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enjoy your 40 straight pages of on and off Byng sex

Chapter 6 - Coye’s Week 3 - Taking Control

Coye awakened to a pair of delightful sensations. The smell of breakfast being cooked filled his head with hunger, while the hand gripped firmly around his erect shaft pulled and jerked him slowly and steadily. He shifted his hips in a daze, the tender love drawing him closer into full awareness. Soon, it coaxed him to open his eyes. He found that his blanket was removed and on the bed sitting beside him was Byng, her fist wrapped around his cock as she pleasured him with a smile.

"Hey," Coye mumbled and stretched out, smiling tiredly at his lover and her efforts to quell his morning lust.

"Hey yourself, short-stuff," Byng smiled back and pumped his cock harder as a special treat for waking up. She was wearing a black band around her breasts, a furry vest, and tight black shorts. "I was starting to wonder if you were ever gonna get up, gahaha! I've been jerking you for a couple of minutes now."

Over in the kitchen, Coye heard Suzette's voice calling out to him. "Don't take too long, you two. Breakfast will be ready shortly." The older woman was busying herself with cooking, wearing a white apron over her violet dress. In contrast, Shayla wore a silky nightgown and perched on the countertop, hanging out with Suzette as she worked.

Coye yawned and asked, "What's going on? Is there any reason everyone is here this morning, or am I just lucky?"

"You were still sleeping when I got up a little bit ago," Shayla answered. "And then these two showed up. Byng said she had something important to talk about, so I let everyone in. I suggested someone help you out because it's been two days since you got laid with anyone other than me. Figured you needed a little love to start off the day. Otherwise, you're not gonna be able to focus."

"I'm not complaining," Coye exhaled with deep pleasure. His back was melting into the bed as he arched it and thrust his groin upwards into Byng's skillful grip.

"Didn't think you would be," she cackled, keeping the growing heat strong by adding deep corkscrew motions with her hand. Coye moaned at her intricate touch, groaning even more profoundly as she squeezed him tight. "But for real, let's not waste too much time. Yeah? We got so much important stuff to talk about, it ain't even funny!"

Coye met Byng's loving gaze and decided he wanted to see that cute, smug face of hers become more serious. "Waiting on you," he teased, enjoying how her expression tensed with mischievous glee now that he'd challenged her to step up her game.

Byng didn't back down, taking his cheekiness as nothing less than a personal slight. "Big words for such a little man," she whispered in her low, scratchy voice. "Especially one who shoots off as fast as you!"

She took her hand away from his cock and swirled up a downright excessive amount of warm saliva in her mouth, then surprised the boy by drooling all over both of her hands. He watched as the slimy liquid coated every inch of them. Then, after shooting him a wicked grin, Byng's right hand went back to the pulsating shaft of his cock while the left rested its palm against his sensitive crown.

Coye didn't know it, but he was in for a treat.

Byng started jerking him off at high, slippery speeds while circling the palm around him. His early-morning hand job gifted the boy an entirely new sensation, and he started howling in pleasure nearly as soon as she began. Over and over, Byng circled his tip with her palm, laughing and eating up the way he squirmed from every little stroke she gave him.

Across the room, Suzette became distracted in her cooking and continually peeked over her shoulder while Shayla didn't attempt to hide that she was smirking with interest.

True to form, Coye's first ejaculation of the day came not even a minute after this treatment began. Before he knew it, he was ejaculating hot streams of semen straight into Byng's palm. His feminine voice reached higher and higher heights as he came, his load so huge that it flooded downward and pooled onto his crotch.

Byng licked her lips at the delicious display. He was just so cute, especially when he was cumming his pathetic little brains out. Coye kept jerking his narrow hips up and down as his cock violently pulsed in her hand. "There you go, short-stuff, keep it up," she teased, knowing how much he got off on encouragement.

When he finally finished, Byng showed off her cum-covered hand with a sharp-toothed smile. "Shit, dude. Just look at the fucking mess you made, gahaha!" Just as she wished, Coye stared at his thick load with drunken delight.

Then, she hit him with the kicker and extended her long tongue to playfully lick up every last drop. Byng could almost lose herself in the way Coye's sparkling blue eyes flared up with unconditional love, adoration, and appreciation for her as he stared. Coye couldn't help it. He let out a long and dreamy sigh.

"I'm... never gonna get tired of seeing that..." he commented from the depths of the lustful haze clouding his mind.

"Of course not, you perv," Shayla teased from the kitchen counter. Then, she snapped her fingers and magically removed the excess cum on his hips and the sheets below.

Byng felt insulted. "Hey! I was getting to that!"

"Yeah? Then make sure you slurp it up faster next time, slut." Shayla gave her friend a playful smile, which Byng could only laugh at. Coye loved to see them getting along.

"Come now, there's no need for name-calling," Suzette clicked her tongue with disapproval as she started piling up plate after plate of breakfast on the table. "Anyways, seeing as you're now nice and refreshed, why don't you get dressed and join us, Darling?"

"Just a second," Coye said. "There's something I gotta do first." He then surprised Byng by sitting up and scooting close to her, wrapping his arms around her for a tight hug and a deep kiss. Surprised as she was, she kissed back quick enough, never one to turn down his affection. "Thanks a lot for the help, Byng."

