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Dorothy tried following Coye's commands to the letter, but that hasn't gone very smoothly for her. Yesterday, she tried to read books and all she could envision was Coye. When she tried to take a nap, he was there on the top of her mind. Even when she was eating her favorite foods, she couldn't stop thinking about him and wondering whether or not he would like it, too. She spent the whole day yesterday like this and the hour of her date was fast approaching. She was a nervous wreck and desperately needed help, so she had called on Tammy for guidance.

They were both in Dorothy's room, and Tammy had been trying to ease her bosses anxiety nearly all day. Tammy was sitting on her bed. She wasn't even pretending to work today, leaving the desk work to the newbies to play moral support. Given that Dorothy was strutting around her room in a near on panic attack, it seemed a better use of her time.

"So..." She asked, her voice shaky. "I know I've asked this before,"

"several times," Tammy confirmed.

"Several times, yes, but... If you had to guess, what do you think will happen to me when I go to Coye's house...?" She stared at Tammy, desperate for an answer that wouldn't scare her. Just this once, Tammy gave her what she wanted.

"I am sure that Coye has the best intentions and will act like a true gentleman."

She almost let herself believe that in her mouth opened into a smile. "Really?"

"No, he's going to try and get in your pants."

Dorothy's eyes went wide. Ever since her initial masturbation session and the ones that have followed in the time since, she was more easily able to imagine Coye. When Tammy said that, Dorothy could almost feel it happen. She freaked out, grabbing at her shorts and clutching onto them as if trying to fight off Coye's imaginary hands.

"You... You don't really think that... Do you?" Dorothy asked, unsure whether or not she was happy or scared.

"Who knows?" Tammy shrugged. "Maybe instead of worrying about what might happen you should think about what you want to happen."

Inappropriate thoughts flooded her mind and gave Tammy a good idea exactly what she was thinking about. She blushed and paused her pacing to stare at the floor. "I... I really don't know what I want to happen. I just know that I have to be there, because he told me to visit his house and..."


"And I like listening to him when he tells me to do things..." Dorothy admitted out loud for the first time.

Tammy found amusement here and raised an eyebrow. "You're way too cute, you know that? If Coye doesn't hurry up, I'm going to eat you up myself."

"W-What?!" Dorothy somehow managed to find a new level of panic attack and started to pace backward away from Tammy, completely unable to realize that her deadpan employee was messing with her. "I, um... Tammy, I've never thought of you that way, but... um... It's true that you're quite attractive, but-"

Tammy was a little surprised to hear that. It sounded oddly specific, like she'd imagined it before perhaps. "I'm kidding, boss. I don't think I've ever had a sexual thought in my head."

"Wait, really?" Dorothy blinked. She found that more surprising than Tammy's joking flirt. "Are you just saying that, or have you actually never really...?"

Tammy cupped her chin and looked off into the distance. She thought back to the only sexual experience she'd ever had, which was a voyeuristic break-in where she happen to see Coye finishing off his business with Suzette. Tammy was curious about that, especially when it happened, but she didn't find it different from her intellectual curiosity about a lot of things. It was a puzzle, and while Tammy was fond of puzzles, this one perplexed her more than the others.

"I'm pretty sure I haven't..." She shrugged, unsure.

"Oh. I never knew. Are you asexual, then?"

Again, Tammy thought about it before shrugging even harder. "The thought of sex doesn't gross me out or anything, no. I'm open to trying it sometime if I ever felt the urge. I've just never felt the urge. Anyway, stop making this about me. We are supposed be talking about you, in case you forgot."

"Right, right... I'm sorry..." Dorothy sighed and sat down a few feet next to Tammy on her own bed. "I'm just so apprehensive about everything that could happen."

"You said you like listening to him, right?"

"Yes," Dorothy admitted sheepishly.

"What would be so bad if you just went over there and did whatever he told you to do?"

Dorothy lost her voice and she started predictably shaking. It took her a few moments to say anything back. "I... I don't think it would be bad at all, maybe... But... I'm scared..."

"Scared of what? Him?"

"No... Scared that if I go there, I'll end up doing absolutely anything he tells me to do..." Dorothy bit her lower lip as she admitted the root of her fears.

