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Chapter 14 - Coye’s Week 6 - Staying Inside

Rain poured down from the sky outside Coye's home as he shifted in his sleep, consciousness calling his name and pulling him by the hand. Even more than his drunken awakening the day before, Coye was groggy, tired, and sluggish. Shifting around in bed summoned a groan from his throat, and his head felt like someone smashed it and then tried putting it back together but got all the pieces wrong.

He sat up and looked around his cabin, his vision as foggy as his head. Coye massaged his forehead, the pressure relieving him somewhat, then rubbed his eyes.

"Shayla?" Coye called out, expecting her to be there the moment he awoke.

"Over here, dummy." A passive-aggressive voice responded from the table in the center of the room.

Coye looked over and saw Shayla sitting down, wearing one of her many nightgowns. She was busying herself with a blank T-shirt that Suzette had left for Shayla to play around with. Even as she tested different styles of patterns and colors, the Pixie looked bored and moderately annoyed.

"I thought you were never gonna wake up. Fuck, dude. Do you have any idea how long you slept?"

"Huh?" Coye fought back against a yawn that tried to guide him back into the clutches of rest, answering, "No... What time is it...?"

"It's past three in the afternoon, baby. Have a look." Shayla pointed at the clock on the wall.

The news delivered a wake-up call so powerful that it almost jolted Coye straight out of bed from shame alone. He couldn't believe it and was beside himself in shock. "How in the- I never sleep in this late! What the heck happened, Shayla? Why didn't you-"

"You think I didn't try to get your stupid ass up?" The Pixie dropped what she was doing and walked to the table's edge. Then, she put her hands on the side of her hips for maximum sass. "I gave up after trying on and off for the last four hours, Coye! Do you not remember what happened yesterday or what?"

"Uh..." Coye thought about it, but his glazed-over mind rendered such complicated recollections beyond his current grasp. "No, but I think I remember this happening already... didn't it?"

"No, that was yesterday," Shayla sighed. "When you were drunk. Today, you're recovering from getting high. World of difference, I know, but congrats on all these new chances you're taking. They've really been paying off, haven't they?"

"Oh, yeah..." By diverting more power to his poor brain, Coye could remember most of yesterday. "You and Suzette came over in the morning. Dorothy was wearing something cute when we dropped by the Guild, we did a quest to kill some bugs, and after that, we ran into Tiph and Coco. Right?"

Shayla was relieved and smiled but didn't let it show for very long. "What else?"

"I talked Tiph into letting me hang out at her lab while she mixed nerverine, right? And then I got high on mellowmilk..."

"Good. Sounds like you're doing better than you were after the hangover, at least."

"I still don't remember everything," Coye admitted. "I'm pretty sure I hugged Tiph, but I don't remember why?"

"Yeah, I was actually gonna ask you about that..." Shayla frowned, scratched her head, and flew closer until she stood atop the nightstand. "You sure you don't remember, baby?"

"No, why?"

"You made it sound like you, uh..."


"I don't want you to get too excited or anything," Shayla grumbled. "You were high as fuck, alright? But... you said something about how you could tell Tiph needed a hug, and it sounded like you were maybe reading her emotions, you know?"

"Oh," Coye tried not to look excited but predictably failed. "You mean like...?"

"Yeah, but it doesn't mean much unless you can do it while you're sober."

"True. That's disappointing... still, maybe this means I'm getting powers after all?"

"This is exactly why I didn't wanna tell you..." Shayla shook her head. "It's too soon to say! More importantly, do you know how hard it was getting you home while you were high off your ass? I burned through almost all my mana making sure you didn't go around knocking into shit, but it didn't stop you from doing your best to make the entire town think you're a drunk."

"Please tell me it wasn't that bad..."

"Me? Lie to you on purpose? I would never." Shayla smirked. "I just hope you learned a valuable lesson from this, baby. I get that trying new things is your big goal lately, aside from all the rampant sex-having and now harem-building, but there's a time and a place to experiment. Tiph's lab was... sure as fuck not either one of those. What were you thinking? We went there to get intel on her, and all you did was get high on drug milk!"

Coye lowered his head upon realizing that Shayla was right. "I didn't think it would be that strong, and I thought Tiph might take me more seriously if I spoke her language, you know?"

