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This post is slightly technical, but it's about accessory items that have been requested for a long time.

Adding the piercings to the game was always a problem, because they're very small(hard to see them in low resolution of the original Succulence). Also, they have to be in every single scene, so that creates a lot of extra images that have to be added.

But, in the sequel we agreed that image sets will be less varied during events, which helps a lot. It's now possible to add many different clothing items and accessories to one "main" image set that will be triggered during various scenes.

Another issue I've always had with the piercings was the fact that they have to be perfectly aligned to nipples, etc. Serena's choker is an example of this, I have to manually align it with her neck for every scene, and iron out the bumps in the image editor later.

I managed to circumvent this issue for nipple piercings a while ago, and I've made some previews with them, with promises to eventually add them to the game. 

But what about the kinky crotch rings?
I almost never featured them anywhere, outside of some very specific events(like special endings in the original Succulence), because there was no easy way to "stick" them to Serena's body. Which means that it was another accessory I had to manually align for every scene.
..Until last Sunday, when I randomly found an easy way to do it, while trying to make an Easter egg basket.

Basically, this giant wall of text can be shortened to: I've found a way to efficiently make images with all kinds of piercings. Which means that they will be added into the game in either 0.6 or 0.65 update most definitely(and they will be available in basically every scene, just like the choker).

You can see two examples up top - the dialogue window image, and full sized preview: The way they look in the game during dialogue has to be improved a little(they look too pixelated when zoomed out), but otherwise, they look pretty neat.

Also, there will be a poll later this or next month about silver vs gold piercings for Serena, so stay tuned.

That's it for this post, thanks for reading, and I'll see you on Friday.




Amazing news!


One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them