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Now that it’s out, here’s a post release thread. Please let me know your comments on the book here, how you liked it, and so on.

Currently I’m taking a break and watching the reception. I’ll likely move onto planning out the first bit of volume two this week, just don’t want to rush into it until I’ve seen how the story is doing.



So I haven't read the amazon version but if there weren't many changes from the patreon release to Amazon then my opinion stays the same. I love Oliver and his ever chapter coming to terms with while yes while he was young he had a very toxic outlook on life and women it didn't mean he didn't deserve an amazing girl like Mia. I also like him coming to terms with Stacy not being as bad as he thinks. On top of that learning that his relationship counter isn't just one way was nice. Mia is just all around amazing and supportive and cute. She is definitely tied for number 2 favorite character with Rebecca. Finally Bradley he is number one. His helpfulness and ability to be there at the perfect time is great. His comic relief ability without even knowing he does it is hilarious. I also love his yandereness with complete glee. I am excited for next volume and Mia reaching max love. I am sorry that amazon had the art taken out of it. Maybe you can release a book with all the commissioned art to at least get some money back for it.


Had to sub here after finishing the book on Amazon, enjoyed write what you know, but this seems even better , looking forward to more