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Another weekly update thingy coming at you. There were just a couple of tweets again, but that should probably be fine? If nothing else, you can hopefully look forward to the stuff that's coming up soon.

For the most obvious thing, I do want to have the update come out some time this week. Exactly on November 1st...? Probably not. While there isn't a whole lot of anything technical that would slow a release down, I'm still a little concerned, I suppose. This month has been somewhat weird in terms of scheduling. As a result, as is probably usual in this point of my update cycle, I have some concerns about there not being enough stuff in the update, so I'm currently kinda squeezing things into it. Will I end up with enough to feel satisfied with myself? Probably not, but I would like there to be more than... Not a lot.

But aside from that, I am still planning on setting up another poll for content direction for going from Beta 1 to Beta 2. That isn't out yet, but it will be soonish? The things holding it back are also kinda on my end (as if there was any other end that could hold things back), where I want to
A) Make decisions on exactly what options I want to give
B) Figure out how I'm scoping content so I can make decisions on what options I DON'T give but will still plan on actually adding in the future (either by myself or after allowing them into a future vote)
C) Make sure that I have preview images/write ups that properly represent the options.

I MIGHT be making too big a deal of it though. Not sure. Let me know if you'd rather I just threw stuff out there faster with less preparation or whatever.


Thank you based Eschahn

I had a couple of comments on people wanting this to be a thing, for a reason that does make sense, I just didn't really think about it before. Basically, if you want a curse (for a scene or for a build or whatever), it's somewhat hard to intentionally seek that specific curse out. There is a little bit of gaming the system in that many curses have at least some kind of requirement in order for them to be randomly selected at the end of a floor, but those requirements are not listed anywhere, and a good number of the curses don't have them at all.

With shrines being the only way to get a curse while knowing what curse it will be beforehand, that makes them a considerably more stable option. Adding to that by allowing you to pick between 3 different curses... Well, I'm wondering if it might be a little too good. If nothing else, this is NOT a new game+ bonus, so it's not an option that you will always have available. That probably makes another difference, but it's hard to tell.

I'll have to wait and see, although it's not like I get any statistics of how people play, so I won't really know until people comment on it. Ah well.

Gramophone or something

This has been in my head for a while, but it did actually have some issues that were making me feel a bit iffy on implementing it.

For starters, the credits page already says this, but I should make sure that it is clear that none of the music is made by me. I have actually attempted to make music before but uhhh... Well, I played drums in school. I can't actually read notes/sheet music, I just know rhythm.

Still, all the music is from sources that listed them as CC0. I'm not required to do anything in particular for giving credit, and so I've just vaguely said as much. I don't think that's a problem itself. The actual issue is more just that I... Haven't done the best job of keeping track of where each individual track comes from. If I put this list down and somebody says that they really like one song in particular and want to know where to download it or who made it, I MIGHT be able to answer that, but I also might not.

So I guess it's my fault again.

On top of that, you might also notice one of the options just says "Theme", which also kinda bothers me. The full name of that track is literally "Medieval Fantasy Game Theme". On one hand, fair enough. That is exactly what it is and exactly what it sounds like. It does look kinda dumb selecting something named like that from a list of other, less generically named, tracks though. This is also an issue that is even worse with the dungeon music.

Basically, I'm rather particular about the music choices for the game, and I'm pretty happy with the soundtrack that I've compiled together. I want to give the option for players to look and choose between the tracks, but there are some tiny little detail thingies that bother me about doing so. Again, probably not as big of a deal as it feels like in my head.

So maybe I should add the same option to the dungeon after all? Dunno. I haven't done so yet, and was still considering it while writing this. As you MAY have noticed, I am SLIGHTLY particular about how most aspects of things both in and around the game appear. Something something anxiety. You know how it be.



Oh, I totally get the "being particular about seemingly minor things" bit. It's the same for me and most of the other devs I know at my company :D