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Chapter 8 - Coye’s Week 4 - Practice Makes Perfect

Though Byng did her best to tire Coye out throughout the night, he was just as playful the following morning. After waking, the two had plenty of fun swapping roles back and forth, playing with each other's bodies and exploring, with Shayla joining in every so often so as not to feel left out. This enjoyable session of intermittent lovemaking stretched until the early afternoon, when after a quick breakfast, Byng finally took her leave and headed off.

Coye and Shayla then prepared themselves for their promised visit with Suzette. This week had been full of quests and then an entire day of training, so Coye didn't mind sticking around Suzette's shop today if that's what she wanted. Dressing in a casual tunic and shorts and Shayla donning a new indigo sundress, both were ready to stop by the Darkwood General Store.

When they arrived, Coye noticed something that hadn't been there before. A large wooden sign was placed in front of the shop that caused Coye to be overcome with excitement upon further inspection. It was an advertisement for a performing bard who'd strolled into town- none other than the infamous Vico D'Gallo. Renowned for his melodic voice, penchant for bawdy, amusing tunes, and unmatched showmanship, this particular performer passed through Cransmere several times in the two years Coye had lived there. So long as the boy could help it, he'd never missed one of Vico's shows.

Tonight, Vico D'Gallo would play at a local bar named the Stone Cold Tavern.

Noticing the excitement building up in him, Shayla had to ask. 'What's up, baby? I'm getting the feeling this dude isn't just another passing bard.'

"You're right about that," Coye's eyes sparkled brighter than usual while responding to the voice in his head. "He's my favorite. Way better than Flowers and all the other local singers."

Before Shayla could inquire further, the door to Suzette's shop opened, its bell chiming the familiar chime. Out came the proprietress, looking as pleased to Coye as ever. She wore a much less fancy black dress than typical, owing to the ever-increasing summer heat, but still looked wealthy thanks to copious jewelry and a pair of lacey-frilled silk gloves on her hands.

"Darling, it's so good to see you," she clasped her hands over her chest and smiled. "Did the sign catch your eye?"

"Hey, Suzette. It sure did."

"Do you happen to know anything about this Vico D'Gallo character? I've never seen him myself, but that bar's owner happens to be a friend of mine. He asked me if I'd do him a favor and put up a sign, and I'm not the only one," Suzette gestured further down the street, where Coye witnessed several similar signs out in front of other storefronts. "Have you ever been to the Stone Cold Tavern?"

"I think so," Coye tilted his head, positive he'd been there at least once or twice. "That's the one owned by a golem, isn't it? Kind of hard to forget a place like that."

"Yes, that's the one. Brick is a lovely construct, and far be it from me to pass up the chance to help a fellow business owner. It also never hurts to put others in your debt, but you didn't hear that from me. There are few things more powerful than a favor." Suzette giggled, a playful smirk becoming more evident as she talked.

Coye smiled at her telltale business smirk, then moved in to greet his lover more appropriately. He wrapped his arms around her waist, surprising Suzette.

"Darling? What exactly are you-"

"Saying hello to my girlfriend?" Coye tilted his head innocently and pulled her closer to him.

Suzette bent down, guessing his intention and returning the kiss he wanted to give her. She was surprised he had this in him- Coye didn't typically respond well to public affection- though he was still blushing. Still, it was an improvement, and a welcome one, at that. She wanted nothing more than to show him off to the world, especially to those customers who only dropped to stare at her breasts, as Shayla so eloquently put it.

As the kiss continued, it gradually heated up and transitioned into full-on making out. They would've kept going from there if not for Shayla and her lack of patience.

'Come the fuck on,' she groaned. 'Could you guys maybe stop trying to devour each other's jaws for half a second and take me somewhere I don't have to hide?'

Suzette pulled away, blushing yet satisfied and giggling. She took Coye's hand and led him inside. "How rude of us. I suppose we should be more considerate, shouldn't we? Come along now."

"After you," Coye followed along. Suzette had Coye exchange the sign on the door from 'open' to 'on break', and then they went past the store to enter her living room, where Shayla exited the hat and stretched.

"That's more like it," Shayla said appreciatively, cracking her back. "So, what's going on today? You made it sound like there was something important you wanted to talk about."

"Right you are, Shayla, dear. I wanted a chance to speak with you, actually."

"What? Me?" Shayla blinked, now put on the spot. "Uh, sure. What's up?"

"Follow me, and I'll show you," Suzette took off and didn't bother waiting.

Coye and Shayla shared a round of uncertain glances at each other before trailing Suzette into a spare bedroom housing a pleasant surprise. Inside was a large desk and many shelves of different types of cloth, fabric, lace, threads, and sewing supplies. Fashion manikins stood idly in the room's corners, waiting for use. On the desk and shelves, Coye also recognized all the bland, cheap clothing he'd salvaged from Suzette's cargo crates during his adventure with Byng.

Shayla's glowing eyes burst with glimmering interest, taking every detail of the room in and obsessing. Though Suzette had yet to explain, the Pixie felt she could tell where this was going.

"...Okay, what's the big idea?" Shayla crossed her arms and looked at the older woman with apprehension. "Rather, what's the catch?"

"What makes you think there's a catch, dear?" Suzette returned the question with a motherly smile.

"No reason," Shayla shrugged. "It's just you setting up a whole room in your house to accommodate Pixie slave labor strikes me as suspicious."

"Slave labor?" Suzette laughed. "Come now, I merely wish to make the most of a golden opportunity that happened to flutter into my life unceremoniously. Surely you can understand that much."

Shayla raised an eyebrow and continued looking around the room. "Uh-huh..."

"Sorry for being slow, but I'm not sure I follow what's going on..." Coye scratched his head and frowned.

"You see, Darling, I wanted Shayla to do what she did for my wardrobe on a larger scale. She took a bunch of ugly clothes I should've burned a long time ago and, in the span of a single night, transformed them each into something rivaling the most masterful designers of Imperalis and Bourgeaux. How could I not desire to capitalize on that?"