Tammy looked at her boss. She saw the way she squirmed, the way she shifted around in her seat. Her cheeks were red and she was obviously horny. It made her want to mess with Dorothy a little.



"What if Coye pin you down and asked you to have his babies?"

Dorothy went dead silent for a moment before hyperventilating like crazy and falling back against the bed on the verge of passing out.

"Hey, hey!" Tammy grabbed Dorothy by the shoulders and shook her. "I was joking again!"

"He won't ask that, will he?!" Dorothy manage to ask. "Please, tell me he won't ask that of me?"

"I mean, probably not? I don't know him that well. Maybe one day, but-"

"yes, of course... You're right... Maybe one day...?" Dorothy's voice trailed off and her anxiety was replaced by a girlish smile. It couldn't have been more obvious to Tammy that she was envisioning the whole having kids thing and it made a Tammy want to facepalm herself. Sheer restraint was all that held her back.

"Having fun there, boss?"

Tammy's sarcastic call out was enough to bring some sense into Dorothy and she realized what she was doing, then felt very embarrassed about it. "I... I don't know, Tammy. I just don't know." She managed to sit back up again and let out a tremendous sigh before turning to her friend. "What would you do if you were in my position?"

"And by that you mean?"

"Look at me." Dorothy frowned. "I don't know what to do with myself. I'm trying to open myself up more and if you've got some feedback for me, now is the time."

Tammy looked Dorothy up and down. She was serious, so Tammy had to treat it as such. There was something she had in common with Coye- Dorothy was her first friend, too. Tammy didn't have the best home life and save for her brother she was never that close to anyone until she met Dorothy. Things were rough at first, and there were incidents where she'd gotten chewed out as they were getting to know each other, but eventually they settled into the odd friendship they had today. Even if she wasn't the best at expressing it, she wanted Dorothy to be happy.

"Do you really want me to know what I think you should do?"

There was some slight hesitation on Dorothy's part, but she pushed it aside to answer, "yes. Please."

"Well, let's back up for a minute. Would you still be going to his house if he didn't tell you to, or would you not want to?"

Dorothy became defensive, much more than she meant to. "Of course I would. I want to see him and spend more time with him more than anything. Today and yesterday have been torturous, and I couldn't stop thinking about him every moment he was gone... I somehow feel like things won't be right until I see him again, and I-"

"okay, okay. Spare me the emotional outburst. You've already made my point?"

"Oh?" Dorothy blushed and fidgeted. "How do you figure?"

"You obviously want to go there, and therefore, you should. It's as simple as that."

Dorothy tilted her head as she tried to understand it. Was it really so simple? She felt like it wasn't, but she did ask for Tammy's advice. "But-"

"no buts. You want to, so do it. Stop worrying about anything past that."

Dorothy closed her eyes and tried emptying her mind a little bit. She focused in on the truth of the matter. She really did want to visit Coye's house. She wanted to see him, and although she like listening to him, this decision was not very influenced by it. Tammy was right. She would go see him regardless of whether or not she was told. It took her friends to pointed out, but she was grateful all the same.

"I actually think you have a point... Thank you so much, Tammy. I don't think I would've figured that out for myself if you weren't here for me."

"Probably not," Tammy agreed. "You're pretty thickheaded."

"I can't even dispute that..." Dorothy giggled weakly.

"What time did he even say to come over, anyway? It's starting to get late and you should really start getting ready."

"I was planning on it as soon as we were done," Dorothy frowned. "He, um... He told me to make sure I take a bath and, um... Make sure I look nice and pretty for him..."

Tammy stared at Dorothy for a moment in disbelief. "He actually said that?"

Dorothy blushed heavily and nodded her head.

"Gods. He has more game than I thought. Good thing I thought ahead..."

"What do you mean?" Dorothy didn't understand but Tammy waved her off.

"Nothing, why don't you go ahead and show me what you're planning on wearing? In the meantime, I'll be right back. I have to pick something up real quick."

Unsure where Tammy was going with that, Dorothy went to her wardrobe and picked out the nicest clothes she could find. She went with that tank top Coye liked the other day, as well as a black pleated skirt red trim and white frills that she wasn't sure where she picked up. To complete the look, she went with white, black frilled thigh highs, frilly wrist cuffs, and a pair of casual slip on shoes. The goal behind this ensemble was to look appealing yet modest and not show off too much skin. She was still too self-conscious for anything more than this, but it helps knowing Coye would likely enjoy it no matter how she felt about it.

