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Editing 17-19 right now. Will announce plans for what I'm doing about the deadline after that.


Chapter 17 - Say the Line

Coye's luck proved rotten upon his return. Not only was Shayla right about his reputation improving- the girl's parents practically started worshiping him on the spot- but he didn't get any help with his little problem, either. Suzette was busy when he stopped by to drop Shayla off, and Byng was nowhere to be found when he visited her camp.

With no other choice, Coye followed some of the advice he gave Dorothy and 'enjoyed' the night alone.

After returning to the defeated lushback toad, harvesting its parts, and selling them off, Coye ate dinner at a local tavern and went home that night to head to bed at a reasonable time. He awoke the following day to an empty bed without so much as a complementary pixie to wish him good morning. What a sad state of affairs. Finding the solitude uncomfortable, Coye washed up with water from his well, dressed, and took off for Darkwood General Store.

He'd made good time, excited to see Shayla and Suzette. The first thing he noticed as he approached was that Suzette must've done an excellent job with her marketing- a good fifteen to twenty people were waiting to get in. Most were women, but a few men were mixed in for good measure. Not a bad start, even if the men were likely just Suzette's admirers. These were just the people waiting for the opening, too. Coye didn't doubt more would show up throughout the day.

Sure enough, the townsfolk lit up when they saw him. There were whispers, pointed fingers, and starstruck expressions on their faces. Someone tried to cheer for him over his dramatic rescue the day before, but Coye was able to shoot that one down before it got out of control. As he was about to awkwardly explain himself and try to cut in front of everyone in line, Suzette opened the door and made that unnecessary.

She was wearing one of her nicer frilly black dresses on account of the mercifully cool summer weather the goddesses blessed them with. She smiled at Coye and then the crowd, then gestured at the boy specifically to come forward. As he did, she addressed the rest of them. "Thank you all for being so patient, dears. We'll be ready to open in just a bit. In the meantime, I hope you don't mind if I borrow the local hero. He's needed backstage."

The line of people laughed, causing Coye to try and slump his shoulders, downplaying his presence. "Don't tell me you're encouraging this?" He asked.

"It's good for marketing, my love," she teased. "As is this-"

Suzette stooped down from her porch to give Coye a quick kiss on the cheek in public, the entire crowd staring at the deed. He blushed, surprised, but once the wolf whistles and clapping started, he found his exhibitionist streak more powerful than his shame. Coye was lucky it was just a kiss on the cheek and not anything more dramatic, tortured by tension as he was.

Leaving the eager shoppers behind them, Suzette let Coye inside and locked the door. The store's interior was different than what Coye was used to. Some of the display shelves had been cleared out, replaced with clothing racks, and a few of Shayla's fashion manikins were now featured throughout the store wearing fashionable tunics or pretty dresses. Suzette wasn't kidding yesterday. She really was busy.

"I like what you did with the place."

"Do you?" Suzette giggled. "What an honor for the hero of Cransmere himself to bless my store with his approval."

"The hero of Cransmere is close to retiring and living the rest of his days out in his cabin, alone..." Coye groaned. "Where he'll be safe from his reputation being constantly brought up, especially by those he loves most."

"Oh, come now, dear. You're the first interesting thing to happen in this town for... well, for as long as I can remember. Most of the time, it's only ever bad news, like the start of a new Midsummer or an incursion of this or that from the forest. Do try not to let it bother you. The people mean well, I'm sure."

Coye sighed and nodded his head. "I know, I know..."

"I'd tell you to keep your head down, but you've already let that opportunity pass you by after yesterday's heroics... and even then, well..." Suzette contemplated whether or not Coye was even capable of keeping a low profile.

He would only keep spiraling as his bond with Shayla grew, becoming more pixie-like by the day and prone to impulsive decisions. No, she didn't think people would suddenly ease up and stop discussing him, but Suzette also played a part in that. She was the one who'd spread the word to her customers that Coye would be attending today's event and wearing something cute...

"Let's just hope you get a handle on your new power, Darling. Otherwise, you'll surely end up the talk of the town for a significantly less endearing reason..."