Shayla rolled her eyes while Suzette smiled at those crazy kids.

Byng blushed casually and clasped him on the shoulder with a playful smirk. "No big deal, gahaha!" She stressed, then hopped off the bed and rummaged through Coye's wardrobe to toss him a casual set of clothes for the day- some underwear, a white tank top, and black shorts. "Believe me, you're gonna need your full attention span to wrap your head around the crazy shit I have to say, short-stuff."

Intrigued, Coye threw on the outfit and joined the others at the table. Breakfast was fulfilling, exceedingly so. With Byng's help, Suzette brought along more than enough food this morning to fill Coye's pantry full to bursting. She could now cook in her usual fashion, making far more than was necessary and eating a good plate or two more than anyone else. No one talked much during breakfast, but Coye learned he slept in longer than expected owing to the long night he shared with Shayla. At least the Pixie was looking well-rested despite her sexual ordeal.

When they were finished eating, and the dishes were taken care of, Byng took center stage and started explaining the details of the surreal night she'd had. How an evening of boredom led her into prayer, and how praying led to an encounter with the divine. Byng expected a healthy degree of skepticism from everyone at the table but was pleasantly surprised to learn this wasn't the case.

There was initial doubt from Shayla, and Suzette initially had trouble processing the information, but both trusted her words the more she talked. The story was too elaborate to have been a dream, and the details far too consistent to have been a practical joke. Coye believed her every word from the start, of course.

When Byng had recounted every last bit of her story, everyone else was left to stare at her in wonder.

"Goodness. My words might not mean much, seeing as I've never had an encounter with a God before," Suzette laughed uncomfortably. "But it's hard to imagine it could've gone any better than it did."

"Yeah, that's kind of how I see it," Byng agreed.

"Just make sure that this God of yours isn't fucking around with you," Shayla crossed her arms. "By and large, Gods are assholes who can't relate to the mortals they stand above."

"Oh. Have you ever met one, Shayla, dear?"

"No, it's just a bit of common sense," the Pixie shrugged. "You do this God one favor, and it'll lead to another, and then another, and the next thing you know, Byng is gonna be leading a genocidal holy war in Kuhrkakk's name."

"Maybe that wouldn't be so bad? Gahaha!" Byng cackled uproariously. "What are you thinking, short-stuff?"

Coye was viewing things through a romantic lens. Not 'love' romantic, but romantic as in the adventurous spirit. "I think it sounds awesome. It doesn't sound like Kuhrkakk is asking that much of you, and it doesn't sound like it'll be a huge commitment. You said he called it transactional, right? That sounds like a pretty good deal to me."

"I knew you'd have my back," Byng was all smiles and she leaned over the table to ruffle Coye's hair, much to his embarrassment. "I already told him we'd move ahead with this, but it's not like I don't have a few lingering concerns."

"I think it would be best if you voiced them now," Suzette suggested as she sipped from a cup of tea she poured herself. "It's important to tie loose ends before you get saddled with your first task."

"The big thing I'm worried about is that he wants to make Karnalle's wildlife safer. That has me wondering; at whose expense? Suppose I go around killing huge monsters and turning them into land spirits. What's gonna stop those spirits from upending the ecosystem or killing any humans who wander onto their territory?"

"Actually," Shayla raised her voice. "I wouldn't be so worried about that. Assuming these land spirits are similar to the ones already in this Realm, they'd probably end up pretty peaceful and nonviolent. They're more like protectors who deter humans from upending nature rather than outright killing them. Think about it like this. If a land spirit started killing every human that entered their forest, all they'd be doing is drawing unwanted attention to their territory. Strong as they might be, there's not much a single land spirit could do if some Lord rounded up a bunch of adventurers experienced at slaying spirits."

"Huh," Byng nodded along. "You sure know a lot about spirits."

"I wonder if it's because I am one?" Shayla tilted her head mockingly.

"Gahaha! That's fair. Now that I think about it, the spirits Kuhrkakk uses to defend certain lands are pretty peaceful, too. Then again, the wildlife in Grurguhrohk doesn't need much defending..."

"For the sake of argument, you're absolutely certain this won't have dire consequences?" Suzette asked.

"Pretty sure," Byng shrugged her shoulders. "I didn't get the impression he was anything but a friendly nature God who loves animals. Didn't catch so much as a whiff of bullshit from him, either. I know the stories aren't all true, but he's not known for deceit or trickery. We've got a different God for that- Lazgarr."

"Right," Shayla snickered. "Because only the God specifically centered around lying tells lies, and none of the other ones."

As a harmless little joke, Byng picked up the salt shaker and hovered it over Shayla. "Is it snowing in here, or is it just me?" She threatened.

"I'm just saying," the Pixie pouted and flew outside the salt shaker's range.

"Is there anything else you're worried about?" Coye reached his hand across the table and placed it on top of Byng's. "Or anything else you want to tell us about all this?"

She smiled at his affection, and after thinking about it, Byng spoke. "As long as there aren't any surprises and it goes the way Kuhrkakk said it would, I really think I'm getting a sweet deal here. My tribe back home will be taken care of, and I'll get tons of cool shit on top of that! More than anything else, when I think about doing this, about the crazy hunts I'm going to have to undertake... I get really excited. Actually excited! I'm not super invested about saving the animals or whatever, but the challenge itself sounds like it would give me the thrill I've been looking for."