"Well, look how that turned out," Shayla rolled her eyes and snapped her fingers, the blanket rising off Coye's lap to reveal he was still wearing his clothes from yesterday afternoon. "Still, I guess it wasn't a complete waste... I think I got a pretty good read on Tiph if nothing else."

Deciding he'd been in bed long enough, Coye stood up and walked over to the table after stretching out. "Anything good?"

"What do you think?"

"I think that's about what I expected you to say,"

"Well, it's true. Reading Tiph's emotions can be hard because of all the drugs, but when I can, it's never anything good... there are some nasty vibes coming off of that chick, Coye. Not the same kind that Dorothy's got- I'm talking shit like hatred, aggression, and a whole fuck ton of spite. A lot of it was pointed at herself, but..."

"Tiph felt that strongly about me?" Coye almost didn't want to know the answer. What had he ever done to Tiph to make her feel so spiteful of him?

"Signs point to yes," the Pixie shrugged and walked up to Coye's hand before giving it a few comforting pats. "But that isn't even the worst of it. She knows about your dependence on my dust, baby. Remember?"

"Yeah..." things were starting to look worse by the moment. Coye regretted leaving the bed and wished he could curl back up. "She's not gonna keep that a secret for very long, is she?"

"Fuck no," Shayla laughed. "But it's not all doom and gloom. We're probably safe from her for a little while, at least."

"What makes you so sure of that?"

"Because I know a tricky, conniving bitch when I see one! Tiph is gonna hold onto the info for a while until she sees a chance to make the best use of it, mark my words."

"Guess that means we have a little time to prepare..."

"Yeah, but who knows how long? I'm gonna need to speak to the Council."

"The... the Council?" Coye blinked.

"The Council of Girlfriends, of which I am the founding member and whose vote carries the most weight. We've yet to hold a session, but our goal is to convene behind your back and deliberate upon crucial decisions that you can't be trusted with on your own." Shayla delivered her speech so matter-of-factly that he almost believed this was a legitimate thing that actually existed.

The boy had a good laugh and smiled. "I'll do my best to heed the Council's words."

"You better," Shayla snickered, dropping her sudden un-befitting aura of seriousness. "Anyway, I tire of discussing that trashy, toxic bimbo."

"Just as well. I'm hungry," Coye got up and rifled through the pantry. He didn't have it in him to try cooking anything, so he took a package of dried fruits and sat back down. It wasn't as sweet as he had hoped, so he made a mental note to pick up more sugary treats in the near future.

He offered some to his tiny companion, and they soon started smacking together.

"What are we gonna do today?" Coye asked, looking out the window after swallowing a dried apple slice to witness the pouring rain. "Even if it wasn't so late, it's not like today is the best time to go on a quest."

"I thought it was obvious? You're going to sit around all day and hang out with me! After this crazy week you've had, wouldn't it be nice to just chill?"

"You got a good point, there..." when he reminisced on the last six days, a soft smile crept across his face. "It was a pretty eventful week, I guess. Do you think I did good?"

Shayla looked up from nibbling on a berry larger than her entire head. "Depends on what you mean by good."

"I'm just thinking, you know? We did a bunch of quests, I got chances to get closer to Coco and Marlie, even trained to become more, um, sexually dominant..." his smile widened, and it was already pretty broad. "Just feels like there was so much back-to-back stuff happening that I can barely process it all, even now. I guess I just wanted your opinion?"

The Pixie tore apart the berry until her little face was covered in its flecks. After wiping herself off, she looked up at him and said, "Sure, I'll give you some credit. This was a pretty good week, all in all. How are you feeling, though, baby?"

"You mean about your dust?"

"Yeah, that and the whole domination thing. I'm still worried you're going to go crazy one of these days and start-"

"I only did it twice!" He blushed, defending himself.

"This might come as a surprise to you, but you have something of an addictive personality," Shayla laughed.

"I'm addicted to sex, not domination itself!" Coye openly admitted. "Besides, it's like Byng said- some days I'll feel more like one or the other."

"And how are you feeling right now?"

"Like I shouldn't have gotten high."

"Heh. I'm not healing that one for you, though."

"I kind of figured," Coye shrugged and closed the box of dried fruits after verifying Shayla was done.

"Gotta learn somehow," she clicked her tongue at him. "So, nothing new about the dust?"

