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This was written via dictation, expect many errors, don’t both pointing them out or fixing them. This is for my personal use, you just get to look at it.

Although the wordcount here is long, I expect this to be a short volume between 300-400 pages. We’ll see if that prediction holds true. Pretty sure it will, as I intentionally cut it short and I think the word count is just me being detailed.

Healing Coye/Dorothy POV

  • we start off by hearing what Eschal was up to during the big fight. He was conducting some experiments in reanimation. Heard the clamor but wasn't interested and also wasn't invited so he found it best to stay away.
  • Even if he wasn't invited, Eschal is happy that things are happening around here. He's worried about Dorothy in a professional manner.
  • He hears the knock on his door and he leaves his experiment to go and answer, only to find Coye being brought in.
  • Eschal asks about the patient and gets filled in about what happened. He regrets not leaving his lab now and feels left out of the fun.
  • Byng jokes about how there's always next time.
  • Eschal asks if there will be a next time, and Dorothy shrugs saying it's not like Auguris destroyed the arena. There will be time to explore options in the future.
  • Has a look at Coye in the exam room and locks everyone else out of it, saying that there's only so much healing magic can do for someone and that he needs more proper care.
  • Shayla makes a passive aggressive joke at this.
  • Everyone is worried about Coye, but Britni is confident he'll pull through.
  • Suzette takes this opportunity to grill Britni about why she is here. Britni is put on the spotlight and at first tries to be passive aggressive, but she realizes she's not going to get any points by acting like a bitch.
  • She admits to being in the wrong and alludes to a rough upbringing. Isn't trying to make excuses, but does it anyway. Dorothy finds it in her to stand up for herself again and says she's thankful that Britni isn't causing any problems right now, but she's not about to go forgetting all of the nasty things she's done to Dorothy and Coye.
  • Britni understands, isn't looking for forgiveness.
  • Coco insists she just wants to be here and that there's no special reason or anything.
  • Britni confronts the dog about why she's so worked up, anyway. Coco tries to play it cool but Britni is wiser than that. She's starting to get the idea here and tells Coco they'll talk about it later.
  • Something about the way she says it unsettles Coco.
  • Shayla's getting bad vibes from it, too. She senses Britni is scheming something and that puts the girls on guard.
  • Everyone waits for a half hour, and right as Byng's patience reaches its limit, Eschal comes out to announce that Coye is stable.
  • Just in time, Tammy is done at the front counter dealing with people. Dorothy asks how it went, there were some people who wanted out but Tammy shut them all up. Dorothy can't help asking about the prophets and Tammy makes a money sign and clicks her tongue.
  • Eschal ruins the moment saying speaking of money, and then tells them how expensive it's going to be. Suzette is beside herself at the outrageous price and asks Dorothy if there's anything they can do to lower it. Dorothy goes on a corporate spiel about payment plans and health insurance and so on, but Britni surprises everyone by offering to cover it.
  • Tammy teases her about how she can definitely afford it since Britni made bank today. Knowing this, Byng warms up to Britni just a tiny bit and riffs on her asking just how much money she bet on Coye. Britni says is none of their business but Tammy says only a handful of people betted on Coye and Britni bet more than all of them put together.
  • Shayla admits that maybe she's not all bad, and then they ask to see Coye.
  • Eschal warns them all that he is stable but extremely out of it. He had to be put on fantasy morphine and it's very strong. Coye took much more internal damage than it might've looked and he would've felt extreme pain once the thrill of battle wore off.
  • Someone asks how fucked up are we talking, Eschal says exceedingly.
  • We go to Coye on the patient's bed and see that yes, he is very, very high. His eyes are gigantic and sparkly and he looks at everything with great interest.
  • He lights up with childlike glee to see everyone. He asks if he won, and gets warm if amused reception from the group. He notices someone is missing before seeing that Byng is wearing his hat. Coye then waves at the hat but doesn't say anything. Shayla nervously sweats and waves back.
  • Coye is also happy to see Britni but his happiness turns to cute anger when he asks Dorothy if Britni has been good. Yes, for the moment. Coye is very happy with Britni and jokingly calls her good girl, almost overloading her. Coco is very conflicted and jealous at her mistress.
  • Suzette is relieved he's okay and Coye apologizes for worrying them all. She asks Eschal how long he'll have to stay here and h fifteen e says only another few hours before they can take them home. Suzette plans to go and prepare the house to take care of him and asks if there's anything special he wants to eat tonight. Coye rattles off a list of sweet things and gets an amused reaction when he can't think of anything really wants for dinner.
  • Shayla doesn't know whether to be happy about the side effects increasing since it means more magic or worried for him.
  • Byng comforted him as well and says not to worry about food, she'll bring over some fresh meat. Coye thanks her and Byng talks him up about the fight, tells him how she didn't stop believing in him for a second. Says she would like to be included next time he makes a big stand like that, though. She doesn't like being on the sidelines.
  • Coye isn't in the best position to promise her anything but does so anyway. Tammy makes fun of it.
  • Coye wants to talk to Dorothy alone, and everyone understands. Dorothy is very nervous about it but is reassured it'll be fine. Gets a jealous look from Britni. Dorothy tries to get out of it by saying she wants to have a long talk with him soon but isn't sure now is the best time. Her emotions are feeling a little unstable, but she gets comforted into doing it.
  • On their way out, Coco gets called out by a sudden mood swing from Coye. He asks her to come close and requests a personal favor that will make him feel better. Coco is eager to do anything and he asks if he can hug her tail and put his face on it.
  • Coco is very embarrassed but after getting permission from Britni she turns around and offers it to him, where he does exactly what he said he would. He nuzzles into it and she is very embarrassed and into it until he has to be removed by Britni.
  • Britni mumbles that he can have her soon enough, and this upsets Coco for some reason.
  • Everyone leaves and Tammy wishes Dorothy good luck.
  • Now alone, Dorothy sits by his bedside and is happy but nervous to be with him. Coye was glad everything turned out okay, Dorothy is too. She stresses that is not like all the problems around here going to suddenly go away, but he gave her a chance to fix everything.
  • Coye reminds her they're going to be doing together, and she says yes. She's not going to force herself to do everything anymore. Mentions using some of the winnings to look for another receptionist or two so she can lessen her workload a bit. Coye thinks that's a good idea but he also thinks a lot of weird things are good ideas right now.
  • Dorothy giggles but Coye takes her by surprise and asks what the deal is with 'us'. Dorothy admits that they're going to need to talk about this aren't they. Coye says yes and asks if that scares her.
  • More than anything, but not in a bad way. More like she is nervous and apprehensive and it feels nice even if she's scared.
  • Dorothy doesn't want to talk about it when he's high, though. Coye understands. He's getting really tired anyway and needs to nap. Dorothy asks if there's anything she can do to help, and Coye tells her to pet his head.
  • Dorothy is shy about this but his forwardness motivates her to do it anyway. This is the part where she starts to confront her growing submissiveness and question how she always does whatever Coye asks of her lately. Dorothy is more aware of it now but is welcoming of the opportunity to please. It makes her feel useful, especially when Coye starts smiling.
  • After a while of stroking, Coye is fast asleep and Dorothy watches him for a couple minutes. She wonders what it would be like to lay next to him, but doesn't have the courage to be so bold. She takes his hand instead and smiles while holding it. She's like this for several minutes until leaving him and going to Eschal's office.
  • Eschal knocks on the door to make sure he's not interrupting before coming in alone. He asks Dorothy how her condition is on top of everything that happened and she's happy to say that she believes the worst of it has passed.
  • Eschal is disappointed as a scientist. He did all that work to stabilize Dorothy and heal her heart yet here he is defeated by love of all things.
  • Dorothy blushes and tries to deny this nervously, but Eschal corrects her. He begrudgingly admits that love is among the strongest medicines, and she doesn't have to be afraid of taking it.
  • Dorothy thanks Eschal for his roundabout advice and tells him she'll let him know once everything gets figured out. There are still a couple of things that are in the way of her feelings, namely the stuff Gloria said about Coye's father. If anything was to happen with Coye, she wants to air that out so there's no secrets before hand. She would feel guilty otherwise. The wording is still vague here, I want there to still be tension until the confession scene.
  • Eschal tells Dorothy that he poked around upstairs a bit and everyone is still in a frenzy. Tammy also caught him up to speed on everything that happened. Many of them wish to speak to her and offer their apologies.
  • Dorothy doesn't know how to take that. Eschal advises that she should keep to herself for the rest of today and relax. Stay in bed- chastises her for getting swept up into the crazy events as it was. It's bad for her.
  • Dorothy understands, but she's still hesitant about something. Eschal is here to help, so she tells him that she doesn't know how she should handle the fact that Coye salvaged her reputation. Is she just supposed to turn a blind eye to all the crap people put her through until now and be friendly to them, or what?
  • Eschal says that she should be polite but never forget. Give them a chance to earn forgiveness yet remain stern and don't pretend their treatment never happened.
  • Dorothy ends up laughing a little, says if Eschal ever wants to run the bar he's more than welcome to. He gives good advice and could teach Norman a thing or two about being a stereotypical bartender.
  • Eschal jokes that not only does he look like a monster, but he's a doctor and would be inclined to cut people off rather than letting them keep drinking.
  • Dorothy is hopeful that they won't have to resort to such measures anymore to make a profit, but then gets a little stressed out when she wonders who is going to take care of the front desk. Coye never told her Suzette was doing it yesterday because he didn't want to worry her, but she felt bad about that. Bad, yet thankful. She finds herself growing more and more fond of Suzette and Byng and wonders what it will be like to actually have friends beyond Tammy.
  • Eschal excuses himself and goes to check up on Coye while Dorothy goes upstairs. Before leaving the basement, turns out the Britni and Coco were still there. Dorothy is nervous but tells them Coye can't see them right now, but Britni says they're here for her. Dorothy is going to get swarmed the second she gets upstairs and Britni volunteers to keep people off her back.
  • Britni is still acting like a hard ass to her, but it's a noticeable improvement. Dorothy doesn't know to how to handle it and asks Britni why Coye suddenly standing up for her is enough to get Britni acting nicer. Maybe not in those exact words, but still. Dorothy regrets asking immediately, thinking Britni is going to react, but she doesn't.
  • Britni stands by a lot of what she said that morning- the week have no value etc. Hated Dorothy because she's weak. When she sees weak-willed girls especially, it makes her sick to her stomach because of her own experiences. It's not Coye that changed her mind about Dorothy, it's Dorothy herself. She showed spine when standing up to Auguris and giving that big speech.
  • Coco adds that desk lady talked good and people clapped. People never clap when Coco talks, so this gets her some humorous respect from the pup.
  • Britni says she's not going to say sorry for anything she's done, and that this is the best it's going to get. Dorothy accepts that and a hesitant trust forms between them.
  • They escort Dorothy past the crowded lounge which was full of adventurers and Guild employees who wished to speak with Dorothy or see Coye. Britni and Coco clear them all out and Dorothy checks on a few things to see that everything went smooth with Tammy and Suzette in charge and went over the betting reports in disbelief.
  • Seeing them in person filled her with hope, but Britni suddenly pokes her head in to announce she Tammy's here with a few visitors that are really intent on seeing her. Britni says she might want to hear them out, so Dorothy accepts.
  • Tammy brings in the two maids who refused to clean Auguris's room several weeks ago and even the bitchier one of the two is very apologetic over what all happened. Dorothy remembers to act stern and chastises them a little, but they surprise her with an unexpected offer to make it up to her. They float the idea of helping as receptionists on top of being maids, which Dorothy find skeptical at first but Tammy says she can get them up to speed. Teaching Suzette wasn't that hard so why not try again?
  • Dorothy leaves it to Tammy and decides to relax for the rest of the day. She's going to go up to her room and lay down. Tammy asks if she's going to sleep for the night or if she should send up food later, and Dorothy presumes that she's going to pass right out. Tammy and the maids wish her well and Britni escorts her to her bedroom before taking off.
  • Just as she expected, she's exhausted by the time she gets there and strips down to her panties and nothing else before getting in bed. She throws herself onto the mattress and expects to be asleep in mere seconds.
  • but she can't fall asleep. Start of the chapters a comical reveal that she's been tossing and turning for the past hour, her mind a swirling mess of thoughts. Every time she closed her eyes she saw Coye, only it was worse than ever before.
  • She saw him smiling at times, sometimes with the horny expression he had on top of Byng, but mostly with the cool expressions he had today while standing up for her and fighting Auguris.
  • Dorothy doesn't understand why she can't stop thinking about him. At least, not this heavily. She understands her feelings a lot more than she did the other day and she understands 'why' she's thinking about him, but she doesn't know what to do.
  • It's definitely for the best that he was high and they couldn't talk about their burgeoning relationship today. They needed time to cool off after everything that happened, but Dorothy starts to realize she's upset that nothing happened yet. She wants something to happen between them, but she doesn't know what.
  • She starts thinking more about Coye and his promiscuous behavior, eventually wondering if she's upset something like that didn't happen yet? Rather than shaking her head at the thought, Dorothy forces herself to actually confront it.
  • Sex was an abstract thought to Dorothy. She masturbated occasionally and owned an ArcTech vibrator wand, but she never imagined things happening to herself. Her fantasies were always about other people as if she was incapable of being the heroine.
  • The more she dwelt on Coye in her bed, the hotter her body started to get. For the first time in her life, Dorothy was actively thinking about what sex might be like to actually experience first-hand. Would it be better than masturbation? Her wand felt really good so it was hard to imagine being better than that, but it must be better. Right?
  • She pushes her thighs together, grinding. Her breathing is getting heavy. Dorothy's hand trails down her stomach and her finger runs down her panties. As she does, she started imagining what it would be like if Coye was the one touching her. Better yet, telling her what to do.
  • Dorothy finds the new sensation stunning. Masturbation has never felt like this before. Every new touch was so powerful and overwhelming that it proves too much for her. She can't think about it for very long and ends up imagining Coye doing things to Byng and Suzette instead with her watching on the sidelines, but even that is way hotter than when she normally masturbates so she finishes herself off fairly soon.
  • It was just one climax but even that was too much for her and by the time she's done she is exhausted yet burning for more. Dorothy tries to play with herself further but ends up falling asleep in the attempt.
  • It's a very good sleep.

Marlie Sword

  • Marlie is alone in the dorm room. Coco and Britni are out for tonight while Tiph took off for her lab. Marlie knew that look on her face that told her Tiph wouldn't be coming back. Marlie is satisfied with being alone for once, especially since she had a new friend to talk to.
  • It was a wild day and we get some of Marlie's thoughts as she closes the window and changes into pajamas. First though, she takes out a small cell phone like object from her pocket and contemplates using it but we don't know what it's for. She decides not to, as there is already too much she has to do
  • Marlie is trying not to seem too happy for Coye in her thoughts. Things are complicated enough now that Coco is definitely in love with him, and if things get worse in that apartment Marlie is going to have to take time to clear the air with Britni. Marlie is worried about Tiph as well. She's a bitch but she doesn't usually get that bad toward someone unless there is a reason. Whatever happened today with her wasn't just petty bitterness- Marlie is convinced that something happened when she and Coye were alone together.
  • Marlie doesn't like where things are heading. Something about Coye gives her the impression that he's going to tear apart her little group one by one. Marlie never wanted friends, but now that she had them she didn't like the idea of being without friends, either. It was very troublesome.
  • Marlie resigned herself thinking about all this annoying shit. Instead, she summons her new friend from her room in the armory castle- Coye's sword. We get a description of it in its weakened state still cracked from the battle with Auguris.
  • Marlie can feel the energy pulsing through it and although it wasn't as bright as it was during the battle, the mystical blue light inside the cracks still shined in her hands.
  • Marlie wonders if that's light magic. Decides to test it out by pressing her finger into it since as a Half-Demon it would sting if it really was light magic. The light doesn't hurt her and it gets a similar description to Shayla's crackling energy.
  • She inspected further to see if there's anything else she can determine. Even a connoisseur like herself isn't familiar with its make. Marlie thinks it might be Elvish, but it lacks the runes and the pretentiousness that most Elven weapons have.
  • Not that it mattered, as she would have all the answers soon enough.
  • Marlie speaks to the sword just like we saw her do, but we don't hear the sword answer. It's a one-way conversation from the reader's perspective so that we can still keep up a lot of mysteries.
  • Marlie asks if the sword remembers her from the other day, which the sword does. Good. That'll make introductions smoother. Marlie starts to introduce herself but is surprised when the sword interrupts her, asking about Coye and if he's okay. She'd stolen many weapons from many other people before and few ever spoke out so suddenly like this.
  • Marlie assures the sword that Coye is fine and that Marlie is just taking temporary care of it. She'll give the sword back to Coye soon. Sword is relieved.
  • Marlie asks if the sword really cares that much about him and his surprised to hear that it does. Marlie finishes her introduction and explains what she's after here. She wants to know more about both Coye and the sword.
  • Marlie explains that her friends are taken with Coye and the more she knows about him the better she might navigate the oncoming storm and try to prevent whatever crazy shit happens.
  • The sword asks if that's really why Marlie wants to know, Marlie wants to know what it's getting at and the sword apparently teases her. Marlie is unsurprised to hear Coye thinks she's cute, downplays the sword by saying he throws a very wide net and it was already obvious. Marlie insists she's not trying to get to know him better for any romantic reasons.
  • As for the sword, Marlie just says she likes talking to weapons and learning their histories and stories. Think of her as a friend and feel free to spill your heart out.
  • Marlie feels sadness from the sword, it doesn't want to talk about its past. Fair enough. She at least asked if it will tell her the make. When she finds out that Coye's sword is fairy made, she becomes jokingly hesitant to give it back. It's a very rare weapon and it explains why she couldn't place it. She reckons her father would trade her back a bunch of her favorites if she forked it over, but promises not to.
  • As a sign of goodwill, Marlie runs her hand over the sword and heals it of its damage. She assures the sword that she won't take it away from Coye. This gets the sword talking about itself, how it met Coye and so on. Marlie learns its name and is apparently impressed by the name.
  • Marlie listens to the sword complaining about how its power is only a fraction of what used to be and how Coye believes its powers are weaker than what they are. This has Marlie interested and she teases the sword that she is making it harder and harder to want to give back to Coye.
  • Marlie settles it down and offers an exchange. Tell her more about Coye and if Marlie finds the information good then she'll give the sword a Power up- one she doesn't offer to many other weapons because of how annoying it is to use.
  • Marlie explains that learning more about Coye is very important to her and it's worth the trade-off.
  • This gets the sword talking and it tells Marlie about the two years it's been with Coye. Marlie hears how Coye found it and about all the enemies they put down together and Marlie's sense of this towards respect for Coye is even more apparent than ever.
  • He interests her more now but she has trouble admitting that's what she's feeling. Marlie is overall just really intrigued about what kind of person Coye has to be to command this respect over his weapon, and she thinks he must be pretty nice.
  • Marlie also learns about recent events and the reason for Coye's sudden change in behavior but this is kept under wraps and vague.
  • The sword asks if Marlie is confident she can stop whatever she's afraid of, but Marlie is dejected and says no now it seems more unavoidable than ever. Coye is just like Britni, creating a storm around him wherever he goes. If she's lucky they will cancel each other out, but Marlie doubts it'll turn out like that.
  • Marlie sighs and says a deal is a deal before the room goes dark and she starts brimming with demonic energy. She takes her shirt off and suddenly pierces her chest with her hand and scoops out her heart. The heart beats even after its ripped out before hardening.
  • The scene ends as she starts dragging Coye's sword across her heart like it's a whetstone, calling it by its true name.