"Well, I'm glad you're going for it," Coye smiled. "I think this is just what you needed."

"I must say I agree, dear," Suzette added. "It's hard to imagine you'll ever have such a tremendous opportunity again if you pass this one up. Personally, I'm all for anything that makes you stronger and more likely to survive out there."

"I can take care of myself. You don't gotta worry so much, Suz!" Byng smiled at the older woman, the confidence she exuded helping alleviate some of Suzette's worries. "What about you?" She then looked at Shayla. "I know short-stuff is down with it, but he'll be coming with me on most of these jobs, I assume. Any reservations?"

"Actually," Shayla's wings flickered almost imperceptibly with excitement. "I wouldn't mind that much. It's just that I wanna make sure you're not getting screwed over. Honestly, I'd be totally down for it- one of the main reasons I even left the forest was to get out and see the world, but we've never gone that far from Cransmere. Depending on where Kuhrkakk sends you, it sounds like we might have an excuse for some adventures away from home..." she did her best to remain aloof, but the more she talked about it, the more noticeable her fluttering became.

"Great, I'll be counting on you!" Byng smirked at her little friend, then turned her attention back to Coye. "Any last thoughts?"

"Nope," he shook his head with conviction. "No matter what you want, you'll always have my support. I won't pretend like I'm smart enough to give solid advice. All I can really do is sit here, tell you I'll be there for you, and hope that's enough."

"A little generic," Shayla clicked her tongue. "But romantic enough to be effective."

"Oh, shut up," Byng cackled and waved her hand at the Pixie. "Short-stuff is doing his best, gahaha! Besides, I'm weak to shit like that. He's a simple guy, and I'm a simple girl. Sometimes all I need is for my man to nod his head and tell me he has my back. Right now? Definitely one of those times."

Pleased that his simple means of showing affection got the job done, Coye asked, "So everything is settled, then?"

"Yup! I already made up my mind last night, but now I'm even more sure of myself. I'm gonna do this- I'm gonna do some contract work for a God and see what I get out of it!" Byng pumped her fist dramatically into the air, Coye and Suzette giving her a round of applause as Shayla lit some sarcastic Pixie fireworks behind her back. Sarcastic or not, the light show amplified Byng's determination and fed into her ego. She was smiling wide and couldn't have been happier.

Once the commotion had settled, Suzette changed the conversation into one drastically more mundane by comparison. "As exciting as all of this is, dear, I really must return to the store soon. I've taken so much unexpected time off as of late, and I'd hate if my customers started thinking I was unreliable and lackadaisical with my hours!"

"Screw what they think," Shayla dismissed the concerns. "It's not like there's anywhere else in Cransmere people can go pick up their groceries and stare at a rack of tits bigger than their head. Pretty sure you've got that market locked down."

Suzette blushed a little, then played with the neckline of her dress and adjusted it, so it was just a bit higher. "Yes, well... if it works, it works. While I busy myself with the ordinary life of a well-endowed proprietress, what will you all be doing with the rest of the day?"

"Haven't really decided yet," Coye shrugged. "I'm open to suggestions." He said, glancing at Shayla and Byng.

"Happy to hear you say that, short-stuff. I had a little something in mind. Y'see, I thought it would be cool to train together- all three of us." Byng pointed at them all in turn, keeping her finger trained on Shayla at the end. "Now that you don't gotta hide from me anymore, Shay, I think it would be great if we started working on our teamwork!"

Shayla panicked and felt a hint of nervousness crop up. "Hold on a sec, where is this coming from? I mean, I get it, but..."

"You did say you'd start training with me soon," Coye reminded her. "We've been swamped, so I haven't pushed you on it, but now would be a good time to start."

"I know what I said," she grumbled. "But I've been holding in my dust all the time lately except when we're, y'know, giving you your fix. I'm already expending a lot of mana... I'll be completely wiped out if I go all out today."

"That's the whole point of training," the boy was firm with her. "Especially with mana. You have to really burn yourself out to get better at using it." Coye was mainly reciting something one of the magic tutors he hired a while back taught him, but he did know what he was talking about. "You won't get stronger if you don't."

Knowing that she wouldn't be getting out of this, Shayla rolled her head back and groaned. "Fine, I guess you've got a point... just make sure you put me somewhere comfy if I pass the fuck out."

"I think we can manage that, gahaha!"

"How lovely," Suzette clasped her hands together, smiling with supportive love. "It sounds like you'll be busy for the rest of today, then? I'm assuming you'll also want to celebrate with Darling tonight. Much as I'd like some attention, I think it would be best if the two of you enjoyed your time together. Tomorrow, however, is a different matter. If you and Shayla would be so kind as to drop by at some point, that would be pleasant." There was a glimmer in her eyes. A faint one, but noticeable.

"Sure," Coye volunteered. "Is something wrong?"

"No, not at all. There's just something I've been meaning to talk to you both about. It's nothing important. I don't want to spoil the mood and rain all over Byng's festivities. Tomorrow, then."

With everyone's plans for the day all laid out, Coye got up to give Suzette a long, passionate kiss to see her off. She left with a broad, satisfied smile and a blush heavy on her pale cheeks. Everyone went out into the yard, where Byng noticed the torn-up dirt.

