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The change log for this update can be found here.

This update expands on the Coraline tasks system from the previous  update, moving on to allow you to pick out boss monsters to encounter  and defeat. It also contains a whole slew of ui improvements, bug fixes,  and some other stuff!

To be completely honest and transparent here, there are only two  bosses in the update itself. The Drider (which was already a thing but  has been reclassified and improved), and another one. I'm not COMPLETELY  happy with the state of the content of that second boss, but as that  was the only thing holding back the update, I thought it would be best  to get things out sooner rather than fussing over it forever when the  update was already behind schedule. So while she does work and can be  fought and such, I will almost certainly be expanding on her content  soon. That actually leads me into some more things to talk about with  this update.

This is currently (barring a bugfix update if the need arises) planned to be the LAST ALPHA UPDATE

After this point, the game will be moving into beta. For those who  don't know what that means, the intention I've always had has been to  focus on setting up all the major gameplay systems while in alpha, then  once all of that foundational work is done, move things along to beta  where the focus of development will shift to creating content to bulk  those systems out. I've finished all the major systems and features that  I feel are truly necessary now, so we're ready to move on!

Now, of course there is still going to be a lot of code work and such  to be done, but hopefully you can look forward to seeing the effects of  all the hard work I've done over the last year+ on setting things up  come to fruition here soon!


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