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Hello! Today is finally the day of save file time and some good news about the progress.
First of all, the battle sytem is finished(but not fully tested), and the first battle was jammed in the middle of the prologue, so the save file you see on the screenshot is right before it happens(actually it's about 5 minutes away, but still).
It's got rolled back a little, but it will move forward pretty quickly once I make sure the battles work the way they should in-game.

There's no info about anything else on the screenshot because of some minor spoilers, and the fact that the time of the first battle might get moved to a bit later in the story.

Full list of changes:
- Battle System fully added to the game(will be extensively testing it today)
- Added events that lead to the first two battles and after them
- Dream world changed and expanded to fit new events
- New work related items added to inventory
- Added a few small scenes that contain images from the original game(more like poses for Serena that are adapted to the big resolution of the new engine)
- Added a quest about getting some of Serena's "achievements" from exposure contract back in her arsenal
- NPC's in the mall and the studio actually have lines now
- More school maps added
- First investigation quest is under construction at the moment

Overall, the new release is finally approaching the state in which I won't be embarrassed to release it to the masses. I think with the current work tempo the release date will be annoucned in the next episode of Sequel News, and it will be in the next week somewhere.
I'll be going back to work to make sure that happens.
See you on Friday.



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