Shayla turned bright red, totally unused to such ridiculous levels of praise. "You're laying it on a little thick there. I got no idea how I'd stack up compared to these designers you're talking about. It's just that I'm of the Fae- loads of us are born with talent in some art or another, even Pixies like me."

"Doubt yourself all you want, but I've seen enough high-fashion coming in from the cities to know what I'm talking about. All I want is for you to help me perform an experiment. The clothes Darling brought home for me were..." Suzette stopped, choosing her words extra carefully. "...Manufactured in an environment that allowed them to fall into my hands for an absurdly low cost. If you were to work your magic on them, dear, the return on investment would be simply extravagant."

"You really are merciless, aren't you?" Shayla raised her eyebrow at the businesswoman, unsure whether to be impressed or scared. "It hasn't even been even five days since we officially met, and you're already trying to turn a profit on me!"

"Shayla, I don't think she's-" Coye tried to butt in, but Suzette raised her hand and flagged him to stop.

"That's not entirely my intention. First and foremost, I'm offering you this chance primarily because you enjoy playing around with fashion design and lack materials. That is what the fabric you bought from me the other day was for, wasn't it, Darling?"

"Yeah," he confirmed. "Shayla wanted some fabric to make things when I'm doing other stuff."

"As I thought. If you accept my offer, I will provide anything you ask of me. Believe me, I can get my hands on much richer material if this turns out as profitable as I think it will."

"You don't say?" Shayla fluttered closer and closer to the work desk, trying to mask her intense interest. She didn't want to appear easy, after all. "I can tell you put a lot of thought into this, but... I feel like there are still a lot of things we'd have to consider. Am I supposed to just make whatever, or do you want me to make specific shit that people ask for? What about measurements? Do I just make clothes and random sizes and hope for the best, or..."

"Easy, dear. Those are all things you and I will flesh out in time. This first time," Suzette walked up to the desk and patted a stack of ordinary, boring, cheaply-made clothes. "Why don't you just make whatever you're inspired to? Call it a test run, and we'll discuss things in further detail later."

After a moment of thinking to herself, Shayla looked back at Coye and said, "I'd ask what your opinion is, but I'm pretty sure you're just gonna tell me the same thing you did with Byng."

"Yeah, basically. I'm all for it. I think this would be great for you." Coye shrugged his shoulders, unashamed of his simple take on the matter. "You love making clothes."

"Sure," Shayla nodded her head in agreement. "But doing it for money is... something I've never thought of before. Granted, we don't have money where I come from, but yeah. And not to sound ungrateful, but what'll I be getting from this besides a playroom and free materials?"

"A favorable share of the profits, obviously. It wouldn't hurt if the two of you had another income stream in case a certain someone ever hurt himself on the job..." Suzette looked at Coye with a frown, recalling the worrying number of visits healer visits he'd made.

"H-Hey," Coye blushed. "I haven't seen Eschal once since Shayla started tagging along and healing me. Aside from, um... the one that was her fault, I mean." He expected Shayla to take offense to that, but she remained silent.

She was looking over everything on the desk in great detail, and it wasn't long before Shayla flew to the shelves and inspected them, too. It all sounded like a great idea, even if she didn't know the first thing about business. Shayla's main doubt was whether or not she would have to cater her work to the taste of others. Shayla lost her attention span quickly and often and didn't believe herself capable of putting her heart into something she wasn't already invested in. She thought it wouldn't be so bad if she could make whatever she wanted and let Suzette put it up for sale, but there was more to think about.

"Do you think you could give me some time alone here?" Shayla asked after several moments of quietude. "I want to look around and get more familiar with everything without you two hanging over my shoulder."

"Absolutely," Suzette was quick to acquiesce. "I'd love to have a little alone time with my Darling, so we'll leave you be for now. Should you accept my offer, I imagine we'll be busy talking over the details for the rest of the day, so now would be as good a time as any to make ourselves scarce. Wouldn't you agree, Coye?"

"Sounds good to me," the boy confirmed, eager to be roped into this if it meant spending time with Suzette. "Take your time, Shayla. Don't feel like you need to rush into this."

"Not planning on it," Shayla waved them off, her eyes already darting to the next shelf and the sensational lace it contained.

Before spending quality time together, Coye volunteered to help Suzette move some boxes from her storage room to the storefront. It didn't take him long, and when he was done, she was waiting for him at the counter with a fresh glass of iced tea.

"Thank you, Darling. Summer in Cransmere is always insufferable. Some days it feels like it's spring again, and the next, you'll be sweating every ounce of liquid in your body. It's so hard for me to do things on days like this..." Suzette exhaled with deep frustration. "And that's not even mentioning my back pain."

"Always happy to help," Coye took a deep drink of his tea, no stranger to the seasons around these parts. "Just let me know if I can ever help around here, and I'll take the time to do it."

"I swear, I don't deserve you..." the mature beauty whispered wistfully.

"Not sure about that, but it's not like it'd be much hassle for me. It sounds like I might be stopping by more often, anyway..." Coye said regarding Shayla. "Where did all that come from, by the way?"

Suzette looked off to the side and played with her curly bangs. "Why, it's like Shayla said. Fairies are renowned for their creativity, and fashion design comes as naturally to her as breathing does to everyone else. Frankly, someone should be profiting off her. I see no reason why it shouldn't be me."

Her words sounded harsh, but Coye knew better. "You don't actually mean that."

A playful smile lifted the corner of Suzette's mouth as she turned back to face him. "Of course I do, Darling... to an extent. It's not as if I need the additional income. It's..."

"You want her to like you, and you're trying to buy Shayla's love," Coye observed, smiling as he watched Suzette's face become uncharacteristically embarrassed. "You don't really care whether or not she wants to sell the clothes she makes, either."

