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One more till we're done! So excited and happy to be almost finished.


Oliver hovered beside Mia on her bed, staring at his lover. Tonight was going to be so much better than Monday. Even if he couldn't take her clothes off, he still got to touch her wherever he wanted and show her a good time.

The all-too-familiar sandbox problem cropped up once he resolved to get to work. There were so many places to start that his options were dizzying. It helped that the last time they fooled around, she was horny and took the initial initiative, but it was all up to him this time. It was a good thing he came equipped with a built-in cheat sheet.

Oliver willed Weakness Exploit - Pleasure into activation, hoping the tier three skill was as powerful as its counterpart. Highlighted through her clothes were pink crosshairs all across her body. Many were located where he expected to find them, and others were found in places more obscure.

Perhaps because of the difference in level, this skill variant had more going for it than its predecessor. The pink crosshairs had little icons next to them that helpfully hinted at what she wanted to be done to her at which spot. These icons also rotated between different symbols if there was more than one thing Mia would enjoy. For the most obvious example, the weakness between her legs alternated between icons depicting a hand, a hand with its fingers in a pinching position, a mouth, a tongue, teeth, and a penis.

While that might not sound helpful at a glance, it definitely was for many of the less obvious weaknesses. For example, he never would've guessed Mia desired to be licked along her inner bicep or kissed on the back of her knee, but thanks to Weakness Exploit - Pleasure, Oliver knew exactly what to give her and where she wanted it.

The visual stimuli were almost too much for him. He was already daydreaming about min-maxing all of Mia's weaknesses, wondering how to string together actions to ensure she felt the most pleasure for as long as possible. The skill showed him where to start, but it would be up to him to develop talent at touching her the way she liked, and the sooner he got started, the better.

Mia was in agreement. He'd been staring at her for so long now that her confusion beat out her shyness, causing her to look up at him and ask, "Ollie...?"

"Sorry, just distracted by how beautiful you are..." he said, salvaging the situation while inspiring her to squirm in anticipation. "That, and I don't even know where to... start...?"

"What's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing," he gave her a reassuring smile while running his hand down her outer thigh.

In reality, he'd noticed something concerning.

Oliver understood that Mia was nothing short of a total pervert. She had at least one lewd weakness on every part of her body, even if they were only small ones. What troubled him was the sole exception. There wasn't a single such weakness anywhere to be found south of her right elbow. By comparison, her left elbow wanted to be kissed, her wrist licked, and all sorts of shit were going on with her fingers.

This can't be good...

Oliver continued lightly touching Mia as a distraction while switching to Weakness Exploit - Pain, wanting to confirm his fears. It was bad. It was so bad that it overshadowed the worst weaknesses he'd seen as of yet.

The crosshairs dotting her elbow, forearm, and wrist weren't even red like Juan's eye or Akira's shoulder- they were jet black. He didn't even want to guess how bad that must've been to live with.

No wonder she couldn't make art her full-time job. It was a miracle she still managed to draw at all.

Needless to say, this revelation almost killed Oliver's mood. He wanted nothing more than to ask Mia the specifics about her condition, but he came by this information through supernatural means. It would've been weird if he brought it up now without context. Sure, he'd noticed her touching her wrist fairly often, but it wasn't as if he could just point that out moments before they planned on getting naughty with each other.

It was a tough decision, but Oliver ultimately decided to put a pin in the topic and leave it for now. He'd surely get back in the mood after he started playing with her, and he could try to trigger a discussion tomorrow at a more opportune time. The best thing he could do for Mia right now was to distract her from her chronic pain and give her as much pleasure as possible, so he switched back to the other version of the skill just in time for Mia to get impatient with him again.

"...How long are you gonna stare at me?" She whimpered.

"As long as you keep being beautiful," he countered.

"That's not gonna keep working. Can't just keep saying I'm beautiful and expecting me to get all antsy over it."

"Can't I?"