Tiph Plotting

  • Tiph is marching to her shed with barely contained rage. She tried to take something to calm her down, but it didn't work. She can't stop thinking about the match. About Coye.
  • She undoes her locks and steps in, throwing off her coat and marching up to a board on her wall filled with alchemical diagrams. We get a brief description of what she was working on before, but Tiph scraps everything and throws them into a cauldron of acid.
  • She takes up a journal from her shelf in the magic pen and quickly scribbles a sketch of Coye a smiling like a doofus that Tiph then puts in the center of the board. After she does, she hesitates and sighs.
  • Tiph goes over to a shelf of her experiments and looks through them hoping to find something- anything- that might calm her down or chill her out or make her a better person. She knew that none of them would stop her toxic personality, however.
  • She can't change who she is. A failure who can only ruin other people. We don't have the context here but she's thinking about her father. She might brush it off thinking he was right about me or something.
  • We get a deeper look into what Tiph is thinking. She's so upset about the fight today. Coye was never anything special, and just like her, he's a druggie. Yet here he is, the star of the entire Guild apparently.
  • Everyone fucking loves Coye- and she knows it's only going to get worse. Unless someone were to unmask him for the fraud he was, of course.
  • Tiph thinks she doesn't need something to make her a nicer person but instead something to make her even bitchier. She takes a potion of her own creation, one that amplifies negative emotions and sharpens one's mind when it comes to cold and cruel thinking.
  • We watch as the drug takes hold of her, and she becomes absurdly sure of herself. Coye needs to be brought down a peg- Britni or no Britni. She convinces herself Britni will get over it when she realizes he's not actually that strong and it's only the Pixie dust making him that way, anyway.
  • With her new state of bitch Nirvana, Tiph goes on a crazy montage of writing wicked plans to expose and humiliate Coye in front of as many people as possible. She fills up a lot of the board, but plenty of space remains. She realizes she doesn't have enough intelligence on him yet to fully come up with the best plan and looks to three sketches she pinned of Dorothy, Byng and Suzette. If she wants more info, she's going to have to flag them. It'll be tough, but worth it.
  • Tiph starts to come down from her high and it makes her feel low. Really low. She scrambles to her shelf to get something to perk her up but the lowness makes her question the point and she falls over, nearly knocking into the cauldron of acid.
  • Her father complex gets a bit more developed here as she thinks about what an idiot she is for using an unstable substance in her lab. She pulls herself to her mattress and laughs wondering what he would say if he saw her now.
  • Tiph looks back up at the board and questions why she went all that trouble. Destroying Coye wouldn't make her happy. Nothing would. It would just spread her misery like a poison. That was all she was good for. Destroying, corroding, and breaking things down into nothing.
  • Her life, her dreams, her family, it was a wonder she hadn't destroyed her friendships with Britni and the others yet, but she can't help laughing knowing that going through with her plan to destroy Coye would probably end up doing just that.
  • Tiph decides to give it time. She won't pursue this plan until she thinks about it some more. Maybe there's still time to change her ways? She laughs that off.
  • Tiph is convinced she'll always be like this. People don't change, so why bother making an attempt?

Coco/Britni Lewd

  • Coco is dreaming a vague dream. There is an endless hall of stone and she's wearing a pretty dress. The hall is so much bigger than her and she's looking for her mother. She sees the nice man with the nice smile coming out of a room at the end, and just like always, Coco feels like something is amiss.
  • He wants to pet Coco, but is holding himself back.
  • She always tries to get closer, but the nice lady always stops her. Why? She doesn't understand and it makes her upset, she whines in her sleep and rolls around, kicking.
  • Britni gets annoyed and shakes Coco awake. They're both naked and it's revealed they are at an inn together where they always go to have sex. At first it looks like Britni is trying to comfort her, but when Coco tries explaining her dream, Britni doesn't listen. Like usual. Coco frowns but locks the pain inside.
  • Britni can't sleep and she gets gropy. Playing with Coco but never giving her enough. Coco is very frustrated and wishes she could've just let her keep dreaming because it's not like she's going to get any relief.
  • Coco whines and says she already gave Britni lots of love earlier. We get a quick rundown of everything that happened. After things wrapped up for the day, they both agreed to head out alone because of one reason- Britni was very turned on earlier and she needed attention.
  • Like a good girl, Coco made her Mistress happy many times over, but it wasn't enough.
  • Coco tries to say she's not in the mood and that she just had bad dreams, but Britni gaslights her by complaining how Coco isn't the only one that has bad dreams. She reminds Coco how bad hers are and how she has to take medicine for it and that predictably gets Coco feeling sorry.
  • Coco is internally trying to justify things in her head, downplaying her issues, saying how Coco's problems don't matter and that she has to take care of Britni. It's very unsettling, will need to be careful about the tone.
  • Coco asked Britni about her feelings and Britni starts going on about how cool Coye was today and how horny it keeps making her. She can't stop thinking about it. Coco doesn't say anything, but she's feeling the same. That only makes her feel worse.
  • Britni then teases Coco about it by saying she knows how it feels, right? Coco tries to deny it because she doesn't want to step on Britni's toes, but Britni recognizes it. She asks Coco about how mate selection works for Beastfolk, but as Coco was raised in the wild, she doesn't know fully.
  • Coco says what she does know is that it's different than it is for animals. Beastfolk don't going into heat unless it's with someone special- someone that their heart knows on an instinctual level is meant for them.
  • Britni teases someone like Coye? Coco denies this. Britni gets on top of Coco and pins her, smiling naughtily. Britni points out that she can read Coco like a book and that there's nothing to hide, asks Coco if she thinks that Britni would really be mad if she had a crush on Coye.
  • Coco is adamant that she doesn't but if she did she might be worried yes.
  • Britni comforts her and says don't be worried. She has a plan for everything and Coco is part of it. She wouldn't let her precious pet down. Coco gets excited and tries to contain it, asking Britni what she means.
  • Britni poses a hypothetical. There is a single lady with a dog. She starts dating a man and they get together, and then the dog becomes both of theirs. Doesn't that make sense?
  • It does, but Coco is unsettled by it. She tries to pretend that this idea makes her happy, but internally she doesn't want to be a pet. She wants to be respected as a person. It gets worse when Britni says Coco will make such a nice present one day for Coye.
  • Coco feels invalidated by this. Stripped of agency and demeaned, but she fights against it by reminding herself it will make Britni happy and that she'll get what she wants anyway, even if she's just a pet.
  • Coco pretends to be excited and Britni is either convinced or doesn't care. Hard to tell.
  • Britni gives some dirty talk about how excited it makes her, but Coco still is isn't very into it. Britni things tonight is a special occasion and she pulls something out of the nightstand which she stashed earlier- a single-sided strap on.
  • Coco drools at the sight of it but knows better than to expect much. Sure enough, Britni commands her to wear it and Coco does so.
  • Britni starts to ride while Coco lays on her back. She is very horny and constantly frustrated that she feels no pleasure from this. Coco wants to know what it's like. It must feel really good. The entire time Britni and she have been together, Coco has not been deflowered. Britni won't finger her or use the strap on and has forbidden her from touching herself too hard.
  • Britni never finishes her off, either. As Britni brings herself to her first climax, Coco is jealous. She can't remember the last time she got to cum.
  • Britni is barely paying attention to her at this point, she's just riding and using Coco as a doll. Every now and then Coco will thrust around to make Britni happy, but she's barely even acknowledging her and is mostly saying Coye's name and talking about him instead of Coco. The whole thing is pretty messed up and we get a sense of Coco disassociating here.
  • Eventually, Britni wears herself out and cuddles up to Coco, calling her a good girl and kissing her. Coco is desperate enough to ask if Britni will help her, but Britni is 'too tired' now. Coco suggests that Britni can just lay there and wear the strap on while Coco does the riding, but Britni stops her there.
  • Britni explains no one wants a present that's already been opened, you silly dog.
  • Coco gets really quiet before asking if this was always Britni's plan. If Coco was always a present. She gets only silence as an answer as Britni is now asleep.
  • Coco lays there staring at the ceiling with a fake dick pointed up.
  • She doesn't know what she is anymore. She's not a wolf. Not a person. Definitely not a present. Not a pet.
  • 'Coco' was just the name Britni gave her when they first met, too. She doesn't know who she is, and she goes to bed hoping that the smiling man would pet her in her dreams and make everything makes sense.

Recovering at home + visitors

  • the next day, Coye is in bed at his home. He's still a little achy today but is feeling much better. Of course, the double blowjob he was getting helped a lot with that. Shayla is cuddled up to his chest, still exhausted from the day before. They talked about Coye's developing powers and were even able to replicate the telekinesis, but serious discussion was being put off until they were both feeling all the way better.
  • Even now his treatment has to continue or else he'll get backed up. This goes on for a little while until he finishes and Byng cuddles up to him as does Shayla. Byng teases him that he deserves this kind of treatment for being a total hero and she would jump him right about now if he wasn't still sore.
  • Suzette wants to go and check on the Guild and man the store for couple of hours but wants to come back later tonight. Coye understands, she has a life to live. Suzette wants to know if they can take care of him in the meantime and Byng and Shayla both joke about it.
  • Coye hoped Dorothy is doing okay right now. Shayla follows up on the talk from the other day and asks if he's wanting to make a move on her already. He's bashful and says wanted to wait until things calm down, but he's admittedly getting over excited.
  • Byng is on his side and tells him that she thinks Dorothy is as ready as she'll ever be for him to make a move on her. She had plenty of time to size Dorothy up the other day and thinks she has a pretty good read on her. Suzette is of a similar opinion but stresses it's important to let Dorothy rest- she needs it as much as Coye does right now.
  • Shayla proposes that since Coye will be going to the Guild tomorrow if he feels better, he can see how Dorothy is feeling. If she's doing okay, he can drop a suggestion that he wants to talk to her later on in the week. Don't be overt with it, but be firm that there is intention behind it.
  • Coye thinks that's a good idea and decides to go with it.
  • Suzette is fretting over how his return to the Guild might go. Everyone wants to see him now. Asks if Coye will do all right with all that attention.
  • He thinks it would've made him nervous, but after getting the spotlight he doubts it's going to be much trouble. Byng says it'll be cool as she will go there with him and keep people off of his back if she needs to. Coye is firm that he needs to talk to Dorothy alone, though. Byng teases him and understands.
  • Suzette is putting the finishing touches on her makeup and she expresses her annoyance at Auguris. That man seemed very stubborn and hardheaded- she finds it hard to believe that he would really give up just because Coye won.
  • Coye mentions wanting to talk to Auguris, and Byng is skeptical about why. She thinks he's up to something.
  • Suzette makes a joke about how if she never sees Auguris again it'll be too soon. She can't stand the thought of looking at him after how much pain he caused Coye. Her eyelid twitches at the thought of him and she's about to say something else but then there's a knock at the door.
  • Shayla is put under the hat on the nightstand and they stuff Coye under the blankets to conceal his naked body.
  • Suzette opens the door and of course it's Auguris. He gives a very stiff greeting and asks if this is where Coye lives. Suzette has to restrain her rage and looks at Coye saying he has a guest.
  • Everyone finds the situation funny and Coye tells Auguris he can come in. His face is fully healed from the two punches Coye gave him.
  • Auguris makes some autistic comment about Coye's house that comes off as really stupid and rude even when it's not meant to be. Suzette excuses herself, unable to take much more of this. She wishes Coye well and says she'll be back later tonight.
  • Auguris wonders if he did something to offend her. Byng jokes with him and Auguris doesn't get it but continues. He brought Coye a stupid get well gift, obviously something rock related. He gets a placid thanks. Coye asks if Auguris is here solely to which Coye well and the answer is obviously no. He doesn't feel bad about what happened. They had a competition and the both of them performed to the best of their capabilities-
  • Coye interrupts and ask what percent of Auguris's power was he using, Auguris hand waves this as relevant and he doesn't want to downplay Coye's victory.
  • Coye smiles a little bit. Auguris doesn't want to downplay Coye's victory, and yet the reason he's here today is...
  • To ask Coye to be his assistant anyway. Shayla is like is he for real, but he obviously is. Byng gets defensive and asks how stupid he is, Auguris takes her literally and says he's very smart, but Coye settles Byng down and confronts Auguris.
  • Coye runs through what Auguris even wants. He wants someone to tag along with him on certain quests and fieldwork. Coye doesn't see what value he would have for Auguris. The value isn't the problem. It's that when Auguris is doing fieldwork, he becomes completely enraptured and doesn't pay attention to the world around him. It's very inconvenient.
  • So Coye believes that Auguris wants someone to essentially fight all of his battles for him. Yes, more or less. Shayla thinks this is absolutely stupid, but Coye surprises her by accepting on the spot. She asks what he's thinking and he telepathically tells her to think about it a little bit more.
  • Byng spells it out. Essentially, Coye accepts because he be doing when Byng does. He'll get to tag along and earn points on Gold-ranked quests and test himself to become stronger, which he couldn't accept on his own. It'll be good for his career and he's very motivated to become stronger so he thinks Auguris for the opportunity.
  • Coye is strict with him though and reminds him of the bet, and Auguris is totally fine with keeping to his word obviously. He will remain in deference to Dorothy in all matters from this point forward as long as he stays at the Guild. Byng is upset that she can't tag along because of her lower rank, but this motivates her to keep working harder.
  • Coye wants to know how often this will be and Auguris admits not that often but every now and again he'll show up asking for help. Coye is cool with it. The two share a nod of respect and Auguris leaves after commenting on the fight and making some vague apology about being sorry for underestimating Coye.
  • Coye responds in kind and Auguris leaves, but his way is blocked. He turns to Coye from the door and says he has more visitors, asks if he should let them in. They wonder who it could be but then they hear Coco saying no one tells her what to do. Coye smiles and says it's all right.
  • Auguris leaves and is replaced by Marlie and Coco, who let themselves in. Marlie is visibly weaker than normal on account of her heart thing. Coco started sniffing around the place immediately but is put on edge because she smells lewd activity had just taken place. Coye beats around the bush while Byng starts to pull up the blanket and tell the visitors that Coye's naked under here and she just sucked his dick. Coye gets embarrassed at that but Marlie is amused.
  • Coco doesn't freak out how he expected she might, though. He asks what they're here for and Marlie says a couple reasons. She turned to Coco and nudges the girl. Coco wanted to say that he was really cool yesterday. Is that all? She blushes and admits yes that was all. Also she just wanted to come here and Coye said she could so is that a big deal? No. It isn't.
  • Shayla mentions that Coco seems a little off and Coye comments on it. He learns that Coco had a bad night and doesn't want to talk about it. Instead, she started sniffing all around the cabin inspecting it. As for Marlie, she has more pressing business. She walked up to the bed and summons Coye's sword for him.
  • She tells him that she said to take good care of it and look where it got him. Coye is lucky she's even bringing back. Byng is like oh yeah I was wondering about that. Coye is happy to see his sword but questions why Marlie is looking so tired. She tells him never mind and his sword is more important right now.
  • Coye handles it and notices a difference. First he asks wasn't it cracked the other day? He was out of it because of how much damage she'd taken but he was pretty sure he felt it crack. Marlie tells him you're welcome. That isn't all that's different, though. Coye gets the impression that she did something to the sword and asks her but is interrupted by Coco suddenly inviting herself onto the bed and laying near Coye's feet.
  • She scratches at it and make yourself comfortable and Byng teases whether or not they can help her. Coco can help herself. She wants to lay down and she wants to do it here. Someone reminds her that he's naked under the blanket and she blushes but surprisingly says so? Coco does what she wants. What about Britni?
  • Coco doesn't want to talk about Britni right now. They look to Marlie who isn't sure what that's about.
  • Anyway, Coye turned his attention back to the sword and Marlie confirmed she fixed it and tampered with it a little bit. She gives him some cryptic advice and tells him the sword's name, he thanks her, but she wants to be thanked by him taking better care of the sword. She warns him that she is not giving it back next time, it's an even better one than she thought. Shayla is surprised to hear this after the crap she said about it the other day and she feels bad.
  • Coye asks if she will explain more about the sword but Marlie is evasive. She wants him to prove that he is worthy and figure it out on his own. She cryptically hints Coye has to figure out everything else going on with them anyway, so what's a little more work? She doesn't outright say she knows about Shayla but she hints that she knows something is going on with his magic.
  • Marlie and Coco get ready to leave, but Coco is reluctant. Coye says she can stop by later this week and they can have another fight, which pleases her and gets her to go for now.
  • Shayla comes out and says it's just one thing after another lately. Byng says it's only going to get worse when he gets back tomorrow. Coye knows but is eager to face the future even if he doesn't know what is going to be like. He's starting to get tired and Byng suggests another nap but Coye has a request first.
  • They guess that he wants to get off again, and he does, but it's a more specific request. He wants to be comforted. Byng is into it and asks for more info. Everything has been so crazy lately that he just wants to be spoiled as he lays on top and does what he wants.
  • Byng thinks she can manage that and there is a short sex scene with Coye on top as Byng talks gently to him. There is some praise mixed in, stuff like how proud of him she is and that she believed in him the entire fight. Cute wholesome stuff like that. Shayla still tired but she chimes, too. He lasts long enough to get them off but is quickly taken by sleep after that.
  • Byng and Shayla have a small conversation about Coye being cute and then about themselves. Shayla is starting to feel little bit better and she mentions how she could barely help during the fight yesterday. Byng shares similar concerns and they believe Coye is going to be out of it for a while so she suggests the two of them do some training together and bond. Byng has to get stronger for the stuff with her God after all. Byng teases if Shayla feels like dodging some arrows and Shayla flips around and asks her the same thing. You shoot them at me and I'll catch them and shoot them back, both of us try to dodge. Just obviously no arrows with sharp points.
  • They head out together and get in a lot of good training.