Then, she realized she was missing something. She hadn't picked out her underwear. The thought of which made Dorothy blush. Typically, picking out a pair of bra and panties was just another part of her day that she never put much thought in. Today, it had potentially dire ramifications and if she didn't pick well then she might not make the best impression... Dorothy almost lost it then and there to another nervous panic, as she very clearly did not have anything good to wear. Most of her panties were oversized and weren't what you'd call titillating, while her bras were more practical than they were sexual. She needed heavy duty ones to contain her assets, and she favored ones that weren't meant for drawing attention to those assets.

"Did I miss something?" Tammy asked as she reentered the room and closed the door.

"Oh-" Dorothy snapped out of it and shook her head. "N-No, I was just, um... Thinking about my underwear..." She admitted as it was deeply embarrassing.

"I figured that might be the case." Tammy came closer and thrust a small giftwrapped box into Dorothy's hands as she nonchalantly went and studied Dorothy's outfit. "Not bad. I think he'd like this."

This relieved Dorothy considerably. "You really think so? I, um... I'm happy to hear that, I-" and then she once again became aware of the box in her hand. "Wait, what is this?"

"Open it up." Tammy said as if it was obvious. "It should solve your problem, I'm thinking."

Something about the way she said it unsettled Dorothy, but she looked at the box and nervously reached for the bowstring keeping the box held tight. She undid it, took the lid off and set it to the side as she laid eyes on what was in the box. Her eyes went wide and she looked up to Tammy, who was smiling smugly. Dorothy instantly closed the box again and clinched it to her chest, as if no one should see it.

"W-What is this for?! Where did you even get this?! What am I supposed to do with it?!"

"You know what it's for, I got it from don't worry about it, and you're supposed to wear it for him." Tammy pointed out.

Dorothy found it hard to stand- her knees were wobbling and a crooked smile of stress appeared on her face. "But... Gods, Tammy... It's so skimpy...!"

"Almost as if that were the point?"

"will it even fit me?" Dorothy threw out there, as if searching for an excuse not to wear it.

"It should. It's not like I don't know your measurements, you know."

"How do you-"

"you fall asleep next to me almost every day. You make it very easy to take your measurements, or worse."

"Ahaha..." Dorothy laughed reflexively as if to protect herself in the implications. "You're so funny, Tammy. That... That was a joke, right?"

“Of course it was.“ Tammy said after a suspiciously long silence.

“ I really don’t know if I’m comfortable showing off this much skin…“ Dorothy looked at the box again and tried to see herself wearing what was inside. It wasn’t easy. That was something that only beautiful girls could pull off, and she didn’t consider herself as such.

“ did anyone ever told you how sex works? He’s going to see everything, you know.“

Dorothy’s shock was evident on her face. Of course she knew that was the case, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t trying hard not to imagine it. Having it pointed out so bluntly to her however brought it to the forefront of her mind and she started freaking out harder than she had this entire time. She was full on hyperventilating, and Tammy felt responsible.

“ Gods, Coye is really in for it with you…” Tammy let out a sigh, almost feeling sorry for what he was going to have to put up with. SHe hoped he really did love Dorothy’s nervous ass as much as he seemed like he did.

“I… I know that… of course I know that. Ah… ahaha…” Dorothy pulled at her collar, suddenly feeling dreadfully hot. “ I just think that your present might be a little extreme. Maybe I should look through my drawers again.”

“ don’t mind if I do,” Tammy took Dorothy’s comment and ran with it, going over to Dorothy’s drawers and going through all of Dorothy‘s underwear right in front of her while she was powerless to stop her.

“Tammy! No, stop!” Dorothy weekly protested, which was all she could manage.

“ i’m going to put this bluntly. You can’t let him see you wear any of this.” Tammy said as she hoisted up a pair of oversized granny panties in front of her face. “ honestly, you’d be better off naked than any of these. assuming you don’t pick my gift, that is.”