"...Okay," Mia sighed. "Maybe you can. I'm weak to praise. Don't know how to process it."

"It's okay if you don't," Oliver told her gently, giving a loving smile. "Personally, I think it's adorable how squirmy you get from not knowing how to take a compliment."

Mia grumbled something unintelligible in response, ultimately following it up with, "If you say so, mi amor. Just hurry it up already, ? Been waiting for this, and fucking me with your eyes ain't gonna cut it..."

Now feeling urged, Oliver better positioned himself by straddling her thin waist and kneeling above her. The sight of such a cute, submissive girl beneath him made every cell in his body pulsate with adrenaline, and he just knew Mia felt the same. There were so many different places he could begin his assault, but ultimately, Oliver started where most any other guy would've.

His eyes locked onto Mia's breasts, now somewhat flattened since she was lying on the bed. Even in this state, they seemed too big for her delicate and petite frame, hinting at their firmness. He raised his hands and slowly drew towards her torso, watching as Mia bit her lip and trembled wildly in expectation.

"Ah!" Mia actually yelped as his hands gently cupped her boobs over her shirt, gauging her reaction. Weakness Exploit - Pleasure indicated she was up for a lot of different things around her chest, and he had even more options when including her nipples. For now, he was content to rub and massage, taking in the sensation of the first breasts he'd ever touched.

So soft... Oliver exhaled in a state of entrenchment. But they're also really firm and spongy? Wow... I can't believe I've wasted so much of my life not playing with tits... Fixing this mistake became Oliver's number one priority.

"That feels... nice..." Mia purred as his hands began to gently caress her, squeezing softly and tracing their curves with his thumbs.

"You like this, kitten?" Oliver asked, squeezing a little harder to see what she thought.

Her back subtly arched, and her mouth fell open, her thighs grinding together beneath his hips, "Mhmm... keep going, mi amor... please..."

He couldn't turn down such an honest request, nor did he want to. Oliver continued to massage her chest, mixing up his approach and studying her reactions to every little thing he did. He wanted to become the best possible lover Mia could ever hope to have, so much so that he was currently more interested in her pleasure than his own. It helped that playing with her tits was one of the most addicting things he'd ever experienced, but deep down, he knew there was so much more fun to be had.

After a couple minutes of this, Oliver noticed that Mia didn't have it in her to try anything funny when she was the subject of affection. That made things easier for him and allowed him to do whatever he wanted while watching her become frustrated as her desires grew continually more heated. Groping wasn't enough for her, no matter how much he mixed it up, which Oliver was counting on.

Right when she looked as if she were about to complain about his pacing again, he finally turned his attention toward her nipples and traced the outline of the sharp, pointed mounds poking through her shirt.

"A-Ahhh...!" His reward came immediately, her voice rising along with her spine.

The sight and sound brought a big grin to his face as he continued teasing Mia's peaks. "You're really sensitive, aren't you?"

"Y-Yes..." Mia whined. "You know how pent-up I am right now, damn it... it's like my whole body's fucking hardwired to my clit when I get like this..."

"You don't say?" Oliver pushed the boundaries yet again, pinching the tip of her breasts somewhat less than gently and delighting in the way it forced his lover to buck her hips helplessly in pleasure.

"More-" she cried the second he stopped and returned to a massage. "More, please... please, Ollie...!"

The urge to instantly give her what she wanted was immense, but he knew the best way to make her happy was to play hard to get. "Not a bad start, but I think you can beg better than that."

"Come onnnn... I... I can't..."

Oliver reached out with his right hand, cupping her cheek and tracing his thumb along the contours of her pouty lips. "You can, and you will. Go on, now."

Mia gave another token whine of resistance before submitting to the slightest hint of pressure. "Please," Mia kissed his thumb, "N-Not just my breasts, mi amor. My nipples... please... kitten's nipples feel so good when you mess with them, so..." she kissed it again and again, each kiss louder and sloppier than the last as she pled her case, "Don't hold back. You can even be a little rougher with them if you want. Your gatita needs you. They don't feel this good when I touch them, I- AH!"