New Normal at the Guild

  • the next day, Coye and Byng are headed for the Guild. Coye has his cards. Suzette stopped by last night but separated from them to go back to her store this morning. Coye is feeling all the way better, and before he even makes it to the front door he's met by the adventuring party he helped out. They all apologize to him directly and call him really cool, the knights want to spar with him sometime and the girls are conservatively flirty.
  • Shayla is astounded, but Coye doesn't show much interest in them. He establishes is not like he's into any girl at the drop of a hat or anything.
  • Before the conversation can go much further, someone steps out from the front door and sees Coye. This person calls out to the rest of the Guild saying that he's back, and a whole swarm of people start crowding him and Byng. We get lines from recurring adventurers all trying to talk to Coye and he's polite with all of them but mentions he's busy right now.
  • The crowd is dejected, but proposes that he will hang out in the lounge later today if anyone wants to talk then? He shy about this, but it's evident that Coye is enjoying his attention to a degree. Shayla is really happy to see it. Having more friends will do him some good she thinks.
  • They clear out and Coye has a quick talk with Byng before they head inside. He asks her what her plan is and she is going to take on some quests for herself today. Coye has been really shining lately and she doesn't want to fall behind. Says she is going to start making an even bigger push for silver rank. Coye is proud of her decision, but Byng thinks it's really annoying how Association won't tell you how close you are or not.
  • Coye reckons she has to be close, but Byng is like I will be soon just watch. They share cute moment where there about to kiss interrupted by Britni coming through the front door. Things are awkward for a moment, a mix of emotions on Britni's face. Shayla tells Byng to kiss Coye anyway and make her mad but Byng's surprisingly shows restraint and doesn't.
  • Coye greets the bully who is heading out on a solo quest. Britni is polite to him, if a little rough. Byng even tries to be nice to her. Coye thanks her for paying his healers fee but this embarrasses her, because he cutely smiles at the fact that Britni bet on him.
  • He actually has the nerve to tease her little bit and Britni is receptive to it but still prickly. She makes sure Coye is feeling better and then starts to take off. As she goes, Coye is struck with inspiration and he calls after her saying they should go on that quest sometime. Byng is apprehensive as is Shayla, but Britni looks over her shoulder and is evasive. She reminds him that he has to go see Dorothy doesn't he? That's who he's here for today.
  • Coye confirms and Britni leaves. Byng make sure he's not actually trying to hook up with her and Coye says no but feels like something is different about her and that maybe there's a chance she might be getting better? Shayla does agree that something is different about her but they have more important things to worry about. She's right about Dorothy.
  • They head inside together and are surprised to see Tammy sitting with not Dorothy but one of the maids.
  • There is some light banter with Tammy who is showing off her new partner in a sarcastic way. Coye is relieved that Dorothy won't have to do it alone anymore. Tammy would almost feel offended if it weren't true. Where is Dorothy. In her office. She actually slept all day yesterday and only got up this morning.
  • Coye is worried at first but Tammy tells him not to, she's doing great. Coye and Byng go to the lounge and they split up at the quest board in front of Dorothy's office. She claps his back and tells him to do his best in there, and he tells her to do the same.
  • Coye knocks on the office door and calls out to Dorothy who tells him to come in. She's looking healthier than he can remember. Shayla is shocked to see her doing so well. They both notice she turns red and a little bit evasive whenever she looks at Coye but only Shayla recognizes there's a bit of arousal. She smirks, deciding to keep that to herself because it would be more fun.
  • Dorothy tells him to close the door and come in, but Coye surprises her by locking it. She mumbles about how he can have a seat, but Coye pulls another move and walked straight past her desk to seat himself at the rarely used couch behind it.
  • He pats down the area beside him, gesturing for Dorothy to join him. She is very nervous about his forwardness and she tries to mumble something just because but he firmly tells her to come sit with him. This activates her submissiveness and she joins him.
  • Once she's actually there, Dorothy isn't worried about anything. It feels natural being next to Coye. She gets relieved. Coye starts off with some small talk, jokes about how he heard she was feeling sleepy.
  • Dorothy admits to sleeping all day yesterday but in her defense, she needed it. Coye smiled at her and says she doesn't need to justify it. He's just glad she's okay. Dorothy asks the same of him and he wishes he could tell her he got to rest all day but he had visitors. He tells Dorothy about his plans to start adventuring with Auguris occasionally. She's happy as his Guild Mistress but concerned as his- she pauses as she considers what she is to Coye before going awkwardly with friend. The kinds of quests Auguris takes are extremely dangerous.
  • Coye wants to get stronger. Dorothy is like stronger than your father? Coye laughs and says no one is stronger. Shayla notices the strange shift in Dorothy's behavior, but she changes the topic and asks if Coye had a nice restful day besides his rude visitor.
  • He did, even if it wasn't a very restful and he had to get treatment a few times. Dorothy doesn't get the implication until she does, remembering his condition and the strange mushroom he claimed to have eaten that caused his arousal problems.
  • Coye is evasive about that but confirms yeah. Dorothy is glad he's keeping on top of it at least, but the conversation goes awkward. Coye does the most shocking thing of all so far and takes her by the hand. Just that is almost enough to make her pass out, and he stares into her eyes before asking how she's really doing.
  • She sweats very, very hard into his palm but ends up gripping it tight and she starts to open her heart. Dorothy is doing better. Much better. Better than she's been in... Ever?
  • She doesn't want to sound overly dramatic, but she can't help admitting that it's all Coye's fault. He tries to point some of the blame at her, saying she stood up for herself at the end when it mattered most. She says she only could've done that because Coye was there for her and it encouraged her to try a little harder.
  • Coye asks if this means she can't keep it up without him, and Dorothy nervously admits she doesn't want to be away from Coye long enough to find out. Shayla is like oh my God just kiss her already I don't even care anymore. It's too sweet for her to handle. Surprisingly, Coye knows better and doesn't want to rush this. He had a plan today and was building to something. Shayla relents after she is told.
  • Coye asks Dorothy if she's doing work today and Dorothy says no, she's not pushing it today, she was just enjoying some alone time in her office. She was planning on getting back to things tomorrow or the day after. Coye decides to test how obedient Dorothy will be and stresses to take the next two days off. She is confused at first and asks why two but surprisingly listens to him after he justifies it with because I told you to.
  • He reminds her that she asked him to tell her what to do more often and jokes that he could stop if she wants, only to find she is strangely defensive and doesn't want him to stop. She gets embarrassed at her sudden reaction and tries to move along but he's happy to tease her.
  • Dorothy asks about Coye's magic and whether or not he found a tutor who works for him. Coye is evasive, especially when Dorothy starts asking what exactly Coye did to Auguris's armor at the end. It seemed to be a jinx, but a really powerful one. We get a reminder that Dorothy is very sharp and as a Guild Mistress she is well-trained in knowing all about different styles of fighting and magic and all that stuff. She's not accusing him of anything but she does sound suspicious
  • Coye promises her he's going to tell her the truth soon but the time has to be right and asks if she'll understand. Of course she agrees and is just happy that he is going to share more of his life with her in a roundabout way. Then move things along by showing her he brought his collection of cards.
  • Dorothy lights up and almost snatches the binder out of his hands before asking can I? Coye teases that Dorothy doesn't need his guidance on everything, does she? She shows a rare yet cute grumpy side and teases him back a little as she starts going through his cards.
  • It doesn't take long, he only has a couple pages full by now, but Dorothy still finds some cards she's never seen before. When she starts talking about one of them, she is suddenly shocked to discover Coye's hand is on her thigh. She looks right at him bright red and notices he's slightly blushing but is otherwise acting like nothing is out of the ordinary.
  • Dorothy decides on not making a big deal out of it, at least as much as she can help it. She tries to ignore it but she is very nervous and also into it. Shayla congratulates him for pushing his luck.
  • Dorothy tries to nervously talk about the card game itself and asks Coye if he's ever played the actual game. He hasn't and Dorothy mentions she hasn't either. She awkwardly asks if he wants to learn how to play and Coye does.

Dorothy Game

  • we get a brief rundown of how to play RealMonster and a breakdown of the different types of cards. I'm not going to make up an entire damn card game, so it's just going to loosely reference mechanics of some of the card games I've played in my life.
  • What's important is that Coye barely follows along and that this isn't like playing a peasant story. It takes him time to get there but he has a rudimentary understanding of the rules. On the other hand, Shayla is super into it. She sees it as a game of bluffing and grandstanding and really wants to try it for herself. Coye scheme to remind her that she thought it was lame but she won't hear it.
  • Now that he knows the rules, Dorothy awkwardly asks if he wants to play a game. He does. He senses an opportunity here to segue into the direction he wanted to take this and is eager. Shayla senses that he's up to something. Dorothy takes from one of her drawers a pair of starter decks that she never opened and sits at her desk, asking if he wants to play with her. He teases her for being forward and she is actually receptive this time, having gotten a little used to it . She calls him terrible and he says guilty.
  • She shows off the structure decks. One is Dragon themed and the other is appropriately fairy themed. Shayla almost can't believe the odds. Dorothy lets him have first pick and he obviously goes with fairies. Each deck is sixty cards. He opens the deck up and Shayla is astonished to see all the different art of the fairies, including the standard holographic Titania the fairy Queen. She wonders if that's what she really looks like. Coye asks and Dorothy is very knowledgeable about fairies as it turns out, she rattles off some different trivia while spelling out that no, obviously it's just an artist rendition.
  • Coye looks through the other cards and sees that the deck is themed around seven great fairies(potential foreshadowing if I want these to actually be plot elements) which each make their home in one of Karnalle's seven provinces.
  • Even as complete newbies to the game, Coye and Shayla both think that this deck is incredibly weak. Each of the fairies have powers that contradict each other and there is no real win condition other than get Titania onto the field and hope for the best.
  • The first game begins and Coye plays so poorly that Shayla can't believe him until he has to spell it out for her that he's playing badly on purpose. First off, it's part of his plan. Second, Dorothy is having the time of her life getting to play and win. She looks super cute and role-plays with her cards, making Dragon noises and other awkward things. He wants to enjoy this side of her for a little longer.
  • They play three whole games and Dorothy wins each time. She just keeps getting happier and happier, but at the end she's starting to feel bad for Coye. She suggests maybe they switch decks or they could stop playing if he wants, but Coye teases her and asks if she's underestimating fairies.
  • Dorothy gives a nerdy response about how powerful fairies are and Shayla almost accuses her of being a suck up if she didn't like the way Dorothy's comments boosted her ego. Coye proposes a bet. Dorothy is surprised at first but he reminds her that betting is the new norm around here and she has no choice but to concede that.
  • Coye suggests a two out of three match. The winner can command the loser to do anything they want. Shayla asks if he's taking lessons from Byng. Dorothy stammers anything? Coye teases if she's too afraid then they don't have to, but-
  • Dorothy interrupts him and says she just wants to know what to expect. Coye continues teasing, saying she'll have to accept if she wants to find out. Dorothy starts to speak but Coye points out it would be pretty incriminating if she accepted. That would imply Dorothy is okay with anything happening, wouldn't it?
  • Shayla understands that Coye is looking for a way to test how comfortable Dorothy is with him making moves on her while also giving her the power to say no. She thinks it's a little ingenious of Coye and indicative of how scary he's getting in a way. He wants Dorothy to admit she wants to be messed with.
  • Dorothy is incredibly nervous but ends up giving Coye what he wants. She accepts the terms and Coye teases, wondering what it could be that she wants to make him do so badly. Dorothy gets flustered and says that isn't the case and he reverses it, teasing that she must want Coye to win so he can tell her what to do more? She is bugging out in response to that and cannot compute, eventually admitting she's curious, alright?
  • She's never done anything remotely like this before. Flirting, that is. I don't know if she says it directly but that's what she means. She admits that she is really bad at it but Coye explains that he likes that about her. Dorothy lights up and tries to change topics to start the match.
  • They shuffle their decks and the true extent of Coye's strategy is laid bare to Shayla. He tells her to jinx Dorothy's deck right then and there and to do it every time she draws a card. It comes out of nowhere and Shayla is shocked. She's down for it, but why? Dorothy inadvertently gave him consent. By accepting, she's okay with whatever happens. This is what's happening.
  • Shayla make sure he's not going to push her too far and Coye tells her what he's going to ask Dorothy when he wins. Shayla approves of him cheating and thinks that won't be that big of a deal, but it's a good idea. The reader doesn't know what he says.
  • Dorothy draws a hand full of high cost cards she can't play on the first turn. Her luck continues as Coye keeps adding low-level fairies to the field and attacking her directly while she keeps pulling duds. She loses the first match and is really surprised. Doesn't even remotely suspect foul play.
  • Shayla notices it takes less mana than usual and keeps helping Coye out until he wins the second match and Dorothy is overcome with anxiety. She thinks about Coye and his sexual appetite these days, wondering if the time has finally come. She gulps, ready for anything as she awaits him telling her what he wants from her. She expects him to tease her but instead he's really nice.
  • Coye walks back behind the desk. She swiveled her chair to look at him and he leans in and rests his hands on the arms of her chair. They are only a few inches apart.
  • His demands are simple. Take the next two days off. Read books. Take naps. Eat whatever she wants. Don't care about anything in the world except for looking out for herself. Coye asks if he makes himself clear.
  • Dorothy is dumbfounded. Blushes because of their proximity but asks if that's really what he wants. Coye says no. What he wants is for her to have a nice, long bath on the second day, brush her hair, wear something nice, and to come visit his new cabin on the second night.
  • Dorothy is hit even harder by all of this as her mind is flooded with implications. He wants her to visit him. At night. After she makes herself look pretty for him. He didn't outright say any of this, but it's all right there for her to see. She can barely form a sentence.
  • Coye asks if Dorothy will do that for him, and to her surprise, her obedience kicks in and she answers without hesitation in an almost masochistic sounding way.
  • Shayla doesn't say it, but she thinks Coye just finished Dorothy off. She's essentially his now and that everything after this point is just a formality.
  • Coye is pleased and pats Dorothy on the shoulder, telling her that he's going to take off for now so she can start enjoying the rest of her two day vacation. Dorothy doesn't seem to like the idea of going but she can still barely talk right now. Shayla gets the impression that Coye is taking off early to leave Dorothy wanting more and again praises his strategy.
  • Coye leaves Dorothy and says goodbye, but Dorothy can barely process what's happening still.
  • Coye heads for a chair in the lounge and sits down as Shayla both congratulates him and starts to admit how scary he is- only for Coye to sigh and be hugely relieved. Shayla is relieved to find out none of that came naturally to him and that he was just acting super confident. Shayla couldn't even tell he was nervous. He couldn't risk it because then Dorothy might not react well. He had Shayla going there for a while.
  • Coye stresses that he can change as person all he likes, but he'll always be a somewhat nervous with Dorothy. He almost slips up and calls her his first love, but Shayla shows how much she's grown as well and says he doesn't have to hold back and that he can say first love.
  • She tells him he did good but they are interrupted by the door to the entrance hall opening and Tammy poking her head in. She casually greets him and asks how it went. They both hear what is likely Dorothy's head collapsing against her desk from sudden overwhelmed feelings. Coye says fine. Are they a thing yet? Coye has the courage to answer soon. Tammy ends up smiling a little and laughing. She warns him that a bunch of people are waiting to talk to him and wants to know if she should send them in.
  • Coye asks if Tammy will give him five. Normally, no because it would be funny. Today she's in a good mood so she consents.
  • Coye enjoys a brief moment to decompress before having a boisterous afternoon talking to his many peers. Minor funny note to add- Burkhart is covered in lightning scars following Britni's threats to kill him. It was a strange sensation, being the center of attention and making friends, but he liked it well enough. He was more excited about the future than he was making friends.

