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Since I got more time before the release, I decided to use it to add extra flavor and eye candy, starting with the player’s GUI.

Here are some previews for Ouro’s interface. I tried to fuse cyberpunk feeling with a functional design without going too much into sci-fi territory. All personal info like skills, items, equipment and gear will be accessible via the tablet. Other menus like shops, save/load and options have ”augmented reality” styling. You can check both in the header.

I don’t want to push Ouro into sci-fi because highly advanced technology is close to magic. Yes, the tech will be high-end yet you won’t see flying cars, conscience transfers between different bodies like in Ghost in the Shell universe. Style-wise Ouro will be closer to Blade Runner, Deus EX and Cyberpunk 2077 from Project Red (at least from the available info).

The second scene is almost done, its preview will be available during the next week. The pose is pretty complex and I decided to give it some extra polish. It will receive the same treatment as the first scene - extra animations to make less repetitive and more alive.

According to previous feedback polls, all Ouro’s H scenes will receive 1-2 additional size options so every player could pick their favorite. You can change this feature at any time via the options menu - just like in Yorna. It will be set to the ”Full” by default. As always, I’ll mark this feature in the upcoming ”Features” post for Ouroboros.

Aside from H scene text size option, the gallery will provide ”Animation only” mode if you hate words. Using the same logic as ”CG only” feature from Yorna, it will show animation only but with all the variances of a real scene. 

Stay tuned for upcoming previews and updates.  




I am really excited to play this game! :D I really am!