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Hello! Magus release wave is up for grabs, don’t forget to check it out!

Okay, let’s start with Yorna. Both new H domi scenes are ready (Chimera’s and Anubis’s), just finished polishing the narrative part for the last one. You can check out the preview here. With this, all normal enemies have their own domi variations, and the domination feature is completed for all options. What’s left is to make another small & funny cutscene with monster girls and the release is ready to be play-tested.

Can’t say anything good about the new version of Yorna for Steam. I made a new version of the game and put it to Steam's check on December 12th. The review team said, “some kind of automatic tests failed, please await further details”. 2 weeks passed, and up to this moment the status didn't change at all. All my questions about this are met with standard-issue answers like "we are working on it! thanks for your patience!" and no details about these tests. Well, guess we can only wait…

And let’s switch to the pretty happy news about the new project. All is going well, and all the main mechanics are already in the game except just one. I’m making the last maps for your adventures with about 90% completed both with tiles and logic.

The second focus point is the mini-games and different events with girls. Since MonGirl (s)Expedition uses the night and day cycle, I have a lot of opportunities to add these into the game. So, I’m planning to add several right in the first release. Priestess already got hers, oni and neko are in the work. If the time permits, I’ll also add the kitsune for the cult of fluff.

I want to try out a different approach with h scene in the new game. These will be smaller but more frequent. Also, as some players wanted in Yorna, the H scenes will be re~playable through the game story, not just the gallery mode.

Otherwise, what’s lefts are various interface pieces to swap the placeholders out and finalizing the state of the game. All in all, I can say it’s good progress, especially if you keep in mind the holiday season and the reduced work time before the release.

That’s it. Stay tuned for the upcoming updates and happy new year to you! See you in 2021 ^^


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