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As karmic punishment by the Universe for not releasing the update on time I had to sit through roughly half a day without electricity yesterday. And because of sudden power outage roughly 3-4 hours of work that I've done beforehand didn't save.

That and the fact that I can't work for too long without getting ill completely defeated me.

At this point the 0.45 release is an utter failure. Better name for it would be 0.425, because of how butchered and small it is.

Out of all of main story there's 1 new Ms. Stone event that's left. Along with 5 side events(there's more, but those are just old events available with more outfits, so they don't count). And 2 of those can only happen once per week.
I don't know about you, but after waiting for two months that's way too little for my taste.

There's 2 ways to remedy this situation slightly:

Option 1:
Release the cursed 0.425 release today(Monday), and have another update of similar size in 2 weeks, so that their combined size will actually be like an average-sized release.

Option 2:
Delay(again) for a week until next Monday to add more stuff that's currently half-finished and make a proper main story sequence with a cliffhanger. Then - next update[0.5] will be in 3 weeks after that to continue the main story from the cliffhanger and with more side events.

None of these are good choices, but that's all I can do with my current health status.
But I won't stay sick like this forever, so as soon as my HP bar gets full again I'll do some quality grind on all aspects of the game.
Until then though - we're stuck with this... Situation.

Which of these options is the way to go about it?



Take care of your health!




Puppy was chewing cables? Might be Eve's spirit in the puppy hehe Get well soon and don't push to hard, we can and will wait for the next update.


Take care of your health first


yes Health first, I've already lost Serio, I don't want to lose you too... get well and release as you can. I think this poll proves that we are an understanding bunch of people :)

Alex Delmon

Just a thing a don t understand is it possible to go commando or not ?


Level up Depravity to Lvl 1, or progress the main story and discover a flashback that unlocks it(It appears in the Memory Palace after the stairs event with Ms. Stone).