Minor Quest with Shayla where they talk about fairy powers

  • we open on Coye and Shayla out on a quest east of town the next day. He's not one to rest now that he's feeling better, and Shayla wants to talk with just the two of them. They are hunting something dangerous this time, something Coye considers above his station. The reason is that he wants to test Triple Strike.
  • They struggle against the monster but Coye is correct with his assumption that using the art two-handed results in success. He's able to replicate it multiple times and it doesn't use as much energy. The only problem is doing it with his shield is awkward. Comment about looking into a summonable shield. He also notices the improvements to his sword. It's a lot sharper now and feels like it weighs less.
  • During the battle, Shayla tries to get Coye to power her up like he did during the big fight. He's not able to and insists he doesn't know how he did that. Shayla is disgruntled, but we see that she's getting stronger and helping Coye in bigger ways. Her telekinesis stronger, her wind more powerful, and luck manipulation costs less mana.
  • Together, they slay the beast and have themselves sit down after it's done to cool off a little.
  • they reflect on how far they've come in only a couple short weeks. Shayla is shocked that she's getting so much stronger just because she can safely use her magic more often without fear of collapsing in the forest. Coye knows that magic is like a muscle you have to use it to get better at it.
  • Shayla turned the conversation to Coye's developments. She wants talk by the magic stuff but she leads with asking why he never thought to try Triple strike with two hands. Didn't his dad teach him everything he knew?
  • Coye explains that his dad taught him by example and that he's a man of few words. Shayla assumes like you? Worse. Coye's much better talking than his dad. Shayla figured that this explains some things considering Coye lived out in the wilderness with him alone for six years barely communicating.
  • Figuring out how to use the art wasn't what was on his mind. He's a little upset that he can't replicate what happened. Things have been so hectic that they haven't had a chance to talk about it until now but now is as good a time as any.
  • Shayla suggests that he runs through everything he felt during that brief moment. Coye says that his mana circuits, the nerves which mana flows through felt like they all popped open at the same time. Shayla asks if his mana is easier to move right now. Coye closes his eyes and tries it, finding that yeah, it still feels more open and free than it used to, but nowhere near as much as it did during the battle.
  • Coye then remembers how it felt like he had more mana circuits than he was supposed to, explaining how he could feel Shayla's like they were one body. When he powered her up, he was just moving his own mana into Shayla's body. She suggests maybe they could only do it because she was sitting on his head at the time?
  • She gets on his head and he tries to funnel mana into her and although Coye can faintly sense her circuits like he did last time, he's not able to get through very much. Shayla wonders if they should try the opposite and Coye says that's a good idea.
  • Shayla focuses on Coye for a while until she is able to sense his own mana circuits as well. It's faint, but she thinks she can do this. She places her palms on his head, closes her eyes, and tries putting her own mana inside Coye.
  • Only a little bit goes through, but the changes are profound. He has an immediate reaction and hyperventilates. His senses sharpened dramatically, his head darts around as he takes in all the new things, and his body is pulsing with arousal. He feels Shayla's tingly magic but all over himself inside. It doesn't last very long but Coye is like holy shit you live like that?
  • Shayla apologizes and freaks out over how it affected Coye, but he's actually into it. He wants more, starting to sound like an addict Shayla is like oh my God how the fuck does this slope keep getting slipperier? He asks her for more mana and she cuts him off saying absolutely not. They can experiment more with it in the future but it's obviously something they need to be careful about, Shayla has a bad feeling about it.
  • They need more information. If things go good with Dorothy, Shayla plans to make use of her knowledge. She tells Coye not to fuck it up because now it's starting to look likely that they need an expert opinion on monsters. Even if Dorothy doesn't know, she will likely be able to find any answers they need somehow.
  • Coye asks why Shayla never thought of this before and she reminds him you know why. Coye laughs and their talk is interrupted by some of the monster's young appearing, angry and about to attack. They both get ready for battle but when Coye draws his sword, something changes.
  • It shouldn't be, but he feels that the swords power is active. It feels more alive in his hands and he tests the power, discovering that the beam is firing better than normal and its magic looks more closely like Shayla's. They slay the other monsters and the conversation switches to the sword.
  • Coye decides to test whether or not taking damage will stop the sword from working like it used to he makes a small cut on his arm and fires off another beam, they find out that the sword now behaves differently. Marlie was right. Shayla wonders if Marlie had something to do with it, but Coye suggests the much more obvious scenario.
  • It's reacting to Pixie mana. Shayla isn't sure, her magic shouldn't work very well on metal. Coye reminds her of the times she's lit up his sword with light before. Didn't she say it was strange how bright the light was? Shayla thought it was because she was getting stronger, but now they think his sword is just reactive to fairy magic.
  • Coye swings around for a while and he's able to keep shooting off beams for a couple of minutes before the energy runs out. By this time, his body is starting to come down from the influx of Shayla's mana. The two connect this and Coye cheekily suggests pass along more of her mana to him. Shayla is like no way, he'll just become even more perverted and there's no one here to help.
  • No one but her, Coye teases. She counters with the fact that Coye just keeps getting increasingly frenzied and one of these days he's gonna hurt her if they're not careful. He understands, was just teasing.
  • Shayla has him hold out the sword instead and she flies close to it. She's hesitant about touching metal, reinforcing that metal is strong against fairies. Shayla does it anyway and is surprised when she is not uncomfortable at all. She's able to charge of the sword with her mana directly, keeping Coye out of the process. Coye notes that it's less strong than if he's the one powering the sword.
  • Shayla isn't surprised, maybe Coye is acting like some kind of amplifier for her mana? Or perhaps he is just more used to putting energy in his sword. Coye wants to know what she thinks they should do to progress from here. Same thing as always, one day at a time. Coye thinks that could've gone longer, but she says they've done enough for now.
  • Soon, Dorothy might be one of them soon and will have access to all of her knowledge about fairies. She'll know more about what's going on and trying to figure it out without her is just a waste of time. We need her.
  • Coye is smug but doesn't comment on Shayla's drastic change toward Dorothy. She dismisses him and tells him to start stripping the monsters already so that he can drop her off at Suzette's. He asks if she's going to be working tonight and she confirms.
  • Shayla and Suzette talked a little while he was napping yesterday and they're going to try and put some of her clothing out on sale tomorrow as a test. Before Coye's date. Suzette has been doing promo work on and off since they first started, she gets up to a lot whenever they're not around which Coye thinks makes sense. She's a busy woman and is proud of her.
  • Shayla reminds him that he knows what this means, right? Coye is afraid to admit it, but he does. He has to help the store out and model some clothes, doesn't he? Shayla teases and says he doesn't have to do anything, but she would suggest doing that if he wanted to prevent Shayla and Suzette from getting disappointed at him.
  • Coye upset but he's not the kind of guy who can leave his girls wanting. He agrees as long as it's not anything too skimpy. Shayla assures him it'll be tasteful. It's not like she's going to make him model lingerie. Coye is relieved, Shayla then teases that Suzette said customers have to pay extra to see you in lingerie.
  • Coye is fiercely blushing but Shayla is having a good time. He gets to work on stripping the monsters and we leave off on a wholesome moment.

Launch of Clothing Line 1

  • the next day, Coye arrives at Suzette's store. It isn't open yet. He is optimistic when he sees there are more people outside then usual. Suzette's marketing must've done a good job. Some of the townspeople actually greet him by name and give him a few cheers. He doesn't have Shayla here to guide him, but he does a good job with social interaction. He is slowly getting better.
  • One of the tough -looking men in the crowd, obviously one of Suzette's admirers, asks what his relationship to Suzette is. Coye is not intimidated and he answers point blankly that Suzette is one of his girlfriends. There is some murmuring about one of? But the man is actually friendly about it and clasped him on the back, saying after that show he gave everyone, he isn't surprised Coye is the type of man who needs more than one woman.
  • Coye awkwardly says that's a little demeaning and I'm not intrinsically worth more than one woman, not in those exact words or anything but it's just a joke because he gets cut off.
  • Suzette opens the door and asked everyone to wait just a little bit longer, then allows Coye inside after giving him a quick public kiss on the cheek. There is a wide range of reactions to this from whistles to jealous looks. Surprisingly, not all of them were jealous of Coye. Suzette could feel that a few were jealous of her.
  • The inside of the store has several new displays featuring a bunch of different clothing styles. A few were still empty and waiting to be filled.
  • When they get inside, Coye hopes this doesn't last. Suzette says he's currently the town hero and will probably forget about him soon enough if he doesn't keep standing out. Suzette wonders if he is capable of keeping a low profile now that he's just continuing his comical downward spiral.
  • Of course it didn't help that Suzette may have spread word that Coye would be attending this event and wearing something cute, but she keeps that to herself.
  • Shayla told you? Of course. She's probably exaggerating, it wasn't that bad yesterday. Suzette believes the truth is somewhere in between Coye and Shayla's claims. Coye concedes that that is probably fair. Where is she?
  • Where do you think? Suzette takes him back to Shayla's workshop. She's in the middle of working on three new bras at the same time, copying something out of a reference book. Coye greets her but she is too into it and dismisses him. Coye thinks it's cute to watch her indulging in her passion. He and Suzette talk about her as if she's not present.
  • Has she been like this all night? Yeah, more or less. She's had a few quick naps but ended up wanting to make as much product before release as possible. Shayla doubted how much she would get into this and this is the results.
  • They asked Shayla how much longer she needs and only about ten minutes before everything is done. The store is slated to open in twenty so that works out. Suzette has some tea in the other room and invites Coye to relax with her for a moment.
  • They both sit down at her sofa. Suzette says this is nice as they don't often get the chance to be alone like this. Coye says he could always find the time. Byng and Shayla would understand. Suzette thanks him but says he doesn't need to worry about it too much. She prefers having everyone all together, honestly.
  • She then rather pointedly says Shayla told them their family might be expanding in the near future.
  • If everything goes right, yes. Shayla thinks Dorothy loves him and he invited her over tomorrow. Suzette respectfully gives him some advice, but it's tasteful and not overbearing. Dorothy is a sweet, innocent girl who absolutely can't take the lead. If anything lewd happens, he needs to be sweet.
  • Coye says he's not assuming anything sexual will happen. Suzette advises that Dorothy would likely have feelings for him much longer than she realized. Now that she is aware of them, anything is possible. Coye isn't sure but he trusts Suzette's wisdom. He's going to confess, but that comes along with introducing Shayla. He isn't sure what kind of mood that will lead to, and even if it goes great, he doubts Dorothy will want hanging around for their first time if that happens.
  • Suzette mentions he could always drop off Shayla if things head in that direction. Coye thinks that even though he could run fast enough to be back and forth in only a couple minutes, it was still kind of kill the mood. Suzette agrees and thinks it's a tricky problem. Coye still isn't thinking about sex, he just wants everything to go okay and for Dorothy to accept him for all his faults.
  • Suzette is gentle and points out that Dorothy is incredibly flawed. She lists some of them and points out that Coye loves her spikes of those flaws, right? For most of them, he loves her because of those flaws. Suzette lovingly tells him that she might feel the same. Coye thinks that would be nice.
  • Shayla floats in and asks if Suzette is giving him motherly advice without her. Suzette jokes that she would never step on Shayla's toes. Good, she already has enough competition from fucking Byng of all people. Everything is ready now and Suzette starts taking the extra clothes while Coye is shown what he's going to be wearing.
  • He starts noping the fuck out. It's a cute sailor boy outfit. Shayla defends her decision and argues that it's tasteful, but Coye says it doesn't matter that it's tasteful if it's embarrassing. It's really bad. She also says that the book she read stated they're apparently really popular in Imperalis among certain crowds.
  • Coye demands to know what kind of crowd. Dashing boys who walk the streets at night? He continues grumbling.
  • Suzette comes back in and asks if everything is all right. When Suzette gives him an innocent and expecting look, Coye finds that is difficult to refuse her. He just wants Suzette to be happy and bites the bullet.
  • Shayla feels victorious and as Coye is changing, Shayla telepathically says we got him and Suzette winks back. He looks adorable. Suzette has one last favor to ask of him, she wants him to go in front of the crowd and let them in after giving a few words. She hands him a slip of paper that says what to say. It's apparently embarrassing and he doesn't want to.
  • Suzette propositions him. She alludes that when she buys RealMonster cards from the manufacturer they come by the box load. She gestures how big the boxes are and looks surprisingly had a shelf nearby at two boxes that are just as big. They are mysteriously giftwrapped, as if potentially to be given as gifts to one's beloved?
  • Coye is being blackmailed but in a very cute and wholesome way. He points this out that is blackmail but Suzette is like well feel free to not take them, they'll just have to end up on the store shelves eventually.
  • Shayla teases him it is like come on do it for Dorothy. You'll fight the strongest asshole in the Guild but not give a sales pitch to earn her some sweet presents? Coye cracks and says he'll do it for Dorothy- but he also wants a box. He gets teased for his demand but Suzette accounted for this and had one in reserve.
  • He heads off to the front door with Shayla under his new hat, unlocks it and stares at the piece of paper and not the crowd. He says the embarrassing thing and looks up after only to find someone had cut to the front of the line since he got here.
  • Britni and Tiph are there, having just seen him dressed in this embarrassing thing and saying the embarrassing whatever.

Launch 2

  • Tiph is high right now and even her growing distaste for Coye couldn't match with how bad the urge to laugh was. She wasn't interested in the clothes- maybe a little- but she thought today would be a good time to scope out Suzette and get some information off of her. This was even better. She breaks down into serious giggle fits while Britni stares like she's suffering PTSD. Coye just stares back at Britni in fear of whatever her reaction might be. She excuses herself and heads to the alley where we get a deeper insight into her thoughts.
  • We see her schism very clearly here. Coye looks cute as fuck in his outfit. She can't deny that. She wants to dress him up just like she dresses up Coco, maybe even see what he looked like with a little makeup on.
  • On the other hand, she imagines what her family would do to him if she brought a boy like that home. Worse, what grandfather would do to her. Britni wonders why this was happening. She thought he was getting better. More masculine, less girly. Did she have to bully him even harder? Was she going too soft on him? Her mind leads her to some dark places but before that can happen,
  • Tiph comes to check on Britni, showing she is still a good friend and even though Tiph is high she recognizes that Britni is having issues. She takes something to sober herself up really fast and studies Britni's condition.
  • Tiph asks if she has any of the potions she gives Britni but Britni checks her purse and there's nothing. We get a small description of what Britni goes through. Tiph doesn't know the full details, only that there's a shitload of trauma and that Britni is prone to losing her shit or reaching emotional extremes because of it. Literal PTSD exacerbated by schisms, basically. It's not spelled out but the reader should be able to figure out that much.
  • Luckily, Tiph always carries a supply of whatever potion she specifically crafted to help Britni get through her more severe episodes. This information is presented in a way that makes Tiph look really good and extremely caring for her friends. A sort of hint at the person she could be later on in the story.
  • Britni chills out considerably and Tiph talks her through the episode and asks if she needs to go home but Britni is insistant that she wants to look at the clothes. Cransmere never has any good fashion and she misses Perlshaw and Imperalis's stores so much. If what they got here is anything even close as good as what they had in the big cities then it is worth coming.
  • Britni even admits that she wants to look at Coye more. Tiph asks if that's really a good idea, but Britni is honest with her desires here. Tiph then encourages her friend if she's really that sure, while still having a sinking feeling in her gut knowing what she plans to do behind Britni's back. If all goes well, she'll give up on him after Tiph gets her hands on Coye. This does make her doubt her plan a lot, though. Could she really do that to Britni?
  • We cut back to Coye who is nervously talking to a few customers. He feels really awkward that Britni and Tiph are here, especially given that Britni keeps glaring at him. Shayla is getting weird emotion signals off of Britni. Britni is usually teetering between extremes but she feels more neutral and balanced now. Why is she making an angry face, then? Shayla posits that she's trying to look tough instead of trying to look like she's checking him out. Coye is told to give her little wave and see what she does
  • he goes for it and Britni is embarrassed at first before waving back. Interesting. Tiph feels worse again.
  • Suzette surprises the Bitches by going over and talking to them. It's nice to see Britni again, introduces herself to Tiph in some playful way that references the cafeteria incident. Suzette instantly recognizes like Byng and Shayla do that Tiph is a fake ass bitch but feels like there's more to it than Byng and Shayla. Suzette knows a thing or two about darkness and how people can be pulled out of it or liberate themselves from it. She tries not to judge too soon.
  • Tiph is awkward about it, like when a bully is confronted by their victims mom. She asks if there here for the clothes today or if Tiph was needing alchemy supplies. Suzette doesn't carry much, but she does have an entire rack of basic potions and ingredients. She gestures towards it and Tiph looks there.
  • She gets increasingly sour the longer she looks before eventually saying 'do you only have Drop of Everything products?' Suzette notices the venom in her voice and says it's something performative about how they are good quality and affordable. She's not an alchemist shop so carrying basic brand potions is enough. Suzette tries to make it less awkward by saying if she would like to give any advice on what to sell instead or perhaps pitch her own product-
  • Tiph clarifies she doesn't have a license and is barred from ever getting one, so if she's looking for a business partner then she had better look elsewhere. Britni is getting impatient and asks to see where all the sexy and stylish clothes are for girls like them.
  • Suzette leads them there and they are both very pleased with what they see. Even Tiph snapped out of her bad mood long enough to appreciate everything. Britni immediately asks if there's a limit on per customer sales. Suzette makes a mental calculation, weighing fairness as a shopkeeper versus potentially making Coye's life easier by Suzette getting a greater standing with Britni and Tiph.
  • Suzette is very sly about the occasion and says these? These are just for display. A pair of fashionable young girls reserved them before anyone else. Britni is really happy about this and she shows Suzette respect because of it, while Tiph feels more guilty. Excellent, Suzette just needs their measurements real quick. The designer will make them fit you better, Suzette promises.
  • Britni wants to know if there here and if she can meet them but Suzette explains the clothing designer is shy. That's a shame.
  • Coye realizes they've been talking for a while and he decides to come over there and make sure Suzette is doing all right. Tiph teases him about the outfit and Britni says something about it, too. Asks if they have more of it, things it would look cute on Coco. Sadly that's the only one.
  • Britni contemplated buying it but figures she would know Coye wore it through the smell so is probably not a good idea. Suzette addresses Shayla indirectly and says these to fine ladies are going to be making a big purchase today and that the designer is going to have to do some readjustments. Shayla doesn't know how to feel about her work ending up on Britni and Tiph. From the designer's perspective, she loves the idea. Both of them are sexy as hell and she can't think of better models for her work besides Coye. On the other hand, those two are problematic Bitches.
  • In the end she feels happy about it and Britni and Tiph leave for now with the promise to be back tomorrow for their clothes. The rest of the day passes by without incident and we get a rundown of how successful things were. In short, very. Both Shayla and Suzette are very happy with how the business went and Coye is relieved to get out of his promotional outfit.
  • Is a little past five now, and after Shayla finished tailoring outfits his Suzette asks what time he told Dorothy to visit. He didn't actually specify a time, so she recommends he head back soon before it gets too late. Coye turns to leave but Suzette doesn't let him just yet. She asks if Byng saw to him yesterday and that answer is a no.
  • Suzette insists on giving Coye some quick attention before his date tonight. Not for her sake, but for Dorothy's. Coye hadn't even thought about the fact that it had been two days since he got any attention and he started to swell when thinking about it. It's a painful one and Suzette gives him a quick hand job with dirty talk and encouragement to calm him down.
  • Now that he's feeling a little better, Coye rushes back to his home with the boxes of RealMonster cards and Suzette hopes for the best while eager to count all the gold she made from her investment in Shayla.