"What happened there, short-stuff?"

"Wild dog attack," Shayla smirked.

Coye was embarrassed but knew he had to tell her the truth. "The other day, Coco was here when we were coming home from our quest. She was feeling weird and wanted to fight me, so we had a spar."

"No shit?" Byng's curiosity rose to new heights, but there were more important things to do than stand around gossiping. "You better tell me the whole story later. For now, listen up! I came up with a pretty good idea for training, I think. Here's how it's gonna go."

Byng put forth her suggestion step-by-step, touting a detailed plan that suggested she put significant thought into this. The basic premise was simple. Coye would work on his speed and reaction time by trying to chase after Byng, who would use her faster speed to run away and fire practice arrows at him. This would test her accuracy and ability to fire under pressure while putting her through a test of agility.

Shayla would play an adversarial role to make both of their jobs harder. The Pixie was to practice her aim and burn her mana by shooting rocks at the both of them whenever their guards were down or where she saw a stray chance. Byng dug a hole in the ground for her, and they all spent a couple of minutes filling it with nearby rocks.

"It always comes down to me shooting rocks at things, doesn't it?" Shayla mused.

"I'm sure you'll get cooler powers eventually, gaha- Ow!" Shayla lightly hit Byng with a rock midsentence.

"Sorry," the Pixie stuck her tongue out. "Your guard was down."

"Okay, that was fair," Byng laughed even louder, showing it was all good fun. "You ready to get started, short-stuff?"

"Yeah," Coye was doing some stretches and intermittently jogging in place, but he stopped to tie the back of his hair into a cute little ponytail. "Whenever you guys... are?" He noticed that both girls were staring at him, enraptured. "W-What?"

"Nothing," Byng shook her head and wiped some drool off the corner of her mouth. "You should just... uh... I mean-"

Shayla was much more direct. "What she's trying to say is that you look cute as fuck like that, baby. What's it gonna take to convince you to grow your hair out?"

"D-Didn't we talk about this before?" Coye turned bright red and considered undoing the ponytail, but it was hot today, and he didn't want it getting in the way of his training. "I haven't had long hair since I was twelve. I-I'm not sure I want to again, but... thanks? This isn't going to be too distracting, is it?"

"I'll get used to it," Byng took a deep breath to try and cleanse herself of Coye's cuteness overload. "Just caught me by surprise, that's all."

"Okay, if you're sure..."

With that little distraction out of the way, training began in earnest and lasted for half the day. The three of them worked themselves to the bone, yet Coye only managed to catch Byng a couple of times compared to the vast number of dull-headed practice arrows she struck him with. By comparison, his reaction times to Shayla's rock assault were much more impressive. He'd barely been hit by the time the day was up, whereas Byng's green skin was mottled with purple bruises all over.

The three were lying on a large blanket spread out on the grass. Everyone was pushed to their absolute limits several times over, most of all Shayla. The little Pixie was barely conscious, her body aching with mana exhaustion. It was a good ache.

"This was... nicer than I thought it would be..." She exhaled the total capacity of her tiny lungs while gazing into the blue sky above. "I didn't know working out could feel so good."

"Now you see why I train so much?" Coye laughed, feeling rather breathless himself.

"I don't see why you insist on doing it the second the sun rises, but yeah, I get it. It'll probably do me good if I start getting into the habit with you. Maybe sex won't wear me out so bad, and my mana capacity will finally increase?" Shayla fought off the urge to daydream about what it would be like to have stronger powers. She would've let herself if she wasn't so exhausted.

"It would be great if it did," Coye gave Shayla a supportive if weak, smile.

Byng was sipping one of Coye's health potions to cure herself of her bruises, as the designated heal Fairy was out of commission. After swallowing the sweet liquid, she fell back onto the blanket and sighed with contentment. "We've really gotta do this more often. I feel like this was way more effective than training alone!"

"Same. The difference was night and day." It was an extension of what Coye experienced when sparring against Coco the other day, and he felt the same as he did then after their battle.

"I tell you, short-stuff, it's a damn good thing I'm staying the night. I don't think I have it in me to walk home right now. Not without one of those green vibrating potions of yours, gahaha!"

Coye weakly forced himself onto his side to look at his lover with a precocious smile. "That's a shame. I forgot where I put them, so it looks like you're stuck here with me."

"Pretty sure I'll manage," Byng smirked back. "I kinda have to. We both know that handjob only helped so much, don't we?" She looked down at his sweat-covered shorts, seeing the thick outline of his flaccid cock


Aware of her lewd gaze, Coye shifted one leg to hide but noticed how arousing Byng looked, sweating beneath the summer sun. She'd long since stripped off her vest, leaving only the black band around her breasts so thoroughly soaked that Coye could see her nipples through it. Byng's shorts weren't much better. They were already tight and arousing. Now they were tight, arousing, and wet.

Every inch of her body was covered in glistening sweat, almost like they'd just went ten rounds or more. The flushed exhaustion on her face sold the look, as did her scent. Coye's beloved tomboyish body aroma was back in full force after their workout session, and the longer he lay beside her, the more the longing inside him grew.

"It's going to take a lot more than a handjob to settle me down, yeah," Coye admitted and scooted even closer, draping his arm around Byng's midsection and resting his hand on her hip. "Especially when you look so amazing with all that sweat..."

