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Only eight days left before the next release, and the tension is rising.

Here's the progress log of new stuff that got added since last episode:
- New Boss-Fight works (almost)reliably. Only needs a few tweaks before it's functional
- Outfit variations added for stockings and one more outfit
- Outfit variation menu has been updated with custom CG's
- Wardrobe got updated with a new feature(with a bunch of images made for that as well)
- Item and clothes expansion for Desire Shop is finally functional(still requires old save-file testing)
- New big main story event added
- New locations added
- Balance changes to one of battle skills have been canceled due to poll results
- New Quiz Show event added
- A few characters received a visual update for their accessories(one example on the image above)

I am still trying out my new weekly scheme of putting time into the update: 3-4 days are spent on planning events/making image and dialogue samples, and then the rest of the week is when I do all the heavy lifting with events, testing, etc.
It's probably less effective than what I used to do, but so far it didn't put a strain on my well-being, so it's working.

Next week I'll have less time to rest, but it shouldn't be too intense, and I'll have some time to rest after the release.

Next episode of sequel news will be posted on Wednesday and will contain full changelog for the next release.
See you on Sunday or Monday.




well its 8 + days :P we already know you haha and there will be no rest if i start my bug hunting XD so save your strength and we will wait as usual for the release to come... sooner or l8er