"Not apart from what you already said. I wish it would hurry up already," Coye slumped over the table and pouted. "I want magic powers..."

"I know you do, baby. Chill."

"Can't really help it. I get excited every time I think about it!"

Coye rarely got so pumped up over anything, and seeing him get like this made Shayla smile. "You're not still high, are you?"

"No," Coye laughed. "I'm just happy to be spending time with you, like always."

"Nice save," she smirked up at him but became disheartened when she saw how his cheer slowly left. "...Baby? Is something wrong all of a sudden?"

Coye shook his head. "Sorry, just... had a random thought. A stupid one. Thought I would ask your opinion, but-"

"Shoot," Shayla didn't like where this was going, but it wasn't like she would turn him down when he needed her.

"Do you think that Dorothy is starting to hate me...?"

And just like that, the mood was dampened. Coye couldn't hold back his concern. Talking about his pleasant week made him dwell on the recurring thread that bothered him throughout it- Dorothy's avoidant behavior whenever he was around.

"I tried giving her time like Tammy thought I should, but it doesn't feel like Dorothy's been getting any better... I... I don't know if I crossed some line that I shouldn't have or if I said something that upset her, but... it weighs on me, Shayla."

Shayla didn't have it in her to be catty. She only had to take one look at him to see how upset the boy was, so she sucked it up and gave him the most tender advice she could. "She is getting better, bit by bit. It might not look like it to you, but I can feel it. Tammy's right, baby. You have to be patient with her. Even if it takes a while, who cares? While that chick is figuring her shit out, you've got three other girls who know how to love and appreciate you."

"Yeah, but... that doesn't make me feel much better," Coye frowned. "I know its shitty of me to feel like this even though I already have all of you, but-"

"Don't feel too guilty about it," Shayla insisted. "I know I give you a lot of shit, but never being satisfied is just another common Pixie trait. We're all about that 'more, more, more' lifestyle, y'know? Most of us, anyway. Some of us are satisfied with what we have and don't want anyone else..."

"I guess I deserve that," Coye laughed. "Now I'm worried I won't ever have enough, though..." His imagination trailed off until he envisioned a scenario where he wound up with more lovers than he could give proper attention to.

Coye's thoughts must've been transparent because Shayla somehow knew exactly what he was thinking. "Don't sweat it. You've got a big heart, baby. There's more than enough love in there for however many chicks you end up bagging- the only real limit is the size of this dinky cabin! Just try not to be upset if things don't always go the way you want them to, okay?"

The boy started smiling as he nodded his head. "I'll try. Thanks, Shayla."

"No worries, you know I love working on your bullshit."

The mood was ripe for affection, and Coye wanted to give some. He extended his hand toward Shayla, offering it as a platform for her to stand upon. She did so without question, allowing Coye to lift her up and surprise the Pixie with a tender kiss.

Rather than acting embarrassed, Shayla kissed him back without missing a beat. Her tiny lips tingled with magic as they touched, wings fluttering behind her in a soft expression of joy. As he pulled away from their kiss, both smiled lovingly at one another.

"You're really getting more confident," Shayla remarked as she played with her bangs. "Goes without saying, but... It's still nice to see."

"Yeah? I hope it's not a problem."

"Nope, it's an observation. Now kiss me again, dummy."

All the domination training in the world couldn't stop Coye's urge to follow in order like that, so he brought her in for yet another kiss. This one lasted longer, and stronger tingles worked through him as Shayla pulled back and kissed along the length of his lips. The fantastic sensation only increased when Shayla started mixing her tongue in. His spine shivered at every lick and every peck until she pulled away.

Coye was surprised to see the melancholic look on her face. He assumed they just had a nice, romantic kiss, but Shayla seemed lost in thought. "Shayla? Is everything okay?"

"Yes... no? I don't know..." The Pixie shrugged and looked off to the side. "Can't stop myself from sometimes thinking that it must suck to kiss me now that you've made out with other girls and know what it's like. You can't put your tongue in my mouth, my lips are tiny, and-"

"I'm only thinking about you when we kiss, Shayla. No one else."

That perked her eyes somewhat, but she tried not to look so excited. "Of course you would say something like that..."