"If we dropped all pretenses... I suppose that would be the case, wouldn't it?" Suzette blushed, surprised that the dense boy could read her to such an extent. She was glad he did, as being honest about this matter was complicated. "I hope she wouldn't hold that against me."

"I doubt it," Coye laughed. "Shayla's very materialistic."

"How wonderful," she joined him in laughter. "We have that much in common, it seems. I didn't want to appear too desperate, but... honestly, I would be more than happy to start buying Shayla whatever silks, fabrics, and so on she desired, regardless of whether or not she was making me money. "

With another excellent observation, Coye shot straight to the heart of the situation. "You're not still feeling bad about how you outed her, are you?"

"Of course I am," Suzette admitted without hesitation, huffing. "She can tell me she's forgiven me all she likes, yet it will still bother me how I botched my chance at introducing myself to her more positively. Yes, I was concerned about your condition and felt that matter needed addressing, but first impressions are everything. Shayla will always look back and remember how I invoked her trauma the moment we first met..."

Coye reached over to Suzette, placing his hand on her upper arm and grabbing it firmly. "Hey, if that's what you're worried about, then forget it. She's petty, but..." the boy stopped, remembering Shayla's promise to get back at him when she somehow grew taller. "Okay, so maybe she does hold grudges, but mostly over stupid things."

"How reassuring, Darling. I hope you're correct..." she tried summoning her optimism as she finally stopped fiddling with her bangs. "Now, enough about my desperate attempt to grow closer to your first paramour. How did things go between the three of you yesterday, hm? Tell me everything."

"Things went great," Coye lit up with a bright smile as he thought about his training with Byng and Shayla and everything that came after. "Training was rough, but I think we all got a lot out of it. After that, well... we, um, got up to a lot of fun. Mostly just Byng and me, but... yeah."

The older woman looked at him and licked her lips, eyes eager with interest. "Fun, he says... my, my. I'm afraid that doesn't cut it for me. You'll have to be more direct so that I get a clearer picture. Tell me more, Darling. I'm dying to know."

"Ah..." the boy blushed and was almost on the verge of explaining everything, but he suddenly recalled Byng's suggestion. She proposed he try and take everything he learned and try it out on Suzette.

Coye wondered if he even could. Being dominant meant not giving a care about their surroundings. Yesterday, he and Byng made love out in his expansive yard where anyone could see them. Today, he found himself in Suzette's storefront behind the counter. There was a large glass display window, and the door had a pane of glass, as well.

Sure, he could've waited until they went back to Suzette's home, just as he could've commanded Byng to go inside. Neither were very daring, were they? Besides, they wouldn't be super visible if they did anything from where they were, but they wouldn't be totally obscured, either. Coye thought back to the kiss he gave Suzette back on the street, deciding it was enough to take his chances.

"It might just be easier if I showed you..." Coye crept closer to his lover, eyes full of desire.

"Darling," she started giggling as he drew even nearer. "What's come over you, you silly boy? If you wanted attention, you should've told me. Let's just go let Shayla know we'll be in the bedroom for a bit, and-" Suzette was suddenly pulled into another kiss- forcefully, at that. Coye yanked her to his lips, kissing her deeper than the one from before.

He kept on surprising her, hands traveling and fondling the curve of her breasts, then tracing down the swell of her hips. Coye pushed his hips into hers and allowed Suzette to feel the way he grew for her. She moaned into their passionate kiss, enjoying this attention despite a powerful sense of embarrassment washing over her, her golden eyes all too aware of the window on the other side of the store.

"Wait, wait!" Suzette said after momentarily managing to wrench Coye from her mouth. "Darling, what do you think you're doing? The door isn't even locked...!"

"I flipped the sign," Coye reminded her, grinding the outline of his cock against her leg. He wasn't letting up, and Suzette quickly became lost in worry and lust.

"Y-Yes, but... I..." Suzette stammered, giving Coye a moment to press his advantage. Her eyes went wide as he wrapped his arms around her waist and nudged her against the counter. She gasped, excitement coursing through her veins. "I can't believe you right now. Are you really trying to... here? Really? Honestly. Where exactly is this coming from?"

Coye looked at Suzette as cutely as he could, explaining, "Yesterday, I was practicing how to be dominant with Byng, and I wanted to try the same with you."

His comment came as a surprise, but Suzette thought it showed promise. After the aggressiveness he showed off the night of their foursome, she figured she wouldn't mind if he channeled that side of him more often now and again. Even so, doing it right here was far too daring, if not downright risky.

Risky, and... hot.

"That certainly explains a thing or two," Suzette bit her bottom lip in consideration. It wasn't a difficult decision to reach. "Fine, I suppose there's no helping you... but you'll have to make this quick. I- AH!" She yelped as Coye used his strength to flip her around and nudge her into the counter.

Suzette's shock didn't end there, as Coye had more in mind to showcase his aggressiveness. Before she could process what was happening, Coye squatted on the floor, lifted up the bottom of her sundress, and snuck inside. She turned bright red at his sudden invasion of her personal space, unsure where her cute little man was getting all of this cheekiness.

"Darling, I... good gods, this..." was one of her biggest fantasies. Her current predicament was like something out of one of her favorite trashy novels. More than one book on her shelf had a scene of a forceful man bending the leading lady over a counter in public and doing whatever he wished to her, often in her place of work. Suzette's breathing was getting heavier, and Coye had hardly even done anything.

Soon, she felt his soft hands caressing her hips, his fingertips brushing down her sides as he found the edges of her lacy black panties. Coye was tempted to remove them, but he resisted the urge and instead busied himself with running his touch up and down her thighs, massaging her thick ass and building up her excitement even further.

It didn't take long for Suzette to start showing signs of arousal. She was making soft sounds on and off, and after more than a minute of sensual groping, a growing stain was evident on her panties. Coye could smell her arousal mingling with the sweet scent of her skin, and he could bear it no longer. He slid the panties down the vast expanse of her wide hips, revealing her steaming slit just waiting for him behind her thick cheeks.

