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Final Update: Uploaded requested 4K Rabbit Hole Miku Variant to tier 3 folder.

Updates: Uploaded requested 4K Squirting and, Full Nude No Pissing.

Update: The video has been published on Iwara. Tier 1 supporters now have access to the rewards. Enjoy!

Update: Uploaded 4K Rabbit Hole Miku version.


There's no need to say much, but one thing that I can say, you'll get soaking wet XD

Enjoy!! Variants will be uploaded in few days ASAP!

You can access all videos from community chat.

Here's how to access the community chat:

・ On the web version, you can access it from the speech bubble icon (Community) on the left side bar of the page.
・ On the app version, you can access it from the second speech bubble icon from the left on the bottom bar.
・If you are not able to access to community chat somehow, let me know via DM, I'll send you links.

For Tier3 Supporters

If you have any requests for variations you'd like me to make except from the list, let me know via Direct message. Each person can submit only one request. Its submission period will be approximately two weeks.





・ Web版ではページ左の吹き出しマーク(コミュニティ)よりアクセス可能です。
・ アプリ版では下の帯の左から2番目の吹き出しマークよりアクセス可能です。



Variants Menu:

✅Tier 1: 4K Iwara

✅Tier 2: 4K Iwara No Pissing

✅Tier 2: 4K Full Nude

✅Tier 3: 4K Full Nude Forever Pissing

✅Tier 3: 4K Rabbit Hole Miku

✅Tier 3: 4K Squirting

✅Tier 3: 4K Full Nude No Pissing




Mr. K

I hope to do more water spray works Thanks