"Good girl," Oliver sighed in pure lust and not only pinched Mia's nipples harder than before but lifted them away from her chest while he did, watching as the outline of her breasts stretched beneath her shirt to follow them. "It's so cute how little it takes to get you saying the sluttiest things. Admit it. You like saying slutty things to me, don't you?" Oliver punctuated his question with a slight twist of his wrist.

Mia didn't even try to deny it, the stinging pain in her nipples hitting her in just the right way to drive her even crazier. "Sí, sí! I love it! Saying slutty things to you makes me so wet, Ollie...!"

Oliver got the impression it wouldn't be hard to make Mia say literally anything he wanted. The tantalizing thought, coupled with her erotic reactions to everything he did, dared him to do worse. As fun as pinching and pulling her nipples was, he hadn't tried out everything he wanted to just yet.

He let go of her breasts, watching them jiggle into place upon release. Mia didn't have time to complain or even register what was happening before he shifted his position, so he now lay angle with his legs wedged between hers and his torso propped up by his elbows. Her sweet smell invaded his nostrils as he drew closer to her breasts with his opened mouth, so damn close to taking what he wanted.

Oliver clamped his lips shut around the outline of Mia's nipple, taking her in his mouth, his teeth sinking in ever so slightly. Weakness Exploit - Pleasure indicated that she was really up for anything when it came to her nipples, but Oliver still made an attempt to restrain himself. He was incredibly excited and harder than ever, a recipe that could easily coax him into hurting his precious kitten if he wasn't careful.

"Mn-NNN! Ahh... AHN...!" Mia outright shrieked in response, making Oliver think it was a good thing she apologized to Zoe in advance. A small part of him was almost tempted to somehow quiet her down, but the notion didn't last for long. The thought of someone hearing what they were up to, of someone hearing how he made her feel, drove Oliver mad with lust. If anything, he wanted Mia to be even louder.

Mia was much further gone than he was, but she found it in her to take her hands and thread her fingers through his hair, keeping him exactly where she wanted him. Taking the hint, Oliver kept up what he was doing for quite some time. He sucked on her breasts regardless of the shirt in his way, licking her nipples and biting on them however he pleased.

Weakness Exploit - Pleasure was constantly changing in real-time to show him what she most wanted at any given moment, but Oliver wasn't in enough control of himself to make the most of it, and Mia didn't seem to mind, either. He was having too much fun freestyling and going all in on her tits to do anything other than bask in the taste of her flesh seeping through the fabric as he switches from one to the other, Mia continually showing her ecstasy in dozens of different ways.

In the few moments he pulled away to catch his breath, he couldn't help noticing she looked like she was in such bliss that she appeared strung out, and they'd barely even done anything. Oliver loved what he was seeing, he loved playing with Mia, and most of all, he loved Mia herself.

It didn't take much longer before she had her first long-awaited climax of the night, Mia somehow being so horny that he was able to get her off through nipple stimulation alone. He always thought that was just something you saw in hentai and didn't actually happen, but then again, Mia's libido was also straight out of hentai, and he couldn't deny the warm, trickling juices soaking her pajama shorts and pooling below her on the bed.

"Wow," Oliver said, pulling up and smiling both at her and the sudden LP gain, sexual milestones doing their job yet again. "I can't believe you just did that."

"Told... you... mi amor... my whole b-body is on fire right now... nnh..." Mia could barely speak, her breathing erratic, and she staggered between excessively breathy exhalations. "But... what about you...?"


"Yes, you... silly..." she smiled weakly, her fingers massaging his scalp in a way that almost made him want to moan. "Don't want to be the only one having fun here, as, um... as much as I really need it..."

"Trust me, I'm having just as much fun as you are," Oliver laughed softly.

"Somehow doubt that..." Mia pouted.

"Good thing I've got proof, then," Oliver said. What he was about to do would've taken him a lot of courage if he hadn't already been riding the high of having gotten Mia off.

