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Hello! You might be wondering what kind of 'breakthrough' was mentioned in the Wednesday post, and today I'm here to present you with my recent findings. It wasn't really possible for me to stay off the computer while being sick, so while I did my best to rest, I also tested some ideas for the game.
And one of them was the body manipulation method that I finally understood how to do. So I couldn't wait until I got better to test my new idea out.

Here's one of the results of the experimentaion: Breasts Expansion!(mole got deleted because of it, but that's temporary)

The increase in size is very impressive, and while it's not perfect, it can already be used in game to further emphasize the MILF status of certain characters. Or make it a result of some twisted lactation experiment, etc.

The only problem so far is that the nipples get increased in size with the breasts, so the naked look still needs some work:

I believe that with time I'll be able to iron these out to make them better looking(after I'm done with the release). And the clothed version is already good enough to put into the game, but that is up to you in the poll below.

Do you think twins should get an upgrage in the chest department, or should I put some more work into it first?

Note: this method also will let me to make slightly bigger breasts for pregnancy, and possibly manipulate stomach/hips for those purposes as well.



nice gimmick for scenes or if there is a storyline about pregnancy but I find dispropotional big boobs not that attractive


It is possible to make them smaller, as well as bigger(I don't know HOW big is the limit, but I imagine I can get them big enough to hang on the knee level), and there will be more polls on the matter next month. Also I'll have some time to experiment with male body sizes after the release, so I'm excited to see if I can create some ogres or goblins.


both options are nice to have either for plays or as punishments for disobedient girls like teaching a lesson to a woman that is ridiculusy proud of her bit breasts and feels supriour because of them. taking her "pride" away then giving her an overdose of it


I like it, it's nice to have option like that in the game and I don't have problem with massive breasts so for me it's cool. I think I like that the nipple get bigger in comparison to the breasts but I get that most people don't like it.


Personally, think it should be a choice. I voted for bigger so I want both sides represented here


It is very possible that there will be some kind of quest about "both sides" added in the future.


I don't either, I just feel that nipples like that fit more in a scenario where some kind of expansion happened(either through some kind of serum or a spell), but for naturally huge breasts the nipples look a bit too grotesque.


I like the idea of bigger! But please, nipple and areola should be Not that big as displayed.


Make sure you really want to go into the pregnancy route, it doubles your work as you have to in essence create two updates for those that are and those that are not pregnant. I'm following another dev who's updates are a lot slower because of the extra work


could also be a "Skill" needed for some scenes like the "hpynosis" in part1


True, I'll have to prepare for that when I"ll try to add that into the game. But it's not going to be that soon anyway, so I'll think of something.


Maybe both options, with surgery/magic/whatever?


Her boobs are already at my limit. Bigger than that, and they are more of an oddity. Definitely not arousing. Some people seem to have no limit for how big a butt should be to be attractive, either, but I’m not one of them. Just voicing my two cents.


people have too many different idea about huge breasts So in my opinion, it seems better to make any situation or quest to have to option of big breasts. for example We can control the size of breasts throughout magic or drug After situation or quest. Or you can think about making new character having big breasts also. Anyway personally i don't want you spend a lot of time only for developing breasts size. i believe you will have wise solutions


I am a fan of big breast but they must fit the character and game. And currently I think they are big enough. There might be some drug alteration for one of the characters !?! Or a spell (since we have Eve as spellmaster XD) to make them temporary bigger (goes for the dicks as well haha) but imho the current size is good :) and for sure everyone has his own opinion.


Yes, for sure, the breasts are not the only body parts that might get subjected to a sudden enlargement(or a penis shrinking curse), so this adds a lot of room for some weird quests.


More nipple