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Suddenly, I got a message from Patreon team about the images I post for previews, patch notes and teasers. Apparently, they are against the rules, namely - the implied nudity one. Already changed some of them and currently waiting for the Patreon guy to asses the rest of the graphic.

So don't worry when you'll see an image like this one -  this means absolutely non-offending picture replaced it. I guess I'll leave direct links to the images or forums so you can check them out without angering the big boys on the top. Or think of something else later. Perhaps a migration to a personal site.




Love it, I'm most amused by the implied Islamic mockery. 👌


I think companies and the world as a whole need to stop treating nudity and sex as taboo. It's natural, we all do it. obviously in the case of this game it's not exactly "vanilla" sex but my point still stands. It's lame to censure sex and nudity. I think the 18+ thing is enough to keep the really young kids away. And if they ignore it then their parents should be better parents, and idk watch their young children.