"Have you seen yourself, short-stuff? You don't look half bad right about now, either." With a playful smirk, Byng reached out and placed a finger on his chest.

Suddenly, he was aware that Byng wasn't the only one whose sweat revealed what lay hidden beneath their shirt. His own nipples were visible through the white fabric of his tank top, and she teased him by running her claw against one of them. Coye moaned and ever so slightly arched his back. Meanwhile, Shayla rolled her eyes.

"How the two of you still have the energy to flirt after running around all day and sweating enough to fill a damn pond up; I will never fucking understand..." their audience groaned and seemingly melted further into the blanket. "You guys have fun. I'm gonna sit this one out."

"Suit yourself, more for me!" Byng gloated at the Pixie, earning herself a roll of the eyes from Shayla. When her gaze turned back to Coye, she noticed he was looking at her expectantly. He was in thought, appearing as if he had something to say. "Something wrong, short-stuff?"

"Oh, sorry..." Coye was distracted, but it wasn't by Byng's beautiful form or even her smell. It was from remembering something Shayla had mentioned the other day offhandedly, along with something Byng told him. "I was just thinking about something I wanted to try out if it's not too much trouble...?"

Byng's ears perked up, and she looked at him with intrigue, her attention now fully earned. "Oh yeah? Are we talking about something naughty, or what?"

"Something naughty, yeah," Coye blushed but nodded. "It's kind of embarrassing to admit, though."

"Uh-oh. Are you about spring your unquenchable thirst for armpits on the poor girl, baby?" Shayla teased, her exhaustion evidently doing nothing to stop her impulsive desire to continually make fun of her precious partner.

"What?! No, I-"

"You sure? I mean, it's weird and all, but... if it's with you..." Byng seemed to be suggesting something he wasn't comfortable with, so he blushed harder and interrupted.

"T-This isn't about armpits! ...Wait. Do people really-"

Shayla clicked her tongue. "People do a lot of stuff, baby. All jokes aside, I think you should hear the big guy out. It's not often he has his own ideas about sex, so you might as well spoil him when he dares to ask for something."

"That's just what I was thinking," Byng smiled supportively at the boy. "Go on, short-stuff. Let me know what you want, and I'll see what I can do!"

Knowing he had such loving support made his request even easier to express, though it remained embarrassing. "Okay, so... Do you remember how you said I was manly for taking the initiative and being aggressive the other day?"

Shayla's suspicion rose after Coye mentioned being aggressive, but she held her tongue for the moment.

"Did I say that?" Byng mockingly tilted her head. "My memory of the first time I got railed alongside two other girls is pretty hazy. Can't say it's ringing bells."

"Shut up," Coye laughed off his lover's sarcasm, but between the joke, her playful smile, and the overwhelming support, he lost any remaining resistance he had. "After you said that, something came up where Shayla told me I'd have a better shot at something if I acted aggressively. I know you're pretty, um, flexible with what you like during sex, so... I was wondering- no, I was hoping I could practice acting dominant and in charge with you?"

The way Coye asked his sudden desire was so adorable and wholesome that Byng could barely control the urge to push him over and smother him in playful love right then and there. Then, she got cheeky about it and smiled even wider. "You want to practice being dominant, huh? Imagine that. Short-stuff over here wants me to act like a submissive little good girl for him while he does whatever he wants with me. Is that about right?"

The would-be dominator blushed nervously and gulped. "N-Not exactly the words I would've used, but-"

"Sign me the fuck up, gahaha! I wasn't expecting you to go there, but it sounds like it'll be pretty damn fun." Byng's uproarious laughter reassured Coye, but Byng wasn't born yesterday. She knew there was more to this request than meets the eye. "Where is all this coming from, though? It doesn't sound like something you'd normally ask for."

"The mutt," Shayla at last spoke up and granted Byng further context. "I may have made an offhanded comment about how Coco strikes me as the kind of girl who likes herself an aggressive man, and now it seems the impressionable boy has gone and taken my words to heart."

"Oh, is that so?" Byng narrowed her eyes at Coye, watching him as his face reddened and his shame heightened. "Awful bold of you, short-stuff, trying to use me as practice for some other girl." She clicked her tongue with mock disapproval.

"N-No, that's not my intention!" Coye was stammering and in a rush to prove himself. "Why do you guys always take what I do and say and make it look a hundred times worse?" He whined.

The Pixie was enjoying his suffering. "Hey, don't look at me. I just call it like I see it. If you don't want us to call you a shameless perv, stop giving us a reason to."

It was up to Byng to give him some mercy. She slid in closer and smiled, losing her teasing attitude for one that was kinder, looking him in the eyes and teasing, "Chill, Coye. Just messing with you. Honestly, I think it's adorable that you want to practice to try and attract another girl. You know me, I'm totally down for that kind of shit! You deserve as many mates as you can handle, short-stuff. Do you want to practice being a big, tough alpha male so you can bag a brand-new puppy? Well, do your worst, you little-" realization struck, and Byng paused. "Wait, Coco? Aren't she and Britni, like-"

"It's complicated," Shayla groaned.

"Are you sure starting shit with that blonde bimbo is worth it?" Byng wore a new expression of hesitation and skepticism.