Coye frowned, blushing even more as he approached one of the manikins and inspected Shayla's craftsmanship of the dress. "Guessing Shayla told you all about what happened?"

"Why yes, she did." Suzette beamed, happy to have earned Shayla's trust.

"She's probably exaggerating. It wasn't that bad."

"Probably not," Suzette agreed. "But that doesn't mean I'm about to take your words at face value, either, young man. Shayla is prone to over-exaggerate, and you, to under-exaggerate. I'm sure the truth is more likely to be found somewhere in the middle."

"That's fair," Coye conceded. "Where is Shayla, anyway? Back in her little workshop?"

"Of course. She's just doing the finishing touches on the last batch. Why don't we see how she's faring, hm?"

Together, they left the store section and returned to Suzette's home. Coye was surprised at how different Shayla's accommodations were compared to the last time he'd seen the place. Everything was in much greater disarray- desks had been rearranged, shelves moved haphazardly, and torn pages from books and magazines were tacked to the wall. Coye could hardly believe it, but Shayla was a woman at work.

She was at the central desk, pressed against the furthest wall, working on three new bras simultaneously. Each one was levitated by magic as Shayla balanced her attention between some reference drawings and magically operated three pairs of needles to perform some intimate stitch work. Coye smiled, watching Shayla try and capture the pattern her references displayed. He'd witnessed her doing many little projects in the past, but it was usually just Shayla idling around when there was nothing else to do. This level of sheer focus was inspiring, and he didn't even want to interrupt her if he could help it.

"She's been like this since the moment you dropped her off, more or less," Suzette informed.

"What, she hasn't slept?"

"A few choice catnaps here and there. Otherwise, no. She insisted on making as much product as possible before we opened today."

"And to think she was worried about getting into this..."

"She can still hear you guys, you know..." Shayla looked over her shoulder, pausing her work long enough to shoo them with her hand. "Buzz off for ten... twenty minutes, maybe, and then I'll be done."

"I missed you too." Coye teased, earning him red cheeks and a roll of her eyes for his trouble.

Giggling, Suzette clasped Coye's shoulder and led him away. "The store opens in half an hour, so that works perfectly. Come along, Darling. I have fresh tea ready in the other room. Let's have ourselves a moment of relaxation before beginning another day in the wonderful world of retail, hm?"

That sounded just fine to him, so Coye allowed himself to be guided to her sofa. Suzette then brought out the tea kettle and a pair of cups, sat beside him, and prepared his tea just as he liked it- seven lumps of sugar. Coye's tastes were changing, however. The look on his face told her that seven wasn't enough. Taking the hint, Suzette continued dumping in sugar cubes until it was more sugar than tea. Only then did he smile, satisfied with his refreshment.

"Thanks," he exhaled after the first delightful sip. "Did I ever tell you that you make the best tea in all the realms, Suzette?"

"Do I, now? And here I thought you wouldn't notice the difference if I saved myself some trouble next time and served you a hot cup of sugar water." She smiled at him thinly, happy for the compliment but unable to help sneaking in some well-intentioned sass.

He frowned and set his cup down, staring at the dark brown liquid and the dissolving cubes within. "I feel like you're trying to tell me something."

"Heavens, no. Far be it from me to stop you from adding sugar to your ongoing list of addictions."

"I've always liked sweets, but... maybe I've been getting a little out of hand, yeah..." Coye admitted. "Blame Shayla."

"Oh, trust me, Darling. I already am." The two smiled at each other, then sipped at their tea in silence until a warm sense of nostalgia overtook them. It was odd, feeling nostalgia for a mere three weeks ago when they began their relationship on the very couch they sat on now, but it took hold of them regardless. "This is nice, you know."

"It is."

"We don't often have the chance to be alone together, just the two of us..."

Suzette sounded wistful, unintentionally making Coye worry over whether he'd done something wrong. The most important thing about having ongoing romantic relationships with multiple partners simultaneously was ensuring no one ever felt neglected. Thus far, Shayla was the only one with jealousy issues. Byng and Suzette were both highly independent women, but Coye thought he might've misjudged how independent Suzette wanted to be.

