must make such a fucking sexy feeling.