Oliver sat upright and hooked his underwear with his thumb, peeling it slowly down his thigh. Mia stared at him intensely, her eyes wider than dinner plates. Though the lighting was far from ideal, he was illuminated well enough for her to watch as his throbbing erection revealed itself inch by inch until his boxers finally moved past its impressive length.

He was so hard that his cock sprang up after its release, practically slapping his belly button with how straight it stood.

Oliver waited for her to say something as Mia was stunned into silence by his half-naked debut. He almost wondered if this was too much for her and if she'd wanted him to keep his clothes on but forgot to specify.

"Okay," Mia muttered, her voice quivering in total reverence. "Maybe you are enjoying yourself."

Oliver laughed under his breath, "Told you."

"Mn... and... um... just so we're clear here... that huge thing is because of me?"

"It sure is, Mia," Oliver took things further as he hunched back into his previous position with one major difference.

This time, he angled it so that their faces were only inches apart, and his naked cock was pressed firmly against the soaked mess that had become of the bottom of her pajama shorts. The warm, sticky juices soaked him as soon as he ground his hips upwards, drawing a lurid moan from his throat as an unthinkable amount of pleasure washed over him.

"See...?" He said, fighting off an increasing sensitivity. "That's allllll you, kitten..."

"Oh my god," Mia whimpered, breathless, as she felt the stiff shaft applying pressure against her yearning slit. "Ollie... you... I... a-ah..." she was overwhelmed, unsure what to do. Acting out of instinct, she wrapped her arms around his back and pulled him in for a kiss.

As Oliver was sucked into this embrace, Mia dialed up the intensity, constricting her thighs around his naked cock. Her shorts had ridden up, leaving nothing between him and her bare flesh soaked with cum. He shuddered from contact alone, distracted and unable to kiss her back. Inexperience was getting the best of him. The softness of her skin was so intense that if he didn't hold himself back with all he had, Oliver would lose himself in the pleasure.

And then Mia made it worse.

"You feel so warm on my skin," she purred, grinding her hips up and down, stroking his cock. "So warm, mi amor... do you like this...?"

"Yes," Oliver closed his eyes, allowing himself to sink deeper into Mia's embrace despite what it did to him.

"Good, good..." Mia smiled. "Feels good for me, too, with how big and hard you are grinding against my tight little virgin pussy..."


He now knew Mia was having fun with him, enjoying the chance to briefly turn the tables. Oliver loved that she wasn't content to lie there and do nothing, but it was his role to maintain dominance, and he couldn't allow her to get away with this.

"I... didn't give you permission to do that..." he warned.

"Don't always need permission..." Mia looked up at him with a hazy yet playful look in her eyes, tilting her head. "Do I?"

"You do," Oliver growled. "And now I have to punish you..."

Pulling out all stops to delay his inevitable release, he flipped things back in his favor by drawing on the knowledge gifted to him by Weakness Exploit - Pleasure. Oliver reared his head back, opened his mouth, and took Mia by complete surprise as he bit down on her neck. Considering what he knew about her preferences, Oliver opted for a medium amount of pressure rather than starting off light and seeing how she liked it.

This was the right call.

"AH- OLLIE, HOLY SHIT!" Mia screamed, her entire body convulsing as sharp pain reverberated outwards from her neck. The distraction was successful, the grip on his cock loosening. He followed up his power move by acting on more of the icons present in the immediate vicinity, licking up to the side of her ear and nibbling on the lobe.

"You like that?" He asked in a pointed whisper while he was there.

"Mmmnnn... y-yes, but... please, mi amor... let me do nice things for you, too..."


"It's okay," Mia was shivering from the pleasurable pain yet still kept her eyes on the prize. She surprised him by fighting back, ensnaring his cock between her thighs again and running her fingers through his hair. "We have all night. Let it out if you have to."