"It's not even fully about Coco," Coye insisted with a cute pouting face. "It's also about me. I really do just want to practice being dominant! There's still so much I don't know about having sex, and there seem to be so many ways of doing it that I sometimes feel like I'm grasping at straws. I know I like being submissive, but... I had fun the other day, too. I want to explore more of that side of me. Please, Byng? Won't you help me?"

"Gah," Coye's adorable behavior was too much. She closed her eyes and looked away lest his cuteness overwhelm her. "What kind of woman would I be if I said no to my man's soulful request, damn it? I was already going to help, but now I'm gonna take this shit seriously! Have no fear, short-stuff. I'll help you work on your mean streak, but you gotta show the initiative and tell me exactly what you want me to do. Think you can handle that?"

Coye was reinvigorated by Byng's sudden declaration of support. "I'm going to try, yeah. I just want you to be patient if I don't get it straight away."

"Come on, you know I'm patient. Hell, I'll even give you some advice here and there if you won't hold it against me."

"I would really appreciate that..." Coye's smile continued to grow. He couldn't have asked for a more understanding lover.

"This ought to be good," Shayla conjured herself a couple small pillows and used them to prop her head up as she laid out on her side, priming herself to observe the action as it unfolded. When the others looked at her, she waved her hand in dismissal. "Don't mind me. I might chime in here and there, but I'm mostly just looking to get my fix of prime entertainment."

Already used to Shayla's voyeuristic tendencies, Coye looked to Byng, who also didn't mind and silently smiled at him with a pair of playful eyes. Whatever he was going to throw at her, she was ready. Coye's gaze wandered down her scantily clad body, only to again be hit with the realization that she looked so amazing right now that he didn't know where to start. He wanted her all at once as if that were somehow possible.

Byng was giving him all the time in the world, grateful for the attention his thirsty eyes provided as he drank from the sight of her. She didn't say anything, letting Coye drink it all in. This was his request. He had to be the one to get things started, especially if he wanted to work on being dominant.

The silence continued on until Coye reminded himself to press forward. He was hesitating- there were too many enticing options. Coye gave a demand, weakly muttering, "Go inside and get on the bed." He wasn't confident and sounded unsure of himself. Coye was saying something for the sake of saying something.

Byng made a slightly disappointed expression at his lack of conviction. She wanted to say something, but she also didn't want to hurt his feelings so early on in their roleplay session. Coye could tell what was going on, and he preferred to know what was on her mind.

"You said you'd give me advice, so go ahead. I can take it."

Relieved, Byng smiled and said, "You said you wanted to be aggressive. Aggressive means daring, y'know? There's nothing daring about ruining the vibe we've got going on here and telling me to go somewhere else. Right, Shay?"

"Couldn't have said it better myself," the Pixie agreed. "And be patient! You don't have to rush just because you're nervous, baby."

"Okay," Coye nodded thankfully and thought more about what it meant to be daring. If Byng didn't want to be told to go somewhere else, that only meant she wanted to play around here- outside. They were already lying on top of a big blanket, so it wasn't like they'd be doing it on top of the grass...

But the thought of getting up to trouble in the expansive yard in front of his home filled Coye with hesitation. No one ever came out this far, but they would be totally exposed on the off chance someone did. Anyone would see them if they wandered close enough to his cabin. Coye had never done anything quite as nerve-racking before, and yet, for as scary as it was... there was a flavor of excitement he'd yet tasted from the thought.

The longer it lingered in the forefront of his mind, the more of a good idea it became. So what if someone saw? He was just having fun with his adorable, loving girlfriend while his voyeuristic, mana-exhausted Pixie laid around giving sarcastic commentary. There was nothing wrong with that.

Furthermore, the wicked way Byng smiled told him she wanted nothing more than for him to act daring and take her beneath the harsh afternoon sun, their bodies still coated in sweat.

"Get naked for me. Now." He commanded, now sounding several shades more confident. Both girls approved of his tone and appreciated his lack of hesitation.

"You got it, short-stuff."

Excited, Byng sat up and licked the fullness of her full, luscious lips with the tip of her enticing tongue. She started off small. First, she pulled off the archery glove on her right hand, tossing it over her shoulder with a large grin. Next, Byng slowly drew the black band off her breasts from the top, making every inch count as she blessed the boy with what little under-boob her little tits could provide. Her hardened, pointy nipples held the sweaty cloth to her skin, refusing to let go.

Byng waited there, purposefully keeping Coye in suspense as he gazed with mighty hunger behind his boyish desire. He yearned to see the rest, that little peek at her areolas only serving to drive him mad. Byng gave it to him, but only after sticking her tongue out and winking at him. She stripped off the black band, exposing the rest of her small yet perky breasts to him.

Gods, the way he stared made her so hot. They were such little mounds, but Coye revered them as if they were holy mountains waiting to be climbed and claimed. Byng groped her sweaty boobs for him several times, drawing her fingers across her nipples and cupping them as she enjoyed the brisk summer air brushing against her exposed chest. She couldn't stop giggling internally over what it did to him the entire time.

Knowing the command was only half finished, Byng leaned back and propped herself up with her hand behind her back. The other found the waistband of her shorts. They were tight and dug into her waist and thighs, making her ass look even greater than it already was. Inching the shorts off her left hip, Coye slowly saw the unveiled first few tufts of her pubic hair.