Dorothy and Tammy

  • Dorothy is almost having another panic attack and Tammy is very amused. We find out that Dorothy has been following Coye's commands to the letter, but it hasn't been going very smoothly. When she tries to read books, all she can think about is Coye. When she naps, he's there. She can't stop thinking about him and doesn't know what to do about tonight.
  • Tammy is trying to ease this along. They are together in her room. Tammy isn't even pretending to work today, and has been playing moral support for a while now.
  • Dorothy asks Tammy what you think will happen to her at Coye's house. Tammy assures her he has the best of intentions and he will act like a true gentleman. Dorothy is like really? You think so? Tammy says no I think he's going to try and get in your pants.
  • Dorothy almost feels it happen and freaks out, grabbing at her shorts as if to fight off Coye's imaginary hands. Tammy tries to calm her and asks what Dorothy wants to happen. Dorothy doesn't know. She just knows that he told her to visit his house and that she likes listening to him when he tells her to do things.
  • Tammy finds entertainment in this. She surprises Dorothy by flirting a little bit- saying that she's too cute and that if Coye doesn't hurry up she's going to eat Dorothy up herself. She says this in a really deadpan way, but she greatly embarrasses Dorothy. Awkwardly fumbles around and says she doesn't feel that way about Tammy but oddly stresses that Tammy is attractive.
  • Tammy brushes Dorothy often explained she was joking and claims to have never had a sexual thought in her head. Dorothy is kind of shocked to hear that. Never? Tammy thinks back to when she saw Coye with Suzette. She was curious about that, but didn't find it different from her intellectual curiosity about a lot of things.
  • Dorothy wonders it Tammy is asexual and Tammy shrugs. She's open to trying it sometime if she ever felt the urge, she just never felt the urge. Stop making this about me, were supposed to be talking about you.
  • Tammy asks Dorothy if it would be so bad to just go to Coye's house and do whatever he tells her to do. Dorothy doesn't think it would be bad at all, but she's scared. Specifically, she's scared that if she goes she will do absolutely anything he tells her. Tammy looks at the Dorothy. She is desperate, obviously horny, and really does look like she is already his willing slave.
  • Tammy teases her and asks what if Coye tells her to have his babies? Dorothy starts hyperventilating and Tammy realizes that was too far and has to calm Dorothy out of it. Dorothy makes sure Coye won't actually say that and Tammy is like probably not? Maybe one day. Dorothy is like yeah, maybe one day, you're right... And is obviously envisioning it.
  • She then collapses on the bed and sighs. What is she supposed to do, she wonders.
  • Tammy readies herself her the final round of encouragement. We hear some of Tammy's background here. Aside from her brother, Dorothy was Tammy's first friend. She has that in common with Coye. She wants Dorothy to be happy even if she can't show it all the time.
  • She asks Dorothy if she really wants to know what Tammy thinks she should do. She poses the question of whether Dorothy would be going to his house because Coye told her to or because she wants to. Almost instantly, Dorothy sits up and gets defensive. Of course she wants to go. She wants to see Coye and spend time with him more than anything. These last two days she couldn't stop thinking about him every second he was gone. She's about to ramble on but Tammy stopped her short and explains how Dorothy made her point.
  • Dorothy obviously wants to go there because she wants to and therefore she should. It's as simple as that. Dorothy start with a but, only for Tammy to cut her off and say she doesn't need to worry about anything past that. Dorothy wants to, so do it.
  • Dorothy is able to empty her mind a little bit because of that and she is thankful for Tammy. It's getting late and Tammy thinks Dorothy should start getting ready. Dorothy remembers how Coye ordered her to take a bath and make herself look nice and pretty for him. Tammy is like he actually said that? Dorothy blushes and nods.
  • Tammy is internally impressed at his game. Good thing Tammy thought ahead. Dorothy doesn't understand, but Tammy says to pick her clothes out for after the bath.
  • Tammy leave well Dorothy picks out the nicest clothes she has. She went with that tank top which was describe the other day and a pleated skirt which was reasonably high and she wasn't sure where she got it from. Thigh highs and casual shoes to make for a modest yet still appealing look.
  • Tammy comes back right as Dorothy starts to blush and imagine what she's going to wear her underwear. She has a small box that she offers to Dorothy. Dorothy opens it up and blushes, but the readers doesn't see what it is. It's obviously hinted to be lingerie but not stated what kind.
  • She freaks out and closes the box. She asks a bunch of questions. What is this for? Where did Tammy get it? What is Dorothy supposed to do with?
  • You're supposed to wear it for him. Dorothy doesn't know what to say to that. It's so skimpy. Tammy says that's the point. Dorothy doesn't know if she's comfortable showing off skin. Tammy counters whether or not Dorothy understands how sex works. You do know he's going to see everything, don't you?
  • Hyperventilation. Trying not to think about that. Tammy goes over to Dorothy's drawer and start looking through her panties. All of them are extremely lame and Dorothy is shamed.
  • Tammy asks whether she would prefer Coye to see her wearing granny panties or- Dorothy closes her eyes and owned up to it, admitting she would rather him see her in what Tammy brought.
  • Tammy is relieved Dorothy sees it her way. Seeing that Dorothy is still in rough shape, Tammy helps her up and because the mood feels right she ends up hugging Dorothy. Tells Dorothy she's doing the best she can. Tells her to go take her bath now and when she is done Tammy will help with her hair.
  • Dorothy insists she can handle it herself, but Tammy counters saying they've known each other for two and a half years and never has she seen Dorothy without tattered hair. Dorothy concedes the point.
  • Dorothy has one last question before her bath. Do you think Coye will want to play more card games with me? Should I bring the decks?
  • Tammy is like just go take your bath. She is very skeptical how this will go. Dorothy is a nervous wreck. At least Coye is smooth she thinks. Tammy is satisfied with all the help she's given and hopes for the best.
  • she imagines all kinds of office hijinks with her boss fucking Coye and how entertaining it will be for her to watch them grow together. As she hears the sound of Dorothy's bath being drawn through the ArcTech tub, a strange feeling starts to take hold in Tammy's heart.
  • She's jealous. Not because of Coye and Dorothy but just at the feeling of being in love. Tammy struggled with lots of feelings because of her disability which is left vague but seeing how crazy it makes Dorothy for him, she wonders what it must be like to live through that. For a moment she hoped to experience it for herself one day but had her doubts she ever would.
  • That was fine. She was happy on the sidelines just watching things unfold. Right?
  • Dorothy finishes her bath and comes out in a bathrobe, Tammy does her hair, and she puts on the secret weapon underwear and then the nice outfit. Dorothy nervously asks how she looks. Tammy leads her to the mirror and says what do you think?
  • Dorothy doesn't even recognize herself. She almost thinks she looks pretty, but her confidence stopped just short of that.
  • Tammy asks if she's having dinner with Coye and Dorothy says she doesn't know. They really didn't plan this thing out, did they? Tammy offers to go and get Dorothy a sandwich because she presumes she doesn't want the Guild seeing her like this for very long. Dorothy jokes you know me so well.
  • Dorothy is along with her thoughts for a few minutes and scared but more excited than she's ever been in her life. She doesn't know what's waiting for her at Coye's house but she's ready as she'll ever be to face it.
  • Tammy comes back with a sandwich as well as a cloak. Dorothy doesn't know what she'd do without Tammy. She packs away the sandwich fast, a comment about eating fast when she is nervous, and together they make it to the front door of the Guild.
  • Tammy tries to see Dorothy off, but Dorothy is frozen at the doorstep. It takes several moments, but Tammy asked Dorothy if she needs someone to walk her to Coye's house. Dorothy nervously mumbles that yes that would be helpful. Tammy sighs and takes Dorothy by the hand, walking her all the way to Coye's house.
  • Dorothy thanks her for everything now that they are in front of Coye's place. Tammy is as supportive as ever but is very stern that she needs to knock on his door herself. Tammy turns to walk away and Dorothy asks isn't she going to make sure Dorothy can handle it? Tammy knows she will. She gives her a thumbs up and then starts walking away.
  • Dorothy struggles with her emotions for several moments before finally taking the plunge and knocking on Coye's door, ready for anything that night had in store.

Dorothy visits

  • a little before that just before seven, Coye is pacing around his little cabin. Shayla is on his case about a couple things.
  • She's chastising him that he didn't tell Dorothy what time to show up, he didn't say if they would have dinner together or not and he doesn't have anything he could cook for her. Coye was enjoying some candy at the moment so it didn't mean much to him.
  • He admits he really didn't plan this out very well. He wanted to bring her over so they could talk and he wanted to invite her in a flashy way so he didn't consider anything past that.
  • Shayla points out he doesn't even have a couch they could sit at. It's either the table or his bed. Coye says if this is you complaining about improving the house, we'll do something about it soon. It's not, but Shayla is happy to hear it.
  • Shayla soon senses Dorothy outside, obvious by the extremely anxious thought patterns.
  • Coye wonders if he should get the door, but Shayla has the same mind is Tammy and thinks he should wait for Dorothy to summon up the courage. They both wait comically for several minutes until the knock finally comes. Shayla wasn't sure if it actually would or not at that rate.
  • Coye opens the door for Dorothy and is stunned at the beautiful girl standing there. Even Shayla is overwhelmed, but she notices she is even more deeply in tune to Coye than usual. She thinks it's nothing at first.
  • Dorothy tells him she's here and Coye starts the night off with a suggestive good girl. She laughs awkwardly and takes her hands. She blushes and he asks if she's doing well enough to be here. He didn't see her yesterday when he picked up his quest.
  • Dorothy manages to admit she follow his orders but it didn't go very well. Coye is distraught to hear that and offers to walk her back to the Guild if she's not doing well but Dorothy manages to tell him it's not like that. She doesn't think she'll ever be able to relax again until they have this talk of theirs that needs to happen.
  • That's fair enough. He leads her inside and Dorothy has a look around the place. He apologizes that it's pretty small and barren, but Dorothy likes it a lot. It makes her feel cozy, reminding her a little of her childhood home. Asks if Dorothy had dinner, thankfully yes.
  • Coye apologizes and comes clean that he didn't really plan this out very well. He was nervous. Dorothy is very surprised, he seemed very sure of himself the other day. This relaxes her a little to know that he's nervous like she is.
  • At his cue, Dorothy sits down at the table and is very unsure how this is supposed to go down. Do they ease into it? Jump right in to talking about their feelings? She almost wanted to burst out and be done with it, but she can't. Not without clearing the air about what Gloria talked about. Her motivation during this scene is that she wants to start a relationship of Coye but can't do so in good faith without mentioning what the Association said about his father.
  • It still hangs on her mind how she exploited Coye's trust in her to make him buy lots of things and she doesn't ever want to make him feel like he's being used again. Better to tell him all of this upfront.
  • Coye didn't know what to do either. Shayla has to help him. It's like all of his recent experience with girls doesn't mean a thing when it comes to Dorothy, at least not when he's so close to getting what he always dreamed of. She points out that Dorothy is waiting for him to do something. Reminds him about the presents.
  • Coye takes the initiative and tells her he got her something. Dorothy is very surprised and says he didn't have to etc. he takes out the two big boxes which he'd been storing under his bed and when she sees how big the presents are, she gets even more defensive and says he really shouldn't have.
  • Dorothy has been through a lot lately and she can consider this as a get well soon present. Or she can think about it as more than that. Coye doesn't want it to seem like he's pressuring her by giving her gifts, but-
  • Dorothy says he doesn't need to worry about that. She doubts that the presents will change her mind from the decision she's already made. Dorothy nervously states that she's here. They're going to have the talk. The implication is that she's already his.
  • Coye blushes and Shayla says told you. He tells her if that's the case then go ahead and open them. Dorothy nervously does so and is confused when they're just a box. Then she notices the name of the manufacturer on the side. She is shocked. A lot of collectors buy cards by the box load but she never actually seen one herself.
  • It's way too much, she can't accept this present she doesn't deserve-
  • Coye is strict on her and tells Dorothy these are for her and he doesn't want to hear her ever say things like I don't deserve nice things. Obedience kicks in, Dorothy is very dreamy about this one in particular. She accepts but offers a counter offer.
  • Playing card games with Coye was some of the most fun she'd ever had and she knows that he doesn't have very many cards yet so she wants him to split these boxes with her. Why? So that he has more options to deck build and play with her more often. Coye appreciates the offer but shows her the third box and mentions he already has one.
  • Dorothy wonders if Suzette had something to do with this but Coye cuts that off. He worked damn hard for these cards and Dorothy shrinks back at his sudden flustery behavior. He apologizes and Dorothy asks what he had to do to earn these. He tries to play it off as a secret, with Shayla teasing him somehow.
  • Dorothy still insists on splitting her boxes with him, but Coye ends up suggesting they just split all of them she's really so insistent. Shayla is like you fucking nerds are made for each other.
  • Now that it's decided, Dorothy seems like she's unable to focus on anything but the cards. She apologizes. She knows they need to talk about things, about us, but...
  • Coye is fine if she wants to open their cards now. It'll be fun. She wants to know if he's sure- this many cards might take a couple of hours.
  • Coye says he can walk her home no matter how late it gets. A few awkward moments pass as tension hangs in the air. Dorothy ends up asking if she even was going home tonight. Coye doesn't want to presume anything and Dorothy is awkward about it. He says let's just work up to it and have some fun for now, alright?
  • They aren't going to have enough room to open all of their cards on the table, so Coye takes the pillows off the bed and they sit together on the floor. Once Dorothy got started opening, she gets really into it and most of her anxiety clears up. Look up how many cards usually come in a box when writing the actual scene.
  • The hours they spend doing this are wonderful. Coye watches Dorothy go through many highs and lows. Upset when she gets duplicate cards, excitement when she pulls one she's looking for, thinly veiled jealousy when Coye gets one she wants, all that is really cute. Shayla is starting to think there's something wrong with those cards although she's mostly joking. They seem very addicting especially in large bulk quantities like right now. Coye and Dorothy keep getting dopamine highs from opening cards and it just keeps making them want more.
  • At the end of it, there is a gigantic pile of cards scattered across Coye's floor. Many trades were made, many common cards were gifted to each other if they didnt have them and so on. Dorothy is almost wiped out from the cards and says she was going to suggest they build some decks and play a couple of games but she doesn't think she has it in her now.
  • That's okay, Coye reminds her that tonight wasn't just about the cards. They'll have all the time in the future to play RealMonster, presumably. Once they sort everything out, that is.
  • Dorothy remembers that they needed to have a talk and some of her nervousness returns but she's definitely doing better now than she was before. She suggests that they clean up first and she tries to get up to help Coye, but she finds out her lower back has locked up because of how long they spent sitting on the floor. She gets embarrassed about this.
  • Coye offers to help her up and again she gets nervous and tries to do it herself before Coye reminds her that she supposed to be accepting help more often. Nervous, but concedes that he's right. She takes his hand and allows him to pull her up but of course awkwardness ensues as her back hurts and causes her to lean forward, pressing her breasts into Coye's face.
  • Coye is overwhelmed but instead of getting super aroused he forces himself into a Zen like state until she pulls away. She apologizes and he is very firm that she shouldn't be sorry. Shayla teases him and he's like yeah whatever, help me heal her.
  • He has Dorothy turnaround which is embarrassing but he says he'll help her and she trusts him. Coye then snaps his fingers like Shayla while Shayla does all the work. Her back feels a lot better but she's still confused about Coye's new affinity for magic. Coye assures her that this is one of the things are going talk about. He wants there to be no secrets between them. Dorothy believes the same.
  • She tries to pick up the cards but Shayla says she'll handle it and Coye does it again. All of the cards were scattered into several different piles. Rares, common, super rares, etc. all Shayla does is levitate these piles and organize them into neat stacks which are then placed on the center table.
  • Dorothy wishes she could do something like that but with paperwork. She remembers Gloria and her clipboard ring. Might be something to look into but she also things in my make her work too hard again.
  • Dorothy wants to know how they're going to proceed from here. It's getting dark, so Coye lights some candles and asks if she maybe wants to sit on the bed with him. Dorothy gulps but is okay with the idea. He's sorry that he doesn't have anywhere else to sit.
  • They both sit on the bed, Coye at the foot and Dorothy up against the headboard where all the pillows are. Things are a little awkward, but Coye is starting to get more used to the situation and he uses it to push the momentum forward. Asks if she's ready. She thinks so but doesn't even know where to begin. Coye does. We should probably get the most important thing out of the way first, shouldn't we?
  • Dorothy knows where this is going and she agrees. She apologizes in advance if she messes this up somehow or gets really quiet or doesn't know how to respond.
  • Coye is all right with that. He starts.
  • Coye blatantly tells Dorothy he is in love with her, he has been for a very long time, and he wants to be with her. If she'll let him be a little selfish about it, he blushes and says he wants 'you to be mine and no one else's'.