"I... Mia...?" Oliver's confidence was wavering thanks to Mia's insistence and overall support. Something in the way she spoke compelled him to do as she said and get it out of his system. She made him feel safe, made him want to thrust forward with his hips, and so he did.

"Mn," she purred. "There you go..."


Oliver hugged Mia tight as he started rocking back and forth, her thighs doing the same as she rhythmically massaged his erection, grinding it against her dripping exterior. The pleasure was building inside of him rapidly, and things were exactly as he'd feared. He allowed his guard to slip, remembering that Mia liked him regardless of whether or not he was always dominant and in control. It was okay if he let go.

About a minute later and Oliver's cock spasmed as he pressed up against her wetness and moaned for the life of him. His body trembled, shot after shot of hot, thick love leaving his body and mixing with the juices Mia had already spilled onto her sheets. The pleasure was so intense that he froze up as he came, but Mia didn't. Her tight thighs refused to yield, milking him throughout the climax until he was left utterly breathless and in awe of the way she made him feel.

Mia looked at him the entire time he recovered from his orgasm, smiling gently but saying nothing. She continued stroking his hair, waiting patiently and maintaining a general aura of love and support. It was clear she was holding back her own desires, as every so often she shifted her hips or clamped down on his half-erect cock as if to will it back to life, but for the most part, Mia allowed herself to slow down and let this moment be his.

Even though Oliver wasn't usually the type who got tired upon finishing, he was a little tempted to nod off when Mia left him in such a state of contentment. His feverish love for her and his desire to see this through to the end kept him from doing so. He wanted to keep on going. To give her everything she wanted and ease her sexual frustration.

Before that, he needed a quick breather. Oliver hadn't yet invested in any tier three lust skills that promised to cut down on his refractory period and was still functioning on an ordinary man's sexual stamina.

"Sorry," Oliver said, looking into her eyes from above with a weary smile. "I think I made a mess of your bed."

"Noticed that, yeah," Mia chuckled. "It's fine. Not like I have room to talk."

"Are you always this messy?"

"Depends, but... no, not usually... usually only squirt if I'm really excited, and I'm pretty much always like that with you, so..." Mia shrugged.

"I think it's hot," Oliver took the opportunity to nibble her neck in another spot that wanted it, not too hard, but enough to make her feel something and string her along as he recovered.

"Mn..." Mia moaned, her back arching. "I think you're hot, mi amor. Definitely helps that you're so good at this. Almost feels like you know exactly what I want before I know I want it..."

"Keep praising me like that, and I'll get back to full strength in no time," he teased. "In the meantime, are you ready for that massage I promised?"

"Wouldn't hurt," she said bashfully. "I'll need to get off another few times if I'm ever gonna cool down tonight, anyway... good news is I'm already pretty close from all that grinding."

"Yeah? That is good news. Let's see if I can't help you with that."

Oliver sat up, surprised her by rolling Mia onto her side, slipped behind her like a big spoon, and finished his maneuver by rolling them both onto their back so that she lay across his chest with both staring at the ceiling. This position had a downside in that he couldn't see her weak points like this, but the upside was more than worth the trade-off.

"I'm going to touch you directly now," Oliver spoke firmly, his hands running up along her outer thighs and then to the rim of her baggy shirt, lifting it over her belly. "Are you comfortable with this?"

"A-Ah..." Mia shivered atop him, sensitive to his touch. ", told you to do whatever you want. Don't, mn... don't want you to hold back, but maybe keep it to one or two fingers max if you're feeling... adventurous, all right?"

The suggestion was nearly too much for him to take. He could already feel himself stirring below in response, and the task ahead of him would only worsen it. "I'll keep in mind. You just focus on enjoying yourself, Mia."


Oliver's inexperience had him wanting to dive straight in, common sense being all that stopped him. He knew that despite how wet and ready she was, it would be better if he worked up to fingering her. She had a lot of points on her inner thighs and groin, too, so there was no wrong way to go about this.