She pulled the other leg back, blocking his view and slipping off the rest of them. Even though they were practicing with Coye being in control, it was in Byng's nature to be a tease about it when the opportunity was ripe. She was naked now and held the shorts up with a single finger. Coye couldn't see the complete picture because of how she was sitting, and the next thing he knew, he couldn't see anything at all.

Byng tossed the sweaty shorts on his face, hitting him with a powerful smell and distracting him. Shayla found amusement in his stunned reaction and the none-too-subtle throbbing behind his own shorts.

"Hey! I-I didn't tell you to-" Coye peeled the shorts from his face, though the temptation to keep them there and enjoy the scent longer almost convinced him otherwise. He figured sniffing her shorts wouldn't look very dominant of him, but the real surprise was waiting for him now that his vision was unobscured.

In the few seconds where his sight was blocked, Byng adjusted her pose and presented herself to Coye with her legs spread out wide, both hands behind her back. She was spread-eagled, alluring, and his. A thick blush on her face was the only thing contradicting her otherwise smug, satisfied smirk.

"What's next, short-stuff?"

Coye didn't know what was next. He was so aroused he almost didn't even know where he was. The boy was astonished- and painfully hard.

There was a point to Byng's teasing beyond enjoying how he appreciated her body. She figured that to be aggressive and dominant, Coye couldn't get distracted and gawk over her every time he saw her naked body. Dominance required confidence and a measure of self-control over his impulses, which Coye desperately lacked.

How could he help himself, though? Byng's vagina was right there, dripping and shimmering in the sunlight. She was glistening, and not all of it was sweat. Her plump, juicy lips sat beneath her thinly trimmed bush, petals begging to be pulled open and caressed.

"I... um... w-wow..." Coye stammered, losing more of himself every second he wasn't inside her.

Shayla sighed and expressed much the same beliefs as Byng was considering. "Baby, it's a pussy. If you really want to be aggressive, you can't just stare and do nothing."

"I'm trying," the boy pouted, unable to tear his eyes away. "But Byng is just so beautiful!"

Byng smirked wider and blushed harder but took the opportunity to lay it on thick and draw him into further action. "You get points for how damn cute your little ass is, but none for dominance. Gahaha! That's alright, short-stuff. You have me all to yourself today, and we can practice as long and hard as you want to..."

Coye gulped, only for Shayla to offer a follow-up hint. "No one's saying you can't stare. You just need to find a way to be dominant about it!"

The strangeness of her statement made Coye question her words. "That doesn't make any sense. How could I be dominant about..." he paused, an idea surging forth. Byng looked at him with excitement in her enticing eyes, waiting for him to figure it out. Finally, he commanded, "Spread yourself. Show me everything."

Shayla was proud she didn't have to spell it out. Every little victory of his felt like a personal triumph for her.

"There you go," Byng giggled, approving in her husky voice. After another lick of her lips, the curtains were spread.

Byng opened her labia with two fingers, exposing everything to him so he could see the dark green slit in all its beauty. Her pointed clit was rising to meet him, as was the entrance to that sensual paradise of a tunnel he loved so much.

Shayla's teachings must've stuck because Coye forced himself not to lose his cool. This pussy was his, and he'd have it soon enough. There was no need to work himself up over it, not if he actually wanted to improve his skills at self-restraint and dominance. The problem was that he was again unsure of what to do.

Byng and Shayla looked at him in anticipation, ready to help if he appeared truly stumped. Coye didn't want to rely on their advice constantly, however. He wanted to show them what he could do when he put his mind to it. He thought back to the commands he'd given so far and came up with a couple he could pull out soon.

If he wanted to stare, he could create a reason for it. He had a clever one, so he sprung it out. "Touch yourself a little," Coye demanded. "Show me how you do it."

Now he was getting somewhere.

"Okay," Byng followed the order faithfully, showing her lover how she pleasured herself. Coye stared as her middle finger started tracing up and down the length of her slit. Whenever she reached the bottom, she would press her fingertip in softly, and whenever she reached the top, she would fondle and press against her clitoris.

"Do you know how many times I've done this over the last year, thinking about you?" She husked, running the risk of over-exciting him only because it thrilled her to share that fact. "I don't, and I doubt either of us could count high enough to find out..."

"Fuck," Coye's resolve was tested, but he passed and remained firm aside from brushing his hand down his thigh and running it along the side of his aching cock from atop his shorts.

If Coye let her continue, his temptation would only rise. He'd have to stop this display and move on to avoid losing momentum. It was time for the next command. Given that he had Byng strip herself, the inverse made just as much sense to him.

"Stop," Coye told her, albeit with some hesitation. "Come here and take my clothes off."

Byng shot Shayla a playful look, and the Pixie smirked back. He was getting it. They knew he had it in him since they'd both experienced how lost in his own lust he could get. It was only a matter of Coye learning to control that drunken lust of his and channel it into confidence while remaining in control of his actions.

"Anything you want, short-stuff," Byng kneeled in front of him, ready to do as he wished after a bit of teasing to keep him on edge and test him. Her hands gripped his hips firmly, groping him until they found his shirt's entrance. The tips of her claws ran along his abdomen and pawed at his chest, and to Coye's credit, he didn't flinch when they inevitably teased his nipples.