"I can always find time for you if you need it, Suzette. You just have to tell me. I want this to work, and I'm sure Byng and Shayla would understand, I-"

Smiling, the older woman placed her hand on his knee and shook her head. "Merely an observation, Darling. Nothing more."

"You promise you're not just saying that?"

She loved him for worrying as hard as he did but shot down his concerns. "Of course. While some dedicated alone time might be nice one of these days, I don't mind how things are. You might even say I prefer the chaos of having Byng and Shayla around."

"Yeah?" He placed his hand on top of hers and smiled back. "I just don't ever want to make any of you feel like I'm neglecting you."

"He says while anticipating his eventful date later that very night," Suzette cooed. "Eagerly awaiting the addition of yet another woman to his growing roster of adoring lovers."

"I don't know why I even bother opening my mouth anymore," Coye grew defensive and bright red in the face, pouting most adorably. "No matter what I say, it's just endless teasing from the three of you..."

"You say that as if you don't enjoy the endless stream of catty retorts your paramours provide."

"Case in point..." Coye said, dodging the accusation. He did indeed love the constant teasing but was also looking forward to potentially adding Dorothy to the mix, knowing she'd always be on his side and was unlikely to get on his case. "So Shayla told you everything, then?"

"Oh, yes," Suzette confirmed. She had to hold back a measure of excitement to remain impartial. "We talked about all sorts of things as she worked. I'll credit you for the devious way you measured how comfortable Dorothy was with the situation, but you'll forgive me for worrying over tonight."

"I'm worried, too, but it's like I already told you guys- I was planning to confess to Dorothy as soon as she felt better. If she's doing well when she shows up at my place tonight, I'll make good on my word." Coye's nervousness increased as he vocalized his plans. Saying these things was one thing. Doing them was another. Every second that passed brought him closer to the moment he'd tell Dorothy all of his pent-up feelings, and he tried not to let that take its toll on him.

"Mm," Suzette took a long, deep sip of her tea. "This is typically the part where I'd try to temper your expectations or perhaps tell you you're acting too rash, however... I feel it's important to let you know I wholeheartedly approve of your intentions."

"You do?"

"I already told you as much the other day, didn't I? Everything that happened since then has only made me more sure of myself. You would be good for her."

He tried not to smile at that, failing profoundly. "Shayla thinks Dorothy is in love with me." He mumbled as if it was hard to come to terms with.

Suzette blinked and tilted her head. "Forgive me, were you somehow unaware that was the case? Still?" Coye blushed harder. His heart was pounding more and more by the second. "Darling, the way she looks at you..."

"Okay, okay, I get the point... stop getting my hopes up, or I won't be able to think straight!"

"I'm just telling you how it is," Suzette giggled. "But... I want to give you a word of warning if you'll hear me. The last thing I want is to come off as overbearing- which I'm sure Shayla would tell me how long ago that ship has sailed- but you need to know I understand Dorothy because I used to be just like her."

"How so?"

"I mean that like myself when I was younger, dear Dorothy stumbled and fell into a pit of darkness that most people never find a way to pull themselves out from. This might be an odd question for someone who makes a living slaying monsters, but... do you truly know what it's like to feel pain, Darling? The kind of pain where everything becomes numb... where the very thought of leaving your bed fills your body with exhaustion... where your every waking thought centers around how you can't go on and where you wished everything would... stop? Forever?"

An unbearable sadness filled Coye's heart as he imagined what Suzette and Dorothy, by extension, had gone through. Sadness hit the boy and hit him hard. Coye only experienced a taste of what she implied, but it was enough to bring tears to his eyes.

"No," he shook his head. "I've had some rough patches, but... they only made me get my shit together and want to become stronger."

"That's not too different from what happened to me, you know," Suzette smiled softly and stared into the distance. "You may not know the true horrors of that black pit of despair we call depression, but a small percentage of us follow your path. We liberate ourselves and become stronger, crawling out of the pit at any cost."