"I can't believe this is actually happening..." Suzette whimpered, leaning forward and melting into the counter as excitement weakened her knees. She propped herself up with her elbows, shutting her eyes while Coye's hands roughly handled her ass and spread her wide. Suzette could feel his gaze lingering, staring at her pink, puffy lips and her unexplored asshole.

Her body betrayed her, lower lips twitching from the feeling of her lover's breath being so close yet so far.

The anticipation Suzette experienced was wild, but Coye didn't give in and immediately sate either of their desires. He wanted to be firm with her, so he started off with a single kiss on her lips. It was light, doing little to satisfy her other than offering a tease of things to come before moving on to trailing little kisses down either side of her thick thighs. Coye bounced between them, kiss by kiss and lick by lick. Over time, his licks grew more daring, traveling closer to her mound but never reaching that lofty destination.

"Fucking- ngh...!" Suzette tried stifling a deeper moan as it rumbled out of her throat to no avail. "Darling, you're... mn, getting so good at this...!" She muttered without a thought as to how it would affect the boy's ego.

It encouraged Coye, pushing him to give her what they both wanted. Suzette gasped and grasped the hard edge of the counter, experiencing the first of his licks that gently gave her genuine pleasure. It lapped at her increasingly wet cunt with subdued thirst, soft at first, then more firmly as he planted a loud, smacking kiss against her exposed petals.

Heat was burning within her, Suzette watching as her resistance faded with every little thing he did to her. Coye kept kneading her ass as he ate from her pussy, amusing himself with the softness of her fat flesh. The more into it he got, the greater attention he gave to the sweet spot Suzette craved. Her mouth fell into the shape of a silent 'o' the moment he split open her lips with his thumbs, burrowing his tongue within.

"MN-" Suzette's mind was even hazier, thoughts scattering and the glass window vanishing from her view. "Are you trying to make up for lost time or something, D-Darling...? You already proved yourself the last time you did this, n-not that I'm... complaining..."

Coye didn't say a word in return, instead putting in more effort. He focused on the beautiful pussy before him, channeling his love and desire into a form of aggression. He lost his slow, patient gentleness and feasted with greater hunger. It caused Suzette to keep sinking further onto the counter, and before too long, she bumped her hips back into his face, grinding with the rhythm of his pleasurable tongue.

"Good boy," Suzette cooed with a delirious moan. "You're such a good boy for me, my Darling, such a-"

The all-too-familiar sound of the entrance bell ringing stopped Suzette's heart to a standstill. Her breath caught in her throat as the fog clouding her mind blew away, and Coye stopped what he was doing. A customer entered the store, a kindly old lady who Suzette had known for most of her life.

"Hello? Suzette, are you here?" The old woman's voice was brittle and frail, her bony hand reaching to adjust the rim of her thick-lensed glasses.

"Mrs. Frendleton," Suzette exclaimed with as much composure and pleasantry as she could muster, given the circumstance. "How... how absolutely lovely it is to see you this f-fine afternoon. I'm sorry to say that I'm, ah... currently indisposed. If you didn't see, the shop is on break at the moment."

"Oh, my!" Mrs. Frendleton adjusted her oversized glasses. "So sorry to be a bother. You know my eyesight isn't what it used to be and that these things don't do jack. I must have just assumed and walked straight in!"

"You're quite alright, really. I would love to help, but I must insist that you-" Suzette fought against a horrified exclamation of pleasure. Coye had spread her lips again, burrowing his tongue further and twisting it around her sensitive insides.

Truthfully, Coye was getting off on this. He was under Suzette's dress and knew full well he couldn't be seen even by someone who didn't have bad eyesight. There wasn't much to be embarrassed about on his end, and he figured it didn't matter if he continued because the counter hid Suzette's lower half.

Suzette didn't know if she was more angry at him or more turned on. She was leaning toward the former, but the skill which Coye pleasured her with was convincing her to the latter. Every moment was a fight against the urge to make a noise or twitch with satisfaction, and eventually, some of it must've leaked out because their guest noticed something was off.

"Suzette? Is something the matter?"

"No, everything is... wonderful..." Suzette insisted. It didn't sound convincing, but she saved face by following up with, "It's just that darned summer heat. It's so hot out today that I fear it might be, ah, getting to me more than I can h-handle... you know how mn- sensitive I happen to be..."

"Oh, yes! You've always been such a pale little thing, even when you were young! I'm so sorry, Suzette! I can come back later if I must..."

"Please," Suzette uttered under her breath, sexual frustration building as Coye licked her from the bottom down to her clit, which he teased with reckless abandon. "That... w-would certainly be for the MN- best...! I... I need to relax and take it easy for the moment..."

"You do that, sweetie. I suppose I'll manage elsewhere." Mrs. Frendleton sounded somewhat disappointed but soon left the store. They were home free, so Coye stopped what he was doing, predicting what would happen next.

Suzette reared her hips forward and bumped his face away with the full force of her butt, then looked over her shoulder as the boy tumbled from the underside of her sundress. Her piercing eyes were laden with fury, but her ragged breath and red face hinted she wasn't near as mad as she let on.

"I'm going to ask you a question, Darling, just one..." she whispered. "What in all the Realms made you think that what you did was anything remotely resembling a good idea?!"

Coye shrank, then tried to weasel his way out of it. "I can't help myself," he lowered his head to appear smaller and weak. "You're just so-"

"Don't even try it, young man. I know I'm beautiful, just as I know you're capable of self-control. My beauty didn't inspire you to lose your inhibitions. You did it because you wanted to."

"Well, yeah. That's true. I wanted to practice being dominant with you, which means I have to be aggressive and take risks I wouldn't otherwise take," Coye admitted after being cornered. "Yesterday, Byng and I had sex outside. It was embarrassing doing it where others could possibly see us, but fun. I thought I could try something similar with you."