His right hand crept along her thigh, his fingertips sinking into Mia's youthful and supple skin. Far from the acne-ridden girl he remembered from high school, he'd yet to feel a single imperfection anywhere on her beautiful body. She twitched and sighed occasionally at his ministrations, her breathing rapidly speeding up with every touch.

He made it to the outline of her femur, then her groin. Everything was remarkably wet and sticky down there. He traced the very edges of her pubic mound, not daring to go anywhere close to the fun parts. At the same time, his opposite hand rested on her belly, the sensation summoning a profoundly contented sigh from his depths. Women were so soft. It was such an addicting revelation, and he couldn't stop himself from massaging every nook and cranny besides Mia's vagina itself.

"You weren't kidding," he whispered into her ear from behind. "You really do shave, huh?"

"Y-Yes..." she whined, finding it a struggle to speak. "Never liked how it felt, and... mn... I'm... down there often enough f-for it to... bother me..."

"That sounds about right," Oliver smiled at that, centered his hand directly over her pussy, and split his fingers to pet both puffy lips. "I like it. A lot. Makes you even softer."

"I-I'm even softer on the inside..."

"I bet you are, but there's no sense in trying to rush things. You're already close enough as it is. I figure I can finish you off like this."

"You could, but... mn...!" Mia wanted more, but it was hard to complain when his exterior massage made her feel as good as it did. She continued wiggling her hips on top of him, twitching, sighing, and taking deep breaths as Oliver continued to work.

It was the cutest thing in the world to him. If he didn't keep his compulsions in check, he knew himself well enough to know he quite literally lay there with her for hours on end, doing nothing but teasing her. This wasn't enough for him, however. He could still do more to make things even worse while delaying what she ultimately wanted.

His left hand pulled her shirt over her breasts, exposing them to the chilly air and making her sharply gasp. Fingers trailing past her abdomen and circling past her rib cage, Oliver cupped her naked breast and delighted in how it felt. So beautiful, so soft, and it was his to do whatever he wanted with. He squeezed, admiring the firmness before twisting his way down to her nipple and pulling it in time with the first brush of his finger against her labia.

Oliver barely touched her, but the anticipation drove Mia wild. She couldn't keep going on like this for much longer. "Please," Mia begged. "T-That's enough teasing for now...! I'm right there, mi amor, right there...! Just need you to slip a finger inside, and-"

Playful aggression took hold of his senses, urging him to remind Mia of his authority. He acted without thinking, pulling back on his wrist and lightly slapping her wet pussy just enough for it to sting.

"You don't tell me what to do," he warned her as she screamed at the top of her lungs. "Stupid slut."

"AHHN- Y-Yes! I'm sorry, I'm sorry I didn't mean to, I just-"

Oliver slapped her again, his cock hardening rapidly at her agonized delight.

"You like it when I'm mean to you, don't you...?"

"YES!" Mia cried even louder.

"You love it when I slap you and call you names?"



"Fuck me up, mi amor...! Call me names, slap my pussy, abuse me however you want, I... I'm such a dirty fucking kitten. I'll love whatever you do to me so long as you do something!"

"Good girl. Such a good fucking girl. I didn't even have to lift a finger to make you degrade yourself, you adorable little slut. Here. Cum for me, kitten. You've earned it."

Oliver was riding the high of being in control, and Mia was riding the high of being controlled. They found themselves in each other, a single slap to the pussy meaning so much more to them than normal people could hope to understand. Oliver indulged his darker urges, hitting his masochistic pet loud enough for the slap to echo out into the wider room and make her spine arch further than ever.

Mia screamed, her hips thrusting skyward as the combination of physical and verbal abuse finished her off. "OLLIE...!!"

Another flood of juices sprayed out directly onto his hand. The sensation was curious to him, and he regarded it with interest but didn't let it stop him from giving her another slap mid-orgasm to push her to her limits. Her climax increased in intensity, and only then, right there at its apex, did Oliver make his next move. His middle finger lined itself up with her entrance and was met with no resistance when he thrust it inside.