Deep talk 1

  • Dorothy is stunned. All the signs pointed to Coye being in love with her, but she never really put it together. Or maybe she was stopping herself from reaching that conclusion because it would've made things more difficult. Whatever the case, she is happy, nervous and overwhelmed. She starts to softly cry but tells Coye she's okay.
  • We then get a rambling confession from Dorothy herself. She loves Coye too. Probably not as long as Coye's loved her, but a lot longer than she ever realized. He was always the one she turned to for help, the only person she could rely on, and she was too stupid to realize how deep her feelings for him actually went.
  • Shayla is like fucking finally. The sheer amount of love and the room is affecting her as an empath. Shayla also notes how she seems to be more in tune with Coye than usual. She writes it off as just coming down to the high emotions.
  • The mood is really good right now. Coye says he wants to come over there and sit by her but that isn't a good idea until they go over everything they have to. Things are complicated and they can't move forward with a relationship until some things are made clear.
  • Dorothy asks if this is about Coye's harem, which she is now vividly imagining being a part of for the first time. She tells him that Suzette is amazing and that Byng is great and she regrets not getting closer to Byng sooner. Thought she was just a troublemaker who she had trouble getting to take quests but she's really nice.
  • Coye cuts her off saying it is about his harem but not in the way she thinks.
  • Dorothy is curious as to what this means but Coye says they should probably cover everything else first as this is really, really big. Shayla is a little nervous about her first time voluntarily revealing herself and is glad he thought about her.
  • Okay, but Dorothy still insists she doesn't mind sharing him. Harems are something only wealthy merchants and the nobility partake in, so as a rural country girl at heart she never imagined the chance to be in one. She doesn't even care if she is not his favorite-
  • Coye cut her off, a little (childishly) mad. He doesn't want to hear Dorothy put herself down and then insists he doesn't have a favorite. He loves everyone that's with him for different reasons and it's not a competition.
  • Dorothy is extremely happy to hear this but she wants to apologize for her self-esteem issues. She can't just turn them off. Coye clarifies that it's okay. He will correct her, but points that even this is something he loves about her. It's cute how Dorothy is one of the nicest, sweetest and most attractive girls he's ever known but she's just so humble she can't even conceive of that.
  • She panics and awkwardly suggests he swap humble for neurotic. Same difference. She asks if he'll allow her to get the most neurotic thing out of her head so that it stops eating away at her. Why me?
  • Coye is very firm with why he loves Dorothy. He gives off many romantic reasons, the way she gets so passionate, how she works hard to help as many people as possible, how smart she is, she's a lot of things that Coye isn't. Of course, taking care of him over the last two years when he didn't have anyone else and struggled to notice when people were trying to make connections to him. She was his constant.
  • Coming home from a quest and seen her smile after letting her know he took care of that thing for her was always the best reward he could've ever asked for. It was worth more than all the gold.
  • She does not know how to respond to this. Shayla find it cute, but then Coye doesn't know how to stop. His impulses kick in and he almost starts a similar rambling confession about how sexy Dorothy is and how bad he wants her, saying you have no idea how tempted I am to come over there and- then he realizes what he's saying and apologizes profusely. Not about what he said, he means every word of it and makes that clear, but that he can't control himself at times.
  • Shayla teases him nice save, he tells her he's trying his best
  • Dorothy is astonished that someone would ever think these things about her body. The biggest question on her mind is what he would've said if he didn't catch himself. She wants to know really, really bad and unknowingly scoots closer to Coye. She asks if his condition is making him more impulsive or something. More impulsive, yes, but also more honest.
  • Coye asks if there's anything else she wants to know before he moves on to that subject. Again, he clarifies it's a huge deal so he wants Dorothy to fully express any concerns she might have before he reveal the truth to her.
  • She's still a little shaken by the body comments but is taken out of it when she remembers she does have a few things on her mind before they can actually begin a relationship. Coye says to tell him all of them.
  • First, she wants him to know why she actually passed out the other day. It was a long time coming, but there was one thing in particular that set her off. She confesses that all last week she was struggling to comprehend the realization that she loved Coye. She kept denying it or rationalizing it and even avoiding it by running away from him as he remembers.
  • Coye starts to feel really bad and hangs his head, realizing this was his fault before she quickly corrects him. No, you aren't the reason everything happened. Not like that, anyway it's complicated so just hear me out. She tells him that she was probably getting pretty close to coming to terms with her feelings but then her inspection happened and the inspector implied something that set her off.
  • Coye scoots closer and offers her his hand which Dorothy takes and squeezes it tight.
  • She asks if he remembers how he was upset about Dorothy's sales pitches and felt like she was using him for money. Shayla feels bad and Coye says how can I forget. Well, one of the reasons the reviewer even came was to imply that Dorothy take advantage of Coye even further.
  • Shayla is shocked and Coye is mad. He asks what they said. She explains how she didn't know that Coye's father was a platinum ranked adventurer. Shayla hadn't even heard of the term platinum yet. Coye doesn't know where this is going and says a retired one, yes.
  • Dorothy struggles to keep talking and starts to cry. Coye takes the initiative and pull Dorothy in for a hug. He strokes her hair and firmly tells her to explain everything.
  • Dorothy does. They suggested that Dorothy seduced Coye to getting good with his father and try and tempt him out of retirement. They framed it like they knew his character and he'd probably rush at the chance to help his son's lover's Guild if need be. Coye gets angry and confirms he probably would.
  • After Gloria left, her break down happened instantly. She couldn't bear the fact that the Association would soil her developing feelings for Coye like that. She couldn't even come to terms with her love for him on her own without it somehow being dragged into work. She felt like they wanted her to whore herself out. Dorothy is crying by saying she loves Coye and doesn't want him to ever think she's using him ever again. She couldn't live with herself if they started a relationship and he found out about this after the fact.
  • Shayla was feeling so guilty that she starts crying, unbeknownst to Coye. Not only was she wrong about Dorothy using Coye for money, the fact that this caused her to break down as hard as it did just at the thought of him thinking that again brought her almost as much guilt as thinking about what happened to her mother did.
  • Coye's main take away from this is to separate and ask and you still want to fucking work for them?
  • Dorothy says it wasn't an official order. They were just discussing ways she could get her Guild more profitable and this one was an off the record suggestion. Coye doesn't think that makes it any better. Dorothy knows it's scummy but that's just how the Association plays. She doesn't want to quit being a Guild Mistress even despite this.
  • He's mad still but respects her decision. Dorothy thanks him for understanding.
  • Coye asks if that's the only thing on her end that was keeping them from starting a relationship and Dorothy admits that it's not. There's another one more personal that might be upsetting to talk about and she doesn't want to offend him. Coye reminds her that he wants Dorothy to be his and if there any obstacles preventing this, he's going to clear them. Tonight.
  • It's one he can't clear, she insists. Shayla gets a good feeling for where this is going and doesn't like it, warning Coye not to push deeper. He still insists on knowing.
  • Dorothy admits that it's about his lifespan.

Deep talk 2

  • we get narration finally explaining the specifics of how Elven immortality works in my setting. Elves are similar to fairies in that they are half flesh and half mana. Every elf or Half-Elf is born with a blessing from the creator of the Elven race, a goddess who is now a tree. This is all been in my head for a long time, but I will put the specifics into a lore document before it's time to write this chapter.
  • This blessing is an extra factor to their soul which gives them finite longevity, a blessing referred to as the goddess's tears or something along those lines. Every elf gets a thousand years and Half-Elves get five hundred. This is a renewable resource that can be extended by visiting the goddess tree, but it's monopolized by the high elves and is only given to those who can make substantial tribute.
  • Coye had four hundred and eighty years left of his life assuming he didn't die from other. Human life expectancy in Karnalle varied greatly, but for a well off Guild Mistress with great healthcare, Dorothy only had anywhere from 40 to 60 years left on average. Suzette had even less. Coye didn't know how long Gengaggi live, and was too afraid to ask.
  • He didn't like thinking about this at all. He didn't want to have to think about it until it was absolutely necessary. But he can't keep running any longer.
  • Coye reacts immediately and uncomfortably scoots away from Dorothy. She notices the incredible stress this topic brings him and immediately feel sorry. She shouldn't have brought it up, she didn't know it was a touchy subject for him, but-
  • but Dorothy doesn't want to have a fun couple of decades with him before she gets old and gray, right? Coye mutters.
  • She doesn't say it but that's obviously the case. She stresses that she's open-minded but is scared of Coye losing interest in her one day and her self-esteem makes it hard for her to picture he won't just move on.
  • His condition worsens as Shayla comforts him in his mind. She's full on trying to prevent his anxiety attack. She reminds him of what Coco said the other day. It is all kinds of magical bullshit, right? Mages live a lot longer than humans on average, too. There are ways.
  • Coye mumbles some of this. He says there are ways to extend lifespans, and reverse aging and even stop it altogether. He's bargaining, essentially.
  • Dorothy has knowledge of immortality and aging things as a Guild Mistress. There are monsters that indeed slow, stop, and gift immortality but they are usually insanely strong, rare, or monkeys paw type deals. There are alchemical solutions as well, specifically the philosopher's stone, but that's only theoretical. And then there's offspring to think about, she admits with a blush, Dorothy knows she's only making it worse but she just doesn't see how he'll just stop the flow of time for everyone he knows and loves.
  • Coye pictures it. He wants children. Lots of children, at that. Even if did procure whatever means of escaping death for he and his lovers, what about them? Could he just content himself with never having any so that he wouldn't have to outlive them, or what? He's doing even worse now.
  • Dorothy hugs him and tries to comfort him just like Shayla is doing. She says it's okay, he obviously loves her so much that it scares him to the degree that it does so she doesn't mind being with him, is confident he won't lose interest or abandon him. She sorry for ruining their time together.
  • Coye addresses Shayla in his mind, finally responding to her attempts at calming him. He remembers the way he felt when she put mana in his body and asks for her help. Shayla doesn't think that's the answer, it makes him really frisky, doesn't it? Coye begs her for even just a tiny bit to calm him and make him feel better and Shayla eventually gives in. She transfers a small bit into him and Coye does instantly feel a lot better.
  • The arousal is there, but more importantly able to come down from his tears. Something new is rising up inside him. Others would call it a coping mechanism, but to Coye, it was sheer determination.
  • Dorothy notices he's calming down and is relieved, until Coye starts to slowly laugh. Shayla senses the new emotions he's going through and it's a total whirlwind. Dorothy asked if he's okay and he looks up at her, his eyes glowing with magic in the darkness. It startles her until she realizes they're the most beautiful eyes she's ever seen.
  • Filled with his own ego, Coye laughs at the idea that he would ever let Dorothy grow old and gray. She's beautiful and Coye intends on loving her like a queen until the end of time itself. So what if immortality is hard to achieve? There's no point in living if he can't pound the girls he loves and fill all the realms with his immortal children forever.
  • Shayla is astonished by his sudden bout of egotism and Dorothy doesn't know what to think.
  • Dorothy, Suzette, Byng, and anyone else who he falls in love with will never leave his side. He mentions books he's read about coping with his immortality and how a lot of them said that life has no meaning without death and Coye firmly says fuck that. That's what losers say to justify the fact that they're scared of dying. Fuck endings.
  • The strange part about this is that as he goes on this egotistical ramble session, both Dorothy and Shayla are utterly convinced that he can really pull off what he's saying.
  • But then he gets out of hand. He approaches Dorothy and pushes her down, pinning her. He asks her if she is ready to live forever and she is a mix of scared and very aroused. She reminds him that there's something they needed to talk about still, right?
  • Coye says that can wait till later. He's wanted this for so long and Dorothy doesn't know how to respond. He starts kissing her and although surprised and worried, she is into it. Her first kiss. He's grinding against her and suddenly Dorothy watches his hat fall off his head and a frying pan hover over Coye's head before slamming into him unaware. He is staggered and Dorothy is like what the fuck. Wonders if they're being attacked.
  • Shayla comes out of the hat, embarrassed and apologizing for Coye's action.
  • Dorothy freaks the fuck out, unsure of whether to be more excited or afraid.
  • She introduces herself as Coye's secret and hope Dorothy doesn't mind if someone else joins their conversation.

Shayla talk

  • because he only took in a small amount of Shayla's mana to stem his anxiety, Coye snaps out of it and starts apologizing profusely. Dorothy doesn't know what to say still. She's mainly watching Shayla chastise Coye. She can't help comparing Shayla to the illustrations in all of her books and that sort of thing. Putting it simply, Dorothy is absolutely taken by Shayla and everything about her.
  • Dorothy understands that the gist of it is Shayla used magic to calm down Coye but it had an unintended effect on him and he has trouble controlling himself in that state. She considers it her fault for making Coye need to be calmed in the first place. Shayla is like he was trying to force himself on you!
  • Dorothy blushes and says she came here knowing that something like that might happen and she wasn't exactly struggling, was she? Being pinned down forcefully like that wasn't so bad...
  • Coye is relieved but Shayla is exasperated. She doesn't fault Coye. She make sure he's feeling better. He is. The mana wore off but strangely enough, Coye's views on death have trained completely. It's like his episode permanently altered his brain chemistry and made it unable to even think about death without remembering his conviction.
  • Dorothy is like so when you said you wanted to pound me forever and fill the realm with our children-
  • Coye blushes and looks away. Shayla elaborates that he has some sort of weird pregnancy fetish probably stemming from his lack of a mother figure in his life. Dorothy is in judging, she just thinks its a little soon for that sort of thing.
  • Things get awkward for a moment as Dorothy continues to stare Shayla. Shayla lets her do this before signaling for her to get whatever's on her mind out. Dorothy is just remarking how everything so much more sense now. The out of character behavior, the lock on Coye's door, everything.
  • She understands that he's addicted to pixie dust and its in a very advanced state.
  • Coye apologizes for lying to her, but- Shayla explains her phobia and Dorothy is extremely sympathetic. Cransmere has a very poor relationship with the fairies in the woods since most of them are bad ones. Shayla argues she's a good Pixie most of the time, and Dorothy is happy to hear that.
  • Dorothy wants to know more about why Shayla was important to their relationship. Coye is reckless and impulsive these days and he's not allowed to go after random women without Shayla believing they can be trusted and eventually introducing herself to them.
  • They also need to talk about the full scope of Coye's problems. Shayla gives an account of everything and even filled her in on what Eschal said. He needs more pussy and besides the ones he already has, Dorothy is the one he wants most in the world. Coye is embarrassed that she would phrase it that way.
  • Shayla asks how he would phrase it so he says it more romantically. He wants Dorothy in his life but he can't do so without her meeting and swearing to keep Shayla secret. Dorothy doesn't hesitate and says something romantic like how are you saying I'll get to spend the rest of all time with the boy I love and the most fascinating monster I've ever seen?
  • Coye's emotional and promises to make Dorothy happy and nearly goes on another immortality ran before Shayla reigns. Coye doesn't entirely let her and its extremely clear now that this is legitimately his life goal.
  • Shayla is like my God is your goal seriously to have sex forever and ever? That's most selfish, hedonistic bullshit she's ever... No, wait, it's actually a pretty logical escalation of his last goal just to take into its furthest extreme.
  • Dorothy admits she finds Coye's selfishness rather attractive. Shayla wouldn't go too far but compares him to a naughty pet that just keeps doing worse and worse shit who you let get away with it because it's funny. Dorothy doesn't see it that way. It's romantic. Like a hero out of a story or something.
  • Coye takes the chance to sit next to Dorothy and wrap his arm around her, telling her he's much better than that because he's real. She's nervous but into it and leans into his touch. It was really happening. They were together now.
  • Dorothy can't help but focus on Shayla and asks if it would be all right to hold her. Coye tries to protect Shayla, but she surprises him by telling Dorothy to open her palm. She is nervous about it, but Shayla gets on and allow someone else to touch her for the first time.
  • Dorothy marvels at the fact that she is touching a real fairy and asks all kinds of questions. Shayla brushes them off saying that she is going to be a big part of Dorothy's life from now on just like Coye is. There is time to get to know each other later. Shayla is something more important she wants to talk to Dorothy about. She looks to Coye and sisters him to get on with it.
  • Coye clarifies a little bit more about his condition and how he seems to be gaining powers. During his appointment with Eschal, he was made aware of the existence of fairy knights and how they are an actual class registered at the Guild. He wants to know what Dorothy knows.
  • Dorothy indeed has knowledge of the subject. She's read books on just about every class there is and can recall most of the details. She doesn't have any of these books but she can put in an order to borrow them from the Association. In the meantime, she will do her best to answer any questions.
  • Immediately, Shayla jumps at the chance to ask whether or not any of these fairy knights were able to change the size of their companion. Dorothy is confused. You mean you can't? Everything I've read said that the fairies could change their size at will to better attend to their partner.
  • Shayla and Coye are extremely happy at this news. It's really possible. They probably just have to keep getting stronger and everything would work itself out. Dorothy gives them a further rundown of the kind of things they can expect. The thing they already know is that they now share a pool of mana and can use each other's resources from now on as long as they practice.
  • Coye using Shayla's mana has a form name and the effects very depending on the type of fairy. A fire fairy makes the partner hotheaded etc. while a Pixie- Shayla interrupts makes the partner into an attempted rapist. Coye nearly dies of shame. Dorothy teases Shayla a little for the first time, saying it's her mana making him like that so what does that say about you?
  • Shayla gets frustrated but she appreciates Dorothy taking a jab at her and praises her for her spine.
  • Coye asks if he's going to act like that every time he tries to use Shayla's mana and Dorothy relieves him that no, he just hasn't mastered technique. Right now he should think of it more as a last resort and it should be something he trains.
  • Coye doesn't know how that's going to go. He didn't want to ruin the moment, but this entire time his balls have been aching as an after effect of the magic. Shayla criticizes him for being the worst segue into sex she's seen him attempt. Coye blushes and says that's not what he was trying to say.
  • Dorothy blushes but wonders about this. She asks if it's the same thing he feels after going a couple days without sex, and Coye says yes. Dorothy confirms the theory that Shayla doesn't relieve him because coming into contact with her sexually is just amplifying the fairy dust in his system. A girl like Dorothy could touch Shayla because her dust has no effect on Dorothy, but for Coye it will make him just want more.
  • Coye is glad they know a lot more now and really wishes they came to Dorothy sooner. Shayla agrees but is still disgruntled obviously.
  • Things get awkward for a moment and eventually Coye suggests he should probably take Dorothy home before it gets too late. She gets really fidgety and asks why. Aren't I yours now? The implication is obvious but Coye is nervous. He doesn't want to ruin her first time by getting overly aggressive. He's holding himself back right now, but stresses he won't be able to control it once he gets started.
  • Coye tells Dorothy he's normally submissive but been working on being dominant lately- Dorothy interrupts and says I can tell- but when he really needs it it gets pretty bad. Shayla agrees with Coye and says their first time deserve to be more romantic than this.
  • Dorothy surprises them both by disagreeing. Coye has done so much for her and she wants to do what she can.
  • Shayla says that is sweet and all but Shayla is here and it's not like Dorothy would want the company. The plan was to drop her off at Suzette place things started heading in this direction, but Dorothy surprises Shayla again.
  • Dorothy is actually very relieved that Shayla is present. She doesn't know if she could do this alone. Shayla is like what? Dorothy has never done this before and barely even imagined what it would be like. Shayla does this all the time with Coye, right? Then she could help Dorothy and teach her what to do. Shayla asks if Dorothy is sure and she reveals she's wearing something sexy underneath her outfit but is too terrified to even think about taking it off without help.
  • She's looking at Shayla with total respect. Shayla feels guilty and makes a remark about how she guesses she still owes Dorothy. Dorothy doesn't understand and Shayla is like I'll tell you about it later. She then looked at Coye and says what do you think, big guy? Do you want to wait for a better romantic moment or-
  • Coye cutely insists that he wants Dorothy. He wanted her for two years and he doesn't know how much longer he can wait. Shayla chastises him, but luckily Dorothy is into it. She is flattered that Coye wants her so bad. She's never known this feeling before and it is intoxicating- Dorothy thinks she could get addicted to it.
  • Coye crawls forward lustfully and says he's going to make her addicted to being wanted by him.
  • Shayla sets off some fireworks in front of his face, startling him and making him back up. Before they can have at it, Shayla insists they need to calm Coye down. She asks if he can behave himself long enough to get some service. Coye promises he'll be good. Good, Shayla recommends he get two orgasms before they actually do it.
  • Dorothy is intimidated. So you really weren't kidding about his stamina? No, or his amount. Shayla advises that Dorothy take her glasses off as she flies over to Dorothy's shoulder and perches on someone else for the first time. It's going to get messy.