"Allegedly," Coye added.

"Allegedly," Suzette agreed. "Smart boy."

"What about Dorothy, then? Not to sound rude, but I'm not sure I see where you're going with all this..."

"I'm trying to say that Dorothy is not like you or me... she's not the sort of person who can liberate herself. Whereas we found the power to move forward with our lives, she found that power in you. There's no shame in dependence- especially not in Dorothy's case, given how long she's been trying to bear the world's weight on her shoulders. I'm only pointing it out so I can better preface my advice. Are you ready to hear what I have to say, Darling?"

After all the buildup, Coye gulped and nodded. He couldn't bring himself to say a word in response.

"Above all else, take care of that girl. You need to be sweet with her. Gentle. Reassuring. Patient. Her heart is crying out for all the love you can give, but her body and mind are terrified at the thought of receiving it. On the off chance that something sexual occurs tonight, I will have a tough time forgiving you if that poor girl is mistreated. While I understand your body makes controlling yourself rather difficult, I... gods, Coye, she's been through enough. If, after all that, she has a negative experience for her first time, then-"

Coye's jealousy flared up once he gathered where this was coming from. He frowned and scooted closer. Suzette found his jealousy cute, but it wasn't the time, and her severe expression didn't change.

"Sorry... pretty sure it's another pixie thing. Heightened emotions mean heightened jealousy."

Suzette placed her arm around his waist and pulled him in for a one-armed embrace, leaning her head against his. "I know, Darling. I know. Did I make myself clear?"

"Crystal. I don't want to hurt Dorothy, either. I would hate myself if that happened, too... but..." he sighed, knowing how selfish his request would sound. "I'll need some help later on if I'm going to calm down before my date. Shayla told you about how the mana transfer made me horny, and..." Coye paused, looking at Suzette as if he expected her to call him out at any moment.

She didn't.

"Of course, Darling. I'll close the shop early if I have to. Anything to see that your every need is met."

"Wait... seriously? You're not going to tease me about how sleazy it is that I need to have sex before my date, or-"

"Darling-" her voice took on a stern tone. "The others and I may joke about how your actions come off as chauvinistic on a surface level, but you have a legitimate condition requiring you to seek constant sexual therapy. I would never tease you for wanting to ensure something as important as your date with Dorothy goes smoothly."

Coye didn't know how to take that, so he didn't even bother trying. He turned to face her fully, then hugged Suzette deeply, shoving himself into her chest. "I love you so much, Suzette."

Her face burned red with passion and a hint of embarrassment, but she returned the gesture and stroked his back. "And I love you, Coye."

"Honestly, I'm not even trying to push for anything sexual with Dorothy... I... I just want to confess to her. To hear her answer and to know what we are. You know, make sure that she's, um..."

"That she's yours. You can say it, Darling. I already said I'm not going to make fun of you."

"Yeah, that..." he pulled away and nodded, wiping some tears from his eyes. He was grateful for Suzette's maturity regarding this entire situation, which only deepened his love for her. "Really, though. If things go well, then that means I have to introduce Shayla... I don't see how anything sexual will come of that, and I won't be pushing for it. Besides. Dorothy is shy, and I doubt she'd want Shayla hanging around for her... um... her first sexual experience."

Suzette wasn't convinced, believing she had Dorothy pegged a lot more than Coye did. He had much more to learn about women beyond just the pleasure of their bodies. "You can't say that for certain. Maybe the mood will strike her, and she won't mind Shayla's presence, or perhaps she'll ask if there's anywhere you can drop your special friend off for the night?"

"I guess I could run Shayla back here if I need to," Coye thought. "With my speed, it wouldn't take me very long... but even if nothing happens, I'll be happy. I just... I want Dorothy to accept me and all of the downsides that come along with me." His pessimistic outlook was doing its worst on him, owing to his nerves.

No one would argue that Coye didn't come with many asterisks. He was already in a four-way relationship with an older woman, a brash, occasionally smelly outrealmer who looked like a goblin, and a secret magical pixie living in his hat. Said pixie was a literal corruptive influence on him, making his behavior more unstable and prone to impulsive decisions by the day. He required constant sexual relief to function in his daily life.