"I said it because I mean it!" Coye rotated his palm so that she had to look him straight on. "And even if I did compare you to the others, kissing you is just as exciting. I love how tingly your magic feels, the little things your lips do, and so much more! No one else can make me feel like that. Only you. You're special, Shayla."

Shayla stared into his eyes and felt the heat rising in her cheeks. Coye knew what buttons to press, and Shayla appreciated him for it from the bottom of her heart. "I know I am," she teasingly scoffed. "But you get points for reminding me."

"How many points am I at now?" Coye asked with an innocent grin.

"Hah! Do you think I would reveal such a vital secret like the balance of your good boy points? No way! I'm keeping that shit locked up tighter than a vault."

"And how exactly can I cash those points out?"

"At my discretion," she smirked. "Since I'm feeling generous, I might let you trade some in right about now in exchange for the honor of giving me a little more personal attention."

Always looking for a chance to shower Shayla in sexual love, Coye was taken with the idea. "Really? I would love such honors." He teased.

"Yeah, baby. Really. You put me in a good mood, you know? I think you deserve a reward for that!" Though bashful from his sweet reassurances, Shayla snapped her fingers and banished her silky nightgown to reveal her naked body.

With a naked Pixie in the palm of his hand awaiting affection, Coye left the table and took her back to the bed. He smiled as he sank into the mattress, appreciating the sight of Shayla's curvy body.

"Do you mind if I start handling you?" Coye asked as he rotated his palm forward slowly enough for her to stop him if she wanted.

"Depends," Shayla raised a brow and sat down against his hand, throwing her arms over the back of his first knuckle. "What did you have in mind?" Her hesitation was all a playful act. As long as Shayla could help it, there was nothing she would deny him.

"Nothing special. I just wanted to play with you and give you a little love without holding back..."

"Oh? Tempting, tempting... I guess I'm cool with it when you put it like that..." fully reclining against his palm, Shayla was now like a doll in Coye's hand. He could do whatever he wished with her, and rather than fearing the idea, Shayla wanted nothing else than to become Coye's plaything. She knew he was a gentle boy who cared for his toys well- mostly...

Coye started off with another kiss which Shayla reciprocated with many magical and tingling counterattacks to the point where his lips felt like they pulsed with vibrating pleasure. He shivered excessively from their kissing but didn't linger. His goal was to smother Shayla in tender affection, not to soak up more for himself.

Forcing himself away from her tantalizing lips, Coye continued to kiss Shayla across her entire body while moving her around in his hand. He traveled from her shoulders to her thighs, her cute little navel to her bouncing breasts, and everywhere else in between. Even if Coye hadn't unlocked the tingling kisses ability from the path of the Pixie yet, his ministrations gave his little lover shivers and endless thrills.

Coye delighted in the joyous way she squirmed, moaned, and writhed from every little thing he did. All of his domination training awakened a deeper appreciation for foreplay, making each moment he spent savoring Shayla's reactions all the more special. It also made him a more patient lover, which Shayla noticed and reaped the benefits of.

His kisses became slower, more profound, eventually taking parts of her into his mouth. Mainly her breasts, but even her ears and tiny hands on occasion. At the same time, he used the finger of his opposite hand to gently rub down the side of her body and spread her pleasure as far as possible.

Shayla found it harder to breathe the more he appreciated her form, her chest rising and falling rapidly as her lover indulged her every desire.

"You're being so gentle...!" Shayla remarked, her voice little more than a sensual whisper.

"Of course I am. I want you to know how much I love you, so-"

"Ah, damn it..." Shayla reddened and looked away. "There it is again."

Coye frowned. He'd already avoided saying it many times throughout the last week. If he kept holding it in, it would just burst out.

"How will you ever get used to it if I can't say it?"

"You can say it," Shayla bit her lip and glanced at him from the corner of her eyes. "I just wasn't prepared, that's all. That, and it feels way different when you tell it to me when we're having fun like this..."

"Different, how?"

"Good different," Shayla smiled. "But it's also... a lot to process."

Sensing the best opportunity to strike, Coye leaned in and whispered, "I love you, Shayla," into her little ear before giving it a sensual lick with the tip of his tongue.

"Oh, fuck...!" The Pixie arched her back and sucked in an excessive breath of air. "That's not fair, baby! Not fair at all! You can't just... ah- y-you know that my ears are sensitive just like yours, damn you!"