  • the excitement in the room is unbearable. Coye wants to be touched, Dorothy wants to touch him, and Shayla wants to help these two awkward fools get it on.
  • Dorothy asked how they start. Shayla recommends showing him whatever lingerie she's wearing Dorothy's still can't bring herself to do so. Coye suggests that he get undressed to make her more comfortable and Dorothy really doesn't think that would help. Shayla teases you want to see it anyway, don't you? Dorothy meekly nods. Shayla tells Coye to go for it and he starts rushing ahead before she tells him to calm himself down and tease Dorothy a little. Get her in the mood. Dorothy is like what? But she continues on, telling Coye that he finally has Dorothy in the palm of his hand and he should make her want him even more.
  • This idea appeals to Coye and he does the best striptease he can. He remembers the way other girls have stripped for him and he does an approximation of it. Dorothy is astounded by just how pretty he is, never having given it too much thought until recently. When he gets down to his boxers and she can see the imprint of his huge cock, everything get so much worse. She's fidgety.
  • Shayla tells him to play with himself before taking them off. He does, but he's still a little sore. That makes him moan which Dorothy likes.
  • Now getting into it, she talks to Dorothy and gets her to admit how much she loves Coye's body. Dorothy is dreamier by the moment and Shayla keeps teasing about how much she wants to see his cock until she admits it lewdly.
  • Coye finally takes off his boxers and Dorothy moans the second she sees it. Shayla's like yeesh, because it's bigger again and slightly purple. Asks Dorothy if she sees that, yes, that's how bad he wants you. Dorothy can't believe it but Coye says it's true. Dorothy is shivering.
  • Shayla teases him just a little bit, that thing is going to be inside you. You want that, don't you? Yes. Shayla knows that Dorothy is submissive and that playing that angle will help her along. She can't trust Coye to do it himself right now because of his condition, so it's up to Shayla to keep things going. Besides, Dorothy is very fun. Shayla could get used to this.
  • Show her how much you want her, baby. Coye starts to stroke himself and continues moaning, Dorothy asks if it always hurts. Only when he is super backed up. Teases her that his balls are so full of cum for her. Shayla insists Dorothy is going to be a good girl and squeeze a couple loads out of him so that he doesn't destroy her pussy in a mindless rage. She whimpers at the thought. Shayla thinks Dorothy would definitely like that, but she still doesn't want things to end up like that. Better safe than sorry.
  • Coye showed you how much he wants you. Aren't you going to do the same?
  • Dorothy is scared. She doesn't think she's sexy. Mumbles about being chubby and so on but Shayla isn't hearing it. She has Coye crawl forward slowly and Shayla commands Dorothy to reach out and grab the base of his cock. Dorothy freaks out and Coye is super into the idea, practically begging her. Shayla makes Dorothy think it was her own idea by saying you aren't going to keep him waiting, are you? Just reach out and stroke it once. You can do it.
  • Dorothy does it. She focuses on the sensations, hardness, his reaction, warmth, the drool. She strokes it and sees what it does to him. Shayla asks if she feels it, Dorothy does. That's how sexy you are.
  • This blows Dorothy's mind. I did this? Yup, and who knows how many other ones? How many naughty dreams did you have about her again, baby? Coye whines at being embarrassed but Shayla moves along by suggesting she show Coye the body he's been dreaming of for so long.
  • Dorothy slowly starts to strip herself of her thigh highs, Coye drooling at the sight of her legs. Shayla suggests that she asked Coye if he likes them. He really does. Especially her thighs. They're so big and plump and- Shayla says alright alright don't over stimulate her. If it's not already too late.
  • Dorothy asks what next and Shayla says isn't it obvious? The skirt and the top have to go. It's her choice on which first. Dorothy elaborates that either one would ruin the surprise, Shayla says really? Asks Coye if he will close his eyes for a minute and give her time. No peeking.
  • He relents and Dorothy nervously undoes her tie and button up tank top before stripping. Coye has way too much excitement and once look, especially after Shayla was like holy shit that looks amazing. Dorothy doesn't know about that. Coye wants to look and asks if he can. Shayla says not yet and he thinks he hears Shayla whispering something to Dorothy, who then gasps and says that would be embarrassing.
  • Newsflash, Coye thinks Dorothy is hot when she is nervous and embarrassed. Oh...
  • There is shifting on the bed and Coye was told he can look now. Dorothy is on her knees with her hands on her knees, presenting herself like a good submissive. She is wearing a dark green babydoll and dark green lacy panties. At Shayla's behest, she tells Coye that everything will be okay. She's here to serve her beloved hero's every need and make him feel really good.
  • This is extremely stimulating for him and he wants to get closer but Shayla reminds him to calm down. Shayla's getting off a little bit on stretching this out. She likes seeing him in such need. Coye really needs help.
  • Shayla asks him what all that domination training was for if he's just going to lose to his impulses and jump on Dorothy? You heard her, right? She's here to serve so tell her what to do.
  • Dorothy is very nervous but insists he can tell her to do whatever. He's super stimulated and spreads out his legs for her, telling her to help. How? Has to be more specific. Keep using your hand is the first thing he can come up with. Dorothy nervously scoots closer and she grabs him a little more confidently this time. Shayla guides her to start stroking it.
  • Does it hurt? A tiny bit. Dorothy gets into it and says my poor hero. Shayla tells her that's good stuff, keep it up. Keep what up? The hero talk and the submissive role play. Being sexy isn't just about what you do or how you look, it's about what you say.
  • Dorothy nervously pumps him and keeps up the dirty talk. It's clear that she's not in control and that this isn't gentle femdom, she is very adamant that this is serving him and she'll do anything he says. That kind of thing. Coye is super into it and start shaking.
  • Dorothy nervously wonders if he's going to last longer. She's told he's really sensitive when he's like this and his stamina is pretty good after he gets going, but he always comes fast the first couple times. Shayla gives advice that he likes being teased about coming too fast.
  • Coye says he doesn't but Dorothy says she could never tease him like that anyway. There's no shame in letting everything go. It's her duty to soothe him after every one of his adventures, he's earned this. Coye is whimpering and Dorothy turned her attention to his balls which are huge and thick. She moves her hands toward him before thinking better of it and asking if it will hurt. A little, but in a good way.
  • Shayla praises Dorothy for being a natural at this and this makes Dorothy a bit more confident. She gently starts massaging his balls using only her fingertips to gauge how sensitive he is, cooing gentle words to him. Dorothy's true nature starts to unravel as she gets more into it.
  • She talks about what an amazing adventurer he is and how any woman would be lucky for the chance to serve such a magnificent penis- Shayla corrects her with cock. Dorothy struggles but says it again properly. And these big, huge balls... She can't believe that he makes so much semen it literally aches if he doesn't get release. My poor, sweet hero. If only you told me sooner, I would've done anything to help you. She wonders how many women it would even take to fully empty them? Shayla doesn't know. He just keeps going and going until his body can't keep up. Dorothy is unsurprised. Coye is her big, strong hero after all and everyone knows that true heroes are insatiable and Dorothy feels blessed for the chance to worship him like he deserves.
  • Coye is almost brainless at this point. The woman he loved for so long is jacking him off, giving him the most thorough praise he's ever had in his life. He's very obviously going to cum and he tries to warn Dorothy but can barely say it. She feels his balls getting tight and this breaks the spell little bit, making her look to Shayla for advice. Shayla encouraged her to bring it home.
  • Go faster. Stroke the balls a bit harder. When he starts, don't stop even if you get nervous. Dorothy gulps and gets right back to it asking if he's going to- Shayla teaches her the word cum so she uses it. Yes. Don't hold back. She encourages him to let out all of his feelings for her so she can make it up to how long it took her to notice her own. She is interrupted midsentence by Coye's orgasm which is peppered with constantly telling Dorothy he loves her. It's gigantic and Dorothy is intimidated.
  • Shayla has to keep telling her to continue. Stroke harder, faster, coax more out of his balls. It keeps going and going, her face and chest are drenched. She scared and excited. Shayla can't believe it's continuing and asks if he's done yet or what. The orgasm is so long and hard that he's crying and trembling, he doesn't know.
  • Shayla advises she used both hands and go even faster speed this up and Dorothy does it. She's clumsy, but it's still amazing. She's trying to go back to saying encouraging things but she isn't as confident. When he finishes, he is left trembling.
  • Dorothy wants to know if it's always like that but Shayla is a little irritated. He's never cum that hard before. She accuses Coye of loving Dorothy more than her after all but he's crying and insisting that it's equal. Shayla teases him that's a likely story.
  • Dorothy looks at the mess and is astonished. All of this was because of her? Yes. Coye loves her so much. She feels so much enjoyment from serving him and taking care of his needs that she's never been more turned on in her life. She gives him more praise and he melts further.
  • Dorothy asks if he really needs to get drained again before they let him have sex with her. Shayla points out how frenzied he is. Even now, he still mind numbingly hard and throbbing. Some of the purple color has receded but Shayla suggests getting it down to zero before consummating.
  • Dorothy is in disbelief that he'll still be able to keep going after another shot like that. Shayla grumbles about growing up in a place where every male was like that. Her tree was gigantic but somehow every inch of it smelled like Pixie jizz. Dorothy giggles and hopes to hear more about pixies from her. Some other time. They asked Coye how he is.
  • He gives his typical more line but Dorothy isn't sure what she supposed to do about this giant mess. It got all over the outfit Tammy got her. Shayla comments that Tammy has good taste. Hearing the word taste makes Coye have an idea and he mumbles for Dorothy to drink some. She gets very embarrassed and looks to Shayla for more advice.
  • It's a guy thing, and it makes him happy. That's literally all Dorothy needs to hear before she scooped some off her chest and make sure Coye is watching as she licks it off her finger. He moans and Shayla tells Dorothy to praise him and talk the same way she was earlier.
  • Dorothy improvs stuff about how lucky she is to be gifted her hero's thick seed. Shayla is like good, adjectives are great! Dorothy continues using more, saying how warm it is and stuff like that. His cock is visibly throbbing and Coye keeps twitching his hips. He still wants more.
  • Dorothy sweetly reminds him she'll do anything he tells her to do and he unsurprisingly asks for her to suck his cock. Dorothy is astonished at the idea and nervously comes closer. Shayla guides her through her apprehension and frames things in a more submissive manner for her. She paints blowjob's as the most submissive thing a woman can do for a man. Serving him with her mouth and sucking the cum straight out of him? Wouldn't that be amazing? It really would.
  • This gets Dorothy back into the mindset and she starts sweet talking him, asking if his balls still need help. She is gentle and slow at first, not even touching his shaft. She needs to work up her courage and she kisses up his smooth thighs, exploring him and even tasting him. When she's finally face-to-face with his balls she breathes very heavily on them and praises them even more. These are the balls of the hero. She gives them both a deep kiss, and then starts to lick them extremely gently. The dull aching soothed him with every lick.
  • Dorothy finds herself becoming obsessed. More and more for thoughts become about his cock. How perfect it is. How perfect he is. How lucky she is to serve. She tells him as much repeatedly before he starts begging her to suck it normally.
  • Dorothy is nervous but into the idea. She grabbed his shaft again and Shayla, who is very horny, guides her through step-by-step. Bring her mouth down, open it up, make the right shape so that the teeth don't hit, and take an inch or two to test the water.
  • Dorothy does and Coye loves it even more than the handjob. This makes Dorothy happy and at Shayla's behest she starts sucking and pulling off of him. She's clumsy but her lips are so tight and soft around him. He's already gushing pre-cum against her tongue and Dorothy loves it.
  • Shayla is antsy. It feels like every time Dorothy does something to him she can feel residual pleasure. It wasn't just her normal voyeuristic fetishes but she doesn't realize that.
  • Dorothy does her best to give him a blowjob, every time she takes away her mouth she gives some some praise before going right back into it. Coye is super into everything she does and can't get enough, meanwhile Dorothy continues following Shayla's advice whenever she gives some.
  • At some point, Coye has the foresight to tell her to start playing with herself while she sucked him off and she is very appreciative.
  • When he's getting closer, Dorothy asks what she should do when he finishes. Shayla says to ask him and Dorothy notices Shayla is looking really antsy. Coye says to try and drink it down and Dorothy while intimidated tells her hero anything he wants. She brings things to a close and Coye finishes in her mouth. The explosion is huge again and she doesn't last long before it's blasting all over her face.
  • Shayla is more in tune again and she moans alongside Coye, actually falling out of the sky from pleasure. Once Coye is done, they make sure Shayla is okay. She's starting to think something is weird and asks Dorothy if she might know. Dorothy hypothesizes that as a pixie, Shayla's own empathetic powers are increasing alongside Coye's powers. She may be feeling what he is.
  • Coye is very confused by this and ask if Shayla can feel like she has a dick. Shayla insists that's not the case but feeling his pleasure might've made her climax. Dorothy is fascinated by them and the link that they share. Dorothy then turned her attention to Coye and makes sure he's doing okay. He is. The pain is receding a whole lot and he thinks that he can try this again now.
  • Dorothy is a little embarrassed and asks try what? He kisses her before she knew what would happen and he's much more in control himself now. Dorothy becomes absorbed in their kiss and by the time he's done she's left in a total daze.
  • Coye is happy to see Dorothy like this and asks if she's ready for more. She meekly nods and says she's okay with him doing anything he wants to.