Suzette gulped and crossed her arms, looking off to the side. "That's... quite another story compared to trying to fuck me right at my own front counter, and you know it," she tried to dispute, but Coye noticed the hesitation in her words. More so, he tasted her thoughts on the matter only moments before.

"Is it?" Coye stood up and advanced, surprising Suzette by lifting the bottom of her dress to the small of her back. "I don't think you're being honest with me, Suzette. I think you liked almost getting caught, just like I did."

Suzette couldn't believe it, but Coye wiggled out of his shorts and exposed his swollen cock to her. Again, she gulped, her reservations seeming to melt along with her capacity for higher thought. If he tried pulling any other stunt, she might've been able to turn him down, but this was one of her biggest fantasies.

Though she was weak, Suzette forced herself to put up a token resistance for the sake of her pride. "What an active imagination you have, Darling... this is a very serious matter, and I would never-"

A dominant thrill surged through Coye's body as he enjoyed seeing Suzette squirm. It was so different from how she usually acted that even though it was a bad idea, he couldn't help but escalate. Coye held her in place against the counter, using his strength to keep her from wiggling around while gripping the base of his cock and sliding its tip up and down her wet, warm entrance.

"Never what? Get turned on about wanting me to fuck you in your own store?" Coye teased. The very idea scared him, but that's what made it so exciting.

Suzette didn't know how to handle this- where would she even begin? He was right on every level. Coye's aggression, persistence, and youthful vigor all spoke to her intimately. His cock head played with her lips, reminding her every second that this was no longer a fantasy and was as real as could be.

"Please, Darling... if nothing else, at least let me go and lock the- DOOR!" The mischievous boy thrust straight ahead, piercing her tight tunnel and grabbing her curvaceous hips with his hands. Suzette was driven into breathlessness. Any attempts to dissuade Coye from this point onward would be all for show, and both knew it.

"How dare you, you dirty... dirty boy...!!" Suzette rasped, voice growing husky from the sudden penetration.

Coye ignored her, sawing himself back and forth until he'd worked up a pleasant rhythm. Since he didn't need to worry about shooting off early thanks to Byng, he was going forceful from the start. The sheer wetness that awaited him between Suzette's legs helped guide him along, too. She loved the roughness with which he handled her, allowing Coye to pound her into the counter.

Suzette clenched her eyes shut tighter, losing herself amid the ecstasy. She was allowing this to happen- she wanted this to happen. Had she put up a bigger resistance, Coye would've never taken things this far... yet, Suzette barely tried to stop him. That fact alone made her feel like a slut, and feeling like a slut only costs her excitement to boil over and manifest. She rocked her hips against Coye, voice echoing into the store as the smell of hot, sweaty sex started spreading in the air.

She'd already come this far. Suzette reckoned she might as well lean into it.

"Darling," Suzette gasped, breathing through the skin of her teeth. "Don't you dare fucking stop, you- mngh- you hear me?! You wanted to be dominant, so take some responsibility and fucking- gods- fucking use me! Use me like a dirty whore!!" Falling to her impulses, the mature beauty fucked him back with all her strength, the slapping sounds permeating the store Suzette had grown up in and taken care of since her late teenage years.

"Suzette..." Coye felt the rising passion from her, his mouth wide open as he exhaled with satisfaction.

There was no part of this he didn't like. The dirty way Suzette talked, how her pussy was tighter and wetter than typical, how she clenched and wouldn't let go, everything was so astounding. All Coye could do was stare at her huge ass as he impaled her repeatedly while occasionally glancing up at the window.

People passed by every so often, never close enough to look inside, but always close enough to send a thrill running down his spine. If by chance someone did get closer, they would see the busty proprietress bent over her own counter with Coye right behind her. Everyone would know what they were up to, and it was so intoxicating to imagine... and then the door opened a second time, causing their passionate coupling to pause once more just as it was reaching the best part.

"So sorry to be a bother," Mrs. Frendleton poked her wrinkled face back through the door crack. "I swear I wouldn't do this if it weren't so important, but... oh, I didn't know you had company, Suzette! Hello, little girl!" The kindly lady waved a bony hand at Coye, who was little more than an adorable fuzzy blob from her perspective.

"...H-Hello?" Coye waved back at her using the same hand which was just clenching Suzette's ass hard enough to make it bright red.

Suzette was beside herself with shame and arousal; the fact that Coye was still lodged fully inside her pussy only adding to the embarrassment. She was frustrated on more than one account. It boiled over her, and she couldn't ignore it.

"Agatha, can this truly not wait until later...?!" Far be it from Suzette to ever take her annoyance out on a customer, but in her defense, she did already turn the woman away once, and it was now harder to control her temper.

"Yes, well... it's just that it was so difficult getting out of bed this morning, and my hips ached the entire way to your store! Now, you know that the girls and I always get together this time of the week, and it just so happens that I'm completely out of tea! If you'd just let me-"

Coye's attention span was waning. He was buried deep in perfect pussy, and listening to the old woman talk was boring. Maybe since this Mrs. Frendleton had problems with her eyesight, it wouldn't be that big of a deal if he had himself a little bit of fun?

The logical part of his brain argued that Suzette would never let him hear the end of it, while the part of his brain that was irreparably becoming Pixie-like in nature told him to keep fucking his lover. In that crucial moment of weakness, Coye made the mistake of wondering what Shayla would advise him to do in his current situation. The answer was obvious, and he gently slid his throbbing erection out of Suzette again before slipping it right back inside.

It took every drop of self-restraint Suzette had not to moan. She was so sensitive and needy from their unpleasant interruption that all his little movements were amplified. Glancing over her shoulder, Coye was met with the face of a demon. Suzette had never looked so full of wrath as in the moment their eyes locked, but even then, the boy could see a twinge of deep arousal hidden behind her fury.