"I don't want to hear about what's fair or not coming from you of all people," Coye teased, taking his tongue back to her ankle and licking up the expanse of her lower leg past her inner thigh on his way to give her tiny slit its first sliver of satisfaction.

"Gods, I love this taste almost as much as I love you..." he exhaled, the heat of his breath and tongue forcing Shayla to whimper and curl her toes.

"Holy shit-" Shayla yelped as he gave her pussy another lick. "Oh, fuck, baby... don't stop...!!"

Coye smiled. "Don't stop licking, or don't stop telling you that I love you? The difference is very important."

"Both, you dummy...!" She hissed at him for making her say it but was soon forced into moaning with all her strength.

Satisfied with her honesty, Coye rewarded his little Pixie by eating her out at a slow and steady pace meant to extract the most pleasure from Shayla possible. She would twitch for him, wiggling her hips as he lapped at her sweet juices, reacting like crazy whenever Coye paused his licking to whisper the magic words in her ears from time to time.

It only took a few minutes of this extravagant treatment for Shayla's appreciation to arrive in full. He wasn't even licking her when she came, her climax bursting after he told her, "I love you," one more time.

Shayla howled in delight, spreading her legs and clinching every muscle in her body as a stream of dewdrops dripped from her sex. To spur her orgasm to greater heights, Coye made an effort to press his lips against her needy pussy and lick everything up that he could.

His insistent tongue was splitting Shayla open and invading her body, making him feel the way her slit contracted on the tip of his tongue like it was his cock. Shayla came and came until she was lying limp in his hand and breathless, looking up at the boy with hazy, thankful eyes. Coye was smiling in response, empowered by the weight of those three simple words.

"Seems like you really do like hearing how much I love you, don't you?"

"Yeah, yeah..." she grumbled. "Have your fun at my expense, or whatever. I'm sure I've earned it. It's just that I can't help how you make me feel, and those words... gods, they're so good..."

"I can make you feel even better," Coye promised.

"Is that a fact?" Shayla chewed on her lip, her body tensing at the thought of even more bliss. "I don't know if I could handle you saying that kind of thing to me when we're actually having sex, though..."

Coye sat Shayla off to the side and stood up long enough to remove his pants and then his tunic, joining his lover in nakedness. He turned around to face her, giving Shayla a perfect view of his hard cock.

"Do you want to find out?"

Shayla gulped, her lower lips clinching at the enticing sight. "Of course I do," she admitted while trying to keep her composure. "Tell me how much you love me while you put that huge thing inside me, baby..."

Coye smiled at her permission before piling up pillows so he could recline back and keep a good view of her. He laid down and reached for Shayla, who voluntarily flew straight into his hand. Once he'd settled in, Coye slowly moved her to his tip. It drooled for her, but Shayla was even wetter- and so warm for someone so small.

Shayla was ready for him to plunge her down, but Coye lingered. He kept her pressed against his cockhead for some time, basking in the joy of her warmth. Then, Coye dragged her down his rigid frenulum several times to feel how her magical pussy thrilled him on each pass. The increasing pleasure ramped up Coye's desire for more, and he couldn't tease himself like this for long.

Coye brought Shayla back to his tip, and she stared him straight in the eyes, silently asking him to do what he needed to do. Before pushing down, Shayla released the magic she cast on her wings to keep her dust from falling. Just as Coye required sex with other girls to keep his lust in check, he needed his fix from his Pixie.

They weren't sure why Shayla couldn't relieve him even when she turned her dust off, but Coye believed it had something to do with Shayla's pussy being just as magical. It wasn't like they could ask Eschal, so his guess was as good as any.

It really was a magical pussy, though.

Coye imagined what it would be like to have her riding on top and even taller than him... such a pretty picture. He envisioned that unfair tunnel wrapping around him, squeezing and pleasuring his cock like it was made solely for that purpose. Coye needed it the more his imagination took control. He started pushing down, but not before he made good on his word.

"I love you so much, Shayla...!"

"Coye...!" Shayla whined as the pressure between her legs became fiercer, and he started poking inside. It was an incredible feeling and only the start of things to come.

