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First of all, thank you to all of you who chose to support me,  it means a lot!

Also some info on goals and rewards:

- I am currently in a bit of a shaky situation, so I won't make any goals filled with promises that I might not be able to keep (I'll keep working on the game though, no problems there so far).
- So far early access is the only thing I can offer, but only from the january onwards, since I've already set the date for next release and I don't want to change that. The only other thing I can offer is a folder of full-scale images(1280x720) from the game. If someone's interested in that I will add it to the lvl 3 tier, or create a new one with it.

Okay, now about this week's update:
This weekend I was entirely focused on the new maps for the next ruins section, and they're almost done. This week I'll try adding more sexy stuff to the combat, and smoothing some of the rough edges of the game.

P.S. Posts for patrons will be done on fridays.



To [R]Nest. My English is not good, but i must say "Your work really interesting for me ." I was support other but you are the best. I really love your game. I hope your content will better every patch in the future. pls do your best. Thank you...