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I’m planning to make a developer’s plans posts on November 16th to share the new bits about the new game and just talk about the transaction period. Since I was mainly focused on the development, I made a fewer posts than usual. And then an idea hit me.

Do you, the players, even want to see the usual weekly daily reports and monthly developers’ plans? Perhaps these aren’t that interesting to read, and I should better focus on previews for new art and characters? I’ll use this poll to see what you think and adjust accordingly.

The poll will be up for more than a week so everyone could vote.



I want to see monthly news posts and not weekly ones and definitely better for you focus on art and character previews. I think monthly news posts will be enough.


It would be interesting to know how much time these updates actually consume. Do you think that they keep you from doing more productive things or limit you free time (it´s sundays afterall) ?


It's nothing big since I mark what changes I make as I do them so creating news posts isn't hard. One hour tops for the long monthly post and around 20 minutes for the weekly variation.