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Winter colds are the worst. I was feeling fine when I woke up, and a few hours later I'm feverish and sneezing like mad. Hopefully it goes away as soon as it appeared. -___-

Anyway, I haven't done too much progress with the update since last week, because I was still tinkering with the new engine and other sequel related stuff. But starting this week I will focus on the current game, so next Monday's changelog is going to be more impressive.

What got done:
- 1 Tutoring event added
- CG for 2 more tutoring events got done
- Small fixes added for recollection room
- New special teacher outfit added

I will post a little report on the sequel progress on Wednesday. Also there's Scene Discussion going on for those who are interested.



Eucalyptus Steam helps a lot


Hi, I have two questions. Is it already possible to submit to the school boy? Is there a way to walk into that building in lovers park yet?


If you're talking about Stan, you can submit to him, yes. There's no way inside that building yet.


Ah okay. Thank you. :) Whenever I try to submit she says she's not in the mood. Can you please give me a hint on what I need to make this work?