Mia's eyes opened wide as the feeling of a finger that wasn't hers entered her for the first time. It was so much thicker than her own, somehow, and rougher, too. He wasn't even moving it, but the mere presence of it elevated her orgasm and drove her crazy.

She crashed against his hips, no longer able to keep herself upright. Mia wiggled around, trying to stir herself with his finger because Oliver was obstinate and refused to move. It was all she could do. She didn't have the strength to complain, and her throat was raw from all the screaming she'd done today, anyway.

Oliver's addiction was worsening by the moment. Mia was right- she was softer on the inside. He didn't understand. How could anything in the world be this soft? On top of that, his finger was surrounded on every side by unthinkable wetness and scorching heat. It didn't seem right to him. It somehow felt hotter than it should, but it wasn't as if he could back that up.

He delayed doing anything else to her as he adjusted to the unbelievable fact that his finger was inside a woman's vagina. It was better than anything he could've dreamed up, her clenching walls pulsing and clamping down on him, trying to milk his finger like a cock and pull him in even deeper. Then he started thinking about what it would feel like to fuck her, and Oliver suddenly knew he had to do more.

"Keep cumming," Oliver hissed into her ear. "Don't stop." His finger went to work.

"Ah! Yes... yes...!" Mia's cries sounded emotional as her climax trailed off, and he started helping her towards her next one. "W-Won't take long... this... this is better than anything I've ever done, mi amor... better than my hands... better than m-my wand... anything...!!"

Her words directly fed into his ego, motivating him to explore her tight hole with reckless abandon. "That good, huh?"

"Yes... it... cumming usually takes me a lot longer than this..." Mia continued, Oliver dialing it back to allow her to speak. "And when I got there, it was never as hard as this... if you keep going... I... I feel like I might get relief for once, Ollie. Actual relief...!!"

A lot of his darker urges subsided as he listened to her desperate words. This meant a lot to her. As much as he wanted to indulge his whims and be mean, Oliver wanted to be a loving boyfriend even more. She'd flipped a switch in him, sending him into caring and protective mode.

"You will get actual relief, Mia," he told her soothingly. "And you'll be getting it for the rest of your life because I'm always gonna be here to take care of you. Is that clear?"

Mia was silent for a moment, in awe of his words. It felt so good to be held and loved by him as it was. Hearing him say that only reinforced her heightened emotions, filling her with further love. "As crystal," she uttered, scarcely able to find her words. "Thank you..."

Satisfied with the depths of her appreciation he sensed in her voice, Oliver started taking the matter seriously. His middle finger whisked around within her, searching and studying for her smallest reactions. Even if he could see the front of Mia's body, Weakness Exploit - Pleasure didn't provide him with x-ray vision. It was up to him to figure out what she liked and how she liked it.

He proved a quick study, though it was hard to imagine Mia disliking anything he did to her. As he stroked in and out of her, caressing her warm folds and pawing at her breast, Oliver made sure to lay on the praise. Compliment after compliment came streaming out of his mouth, telling her she was beautiful, how soft and nice her body felt for him, and how she was so sexy that he couldn't stop even if he wanted to.

He got her to another climax within minutes but didn't let that get in the way of further pleasuring his girlfriend. He had a decent measure of where he should aim for by now, at least for a beginner, so he slipped in a second finger and started massaging what he thought was her sweet spot. If it wasn't, it was pretty damn close, as he had her howling mere moments after insertion. It was a good thing she warned him ahead of time not to push it, his second finger barely fit, and again, it left him drooling at the mouth, thinking of what it would feel like to plunge his cock deep inside and stretch her out the way nature intended.

Soon. Not today, but soon. If things kept escalating at their current breakneck pace, Oliver realized he wouldn't be a virgin for much longer. The thought stirred him into further action, and he broke out the final weapon in his current arsenal- he began stroking her clit with his thumb.

