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I normally wouldn't ask this so directly, but I want Love Addict's RPG to spread as far as we can get it. Early responses have been amazingly positive and I'm in a very good mood because of it, but we can do better. I want to remain high in the rankings because there's always the chance that it might attract an audiobook publisher. The best way to accomplish this is simple, I need you guys to publicly talk more about LARPG wherever you can.

There are a few reddit threads that it would all benefit me if you commented on, and on top of that, if you see threads on r/haremfantasynovels or r/litrpg asking for recommendations and my book fits what they're looking for, please tell them.

Commenting and upvoting here, here, here, and here would help me a lot.

Tell people what you liked about the story. Ask me questions. Let everyone know what they're missing out on- say whatever you want.

If you are a member of any of these facebook groups, posting there about it would help, too. Long as you're not spamming about me and you keep it natural, of course. I don't want this to look like I'm organizing a mass marketing campaign because I'm not. I'm just asking you all to tell me the things you've been telling me, but publicly.

Things to look out for are posts where people ask for recommendations and stuff like 'what are you reading' posts.







This is the biggest chance at success I've ever had in my career, so I can't slow down on self promotion now. I just need your help. I'm also looking into ads but money is very tight and Facebook is not playing nice. The ads I have up on Amazon are complete shit and aren't performing very well, but I might look into Reddit ads or Google if I get a bigger budget.

If anyone wants to help on that front just let me know or send here. I'm still in a kind of rough place since I'm not gonna get the money from LARPG until two months from now because of how Amazon works, and I'm barely going to have enough for bills and shit let alone ads. Really, really looking forward to not having to do the monthly asking for alms anymore but no book in six months before LARPG's launch does that to a motherfucker.

Still, word of mouth is more important than ads. We need more people talking about LARPG and that's a fact. Also goes without saying but if you haven't submitted a 5 star review with some text to endorse it, that should be the first thing you do.

If you choose to help me out on this in any way, shape, or form, thank you so much! It means a lot to me, as does any and all support. Going to continue rereading vol 1 for now, I have a big list of growing typos highlighted that I'll fix all at once when I'm done. Thanks again.


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