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Today's post is dedicated to one single article of news:

The image upgrade is finally complete!

It cost me a lot of pain, sweat and tears, and it took about a week longer than I anticipated, but it's done.
Full rework of the image folder that allows to easily add underwear, stockings, special suits that are available(almost) everywhere in-game.
With this upgrade completed we're only 1 more update away before the Summer Special will kick off.

Now I can finally fully focus on finalizing the update and making sure it's worth the wait.

List of things that will be finished this week:
- Ability to walk around the city with a TV crew
- Advanced crowd reactions that take advantage of the image folder expansion
- Leveling up and bonuses that come with it(there are many, and I want to make sure all of them work)

See you on Friday with a big preview post.




<p style="color: #008600;">Well, congratulations on completing all this that cost you a lot of headaches and tears. Great job!</p>


That's really good news. Cheers!