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It feels strangely good to get back on track with the monthly stuff like dev plans and updates… Guess it’s a sort of professional deformation of sorts :) Alright, let’s talk about what I want to do in the upcoming month for Ouro v0.1.

The H content will receive new animated scenes. I’m aiming at 2 but one of the artists warned me about a possible delay due to problems in real life so there’s a chance for only 1. I will do everything I can to prepare both but without heavy ”Gai Noob” class artillery it may not be physically possible.

Outside of the mandatory story update, there are several features coming in:

Got a bit of feedback from players about “animation only” mode in the gallery. Some wanted to hear full background H noises and the other party wanted to clear all the sound from this mode. I’ll make a toggle option for this in the next update.

To keep things comfortable, let’s run a feedback poll about this closer to the public release so all players will be able to participate. This poll will decide the default position for this new toggle option.

Alright, let’s move on to new gameplay functions. v0.1 will bring missions, both main and optional. The logic is quite simple - you’ll get details about the job, prepare your gear and move to the target site. The catch is in your equipment. You won’t be able to switch it inside the mission so plan ahead. Or don’t and just bring the biggest dakka.

Something goes horribly wrong during the gig? No problem, the defeat will open up the load menu that you can use to rollback and restart at a certain point. Didn’t make a save? Don’t worry, I got you. The autosave feature will update save slot 30 each time you change the zone and slot 29 is used each time before your arrival at the mission. In short, don’t be frightened to experiment and see which playstyle suits you best.

Yeah, style building - the next release will bring a proficiency system into the game. Every time you do something in the game like hacking a console, firing a gun and even scavenging for resources the game will remember it. After a bit, Kira will get a passive increase in your “favorite” actions. Use these to grow her in specific skill directions.

As for Kira’s apartment, you can expect new upgrades with an audio system among them. First of all, you will be able to switch the default background music to other choices. Also, you will be able to find retro disks for Wrench and receive new tracks along with credits as a reward.

Both combat and “on-map” visuals will receive an update. I want to make more interesting animations for shooting and the trade district can use better visuals for shops. Well, that’s among over things.

Since monthly polls are a good tradition, you’ll be able to pick a new dress for Kira. Such polls will use the same logic “monster girl” polls did and the first one will pop up as soon as I’ll get confirmation from the artist who will be working on them.

That’s about it. As always, stay tuned for news, updates and previews!


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