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I was putting up the Character Roster post a few hours ago, and I got to he "twins" part of it, and it got me thinking.

The point of having two characters that are twins is to have some kind of "mix up" or "switch", or whatever - a situation where one is mistaken for the other, or maybe one pretends to be another. Since they're twins, they should look similar enough for that to look plausible.

Now, here's what Maria and Elena look like currently:

They have different hair colour, makeup and skin tone, same eyes and figure(moles are also different).

Here's a slightly different image, that features Maria having the same skin tone as Elena:

The makeup is also more similar between the two.

So my question is: Am I overthinking it? Should I make Maria's CG with Elena's skin tone, or do they look similar enough without this change?

Option 1:
Keep them both as they are

Option 2:
Make them have the same skin tone

There are full-sized preview attachments below the poll, in case the ones above are too small.

That's it for this post. Character roster will be posted on Sunday after this poll is over, and there will be Sequel News on Friday.
Until then.



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