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Let's talk about sex (I won't make it weird)

So something I've been hearing for a while from various sources is, for various reasons and in various ways, people would like to have more lewd interactions in the gameplay itself. Less of a separation between sex scenes and the game being played. This makes sense, and is something I'm glad to have gotten feedback on honestly. It's always worth repeating that my personal experience when playing the game is very much unlike that of anyone else. I don't really get anything out of reading sex scenes that I write, so to me, having them so separated off to the side, where sex may happen during an event and I don't even necessarily have to look at or care about it happening, was fine (for me).

But I get people saying otherwise, so here is me trying to work that into the mechanics by adding a Sex status effect.

The idea here is:

  • Certain monsters have events that can cause them to start sexing an ally. (no, you can't sex the rat)
  • This holds the ally in place and prevents them from doing actions while dealing lust damage every turn.
  • If an ally suffers a Corruption Break as a result of sex, they deal damage to the monster having sex with them, scaling off of their own corruption stat, but if that doesn't defeat the monster, sex continues.

Anyone active in the game's discord or in other places that I've discussed this previously will be aware that it took a while to come to reach the set of mechanics that I have. My game is fairly unique, so often times I don't have a good idea of where to look if I want to copy off of someone else's mechanics. As a result, I often have to figure out my own, and fit them into the already existing system. So I'm not 100% settled on this, but before jumping in and having to create a whole bunch of new art/scenes for every sexable monster, I thought I should put it out there as it is and see what people think.

Although while some monsters just use "generic" sex CGs and don't have events, several others do have new art/scenes. I just can't help myself.

In any case, moving forward this with the current mechanics, the idea would be to gradually allow for a more viable "corrupt" sort of ally build where more damage is done via sex ON PURPOSE, even going as far as allowing the ally to initiate it and so on. Definitely let me know what you think!

Oh also, if you were using the Alpha 12 bugfix, remember to unload it when moving to alpha 13, as those fixes have all been integrated into the main game.


Graeme Cracker

Say, while we wait for twitter to un-screw itself, how about you post the teasers you'd normally post there over here, maybe once a week or something?


Huh, you know I was actually wondering what I should do about twitter being... Y'know. This is a pretty good idea.