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I've been busy with some bothersome chores yesterday and today, so this post will be a bit shortened, and I'll run back to work because I have a schedule I have to catch up to :)

Last Sunday we've had a post/poll about stats, and I did some adjustments based on the results. Going from Depravity 0 to levels 1 and 2 will be quite easy, but starting from level 3 the curve will become steeper, since there will be plenty of ways to gain experience easier.

The other categories will be pretty much the same way - though some of them barely have any curve, because there's not enough TV events in the game, for example.

That's about it so far, there might be some changes after the release is done though.

Also I have some news about new feature that will be presented in one new TV event:

Interactive Party Members

Usually in RPG's on this engine the followers or partners only tail the player, and it's difficult to make them do anything else. In the original Succulence I was able to make the followers show some icons, and do some scripted movement here and there.
But in this newer engine even doing that is a big chore. It's also why I was never able to make a TV event with Roads as cameraman following Serena - it looked too clunky and weird.

So I went and tried to make my own partner system, and it's a mild success!

Now NPC's from the map can follow the player without "joining a party", and they can be interacted with while they are doing so. They can match players speed, can be barred from entering certain areas and will "wait" for the player to come out. They can even pass through doors(kind of).

This means that the cameraman event will be added to the upcoming release for sure, the only question is how complicated will it be.

There's still loads of work ahead, but this is some good progress.
Alright, that's it for this post, and until Monday.



regarding the party-system: would it possible to trigger special scenes when an event is triggered with a certain follower in tow? like: Enter Club -> alone -> scene 1 Enter Club -> with NPC A -> scene 2 Enter Club -> with NPC A & Lust > X -> scene 3 this way you can use the party-system to expand repeatable events


Yeah, that's the plan. There will be multiple followers, and different events in the bar with them.


this new party system seems incredible as well as innovative, keep it up the good work


Thank you. It's hard to show it without a gif, but it's pretty clunky still, so it needs a lot of polish. Also sometimes the companion blocks the doorway if you want to turn around, need to find a way to solve that too.