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Hello! MonGirl Sexpedition v0.99.7 Magus release wave is up for grabs! Don’t forget to check it out if you haven’t already.

Looks like artists will finish their work during the last week before the release of the final update. I guess this is expected from December and the upcoming New Year. Either way, both artists ensured me that they will finish before the release date. As for the release date itself, the next update will roll out in the usual release window – the middle of December.

I’ve finished the main quest and all associated cutscenes with it. These will feature some characters from the original Yorna. What’s left is mostly polishing stuff out and making sure temporary bits won’t leak into the final version. Pretty much everything is ready aside from the new art assets. But adding these won’t be a problem since I’ve already prepared the logic/scripts for them and will need to just add the pictures.

Since v1.0 will be the content update, I’ll share plans for the future shortly after the release. There will be some big changes from the current situation, but I’ll leave all the details for later. Right now, I’m focusing on completing MonGirl Expedition.

Fixed a bug that equipped clothes instead of boots of speed when entering combat zones. Now, the equipped boots stay on.

Adjusted a pair of quest journal entries that didn’t fit properly in the text window.

As always, if you don’t like something about the game – tell me, and if you like MonGirl Sexpedition – tell your friends ^^



Keep making great progress and don't forget to keep us updated on any changes! Good luck!