"I... I- mngh...!" She struggled to reciprocate. Saying it back was only fair, and Shayla could only curse her persistent stubbornness. When half of his cockhead was fully embedded within her, and her stomach started to bulge, her head rolled back and provided the necessary motivation to coax her honesty. "I love you, too!!"

Coye moaned and smiled, pushing her down on him harder to penetrate the Pixie as far as he could. He saw that Shayla wasn't kidding- it really did feel amazing to hear those words during sex. It was harder to keep calm when someone told you they loved you. Still basking in that joy, he kept his cock where it was, just appreciating the pleasurable sensations and allowing Shayla to adjust.

She brought her hands to her swollen stomach, feeling his hugeness as her magical body worked wonders and allowed him in. She rubbed it from the outside, smiling.

"You're so excited..." Shayla observed, his cock twitching within her. "Were you thinking about anything special when you put it in?"

"Besides how much I love you?"

Shayla's pussy tightened around his tip, drawing a moan from his lips. "Y-Yes, dummy! Besides that...!"

"I... okay, fine. I was thinking about how amazing this pussy will feel when we're the same- uh... I mean, when you're taller than me."

Shayla was pleased he remembered to correct himself, but she also looked a little dejected. "I hope that old scroll wasn't full of shit... I want that more than anything else, baby."

"We'll get there," Coye promised. His voice was so confident and his love so true that Shayla was almost entirely convinced. "Even if it's not through whatever powers your dust ends up giving me, I'll find a way to make you as big as you want to be. I promise."

Starting to look a little overwhelmed, Shayla averted her gaze and said, "It's gonna be tough. Fairies are super resistant to magic, so it's not like someone can just cast a spell on me."

"What about potions?" Coye asked, sliding Shayla off of him for the first time before thrusting gently back inside. "I'm pretty sure there are potions that can change your height and, um, other things?"

"N-Not like I would know the first thing about that...!" Shayla chewed her bottom lip and shut her eyes as he pierced her yet again. "And we don't want you tipping off any of the alchemists we know to the fact that you have a Pixie, either!"

Coye frowned, wishing that he was closer to Tiph. That might've been one way to solve their problem, but even though they were already talking about potentially trying to seduce her, Coye still didn't think that outcome was very likely. Shame. Now that his foggy mind had cleared up, he could better recall their one-sided hug. Coye could still picture the vivid loneliness and pain, along with the hidden happiness within her his contact gave. Was this what Shayla was talking about?

"Please don't tell me you're thinking about that bitch right now?"

"It was a natural jumping-off point, okay?" To cover up his mistake, Coye teased Shayla by pulling out and pushing down again faster, watching as her big breasts bounced from the sudden movement. "It's hard not to think about Tiph! Besides, there are other things we could look into."

"T-There are...?" It might've been the gigantic dick stretching her tiny body to its limits, but Shayla didn't follow.

"Eschal said there were Fairy Knights registered with the Association before in the distant past, remember? I just thought that if we knew someone we trusted who worked for the Association, they could maybe, um, do some digging... yeah?"

"Fuck..." Shayla clenched her eyes tight. She hadn't considered that possibility, but it was worth exploring, in all honesty. It all depended on whether or not his relationship with Dorothy could be mended, though, and if Shayla could grow comfortable enough to reveal herself to the Guild Mistress...

"Y-You might have a point, baby. It wouldn't hurt to look into that... but for now, it's a discussion for another time. You're supposed to be fucking me and telling me how much you love me, in case you forgot!"

Shayla was getting all huffy, and it made him smile to see. "Sorry, I just kept thinking about it because of how bad I want it to happen for you... for us, really."

Her sassiness was toned down by his kind words, Shayla soon smiling sweetly back up at him. "I know you do, baby, and I love you for it. Really. Let's just put it off to the side, alright? You said you'll find a way, and that's enough for me. I believe you, so let's have some fun for now!"

"Okay," Coye smiled to know his partner had such trust in him, and Coye felt like he had to show his appreciation. Luckily, Shayla was easy to appease. It took very little to make her feel special and wanted, so Coye went straight to work and dropped their conversation in favor of rhythmically fucking her impossibly tight pussy.

Her breathy voice devolved into a series of moans that mixed with the sound of falling rain. It brought to mind memories of their first time together and how poorly that went compared to the gentle pacing of their current lovemaking. Coye had evolved since then. He was in greater control of himself, resisting the urge to pound the Pixie without regard for her well-being. More experience meant more knowledge, and Coye was delighted that giving Shayla what she wanted was easier than ever.

