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It's finally time for the new version to go public! If you spot any bugs/errors, tell me in the comments or message me. Next release date and schedule for next(0.7) version will be posted on Wednesday, along with fixes for game-breaking bugs, if those are found. Enjoy!

Links(Updated to 0.65.1)
No RTP ​
​ RTP​  

New stuff:
+ 3 Science Club events added, with a bad ending.
+ 3 Daily quests added to the Public Requests panel in the other world(they are unlockable, and have multiple variations each).
+ New G.E.M event added(2 variations depending on lust)
+ New teacher suit added!(more info below)
+ New category added to the clothes shop(only 1 new outfit so far, unlocks after getting new teacher suit)
+ 2 new events added to the exposure daily quest area(both require roofer quest to be finished).
+ New bath event added.
+ 2 tapes added to Serena's collection.

- Many bugs fixed, can't remember anything in particular though...
- You can travel between elevators now(not through the main one only)
- Items at Desire Shop have been updated.

Stuff that didn't make it:
- Choker: It looked good with the new black suit, but I wanted to make it an accessory that can be used with every outfit, so I removed it for now, and I'll try to add it in the next update.
- Exposure Contract progress: It dawned on me that I really overcomplicated things with the contract, making it too hard to unlock and locking parts of the events to justify having contract in the first place. So I will think about how to simplify it for the next update, because I do still plan to add another one, and it will only make things more confusing.

Now about the new suit: To unlock it, buy all the clothes from the supermarket and visit Angie in the morning. Once unlocked, almost all events are available to do in it, except for 2: After work train event and park event (both will likely get reworked in the next update).
Also, it might not work correctly in the recollection room(untested)

So that's about it. Overall the update came out a little lewd in some places(science club) and a little tame in the others(gem event). Also, science club events focus on the gray skirt suit only, since it did win that poll about favourite suit, so there's that.

Thank you for your patience, and for your support, and for reading this pile of letters:)
See you on Wednesday!



So, some bugs: the Suspended Shorts are totally bugged with the Lust Frenzy Skill, and the Fancy Suit is accessible in the magic world. Also, in the magic world, if you go see the skeleton and then go back, the tower and the mad followers are back. The photo 4/4 is back each time you go in its area.


Right. I forgot to restrict the suspender shorts, since you're not supposed to wear that in public yet. The tower bug is quite bad though(another leftover from 0.6...). I'll release fixes for all of them on Wednesday.


I new and i would like to know if there any walkthrough of the game? cause read every post just to know what in the game. Is just to must for me p.s sorry for my english :p


There is a recollection room walkthrough, here's the link: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/gallery-post-15859359">https://www.patreon.com/posts/gallery-post-15859359</a>


how to do roofer quest ?


There's a man looking for his dog in the evening near Serena's house. Talk to him, then find the dog for him.

Demonic Tales

Enjoyed the game. A question poped up in my mind: if you don't mind, what will be the available fetishes in the final version of the game?. Good work and keep it up :D ;)


I can't say for sure. There will be some S&amp;M action(for both of those letters), more exposure too. Maybe some girl vs girl relationships. We'll see.


Possible bugs, might just be me: So after the science club bad end and pressing continue, can't leave the school and the bad end music is playing. Also for the lust bad end, my game just hangs with Serena behind the dumpster after she says "bruuuce".


Noted. As for the lust bug, I've seen it mentioned multiple times, but never managed to reproduce it myself. Maybe you tried skipping text while Bruce dialogue was going on? Edit: Okay I didn't find the cause of the bug, but I found a weird thing I put into that cutscene that stops player from skipping text. If I had to guess, that's probably the root of it. Gonna disable it for tomorrow and we'll go from there.


is there any walkthroughs for this game?


There's a recollection room walkthrough: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/gallery-post-15859359">https://www.patreon.com/posts/gallery-post-15859359</a>


By the way, you're blocked from leaving the school until you find all science club events(there's 3 in total), it's not a bug :)