"C-Can't... hold out... much longer...!" Mia strained her voice to say, crying in ecstasy. "Gonna... gonna cum again, mi amor...!!"

"Do it," Oliver hissed into her ear. "But I'm nowhere near done with you, Mia!"

"W-What...?! I-I don't need that much more, Ollie... I... ahh.. nnnh...!"

"I said I wasn't stopping until you're completely taken care of, and I'll be the judge of when that is! Understood?"

"Yes... yesss...!!"

Mia's body gave in, cumming intensely through his relentless assault. True to his word, it didn't stop there. Oliver slipped into full-on obsessive-compulsive mode, and there was nothing that could've snapped him out of it. Physical Conditioning allowed his wrist to perform repetitive motions without getting tired or locking up so he could fully absorb himself in the act.

Oliver wasn't sure how many times he made Mia climax when he stopped or even how long he'd been doing it for, only that when he came to, his teeth were close to breaking the skin of her neck, and Mia was barely conscious, her pussy a twitchy, convulsing mess.

Shit. Kind of understating it, there... Oliver thought at his latest influx of LP.

"Mia?" He asked, winding down. "I... got a little carried away for a while, I think. Are you okay?"

"Nnn..." was all she said back to him, at least at first. Mia had to fight for every lungful of air she could suck down. After she'd had a moment to relax without his fingers going wild inside her, a thin pastiche of rational thought returned to Mia. "My... pussy... feels... so fucking raw..."

"Is that a good thing?"

"It's... the best thing..." her scratchy, tired voice purred. "Really are a man of your word, mn, mi amor...? Never felt so satisfied in my life. Ever."

"...Funny, neither have I," Oliver laughed mildly.

"Really? Only shot your load once, though..."

"That does kind of suck, sure, but it's my own fault. And besides, getting you off is just as fulfilling as getting off myself."

"God, I'm so lucky to have you..." Mia whispered in disbelief and reverence. "Promise I'll make up for this in the morning, too exhausted to do anything else right now... just... exhausted and overwhelmed by... all this..."

"You're welcome for that," he teased, already looking forward to the morning. "I'm pretty tired, too. Think I should maybe do anything about your sheets, or are we just supposed to sleep like this?"

"Mn..." Mia groaned at the thought of expending effort, tiredly removing her glasses and somehow managing to set them down on her nightstand after a few fumbled attempts. "Go grab a bunch of towels from the bathroom and lay 'em down... could also carry me back to the couch, and we could crash there, but my bed's comfier..."

"Here is fine," Oliver said as he carefully rolled Mia off of him, slipped his boxers back on, and brought back three. They covered the wet spot well enough that he couldn't feel it when he sat back down with her.

Mia summoned what was left of her strength to nuzzle herself backward into his embrace. Oliver draped his arm around her from behind and pulled the blanket over them, knocking aside some of her many stuffed animals in the process. Neither paid it any mind, too focused on cozying up with each other.

"Thank you for taking care of me, mi amor..." Mia let out a long sigh, her consciousness fading. "Gonna pass the fuck out now..."

Smiling, Oliver nuzzled into her hair and kissed the back of her neck, teasing her one last time as he said, "Don't forget about me in the morning."


Mia faded out, but Oliver remained awake for some time. Somehow, his erection had subsided, and he really did feel utterly content despite how little attention he got. Everything that had just happened, including his current cuddle session with Mia, granted him a sense of emotional fulfillment greater than any number of orgasms could've given him.

As Oliver held his sleeping girlfriend in his arms, his internal BGM became completely silent until all he could hear was the sound of her breath. His heart felt warm. Fluttery. Healing bit by bit. It soon occurred to him that this was all Oliver could ever want.

No anxious thoughts raced in the back of his mind. No worries about the future looming on the horizon. No bad memories dragging him down, nothing. His head was as empty as his heart was whole, and Oliver lost himself to complete and total serenity.




Thank you for another amazing chapter


I cant wait to buy this book and send it like everywhere