Coye only ever had one or two tricks. Playing up his cuteness or catching people off guard with his occasional bouts of cleverness. Predictably, he gave his lover a cute smile, implying he was sorry. It fell flatter than Coco's chest. Suzette only continued shooting him a look that said they would be having a talk about this, one that promised dire consequences.

When Mrs. Frendleton was done talking, she grew suspicious of the silence and asked, "Suzette? Are you still there? I think that's you, isn't it...? Then again, it doesn't quite smell like you... why, it almost smells like-"

"Just... this... once, take whatever you want off the shelf and go," Suzette muttered, hating herself for being unable to resist the urge to start slowly moving a little bit on her end. "As thanks for being such a va... valued customer...!" She fought off a mighty moan triggered by Coye's latest trick. He was trying out the same thing he'd done with Byng, angling his cock around in different spots between thrusts so that he hit places she wasn't used to. It worked like a charm, and Coye could tell she was getting closer.

"Goodness! Are you sure?" The old woman brought her hands to her cheeks, opening her toothless mouth with a bright, wholesome smile. "I don't deserve such kindness! Especially after-"

"I must insist," Suzette tried hard not to yell, but her patience was thinning with every thrust. "Please, just take whatever you need and... d-don't stop- fuck- I mean go!!" The poor woman was losing her fragile grip on reality. This experience was also surreal that it threatened to consume her every thought. If it wasn't for her desire to get even with that precocious boy of hers, Suzette might've lost herself.

"Well, far be it from me to pass up such an amazing opportunity! You have this old woman's thanks, Suzette!" Mrs. Frendleton scuttled off toward the tea shelf with such speed that it brought doubt on her claims of a faulty hip. She was already back at the doorway in the blink of an eye, clutching the most oversized box of tea Suzette sold.

"Thank you again!" She repeated, much to Suzette's annoyance. "You take care of her, young lady. Make sure that Suzette gets a lot of rest and plenty of fluids!"

"I think I can manage that," Coye couldn't pass up the chance to chuckle even as Suzette scowled at him from over her shoulder. "Would you mind locking the door for us on the way out?"

"Absolutely, take care!" The old lady did them that last favor before absconding onto Mainstreet, hugging tight her ill-gotten gains.

Coye braced himself for whatever was about to happen. He was prepared to try and talk himself out of the world of shit he was in, but Suzette pulled herself off the counter and stood upright. She tugged her hips forward so that all that remained within was Coye's drooling tip, then smashed backward with all her body weight behind it.

Coye hadn't been expecting such a move, and it surprised him so much that he fell down on the floor flat on his ass. Suzette looked down at him from above, her face furious. "Do you have any idea how mad I am at you, Coye?"

The boy gulped. "Um, a lot?"

"A lot," she scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Why yes, Darling. You could certainly say that."

"But you are really into it," Coye pointed out as if it were some sort of gotcha moment.

"That's irrelevant! Just because it happened to align with one of my deepest fantasies doesn't mean you should take advantage of the fact!" Suzette was indignant, trying to absolve herself of any blame despite encouraging him at multiple points. It was almost as if she'd forgotten about the part where she told Coye to use her like a dirty whore. "There's a time and a place for taking risks, my love, and my front desk during typical store hours is neither the time nor the place!"

The severity was finally starting to sink in for Coye, and he looked away meekly. "I'm sorry, Suzette..." he mumbled, meaning it. "I know I got ahead of myself, but I'm still trying to get used to being dominant. Doing it publicly like this didn't help, either... it just made me so excited and thrilled, and I couldn't stop...!"

"Astonishing. On top of everything else, you're becoming an exhibitionist. Will wonders never cease?" Her tone was passive-aggressive, but Coye optimistically believed there was a hint of amusement mixed in as well. "Be that as it may, you're not getting off the hook for this. Oh, no. Not at all. You've been bad, Darling, and bad boys need stern punishment."

"Punishment...?" Coye could only stare up at his domineering lover, suddenly intrigued at the direction this was turning.

Suzette reached into her bra and took out a hair tie, brushing the bangs from her face and doing her hair in a ponytail to show she meant business. It made her look more youthful, but Coye barely had the time to enjoy it. Suzette hiked her dress up and squatted above him, placing both feet on the sides of his hips. Using her weight and momentum to her full advantage, Suzette dropped down on his cock and swallowed him whole with her dripping cunt.

No one would see them now that they were both below the counter, and the predatory smile on Suzette's lips told Coye he was in for it.

The initial insertion brought her crashing down on his hips, summoning a deeper moan of ecstasy from them both. Suzette leaned forward, resting her hands on his chest before returning to business. She rocked her hips forward, putting surprising speed and power behind every move. Just like that, the tables were turned. Suzette was fucking him and not the other way around.

She was doing it so hard that Coye could hear the clapping sound of her cheeks bouncing up and down on him. That alone was so arousing it threatened to make him bust, but those glaring eyes full of love and scorn were even more stimulating. Before this happened, he was the one having fun being in control, but the sudden role reversal made things feel more natural- at least with Suzette.

Suzette was in her element, looking beautiful and dangerous as she fucked his cock so perfectly. Her moans grew deeper, each corresponding to a tight clench between her legs that sucked him in further. She could feel Coye's climax arriving by the way his erection throbbed like mad.

"Suzette... I... I'm almost there...!!" he gave a cursory warning for politeness. Coye should've left well enough alone, but he added, "This sure doesn't feel like a punishment, though...!"

Suzette raised an eyebrow and dropped her hips harder as her own climax approached alongside his. "It doesn't, does it? Hm. Interesting. I suppose we'll just have to see if you still feel that way by the time I'm finished with you."