Dorothy Deflowered

  • now that he feels better, there's nothing Coye wants more than to play with the body he's dreamed about so long. He takes Dorothy by the shoulders and this time gently lays her on the bed. She is nervous now that he is in charge but it's very exciting.
  • At first, Coye lays on top of Dorothy and makes out with her while his hands start groping and traveling her body. She feels them everywhere, his touch is gentle and firm on and off. Every little thing he does makes her want more. She never knew been touched by someone would feel this way. It was much better than her wand.
  • After the kiss and groping ends, Coye starts playing with her body. He kisses her neck, nips at her collarbone, and he finds out something adorable. Dorothy is immensely sensitive- more than anyone he's been with. This really brings out the sadistic side of him he's been working on and he pulls down her top from her breasts.
  • He takes in her nipples for the first time and Dorothy is so embarrassed she can't say a word. He tells her how beautiful they are and starts to run his fingertips along them. She cries out and Coye points out how sensitive she is. Dorothy tries to deflect and says it's never this bad when she plays with herself. Coye asks if that makes him special and Dorothy obviously gives him what he wants telling him he's the most special hero in the world.
  • Shayla thinks Dorothy is going to be the cause of Coye going off the deep end. She works so hard to keep Coye from growing an ego, and here Dorothy is making him think he's the chosen one or some shit. Dorothy can't help it. She really feels this way about Coye. He surprises her by teasing her nipples even harder. Then, he start sucking on one and groping the other. She loves it and starts to wiggle underneath him.
  • Her hand reaches to touch herself but Coye stops it and says not until he says so. Her obedience kicks in and she apologizes. Likes being told what to do. Coye spends another couple minutes having fun with her breasts and at the end of it, Dorothy is huffing like mad and her pussy is crying out for attention. She so wet and it's so uncomfortable. She begs him to do more.
  • He teases her about how desperate she is and she lays it on even more thick, begging her hero to make her feel even better. Shayla praises Dorothy for being a good girl and says Coye will make everything better. He moved away from her tits and kisses his way down her belly. Dorothy is embarrassed and says please don't do that but he reminds her that she is his and he loves every part of her. Even this, he says as he gropes her belly. She is embarrassed but she apologizes.
  • Coye smiles. He loves this girl so much, and he's really glad he put in the work to learn how to be dominant. He can't stop now though so he turned his attention to Dorothy's panties. He runs his fingers down her thigh up to the garment and teases the outside with his middle finger, commenting how wet she is. Dorothy has never been so embarrassed and she has no words.
  • Coye leans into her own rhetoric asking if she's wet for her hero? Yes. Wet because you want my cock? More than anything. Etc. Both of them are really into it and Shayla is as well. This is a really good show and she is rubbing herself.
  • Coye tells her he's going to take her panties off now and waits for Dorothy to say something back. She doesn't. He tells her to nod if that's all right with her and she starts nodding really hard in response. He tells her good girl and lifts her panties off from her legs. Dorothy tries to keep her legs crossed, but Coye orders her to spread them. She finds this difficult and even asks if she has to but Coye is firm with her and she listens.
  • She is sopping wet and Coye takes in the sight of her lips and trimmed bush. Loving it, he praises her and she doesn't know how to take it. He gently brushes his fingers along and teases her, asking if he needs to be careful down here. She says yes, she has a toy but she only uses it- on your clit? He starts doing it there and Dorothy arches her back in response. Shayla teases that it looks like she's gonna cum really fast.
  • Dorothy defend herself by saying he keeps teasing her and- like this? Coye interrupts again and start really teasing her clit. He didn't expect it to, but she has an orgasm right then and there after making the cutest sounds.
  • She's so embarrassed and looks away, her body throbbing. Coye says you really don't need much foreplay, do you? Dorothy is dazed and doesn't know what he means. Shayla suggests he means she's ready for him, isn't she? Dorothy struggles before admitting that she wants Coye more than she's ever wanted anything in her life. She's looking straight at his cock as he gets up on his knees in front of her.
  • Coye wants to hear it from her again. She eagerly begs for him to make her his own. She even teases that she's ready to live forever. This gets Coye even more aroused and he finally takes Dorothy's virginity. It hurts a little but Shayla heals her and apologizes for him. Dorothy looked up and sees how happy he is and it's impossible to care beyond that.
  • His tough and dominant side drops for a moment as he gets overwhelmed by how much he loves Dorothy. He's wanted her for so long and this is a dream come true. They both say romantic things to each other and Shayla comes behind him, pushing on his back so that he lays on top of Dorothy. She tells him he doesn't have to hold back anymore. Give it to her.
  • Coye starts pumping in and out, kissing Dorothy. Her pussy type is tight and bumpy. Tons of bumpy spots surround him on every side and make it a joy to dig around. Whenever they're not kissing, he's mumbling how much he loves her or that Dorothy is his now. He's adorably possessive about it. Mine. Mine. No one else's. Mine forever. And Dorothy tells him yes every single time, feeling incredibly appreciated and loved. She slowly becomes more comfortable and starts trying to match his movements, but they are interrupted by Shayla feeling pleasure.
  • Coye stops what he's doing and they both momentarily check on her. She insists that she is all right and Dorothy asks again if she's feeling this somehow. Shayla denies it and Dorothy whispers a suggestion to Coye's ear, getting him to slam hard into Dorothy. Shayla moans hard at the thrusting and there like wait you really do feel this.
  • Okay fine maybe I am more in tune to Coye's emotions than usual, but it's not a big deal. Dorothy is happy that Shayla isn't left out here. We haven't known each other for long, but Dorothy thinks she owes so much to Shayla for helping Coye come in to himself. Shayla deserves just as much of the joy from them getting together as she does.
  • Shayla feels guilty and things Dorothy is some kind of saint, tells them to stop worrying about her. She settles down on Dorothy's pillow and tells Coye to keep going. He does and the pleasure rises for both of them. Shayla getting high off of Coye's pleasure and Dorothy from the increasingly hard pounding Coye is giving her.
  • Dorothy finds sex to be one of the best things to ever happen to her. She gets to just turn her brain off, feel good, do as she's told. The only things that matter are Coye and making him feel good. Her dirty talk continues, mixing in lots of things about using her body to soothe her hero and how lucky she is.
  • Because of how sensitive she is, Dorothy is continuously climaxing every few minutes and doesn't know how long she can take this. It's okay because she notices that Coye is starting to get close. He still mumbling the same kind of thing and Dorothy tries to ease his climax along by amping up her rhetoric. She's able to talk Coye into a gigantic creampie where he continuously reminds her that she is his.
  • As he finishes inside Dorothy, something changes inside Shayla. She becomes more deeply in tune to Coye than ever before, specifically, his love for Dorothy. It's so overwhelming that it has a remarkable effect on her. She feels what he feels. Not sexually, but emotionally. Coye's intense love becomes her own. In essence, Shayla just picked up Coye's 'deeply in love with Dorothy' trait without even knowing it.
  • Before she can process this, Coye shocks Dorothy by pulling her straight into round two. He wraps his arms around Dorothy, lifts her off the bed, and pushes her against the wall. He's even more ferocious about how much he loves Dorothy and Dorothy is so into it as he fucks her harder and harder. She can't think, her brain is empty, and she lived to serve his needs.
  • Shayla watches all this while thinking about Dorothy. She's so pretty. She deserves this. How can I have ever been so mean to her? Things like that. She bites her lip and flies over to the scene, resting on Dorothy's shoulder and surprising her by giving her neck lots of little tingly kisses.
  • Each one has a nice bonus effect of making her even tighter for Coye and he begs Shayla to keep teasing Dorothy. Shayla couldn't stop even if she wanted to. Dorothy doesn't care as long as Coye is happy.
  • After another couple minutes of this, Coye finishes again and Shayla experiences the familiar rush and comes all over Dorothy's shoulder.
  • Exhausted for the moment, Coye lays her back down on the bed and cuddles up to her side. It takes them both a few minutes to recover. Dorothy is astonished and loves Coye so much, Coye feels the same.
  • Shayla is being extremely clingy with Dorothy to the point where it's noticeable and needs to be addressed. Shayla tries to play it off but is called out on it. They ask her questions until it leads to her revealing when Coye came inside her she may have felt all of Coye's emotions and it may have temporarily affected her on a deeper level. Dorothy doesn't understand but Coye correctly guesses the situation.
  • Shayla still downplays it and tries make it sound like there is no way she's in love with Dorothy like Coye is but he teases her saying I thought we were a two in one deal? Yeah, but not to this extent! It'll wear off soon, probably. Dorothy is very flattered, even if she doesn't know how to respond. Shayla is like God your cute when you're like this. Coye calls her out. Shayla- damn it!
  • Dorothy wants to make sure Coye got enough. Wrong thing to ask, he can never have enough of her. Dorothy wants to keep going, but she's just a human and can barely feel her lower half right now. She asks if they can have a nap first before continuing? Coye says there's no rush. We have forever, after all.
  • Dorothy becomes emotional. You really mean that, don't you? Coye does. He's going to conquer death. He doesn't say anything but already has a good idea about where to start...
  • The three of them get really tired but Shayla wants to sneak in an apology before bed. Dorothy hears Shayla out and Shayla tiredly admits that it was her fault Coye doubted Dorothy's intentions a few weeks ago. We just got together and I heard how he talked about you and it sounded really scummy, and after that, I had a bit of a grudge toward you because I thought he loved you more.
  • Dorothy apologizes and Shayla insists on doing the same. She asks if she can hold Shayla again. This time, Shayla doesn't even hesitate. Dorothy leans down and gives the Pixie a kiss, thanking her for everything. Shayla is super surprise and overcome by embarrassment and Coye teases her about this. Shut up! Just for that, I'm sleeping on Dorothy's side of the bed. Dorothy giggles and says that's okay with her. Everyone is super happy and it's all very cute.

Next day harem interaction

  • they didn't wake up from their nap and no additional sex was had. Emotions were high so everyone passed straight out. Everyone super tired, and if there weren't a distraction, no one would've woken up as early as the ended up doing.
  • Interrupting the morning after is a knock on the door. Coye tiredly asks who it is and hears it's Byng and Suzette. Byng brags about remembering to not this time and Coye mumbles they can come in without remembering his current situation.
  • Coye sits up and Dorothy stirs, Shayla somehow ending up trapped in Dorothy's tangled mess of hair. The girls enter the cabin and immediately notice how awkward it is. Dorothy sits up and asks Coye what's the matter before she sees Byng's staring at her tits. Byng makes an awkward comment but complements them while Suzette drags her outside.
  • Dorothy is super embarrassed and Coye is like oh shit. Suzette explains that since he didn't drop Shayla off the night before, she assumed nothing happened. Shayla tells her that things took a strange direction and she was part of the fun. Byng is grumpy and asks Shayla from outside if the Pixie let Dorothy touch her. She is jealous and thought Byng would've been the first one Shayla allowed to touch her besides Coye. Suzette talks Byng down but she's clearly a little jealous, too.
  • Coye asks Dorothy if they should leave for now. They can still have a morning together alone if she wants before she has to get back to work. Although still embarrassed, Dorothy wants Byng and Suzette to come in after they get dressed. Shayla proves very protective of her again and tries comforting Dorothy which amuses Coye.
  • They get dressed and Byng and Suzette are let in. Byng is very smiley and keeps staring at Dorothy while Suzette cooks breakfast for everyone. Though the table only has four chairs and Shayla was insisting she deserved one, she sat at the corner between Coye and Dorothy.
  • There is some light banter with Byng. How did It go and such. Surprisingly, Dorothy is a little bit open on the topic and Coye is very happy to see her getting along.
  • Suzette chimes in every now and then and the atmosphere is very lighthearted. Dorothy really likes this, even if she still feels out of place. She hopes she'll feel like she'll belong here sooner or later. They agree to have a nice talk after they've all eaten.
  • Dorothy has herself a nice meal and is very appreciative of Suzette. She's a much better cook than the ones at the Guild, even if she makes a lot. Byng brags about being a good cook too, but that one is more up to personal taste and whether or not you like salt. Dorothy giggles softly.
  • Suzette confirms that things are official now, yes? Yes. Have you put any thought into how you two are going to act around work? Dorothy hadn't made much consideration but she says they will keep a professional distance. She explains how she technically has a get out of jail free card in that the Guild already said they would overlook her relationship with Coye, but she doesn't want to capitalize on it if she doesn't have to. She explains about the thing with Coye's father.
  • Byng isn't surprised, she knows how to pick em. Suzette is a little afraid, wondering what his father might think of such an older woman being with his son. Coye laughs and says he be fine with that as long as I'm happy. Suzette is like are you sure? He's not a very complicated person to figure out. That's a relief.
  • They have a small chat about Shayla and how Dorothy is okay with the harem dynamics. There's a small joke about how she lowers her head and introduces herself out of respect and calls herself the lowest ranking member before asking Byng and Suzette to take good care of her. They both find this very amusing and Coye comforts her saying she doesn't need to worry about that. Shayla is doting on Dorothy and defending her as just being a good girl.
  • Byng finally addresses this and is like seriously what the fuck is going on as she points at Dorothy and Shayla. Coye explained what they think happened and Byng finds this hilarious. After how many of Shayla's traits Coye keeps picking up, it's only fair that she end up with one of his. Shayla dismisses it as no big deal. To deflect the situation, she tells them to ask Coye about his new life goal.
  • Byng bites and says she has high expectations for her man. Coye blows those expectations out of the water when he resolutely reaffirms that his goal is to keep expanding his harem while looking for a source of immortality for he and everyone he loves. Also for any children he ends up having. Everyone is really awkward after that.
  • As the oldest one, Suzette is appreciative of this ideal, but it seems a little unrealistic. Byng is impressed but also doesn't know how it's going to work. Coye tells everyone not to worry about it for now. This is a long-term goal and it's something he'll make little steps toward every now and then, not letting it rule his life. Suzette confirms that he just wants to live and have sex forever. Shayla is like that's what I said!
  • Byng is totally into it and they ask Dorothy her thoughts. It's obviously a lot to spring on someone the day they get together, but she defends Coye that he wasn't in his right mind when he said it and now he's resolute about it. She has very naive ideals, believing that if Coye says he'll make something happen then he will.
  • At that, everyone shows Coye some support. Suzette tests his resolve, though. She unintentionally set off his lifespan anxiety once before and wants to see how far he's come.
  • She asks him several questions and each time he gives a very childish and single-minded answer. What if one of us gets old before that happens? Antiaging potions. Those are expensive. He'll get them. What if someone dies before it happens? He won't let them. And if they do anyway? He'll bring them back.
  • Suzette can't help thinking this is all childish, but his passion makes him sound convincing. Byng jokes about how this is such a nice light conversation for breakfast, isn't it?
  • Coye becomes embarrassed and apologizes. He just wants everyone on the same page to know how serious he is. Byng leans over the table and kisses him on the cheek and ruffles his hair. Full support. She says she'll ask Kuhrkakk about it next time they are in contact.
  • The group formally welcomes Dorothy into the harem and plans are made for the day. Suzette has to be the store to hand out the clothes that Shayla readjusted, Byng is running low on some of her supplies so she's going to spend the day crafting, while Dorothy is going to have her first day back at work. Coye is going to go on an adventure probably if there's anything good on the board. He teases Dorothy if she can give him something good, but she is firm about no nepotism. Coye pleads just a little nepotism? And she finds it hard to reject his adorable face. Maybe a little now and then, as a treat.
  • Dorothy leaves first and tells Coye to come later so that they don't attract any suspicion, so he waits and then goes after an hour or so.

Auguris Set Up/cliffhanger

  • later at the Guild, Coye is greeted by Tammy and the maid. Tammy asks if he's in a rush to get to work or if you want to chat, pointing at the records room. Coye considers it and follows Shayla pushing him to take her up on it.
  • Once alone, Tammy congratulated him. Dorothy won't tell her much other than it happened. Coye says yes and is shy about it. This pleases Tammy and she's very happy for Dorothy. Tries to get more details out of Coye but he is resolute that if Dorothy doesn't want to talk to her about it than he shouldn't say anything, either.
  • Tammy is annoyed but figures Dorothy will tell her everything in time, she's just really happy right now and can hardly think straight. Coye is glad. Dorothy deserves that.
  • There is silence for a moment before Tammy makes it even more awkward by asking if he gave it to her as hard as Suzette the other day. Shayla is surprised by this development and tries to tune her emotions into Tammy, but has trouble feeling anything. Tammy insists she doesn't mean anything by it, she's just curious. Curious about what?
  • Lots of things. Sex, mostly. Even more awkward. Coye asks her meaning here and Tammy is like I'm not coming on to you that you think. You just fucked my best friend and whatever one man many girls dynamic they have going on it would still be in poor taste she thinks. Tammy just thinks maybe they can talk about it sometime. Shayla jokingly advises to hit on Tammy and say he could show her but Coye doesn't follow it. He says maybe sometime.
  • Tammy tilts her head. You're not gonna hit on me even after I sent you up so easily? Coye says no. Tammy is pleased and pats him on the shoulder. You passed. She wanted to make sure he wasn't a total scumbag who would jump at the chance for more directly after getting together with Dorothy. Coye is humble about it and but Tammy surprises him by saying she was still serious about the other thing, though.
  • Watching him have sex briefly was interesting and maybe after things cool down they could talk about this again. Coye, seen a chance to express his fetish, is a little too receptive of the idea blurts out he would love if she wanted to watch sometime. He then blushes and apologizes.
  • Tammy didn't mean going that far but she finds him very amusing. Says she'll let him know if she ever wants a live show. He tries really hard not to get excited about that and Tammy sees the struggle. Again, he is amusing. Maybe even a little cute. Tells him to get out of here, she has a job to not do.
  • As he walked to the quest board he and Shayla have a quick conversation about Tammy. Asks if she thinks he has a chance with Tammy. Maybe. Do you want a chance with Tammy? Coye doesn't know. She's cute, but he would need to get to know her better. Shayla points out that she would be a safer next target than one of the Baddest Bitches. Coye asks her not to call girls in his life targets, it makes him feel like some sort of predator. Just calling it like I see it, baby.
  • Coye size and reaches the quest board. He's very tempted to go into Dorothy's office and see how she's doing, but she probably has a lot of paperwork to catch up on and today is vital for her. They need to know whether or not she can handle being back on the job so it's best to leave her alone.
  • Coye starts looking at the quests on offer, though he's looking at the Gold -ranked ones a lot. Shayla asks him about this and he admits he is curious what he could pull off post his victory with Auguris. He can't accept any gold ranked ones without a Gold -ranked wanted to have the party, right? Yeah. Guess you're in luck, then.
  • Coye whips his head around to see that Auguris was sitting in a lounge chair across the room this entire time. Coye hadn't sensed him because he was motionless, reading a book about poetry. He took a sip from his tea and Coye is embarrassed to have been caught unaware. In his defense, Auguris was a literal statue.
  • Auguris notices Coye for the first time now, too and stands up to close his book. He gives an over-the-top mini rant about the uselessness of poetry, which Coye doesn't follow along with. Auguris says it's no matter and is glad to see Coye. Coye struggles to say the same, asking what he's doing here. Isn't it obvious, he's waiting for Coye.
  • Coye says he it made it sound like their first quest wouldn't be for a while. Auguris corrects him and says the time is now. Coye asks what he has in mind and Auguris reveals a flyer he'd taken from the board. It wasn't an ordinary request, it was an expedition quest sanctioned by the AoA into the second layer of the forest, the deep woods. Essentially all they have to do is go out and slay some tough monsters and bring back enough proof to show that they did. The slaying will be up to Coye. Auguris has fieldwork to do in the deep woods, the quest is just a formality so that Coye gets something from it.
  • Shayla is absolutely against going to deep woods and has no knowledge of the shit they'll find in their. Coye is very tempted but in a surprising moment of self-awareness he decides not to accept, pointing out he has a condition that makes long treks into the Gnarled Woods currently impossible. His resistance used to be better, but- Auguris interrupts him and says that the evil of the woods won't matter if he's with Auguris. He has a way to fight against it.
  • Even then, Coye can't go longer than a day without suffering sexual side effects. Unless they can be back by sometime tomorrow, he can't do it. Auguris laughs. We'll be back by tonight. Coye doesn't see how this is possible, but Auguris assures him Coye has yet to travel in style.
  • Coye pauses and pretends to think but is really asking Shayla. She doesn't know anymore but is still very against it. On the other hand she admits that there is probably not too much danger if he's with Auguris. Up to him.
  • Coye asks if the two of them will be enough and at this point Britni enters the room and leans against the nearest wall. She activates her shield bracelet and starts casually flipping her hand axe in the air, offering to join their party in a casual way and thus ending the volume on a cliffhanger.


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