In between gentle thrusts into her warm, wet slit that tingled with every movement, Coye told Shayla that he loved her. Every time he did, he was rewarded with another stirring of magic or a sudden tightness around his cock. It was like Shayla's body rewarded him with sensual fireworks sparking against his sensitive skin, a pleasure that proved addicting.

Shayla would say the magic words back every couple of times, but Coye never pushed her more than she was comfortable. On top of it being embarrassing for the aloof Pixie, she was in dire need of attention, and her mind was overcome with ecstasy and wonder. His licking and kissing weren't enough- she needed his cock and was elated to have it inside her.

Together, the two lovers enjoyed their intimate time until Shayla was the first to climax. Coye pushed into her as far as he could go and watched as her body went limp, and she screamed his name. She came against him, experiencing a momentous, well-earned reward.

Shayla's orgasm drove Coye to his own, the boys soon joining her as his cock throbbed and quivered inside her perfect pussy. As the first spurt of semen erupted out of him, he shouted, "I love you, Shayla!!" one last time before losing himself to pleasure.

Coye's ejaculation wasn't an explosive, mind-shattering event as was often the case, but it was no less powerful and intensely intimate. Long and drawn out, Coye moaned and released everything he had for her until it gushed past her tiny lips and streamed down the sides of his pulsating cock.

The pleasure was immense, leaving Coye momentarily without energy as he collapsed onto the bed and enjoyed the afterglow after removing Shayla from her prized seat and setting her on his chest.

"That was... really nice, baby. Different, but nice..." Shayla exhaled with satisfaction.

"Are you happy?"

"Of course I am, dummy," she laughed and looked up at him. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Just making sure," Coye smiled. "Do you want to take a break for a while?"

"I wouldn't mind pacing things out a little, yeah," when some of her strength returned, Shayla nuzzled into his chest and offered the boy a contented sigh. "Think you can keep it to yourself for a while?"

"I can try, but no promises..." Coye smirked.

Shayla rolled her eyes. "You'll be fine. This is supposed to be our lazy day indoors together, remember? You can chill while I have a quick recovery nap."

"I know, I'm only teas-" Coye was interrupted by the door to his cabin opening and Byng walking straight inside without a care in the world. Suzette was following close behind her. Both were still totally dry, thanks to the elegant black parasol Suzette carried in her hands.

"Sup! You guys here, or-" Byng asked, only to get a better view of the situation. "Oh. Well, guess that's a 'yes', then... gahaha?"

"This is why I told you to knock," Suzette politely looked away after taking a quick glance at the steamy view. "Should we step outside and give you a moment, or...?"

"No, come right in," Shayla grumbled and sat up. "We were just finished, for now, so it's not like you're ruining anything other than the comfy mood..." snapping her fingers, the Pixie cleaned Coye and herself while disposing of the excess semen in her swollen stomach.

Coye got up as well, excited to see every one as he put on his pants. "Hey- sorry about that... um... what are you guys doing here?"

"Funny you should ask," Byng grinned and scratched the back of her head. "I was planning to come by myself and see what you were up to on such a shitty day, but I stopped by Suz's place first to see if she wanted to tag along. Turns out business wasn't too hot, so now we're both here. Imagine that, gahaha!"

"Things used to be that on a day like this, I would close shop early and enjoy my time alone reading and drinking wine," Suzette remarked as she folded up her parasol, placing it against the wall. "It's still such a strange feeling... having a better use of my time than wasting away by my lonesome, that is."

Shayla summoned herself a casual outfit- shorts and a white tank top- before flying to Coye's shoulder and laying atop it. "Damn. I can't very well ask you to go away after hearing something so fucking depressing. Might as well relax, I guess..."

"Thank you kindly, Shayla. I really am sorry if we interrupted..."

"No, you didn't interrupt emotional, romantic sex or anything like that, nah. Just regular sex. Honest." The Pixie rolled her eyes, unable to keep a part of her playful bitterness in check.

"Cool, regular sex!" Byng smirked and took the opportunity to throw herself on the bed and sprawl out over Coye's lap. "Can I get what she's having, or am I out of luck?"

