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What's up gang, now that volume 5 and the holidays are almost winding down I wanna relay some of my upcoming plans with you all.

First things first, I'm already working on the outline for volume 6. At the time of writing it's eight thousand words long, so it's decently far along by now. I expect to be done with it either late this week or early next. After that, I will jump straight into writing volume 6. My estimation is that volume won't take very long. I'm giving it a hopeful month and a half, in the best case scenario. The reason is simple- a lot of it is just epilogue for volume 5 and set up for volume 7. I really wanted to ship, and if I waited, volume 5 would've been like an extra two hundred pages. Financially it just made more sense to cut it off where I did even if I'm not entirely proud of that. At least it means the wait won't be too long, right? I'm somewhat better at plotting actual books now as opposed to just making endless webnovel chapters that don't have to worry about cut off points, but it is what it is.

I'm very excited for everything that happens in volume 6 and you should be too!

Next, I have news about something that may surprise you. I may be moving forward more audiobook content. If you didn't know why I didn't move forward, there was problems with the narrator. Doing everything herself was a massive undertaking and it left me in an awkward position because I loved her voices for the characters but working with her on another large-scale project seemed impossible because of how rough the process was. There is now a workaround. She will be doing the character voices while another actress will provide narration and voice a couple of future characters as well. This is a very good trade off. I don't mind swapping the narrator- but recasting the actual voices was something I really didn't want to have to do. I'm not worried about the original actress having struggles. She loves voicing the characters, it was everything else and having to do the editing on top of it that was the problem.

I may also be having a third actress involved, and I should mention that the new narrator and this third actress are both very famous gone wild audio stars. Even those of you who don't normally consume audiobooks I would highly recommend to consider checking out future ones I put out, because both of their performances are incredibly sexy and insane. I don't want to promise anything just yet because all talks are still early, but you won't want to miss it if it all goes through!

Nothing is concrete yet, but it's looking very likely. That's all I'll say for now. Funding would definitely be appreciated when it gets time to start recording, but even if no one helps I should be able to figure something out.

One thing I need to mention is that to make the next audiobook, I will have to go through volume 2 and clean it up more. This shouldn't take much of my time since recording the audiobook will be a chapter by chapter process, meaning I can edit the chapter here and there and get it ready. The focus of these edits will just be to improve the overall quality, catch typos I missed, and anything else like that. I don't plan on adding or subtracting anything major, aside from changing Byng's dialogue a bit to better match how she talks from volume 3 onwards. That, and I will likely change some of the dialogue in the last chapter. Shayla was hinting some things that don't really go anywhere, and I want to tighten that up and make it more cohesive. None of this will take long, so I'm excited to rush everything up. When the entire book is done, I will change the file out on Amazon so everyone can enjoy it.

So, yeah lots of exciting things on the horizon! I hope you are all as excited as I am for the future! 2023 is starting to look very good for The Corruption of Coye and myself in general, so I hope you will continue to support me through it all!


Alexander Groggett

I don’t listen to many Gone Wild audio books, but I’m willing to try them. But, it would be weird if you got R.C. Bray to do it. He’s got a decent range, but I don’t really like his “Feminine” attempts. Lol


GWA aren't audio books. No male narrator. I don't like listening to male voices in my porn. Will get males to voice actual male characters besides Coye, though, but they're not in lewd scenes so its fine.

Alexander Groggett

Sorry, bad joke. Seems like every other book I listen to is narrated by R.C. Bray, and he’s… grating at times.


My bro's growing up and becoming a mini celebrity 🥲 look at you go man! Jokes aside, cant wait for the next like, 19 books, and all the audio stuff sounds awesome