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Hello! It's less than a week left before new release, and here I am to finally announce the release dates and what's going to be in it.

Here's what will be in the new release:
- 2 new home events
- Bonus CG in the shower
- Character interaction menu's
- More stuff to do in the Mall
- 3 events in the studio
- Black Jack in the main game
- Minor story additions

Note: Fresh start will be required for this release.

Release dates:
March 29: Tier 3-4
March 31: Tier 2
April 3: Tier 1(public)

There is a bit of bad news I've got to report too, unfortunately:
- Battle system will have to wait until 0.25. There's been too many issues that required my attention, and I didn't get to work on it as much as I wanted to. On the bright side, there might be multiple variations of it added next month, and there will be a poll on which one is the best.

- The image flickering fix turned out to be totally useless. Well, not totally, but it seems that it only works until you change locations. I don't feel very thrilled about having to find a way to implement it on every map in the game, so there has to be another way. The only other solution for now is to make a few extra images to work around the bug, so expect the release to be a bit heavier this month -__- 

Alright, there's a ton of work to do, so I'll be going back to it, and I'll see you on Wednesday.




Can we have a testing map with no return for the fighting? maybe we can give some input then :) And this time we will send Eve to shot those Corona viruses down to protect you from that XD


Just i am waiting exhibitionism situations and piercing. Will see them soon?


Sure, there might be a test map release of battle system somewhere in the middle of April.


A lot of basic things need to be added to the game first that take priority over everything: - battle system - main story and villain introduction - full week of TV gameplay - channel rating system and some other stuff I can't talk about yet. Once that is done I'll be focusing more on events and scenes, and a lot of them will be exposure themed.