It was a lot to ask of someone whose plate was already so full that it had recently spilled onto the floor.

While he didn't express any of this, he didn't have to. Suzette could tell precisely what he was thinking and took it upon herself to lay his concerns to rest.

"Oh, Darling... you act as if Dorothy doesn't have countless flaws of her own. Blinded by love as you are, allow me to elaborate. She has ratty, knotted hair. She bathes only semi-more regularly than Byng. Just about every time I've met her, she was wearing the same set of stained, unwashed clothes. She's unable to control her speech, often rambling about her interests without regard for anyone else in the conversation... I could go on, and I will if you need me to, however-"

"I... don't understand? Those are all things I love about her."

"Precisely. You love Dorothy, faults and all, and it only stands to reason she may feel the same way about you if given a chance."

Coye silently dwelled on Suzette's words for a few moments, then smiled softly. "I hope that's the case. I really do."

He was feeling much better about his chances now. Confiding in Suzette was a wise decision, as her maturity added more gravity to what she was saying than Shayla. The nerves building up in him eased significantly, allowing Coye to finish the rest of his tea in peace and comfort by his lover's side.

They both heard the door to Shayla's workshop opening up in the hallway and into the living room fluttered a haggard, weary pixie. She'd changed into something much more casual- a simple white T-shirt and black pajama pants with a silver swirling pattern running along the fabric. Shayla flew in and landed on the coffee table, where she sat on the edge and lazily scratched her armpit.

"What'd I miss?" She squinted her eyes in accusation. "You better not have been giving him loving advice without me."

"Sorry, but I'm afraid that's my right. I'm the oldest."

"Just keep it to a minimum, alright? The advice goblin is already trying to creep on my job."

"Shayla, you're not the only one who gets to give me guidance..." Coye laughed to himself.

"No? Well, whatever. We all know my advice is the best in any situation, so I guess it doesn't matter." She dismissed it with a wave of her hand. "Anyway, everything's good to go now. I finished up those bras and a couple of extra dress shirts while I was at it. Should be good enough for today, I hope. I left everything in the box by the door."

"Excellent work, dear," Suzette abounded with anticipation. The thrill of knowing whether her investment strategy was about to pan out kept her on the edge of her seat. "I'll go and sort everything out and get the display finalized. In the meantime, why don't you take our model back to your room and get him dressed, hm?"

"Yeah..." Shayla's lips curled into a cruel, wicked grin as she locked eyes with the boy. "Why don't I?"

"Oh, gods..." Coye heaved. "Please tell me it isn't as bad as I think it will be."

"It's not as bad as you think it's gonna be," Shayla assured him.

"Okay. Now tell me it's not worse."

"Come and find out for yourself, big guy!" She stood and flew away, avoiding his request. Not a good sign. Coye followed her, and his worst fears were realized when she brought his clothes out for him.

Shayla levitated a two-piece outfit to him that she'd hidden away from view and unfolded it for him to view. When Coye saw it, he recoiled from rejection. It was a pair of white short-shorts with a single blue stripe running along the bottom and a white tank top that wouldn't cover his naval with a big blue collar and red necktie. When he thought it couldn't get any worse, the tricky pixie showed off a wide-brimmed, blue-striped white hat with a stylized anchor pattern sewn onto a circular emblem on the center of the brim.

Words failed him.


"Yes, Coye?" She fluttered her eyelashes, tilting her head like an innocent, naive maiden. "Whatever is the matter, my precious partner?"

"You know what's the matter."

"You asked for something tasteful, didn't you? I only gave you what you wanted."

His cheeks were burning. Coye could barely look at her. "I'll admit it's more tasteful than I expected, but that hardly says anything since I was expecting lingerie... still, even if it's relatively tasteful, you made it like... a billion times more embarrassing!"