Coye could tell she wasn't bluffing. There was a moment when he was stricken with regret, wondering whether or not he had made a crucial mistake. Before he could dwell on it for too long, Suzette dropped her tight pussy down on him with the most powerful swing of her hips so far. It caused him to scrape up against her deepest depths, his tip twitching and crying out in pleasure. The only thing on his mind was feeling Suzette up, which pushed him to the limit, motivating him as he began to cum inside her pink, juicy sheath.

"Mnnn, there you go," Suzette smiled and lolled her head back, enjoying her lover's warmth settling within her womb.

Rather than letting him enjoy the pleasure at his own pace, she continued rocking her hips. Suzette was anything but gentle, and even as Coye started to cry out louder and louder between shooting off ropes of semen, Suzette kept on riding like she couldn't even hear him. Even the torrents of cum gushing out of her overstuffed pussy could deter her.

"W-Wait," Coye begged, terrified. "Suzette, I said wait! You're going too fast! I'm really sensitive when I'm- AH!"

"I know, Darling. I know."

Coye now understood the magnitude to which he had fucked up.

For the entire duration of his orgasm and even straight after it, Suzette wouldn't stop riding his cock. He could cry and shoot however many times he wanted, but Coye earned this hell of his own making. On and on Suzette bounced, her breasts flopping wildly despite her bra holding them in place.

It was funny, Suzette was planning to break out this technique as a reward for him at some point, yet here she was, brandishing it as punishment. She knew how dearly her Darling loved to be taken advantage of, and after their recent orgy, Suzette took it upon herself to step up her game. She placed an order from a book dealer acquaintance, asking for some texts regarding female domination.

They'd finally arrived late yesterday afternoon. Suzette's prior evening was spent on her living room armchair, researching the pleasures of womanhood lit by sensual candlelight and fueled by a bottomless chalice of wine. Among the many things she learned in those books, post-orgasm torture struck a chord with her. Putting it into practice was equal parts vindicating and pleasurable.

Suzette got a rush from seeing the boy lose his mind thanks to oversensitivity, all while building herself up to her own climax. As he lay there crying and dry kicking beneath her, she pinched Coye's nipples through his shirt, giving him no warning so she could adequately bask in the sweet, girlish sounds he made for her. It was just another method of payback- and a fun one, at that.

Coye couldn't even speak, he was so overstimulated. Even though addiction ensured he didn't have much of a refractory period, Coye was just as sensitive as any other man following an orgasm. This overstimulation brought about by the constant bouncing of Suzette's pussy up and down his aching cock could only take things in one direction- a second, even more, powerful climax barely minutes after the first. He could feel it bubbling within him, terror seizing Coye's senses.

"Please, no," he begged even harder than before. "I'm sorry! I-I won't do it again! Stop! STOP!" But it was too late. He exploded inside Suzette's, cumming so hard that a sizable portion of his strength left straight through his urethra.

"How ironic," Suzette looked down at him, loving everything about she saw. "I guess neither of us knows when to stop. Do we, Darling?" The venom in her voice was so thick Coye could almost taste it.

Coye's unbearable second orgasm filled her far past capacity, his cum sloshing out of Suzette onto her floor. His tongue was drooping, and his eyes were receding into his skull. The boy was rendered almost useless, and it filled Suzette with pride to know it was entirely her fault.

Suzette came against him, and it was a titanic release. All the built-up emotions flooded out of her as her neck fell back and she moaned like the damned. Her steaming juices flooded against his still-throbbing cock, which now had to face the new menace of her convulsing pussy walls massaging him to no end.

The exchange of pleasure continued until both parties finally wore themselves out. There isn't often a winner or a loser when it comes to sex, but Suzette would've won without room for doubt had it been a competition. Suzette looked down at him, doubting whether or not he would ever walk again. It seemed she discovered a weakness of his. The thought of learning something that gained the upper hand over her younger lover made Suzette feel much happier than before, almost enough to forgive him for all his chicaneries.

Fortunately for Coye, Suzette didn't have it in her to be mad for very long, at least not with people who didn't deserve it. She rose from him, letting his cock fall out of her embrace as she drizzled thick streams of semen all over his pelvis.

"Darling?" She called out to Coye, maneuvering to his side and brushing the side of his cheek with her hand. "Have you forgotten how to speak, or are we good?"

"Don't... know... think... we're... good...?" Coye verified, although his voice was coarse from all the orgasmic bliss he was forced to endure.

"How disappointing. I suppose that only means I have to try even harder next time, doesn't it?" Suzette clicked her tongue, though any sinister overtones were absent in her words. All that remained was the typical sultry playfulness that Coye adored. "I hope this has at least taught you a valuable lesson or two, my sweet little fool."

The boy managed a weakened smile. "It sure has..."

"Oh?" She looked at him expectantly. "Pray tell?"

"I learned that if I tease you and annoy you a lot, you'll get mad and punish me in a really sexy way..." Coye slurred his words like a drunk, smiling from ear to ear. For as cute as he was, he really was becoming incorrigible.

Exhaling a long sigh of disappointment, Suzette stood up after fishing her panties off the ground and stepping into them. "Yes, that's more or less what I've come to expect from you. You're only lucky I had as much fun as I did, or else I really would've been mad. Truly mad."

If this wasn't her full anger, Coye feared to find out what was. Especially since he already had a pretty good idea of where that dark and lonely path led, what with her shady status as a widow.

"I-I wouldn't have kept going if you didn't want me to," Coye countered to defend himself.

"Shush," Suzette rolled her eyes at him even as a playful smile lifted the corners of her mouth. "It doesn't matter now. What's done is done."

"Good, because I was starting to get impatient," Shayla's voice snapped them out of their moment, drawing their attention to the door behind the counter. Shayla had cracked it and was hovering just out of sight. Her arms were folded, and overall she looked none too impressed. "When I said I wanted some time alone, I was talking like five or ten minutes, tops. Didn't think you guys would go crazy and start fucking in the middle of the store while my back was turned. Thought you'd at least wait until I was done before everyone took their pants off, but no!"

