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This poll might be a bit boring, but it's something that needs to be decided before the next release.

There's currently two big boss-fights in the game, both involving Ms. Stone(and a third one is on the way in April or May release).
Now, the thing about them is that both of them are balanced around Serena having default skills and stats(no upgrades from the shop are needed to defeat them, etc.). You could argue that it makes the game too easy, but I feel like having a boss that forces the player to grind gold in order to buy upgrades is too inconvenient.

That said, upgrades make fights much easier, and some of these upgrades might be too busted.
This poll is about one of them - Lust Blast.

If you haven't used Lust Blast yet - it tears both Serena's and her opponent's armor. And the damage to armor is the highest if Serena's suit isn't damaged.
So if it's used at the start of the fight - both fighters have their armor removed, and the fight becomes about who will land the grab first.

After playing around with it a bunch of times I was able to dismantle Ms. Stone in both boss-fights very easily, even if my grab attempts failed sometimes. No items were required either.
Obviously, my sample size of 1 player doing 10 boss attempts is not enough, so that's why I made this poll. After all, there's a lot of RNG involved in Lust Battle, and I might've gotten lucky.

I prepared a few options below on how to deal with Lust Blast. You can choose them from the list, or leave a comment if you have some thoughts about how strong it is.

Option 1:
Lust Blast is strong, but not too strong - don't need to nerf it.

Option 2(Nerf A):
Increase the cost of unlocking Lust Blast.

Option 3(Nerf B):
Nerf the damage Lust Blast does to armor, so that it doesn't unlock the Grab right away.

Option 4(Nerf C):
Add a penalty for using Lust Blast(1 turn stun, or lust meter build up, always attack last, etc.)

: You can choose multiple options :)
Note 2: If there's an obvious option that I missed, the poll might be re-posted, or a second poll might happen on Sunday.

This poll will last until Sunday at least,  and Sequel News will be posted on Friday, so until then.



I think we like the story better than the fights, right?


Hmm, I guess in that sense, having a skill that lets you get the fights over with faster is good.


That's how I feel about it, not sure if i'm speaking for all of us though ;-)