"You just got here," Coye laughed, reaching down to stroke Byng's head.

"So?" Byng purred like a cat, staring up at him with a wide grin full of mischief.

Shayla rolled her eyes at the green usurper, but her attention turned to Suzette after she noticed the woman was carrying something in a bag.

"There's plenty of time for that later, dear. Have you already forgotten what we discussed?" Suzette approached the table and sat the bag down, removing a medium-sized tin box from within. It was in rough shape by the looks of it and had seen many years of use.

"Oh, yeah," Byng jumped up from Coye's lap and darted towards the table. "You guys need to check this out. I wasn't sure what to think when Suz first showed me, but it sounds real funny!"

"What's that?" Coye stood up and walked closer.

"A Peasant's Story?" Shayla read off the title, narrowing her eyes. "Gonna admit, no idea what this is about. What exactly am I looking at here?"

"Oh," Coye's eyes opened wider in recognition. "Isn't that a board game?"

"Yes, Darling!" Suzette clasped her hands together. "Have you ever played?"

"No, he admitted. "But I've seen adventurers playing it in the Guild's cafeteria. It sounded fun."

"Wait till you hear how it works, Shay. I think you'll like it." Byng smirked with confidence.

"Fine, I'll bite. Tell us what it's about, then..." Shayla gestured for Suzette to continue, trying to remain aloof despite her piqued curiosity.

Suzette smiled with warmth and tried to downplay her own excitement, which proved a challenge. "You see, each player takes on the role of a peasant during the Age of Heroes. The game is played on a board that loops around while each of us rolls dice to move our pieces, landing on spaces that allow us to either pick up various cards that represent typical peasant problems such as dying of the various plagues, famines, demonic uprisings, and other comical fates."

"And why the fuck would we want any of these cards?" Shayla snorted.

"You don't. The game's objective is to survive the longest and see who dies the least tragic death," Suzette continued smiling, which came off as disorienting given the subject matter. "When I was young, my parents would play this game with me every weekend. It just so happens that I found the box while cleaning the other day, and, well... forgive me if I'm feeling nostalgic, but... I thought that maybe we might... perhaps...?"

The older woman was looking at Coye with an uncharacteristically hopeful expression. She wanted this very badly, and he couldn't stop obsessing over how cute it made her.

"I'm in," he declared, much to her joy. "What about you, Shayla?"

"You were right," the Pixie nodded at Byng. "That does sound pretty damn funny. How do we play?"

Smiling brightly as a child, Suzette opened the box and removed a small booklet from the contents after rifling through dice and player pieces. "I'm so glad you asked, Shayla, dear...!"

"Oh, wait. I forgot about something..." Shayla grinned and pointed at Coye with her thumb. "Before all this, I got a funny story for you two. You'll never believe what this dumbass got up to yesterday..."

"W-What?" Coye's cheeks burned bright red at her sudden betrayal. "Shayla, no! I-" but it was too late.

The Council was informed of Coye's interactions with Tiph and his first recreational potion experience. There was laughter and concern as Shayla recounted the events and a universal agreement that the Tiph problem needed to be discussed in greater detail. That would have to wait for some other day, though. It was already rainy and miserable outside. No one wanted to sink their spirits any lower than they had to.

Besides, they had a game to play.

Byng required the rules to be repeated several times over, but in her defense, games didn't have many rules where she came from. Dice were something that shamans used to determine the will of the gods, and cards were a foreign concept altogether- let alone tokens and game boards. The third time around, though, Byng started to wrap her head around it, and the game of A Peasant's Story began.

Coye spent the rest of the day with his cozy little family, playing game after game and loving every minute of it. It was learned very early on that Shayla couldn't be trusted. The temptation to cheat at games to win was almost impossible for a Pixie to ignore. Still, once everyone figured out she was up to no good, trying to catch Shayla in the act became another layer of the game, adding even further fun to their darkly comical adventures as ordinary Karnallian peasants.

Everyone had such a good time that the day flew by faster than they could believe, and after dinner, the long night was spent enjoying each other's company more intimately. Everyone was thoroughly satisfied and drained by their second group orgy, even Coye.

He passed out with a smile, cozily content with everything and appreciative of how even a dreary and rainy day like today could be turned around just by having the ones he loved at his side.


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