“ they can’t be that bad…” Dorothy tried to excuse herself. Then, found it in her to be a little passive aggressive with her friend. “ besides. What would you even know about this kind of thing? You don’t have any experience, either!”

Tammy gave her friend a long, hard to read look. She seemed emotionless as ever, which made her next actions all the more surprising. She turned around to point her backside at Dorothy and lightly slipped the top of her belt and skirt off to reveal half of a smooth, pale ass chick that was wearing a blue thong.

“ don’t have to actively be having sex to want to look good, you know.“ she said flatly, though her intent was to come off playfully.

Dorothy simply stared at her employees butt for much longer than was appropriate. It was small and pert, but it looked tight, too. She remembered her vivid fantasies and the way that Tammy bounced on Coye’s cock in her mind while she herself watched it happen on the sidelines.

“ do you like what you see or something, boss?” Tammy found this rather amusing and only pulled her skirt back up when Dorothy finally found it in her to look away.

“ no, I just… it was surprising, that’s all!” Dorothy insisted.

“ sure, sure…” Tammy didn’t quite believe that was all it was, but she wasn’t interested in pursuing things further. “ now ask yourself. Do you want Coye to see you wearing any of those ugly panties of yours, or do you want to be like me and look good for him?”

Dorothy blinked awkwardly, missing the point. “ are you, um… trying to look good for him, too, then?”

“ not what I meant,” Tammy sighed. “ now answer the question.“

It took her a while of introspection before she admitted, “I want to try and look good for him, too…”

“ there you go. Was that so hard?”

“ incredibly.“

“ yeah, I guess that checks out. Why don’t you go take your bath now and when you’re done, I will help you with your hair.”

Dorothy felt like Tammy was already helping a lot more than should be expected of her and tried to wiggle out of further assistance. “You’ve already done so much for me, I… I couldn’t possibly…”

“ What, you’re going to do it yourself? I’ve known you for 2 1/2 years now and I’ve never seen you without tattered hair. Meanwhile,” Tammy made a show of stroking her own gorgeous, straight, orange locks that almost shimmered from the light.

“ OK, fine…” Dorothy didn’t sound happy about it, but she conceded the point. “ I just… I don’t know how to handle how much you’re doing for me, Tammy. I would say this isn’t like me, but I’m always such a wreck…”

The mood felt right to Tammy so she answered by stepping forward and giving Dorothy a tasteful hug. Dorothy was surprised about it but quickly leaned into it as Tammy started to pat her on the back.

“ you’re doing the best you can, boss. Now go and get yourself washed up.”

“ all right, I just have one last question. Do you think Coye is going to want to play more card games with me? Should I bring my cards and my decks, or do you-"

"just go take your bath." Tammy sighed, her shaking her head at her innocent employer who thought card games would have anything to do with what happened tonight. She supposed she couldn't fall to Dorothy for that, but regardless, she was concerned.

Tammy was all sorts of skeptical over how things will go. Dorothy might've been nervous, but at least Coye smooth. Smoother than she used to think, at any rate. Still. Tammy had helped things along to the best of her ability, and was satisfied with all the help she given. Now, it was all up to fate. She could only hope for the best.

Even beyond Dorothy's happiness, Tammy stood a lot to gain from everything turning out for the best. If Coye and Dorothy wound up together, she could only imagine all sorts of entertaining office hijinks that would be so much fun to watch develop. Not only that, but she would get to see firsthand how their relationship blossomed.

As the sound of Dorothy's ArcTech tub summoning hot water filled the room from Dorothy's adjacent bathroom, Tammy started to feel a strange feeling taking hold of her heart. How strange, she didn't usually get much use out of that thing. Even stranger was that since Tammy wasn't oblivious to her feelings like Dorothy was, she knew straight away that she was feeling jealous.

It wasn't because she was upset that Coye and Dorothy might get together, but jealous of the fact that they felt like they were in love at all. Tammy struggled to feel a lot of things often because of her disability, but seeing how crazy love made Dorothy act over Coye made her wonder what it must be like to live through such a strange affliction. She caught herself hoping to experience something like that at least once in her life, but she had doubts it ever would. She wasn't very personable, or all that interesting. Sure, she was rich theoretically, but Tammy wouldn't ever be interested in the kind of people that mattered to.

