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It's Christmas in plenty of places around the world, so it's time for a small celebratory post.
There's an empty inviting spot on that couch, that's begging to be occupied :)

Happy Holidays and here's to next year being good, peaceful and productive.

P.S. I tried for some time to fit everyone on that couch with the empty spot in the middle, but it looked too messy. So let's pretend the rest is sitting on the opposite side of the table :P




Merry Christmas!


Guess Serena needs to go after xmas shopping for a bigger couch XD. Merry Christmas. Funny thing... Ser and the other ladies could have some fun with the movers then :)


Just another kinky idea for you. Knitted sweaters... If the thread gets stuck somewhere nudity may occur. And I have no clue how to animate that. 😅


Haha imagine Ser follows the dog direction to the park and well ravel ravel everything is gone when she arrives there. nice idea olemole :)


Thanks True Natas. Or the old guy somehow trips her on the elevator and she arrives topless on the first floor. Or this happens on the train. Or while she does an interview or teleshopping. Or while she's being chased by a cop. Many possibilities.