"Hey, if you don't like it, you should've been more specific with what you wanted!" The offended designer crossed her arms and looked away from her love. "All I did was copy a design from one of those fashion magazines that Suzette gave me. Apparently, it's some kind of sailor boy uniform that's pretty popular over in Imperalis among certain crowds. If you're gonna blame anyone, blame them!"

"You don't say..." Coye grumbled, shooting her a side glance. "And what crowds would those be?"

"It's funny you should ask-" Shayla placed her finger on her lip and grinned. "I believe it said that such attire is favored by dashing boys who walk the back alleys of Farrisa's Delight- the biggest red light district in all of Karnalle!"

That settled things. No longer in control of his actions, Coye tried to reach out and grab the folding clothes from out of the sky and impulsively rip them into shreds. Shayla yanked them away with her magic before he was able. From there, things devolved into a game of keep-away as Coye chased the pieces of the floating sailor boy outfit around the room. Shayla was having too much fun, and when Coye started pleading, her enjoyment peaked.

"Isn't there anything else you can give me? Please? Shayla, come on! I can't wear that!"

"But I made it especially for you!" She whined. "I would just be oh so sad if you didn't wear it, baby..."

"Shayla-" his rose, a flustered mess of embarrassment and frustration.

"What's the matter, Darling?" Suzette asked from the doorway as she returned from figuring out the display situation. She was also smiling in amusement at the situation unfolding before her eyes. "Don't tell me you don't like Shayla's work."

"Did you have a hand in this?" Coye narrowed his eyes and judged her reaction.

"Me? Of course not!" Suzette entered the workroom yet refused to meet his glare. "Shayla is free to make anything her heart desires with the material I provide. You know that. My only role in this scandalous affair is giving her reference books and fashion magazines from Imperalis for her to peruse. I may have left a few annotations, bookmarks, and highlights scattered among the pages, but I hardly think that implicates me..."

"No, of course not..." he grumbled in defeat.

"In any case, Darling, we're almost out of time. If you don't hurry up and get changed, you won't be able to let everyone in!" Suzette clasped her hands together, staring at him and giving the boy the most innocent and expectant look she could. She sure did a good job playing the part for someone who wasn't innocent in the slightest. Unlike Shayla, who couldn't ever mask her mischievous intentions, the older woman was quite convincing, and his heartstrings were pulled without much persuasion necessary.

If wearing that stupid outfit would make his lovers happy, Coye would make that sacrifice. His conviction wavered, and he grimaced and snatched the outfit out of the air. "Fine. But I won't be happy about it, and you better not ask me to smile."

Still upset, Coye took his clothes to the corner and changed while Shayla telepathically shot a message to Suzette. 'We got him.'

Suzette winked in response, and then they both waited for Coye to finish.

The results did not disappoint- he looked as adorable as he did silly. The shorts hugged his slender hips, barely covering his waistline, and the tank top exposed his midriff just as he expected. The hat made him feel like an idiot, but all in all, it was easier to deal with when he saw how happy it made them.

"Oh, goodness! Aren't you just the cutest, Darling?" Suzette exclaimed in utter delight.

"He sure is," Shayla whistled appreciatively. "Now there's a seaman who's unafraid of cruising the dingiest, dirtiest back alley streets!"

"Stop making this harder than it has to be," he slumped his shoulders and groaned again. Whatever they saw in his supposedly cute outfit, he didn't get it. That he would be wearing this all day while getting stared at by strangers didn't endear Coye to it, either.

"He's right. That's enough teasing for now. Here. Take this and let in everyone at the door, if you wouldn't mind." Suzette handed him a slip of paper. Instructions were written on its surface, a specific line for him to say. It was somehow almost as bad as the outfit itself.

"Um, yeah, I would mine, actually! I can't say this!"

"Can't is merely foreplay for yes, Darling. All it needs is the proper motivation for it to blossom. Speaking of which, I already had a way to reward you for your unwavering support in mind..."

Coye's long, elven ears perked, and he suspiciously narrowed his eyes. "I'm listening."

Suzette held back her smile and casually stated, "Have I ever told you that when I order RealMonster cards from the wholesaler, they come by the box load?"

