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Hello and welcome to another Friday Preview(now in 1920x1080!). I must say that I've developed a thing for unbuttoned shirts recently, so there will be a few events with them in the game. Like this new park event for example :)

Overall the progress on the update is pretty slow, I'm still stuck on the final science club event, so there will be lots of overnight work in the following days...

Not much else to say, but much work to do, so off I go. See you on Sunday with poll results and more news.




Nice work!


Niceeee, definitely something to get excited for! With the Science Club ending plus Park events I am sure you got your hands full but we know you can turn it around.


1920x1080? Does that mean we now have a Serena wallpaper? Hell yes! (By the way, I'd love an 'official' one *wink wink*) Oh, and don't stress yourself out with work, my dude, I don't think anyone would fault you if the new version is not released on time. The date is just an estimate, after all.


I never actually thought about the wallpaper. I'll try to make some after release. And at this point I'll rather release 1 less event that I will add a day later that delay a release for 1 day. I think it's for the best that way.(though I might make a poll about it if needed).

Buzz Kill

Ya it's fine because you focused on the primary events first :) I can't wait to see your new work.


Official wallpapers would be great. I find her character very refreshing compared to a lot of other female mains in adult games. She never appears as helpless and dumb, as many others. She just slowly embraces the naughty stuff, as it is part of her nature as a succubus. Her being savvy is a nice change of pace.


If you do decide to release wallpaper, I will definitely support it. If it is too much for the current workload, then the usual weekday/Friday preview can be used to showcase a new wallpaper once in a while. It does not have to be every week since the main focus is the game itself.