Everyone around her was throwing themselves at Coye, and while she did have interest in him as well, she didn't believe it extended far enough to warrant further testing. Tammy told herself that all of this was fine. She was happy being on the sidelines while her best friend and half the Guild found the happiness of love. If she was missing out on something, it didn't matter to her because she didn't know she was missing out. That was what she told herself, anyway.

Tammy was lost in her thoughts for longer than she realized. By the time she snapped out of it, Dorothy was stepping out of her bath and she came out in a bathrobe that did little to hide her curvaceous body. Tammy kept it to herself, but she couldn't understand how someone could look like her and still feel self-conscious about their appearance. Then again, she had trouble understanding most other people so that was a thing.

After drying off, Tammy straightened Dorothy's unwieldy hair and against all odds managed to make something nice out of it. After little convincing and reassuring, Tammy got Dorothy to put on her secret weapon underwear- so long as Tammy promise not to peak while she changed, of course. Tammy promised but lied, taking in the momentary sight of her naked employer and her chubby ass. Interesting. Still no sexual desire, though, even if she was like many other girls of Karnalle and appreciated the female form.

Dorothy was to oblivious to notice her friend was checking her out, but that was okay. She had more than enough to worry about. She didn't know what to think of the special undies, so to distract herself she quickly changed into her nice outfit. This at least seemed more natural, if only a little. She wasn't used to showing her thighs, or her bare arms and shoulders, and her top clung to her chest much more ambitiously than anything else in her wardrobe.

"What do you think?" She asked, doing a little turnaround for Tammy to judge.

"Why are you asking me? You tell me." Tammy took Dorothy by the hand and led her back to her bathroom where she could see herself in the mirror.

Dorothy almost didn't know what she was looking at. It was like a stranger in her body. A stranger with clear and beautiful skin free of grease, long, straight hair without any oil, and an above average taste and fashion. If Dorothy were feeling daring, she would almost believe she looked pretty. Her confidence Sadly stopped just short of that and she only thought she looked amazing in so far as relative to her.

Still, it was enough to wow her.

"Great, right?"

"I, um... I don't know if I would go that far, but-"

"oh shut up for once and just admit you look awesome." Tammy rolled her eyes.

"This is hard for me!" Dorothy blushed but after the embarrassment died down a little she turned to her friend and smiled. "But... Thank you for all the help. I wouldn't look this good if it weren't for you."

"And don't you forget it," Tammy teased. "Now did he say if you guys were having dinner together, or what?"

Dorothy thought about it. In her time since seen him, she hadn't even considered the details of what would happen beyond the obvious lewd implications that were her main worry. He didn't bring up anything that they were going to do, dinner or otherwise. He just said to come over and that was that.

She told Tammy as much and Tammy was disappointed and Coye for not having thought this through. She decided it was best for Dorothy to eat something light before heading off to his place in case he didn't think of getting dinner. Even more kind of Tammy was that she went down herself so that Dorothy didn't have to get stared at by whoever was in the cafeteria. Her confidence was a fragile thing and she couldn't handle it if acquaintances started gawking at her the one time she tried getting pretty. Tammy knew her so well, and Dorothy was thankful for her peeping friend.

After Tammy took off to get her a sandwich, Dorothy had a few moments alone to reflect on her thoughts. The time was drawing ever closer. She would be at Coye's before too long. All sorts of emotions were at the forefront of her mind. She was excited, she was scared, and she was elated that she would get to see him for the first time in two days. It wasn't normal to miss someone so much, was it? Even Dorothy knew it wasn't. She let out a wistful sigh and wondered what Coye got up to today. Whatever it was, she hoped he had fun. More than that, she hoped that he was thinking about her.

Dorothy was nearly startled out of her stupor as Tammy came back not only with a sandwich, but a hooded cloak to hide her face. She didn't know how to thank her, so Tammy sped the process up and just told her to eat. Dorothy did, making extremely sure she didn't spill any of the sandwich on herself for once in her life and against all odds she was able to manage that. Her nice clothing remained drip and crumb free, earning a sarcastic thumbs up from Tammy by the time she was done.

