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The poll about the in-game doors has been concluded.

In the end, the losing option gathered plenty of votes, so I tried implementing a different solution.

It's now possible to switch the way doors work - either by bumping into them, or pressing the button.
The button press won the poll, so it's the default option.

It seems to be working so far, just need to update every door in the game with it.

P.S. If some kind of issue with this small feature pops up, it will be disabled for the 0.65 release, and all doors will be converted to "opened by pressing a button only" doors temporarily.




That is one way to go about it xD But beware of function bloating, I'd say. Eventually it may cause your listings to become more vulnerable to side-effects when you mutate them later on.


As someone who voted for the losing option, this is an excellent compromise. :)


Yeah, I learned this lesson the hard way when I was reworking the innards of the game. There is a lot of stuff that is unnecessarily complex. I'm getting better at it though.