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Hello. It's been so long since something got released on this page, and development of this update has been very stressful.
Between me being sick, having tech issues, rewriting stuff, throwing finished content away only to re-add it later after failing to rework it properly, as well as having some irl stuff to worry about to boot, February took a couple of years off my life for sure.

So I wanted to use this opportunity to thank everyone for the support - despite the progress being painfully slow at times, it moves forward every day, and it's only a matter of time before the game will turn into a proper game. And knowing that a lot of people anticipate the updates makes it easier to endure the slow unproductive days when nothing works out as planned.

Alright, let's not get too sentimental here. Here's what the new release will contain:
- Reworked prologue(It should be called "almost removed prologue" because of how much stuff was cut)
- Changed bindings
- New stuff added to the menu
- 3 Office events
- Christmas, Halloween and Valentine's Specials included inside
- 2 Balcony events
- New locations + Changes to some old locations
- Updated weather system
- Recollection room
- Some old events from alpha are added back to the game because reworked versions of them I didn't like

It's going to be short, and it's more like a reboot of the beginning of the sequel than the continuation of the previous update. But I'd like to release it still, because I need some feedback on the changes, and I want to actually have a release on this page once in a while.

I am still not fully recovered, and I am taking meds that reduce my productivity - namely they make me very sleepy at night, so it's hard to pull off my usual all-nighters. I've been able to resist it yesterday, but just in case, if today my body gives in and I fall asleep on my keyboard, tomorrow on 7 am EST there might be posted a 1-day-delay post. Or the usual "waiting room" post.

See you tomorrow.



we need a bet poll what we get, delay or waiting room. imho its delay :P get well soon and don't push yourself to hard. one or two days waiting more won't kill anyway.


You were right, unfortunately. There will be extras added to the release as an apology tomorrow.


Rest is important, but it can be difficult to fall asleep when you know you have so much stuff undone. At least for me. So it's kind of a lose-lose situation until release is complete.


I think you can cope with your drowsiness, although it is better to leave it as it is. Health above all! Do not worry about delays.