Suzette blushed, catching the implication that Shayla had been watching for some time. "I'm afraid my hands were tied. You see, Darling had the funniest idea that now was a good time to practice being dominant toward me. Given that I am only an ordinary human and he's a well-trained adventurer, I had no choice."

Shayla looked at Coye, her level of disappointment visibly increasing. "Putting some more work on that aggressive shit, huh? Looks like it went really well for you, baby."

"In a way, it did," Coye was slowly starting to regain his strength and could now sit up and put on a weak smile. "I know how it looks, but my punishment wasn't so bad."

"That's where you're wrong," Suzette spoke up, correcting him in a way that put terror in his heart. "The first phase of your punishment wasn't so bad, Darling."

"The first...?" Coye gulped. "Wait. Are you saying there's more?!"

Suzette ignored him completely, turning her attention to Shayla. "Have you made your decision, dear? I'm sure we've given you more than enough time to mull it over."

"Yeah," Shayla nodded her head casually. "I'm up for giving this thing a shot. We'll see how it works, but I ain't promising anything. My attention span is total shit, and I have no guarantee I'll be interested in doing things I don't want to."

"That's all I could ask for," Suzette clasped her hands over her chest and smiled brightly. "If you'd be so kind, I have an emergency order I'd like to make. I wasn't planning on asking this of you, but I wasn't planning on being fucked over the counter, either."

Shayla looked over at Coye and raised an eyebrow. "An emergency, huh? Is that so...?"

Coye wasn't sure what they were going on about but did understand a plan was being hatched without him. One that smelled like trouble.

"Well, I wasn't planning on doing any custom orders, but since it's going to be the first part of our collaboration... I might be willing to make an exception. Go ahead, lay it on me."

Suzette smiled, but there was no warmth in her cold, dispassionate eyes as she turned to face Coye's direction. "You see, Shayla, dear... my part-timer here requires the sluttiest outfit you can manage to whip up on such short notice. I'm talking about something that will attract the attention of everyone on Mainstreet as he's outside my shop handing out free samples. Something along the lines of short shorts exposing his delicious V-shaped pelvic lines, a thong clinging to the sides of his sleek, feminine hips, and a tight top, perhaps. The top needs to be made of something breathable, however. It's hot outside. I would hate for you to make him something light that might cling to his skin and reveal his nipples should he start sweating. We wouldn't want that at all, would we?"

"W-What?!" Coye's voice caught in his throat. There were so many more things in protest he wanted to say, but fear made him unable to express them. All he could do was look to Shayla for mercy.

Today was the day Shayla's star shined the brightest. She'd waited for this day since the moment Coye accepted him into her life- even before that, even. From the moment she'd first laid eyes on Coye, Shayla knew she'd make the cutest little slut out of him one day. Now was the time to live her dreams.

"Y'know what? I think that sounds right up my alley, you devilish bitch." Shayla sneered, mischievous intentions illuminating the Pixie's glowing pink and blue eyes.

Struggling to do or say anything in protest, Coye finally squeaked out, "Wait, hold on a sec! I... I can't do that, the outfit you made me wear last time was embarrassing enough! If this next one is even worse, I- gods... I can't imagine what would happen if everyone saw me like that...!"

Hypocritical as he was, Coye's concerns weren't without merit. The boy was scared of what might transpire should Britni show up and catch sight of him wearing something so unmanly. Tiph would never let him hear the end of it, and Marlie would probably think he was lame, too. Worst of all, Coye feared his progress with Coco would be reset if she saw him decked out in what she would probably think were clothes only a beta male would wear.

Getting seen by the rest of town would be bad enough, but the Baddest Bitches? Coye didn't think his humiliation fetish had yet reached the point where he'd find their reactions enjoyable.

"What's that, Darling? You're worried you'd be embarrassed because someone might see you in the middle of a shameful act?" Suzette tilted her head in mock ignorance. "How very curious. I almost feel as if I've heard that one before..."

"Ah. Ahaha..." Coye's hypocrisy hit him and made him lower his head in defeat. He had no grounds to refuse.

"Fear not, I'm fairly sure I have a wig or two somewhere around here," Suzette smiled warmly at him. "It might be a little girly, but it should keep others from recognizing you from a distance, at the very least."

"I... damn it, I don't have a choice, do I?" Coye sighed. He wasn't ready to move on to all-out cross-dressing territory, but he'd wear the wig if it would hide him from further scrutiny.

"If you'd like, we could style the wig?" Suzette suggested. "Perhaps a pair of cute little pigtails, or-"

"N-No!" Gasping, Coye would've done anything to keep things from escalating. Wearing a wig would be embarrassing enough. They didn't need to go making it even cuter.

'Damn. We'll get him next time...' Shayla telepathically communicated solely to Suzette, the two sharing a mutual smile and a sense of camaraderie as they watched the red-faced boy squirm from bashfulness.

"You'd best get started soon, Shayla, dear," she turned to her companion. "Darling has a lot of work to do if he wants to go and see that bard of his..." Suzette revealed her most potent weapon, removing a ticket for tonight's Vico D'Gallo show from her bra and dangling it in the air for Coye to see.

A tender smile surfaced on Coye's face, hope returning to his soul.

"Suzette...!" Coye called her name, now determined to weather any storm his day of part-time work would bring him.

And with that, the plans were set in motion.

Shayla would make Coye the outfit, and then he would wear it and draw some attention to the shop so Suzette could reap the benefits. Shayla and Suzette had much to discuss regarding production and how they would handle things, so they decided she would spend the night at Suzette's.

This would be the first time she'd left Coye's side for an extended period since they'd first gotten together, but the fact that she was willing to do so relieved Coye. He'd been right all along in the end, and Suzette didn't have to worry about a thing. She and Shayla were getting along just fine. No matter how slutty the outfit ended up being, it wouldn't affect the joy Coye experienced upon seeing their progress.


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