"...You haven't." Coye crossed his arms, trying to remain aloof despite the excited twinkle in his bright blue eyes.

"Well, they do. These boxes are medium-sized crates about yea big," Suzette gestured with her hands, the size she was referring to only capturing even more of his interest. "And they're stuffed full of hundreds of booster packs which any collector would... oh, hang on a moment, Darling. What's this?" Stepping forward to one of the nearby shelves, Suzette rested her hands on top of two giftwrapped boxes conveniently sitting there. "I wonder how these got there. Darling, you wouldn't believe what I just so happened to find-"

"I might be more inclined to believe you than you might think..." he shrugged, knowing full well he would say the damn line. Oh, he would try and resist the temptation, but he would fail. Coye knew himself.

"Come on, baby... think about it..." eager to join in on the mind games, Shayla fluttered in close and whispered dangerous words into Coye's ear. "Don't you think Dorothy would love it if you gave her a gift tonight before everything else? You know as well as I do that no one ever gives her presents. She won't even know how to thank you!"

"I really need to stop the two of you from hanging out more..." Coye gave his pajama-clad pixie a disapproving stare as she fled from him and hovered next to Suzette.

"Is that a yes?" Shayla badgered him further. "You gotta make up your mind! People are waiting outside, so you better say the line if you want these cards."

Coye summoned courage, breathed deeply through his nose, and exhaled mightily. He'd made up his mind and was full of conviction. "Oh, I'll say it, but if you think I'm so cheap that two boxes will be enough, you have another thing coming! Both boxes are for Dorothy, and I better get one for myself, too!"

"Hm," Suzette smiled. Her business senses told her to prepare ahead of time in case he got cheeky with his demands, and she was thankful she had another box in waiting back in her storeroom. "You drive a hard bargain, but I think that's a wonderful compromise, Darling. You have yourself a deal."

"I better..." Coye grumbled and started to walk out of the workshop, ready to get this over with before he'd even begun.

"Cheer up, partner," Shayla teased and flew after him. "All this public embarrassment is gonna be worth it when you and Dorothy are nerding out over your cards, don't you think?"

"Just shut up and get in the hat," sighing, the boy lifted his little sailor cap, and Shayla did as she was told while snickering at his continued misfortune. Coye was at his cutest when he was embarrassed, and since he was becoming more shameless by the day, she had to take her victories where she could.

Coye stormed through Suzette's house and store to the front door. It was opening time, and he prepared himself with another deep breath before unlocking the door, stepping outside onto the porch, and closing his eyes. He could hear the sudden silence as everyone stared at him. Addressing the line of people would be easier on him if he pretended they didn't exist, so that's exactly what he did.

He'd only read the piece of paper once before crumpling, but Coye didn't need a refresher. The words were still burned in his mind like a fresh scar.

"Ahoy there, mateys..." Coye forced out of his mouth without a shred of enthusiasm. "Come on in and set sail for high fashion and low, low prices..."

Following the most embarrassing sentence Coye had ever said, a painfully long silence was hanging in the air. He kept his eyes closed on the chance that Suzette's lame advertising blurb was negatively received, afraid of the crowd's reaction. Maybe if he was lucky, then this would be what finally killed his growing popularity, Coye thought. If it wouldn't have been so embarrassing, he might've hoped that was the case.

Unfortunately for Coye, what happened next was a round of applause, whistles, and laughter from the townsfolk. Not even a silly costume and an embarrassing pun could stifle everyone's fondness for him. Disappointing. Taking this as blatant approval, he opened his eyes and saw something at the front of the line that wasn't there a half hour ago when he came in.

In that brief time window, two people cut ahead of everyone else.

Britni and Tiph stared at Coye from the steps leading up to the porch. Britni wore a short fur coat despite the heat, furry boots, loads of jewelry, and a horrified expression. Tiph similarly dressed excellently, with high heels, purple leggings, a black half skirt that trailed behind her, and a loosely buttoned blouse, yet the most noticeable thing about her was how her face contorted to restrain an unending series of unbecoming snorts.


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