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Or rather, I made it in a way that was broken, and didn't realize it until it was too late.
And I can't share any details because I did actually want to keep the Halloween Special a secret until it's released. It has a few small features that will work really well in Dream Realm(once I actually un-break them).

Ever get a feeling that everything you do is just failing in the worst possible way?
I updated the page banner, made a bunch of special title screens(the one used in a post a few days back was a decoy), came up with a mini-image set - and the special doesn't work.

Halloween special will still be added to the 0.65 release in two weeks. No standalone release today.
Although I guess the idea of a "release" that goes through 3 cut-scenes and crashes on a jumpscare is pretty spooky.
It's like the game scares itself to death.

See you on Wednesday with the coat previews.


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