She packed the sandwich away at an almost inhuman speed, to which Dorothy nervously defended herself by saying she always eats fast when she's nervous. "And I'm almost always nervous, so..." She grumbled and patted her belly, which had a tasteful roundness to it.

"Trust me, he won't mind." Tammy shrugged her shoulders and then took further initiative, opening the door and ushering Dorothy out. "Keep your head down."


It was a quick walk to the front door of the Guild, thankfully. No one got in their way save for a few of the housekeepers who Tammy had already instructed not to pay them any mind. Dorothy had earned a lot of their respect lately and they'd also heard how strict she was with Wiska and Chelanne, so no one was in the mood to test her.

For a smooth as the first part went, they hit a snag as soon as they exited the front door. Tammy tried to see Dorothy off, but it didn't go very well. She was frozen at the doorstep.

"Really?" Tammy asked.

"I can't help it," Dorothy mumbled and rubbed her forearm. "We are outside now. I'm just understanding that this is actually happening, and I don't know how to handle it! I know how to get there, you told me where it was, but... I'm actually going to his house, gods!"

Tammy took in a deep breath through her nose and contemplated her options for a moment. For as cute as all this was, it was on some level ridiculous. What she was about would've been highly demeaning to anyone else, but that was just the level of assistance Dorothy needed to actually see this through.

"I'm taking it you need someone to walk you there."

Dorothy blushed heavily, lowered her head, and pulled her hood over her face. "I, um... Yes... I think that might be helpful... It's not that I don't want to go, it's just-"

"save your breath, I get it." Tammy approached and extended her hand to Dorothy, who took it after a few seconds of deliberation. "Come on, boss. Just remember. You owe me after today."

"You mean you're not doing this out of the goodness of your heart?" Dorothy blinked.

"My heart has no such goodness," Tammy teased. "I'm always looking for one thing and one thing only. Entertainment. You better tell me everything that happens."

Dorothy's heart sank and she lost her breath again. "... Everything?"

"Everything." Tammy smirked. "Especially the naughty bits."

"Oh. Oh, dear. On second thought, maybe I should try and make this journey myself."

"Feel free." Tammy released to Dorothy's hand and then watched for several seconds as Dorothy struggled to lift so much as a single foot without assistance. She was so scared and nervous about what was happening that she couldn't even do that much on her own.

There was no other option but to work past her embarrassment, and wordlessly extend her hand back to Tammy while trying to treat it like it was no big deal.

"That's what I thought." Tammy took Dorothy's hand again and proceeded to pull her away from the front door and out onto Main Street, heading north past the peace Gate and then onto the little dirt road that led to Coye's cabin.

The air was brisk and felt wonderful on Dorothy's newly washed skin. It was past five when they left, and the summer day was neither too hot nor too chilly. Everything felt just right on their walk to Coye's place. For her, anyway. Tammy wasn't into the whole sweaty palms thing but decided she would keep that to herself to not risk bothering Dorothy.

Before she knew it, Coye's cabin was visible off in the distance. It got harder to walk, but Tammy was persistent and pulling her along and forcing her to keep up. It kept getting bigger and bigger until they were at the front door after walking up the hill it sat on. This was the first time Dorothy had seen it and she couldn't help admiring the little cabin. She liked it quite a bit and smiled. The curtains were pulled so she couldn't tell if anyone was inside, but she assumed so.

"You've got this, boss." Tammy finally let go of Dorothy's hand after they were a few feet away from the door. "I'm assuming you don't want me to knock on the door and drop you off on your little date, correct?"

"No, that would be far too embarrassing..." Dorothy admitted as if it really made that much of a difference when she'd already been walked here by her best friend. "I'll do this myself."

"Go on, then," Tammy turned around and started walking away. "Make sure you come home with an entertaining story to tell me."

"Wait-" Dorothy called after her as she left. "You're not going to make sure I can do this?"

"Don't need to. I know you can." Tammy gave her a thumbs up of support and then began walking away into the distance the way they came.

Dorothy stared at the door in front of her. Inside, Coye was waiting for her. Knowing that made all the difference in the world. Her apprehension started to fade, and she took the first step forward by herself. Then, she took another, and another until she was standing on his doorstep. With a deep breath, Dorothy raised her hand and knocked on the wooden door. She was ready for anything that night had in store. Anything for her hero.


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