What got him was after Byng lifted up his shirt and threw it off to the side, she leaned in and gave his neck an unexpected kiss rough enough to leave a mark. It felt great, and Coye tried desperately to downplay the arousal he experienced because of it. A sensual shiver traveled down his spine, a hushed moan leaving his lips.

Things were even more difficult when Byng kneeled between his legs and pulled at the drawstring keeping his shorts held tightly in place. Her hands found the waistband as she stared right up into his sparkling eyes, resisting the urge to admire the massive tent pitched in his pants. She was enjoying making this slow and drawn out for him.

When she did finally get around to dragging the waistline below his hips, Byng allowed his erect cock to slap her on the chin and even let out a playful moan as it did. "Ah! So hard...!" She cooed at the pulsating erection that already drooled a river of precum and was begging for her attention.

Coye underwent a minor awakening as he continued watching Byng from above. The way she followed his commands was so hot, and knowing all he had to do was tell Byng to do something, and then she would do it made him feel strong. Confident. This was only possible because of their trust and love, his mind racing with possibilities now that Coye was finding his groove.

Shayla could sense his increasing confidence and inquired, "Think you're getting the hang of this, big guy?"

"Bit by bit," Coye admitted, raising one leg so that Byng could pull his shorts off. "It would still be easier if you weren't so pretty, Byng..."

"If you want, I could rig you up a blindfold real quick?" Byng suggested, adding a playful bit of sultriness behind her words. She couldn't keep up the straight face when Coye's cock twitched impulsively at the idea, and she had herself a small laugh. "Seems like you wouldn't mind that too much now, would you? Gahaha!"

"I've, um... never thought about that before..." Coye blushed. Apparently, some people used blindfolds during sex, and the excitement in his cock was telling him he would probably be one of those people sooner or later, even if he didn't know why.

"That's a whole different kind of play," Shayla pointed out. "The goal is to try and make him more dominant, not more submissive and breathable than he already is!"

"Up to you," Byng smiled supportively.

"I agree with Shayla, I think. Maybe some other time? N-No, definitely some other time. Even though it's hard to be dominant when I'm staring at you, I don't think this training would mean much if I didn't."

Even as he said this, Coye was already wondering what it would be like to be blindfolded. His fantasies painted the correct picture, and he imagined how fun it would be to be taken advantage of while wearing one. It struck him as right up his alley, but Coye pushed the thought from his mind. He didn't want to be confined to just one alley- this training was meant to expand his horizons.

"I get it. Just thought I'd see if I could make you more comfortable. So. What's next, short-stuff?"

Coye thought about what came next. There were so many options that he couldn't pick which one to start with for the life of him. He wanted to do all sorts of things to her, yet he also wanted her to do all sorts of things to him. Everything was a big, disorganized jumble of horny thoughts. Worst of all, he couldn't stop asking himself whether or not this or that would be okay.

Shayla knew he was so close to getting off the ground. He just needed a little more advice, and then he would be off on his own. Coye needed to not worry so much. She could tell he was stressed.

"Baby, you're thinking way too hard about this. It's usually good to care about what your partner is okay with, but when you're trying to be dominant, you have a little more wiggle room. Just do and say whatever you want to."

"Is that really okay?" Coye blinked nervously. He was a considerate boy and didn't know what would happen if he threw caution to the wind and acted on his impulses.

"If I didn't like something- which isn't very likely- you'd be the first to know," Byng added.

"Exactly," Shayla nodded. "Don't go worrying about the consequences. As long as your partner is into the rough stuff, she's gonna love it if you get freaky with her."

"Freaky...?" Coye mumbled, forcing down a lump in his throat.

"Shay means that you can tell me to do whatever pervy shit you want, and since I'm into that, it'll be no skin off my back. Y'know? She's right, by the way. As long as you're having fun, I can't really picture anyone turning you down! I'm definitely more of a top than a bottom when it comes to you, but when I think about serving you and doing whatever you say? Damn, son. The thought must be waking up some kind of bullshit ancestral instincts in the back of my brain because I am down for anything."

The lump got bigger and harder to force down. "A-Anything is a powerful word, Byng..."

"I know what I said," Byng narrowed her eyes and looked up at him past his cock, a seductive smile plastered across her face.

Pleased to see a new excitement brewing in the boy, Shayla took it home. "There you go, baby. What more do you need than that? Let your imagination run wild. Think about things you wouldn't normally do but that you want to do, and then tell her to do them to you! It really is that simple."

"Things I wouldn't normally do, huh?" Coye managed to take his eyes away from Byng's seductive staring long enough to get thinking creatively. The more his brain throbbed with activity, the more his cock did the same.

Byng was only a few inches from it, and she had to show a lot of restraint not to take advantage of that fact until Coye commanded it of her. She wouldn't let on, but Coye wasn't the only one having a hard time. Byng couldn't wait for whatever her lover dreamed up, wondering what he could be thinking about.

The wait wasn't very long. Coye took Shayla's advice and internalized it, ensuring her words would stay with him long after this single practice session.

"Stick your tongue out," Coye surprised her with a direct order. Pleased to comply, Byng opened her mouth and extended the first few inches of her wet, lengthy mouth muscle. While tantalizing, especially due to how her saliva trickled off it, it wasn't enough for him. "All the way." He told her more firmly, his hand reaching for the base of his thick, naked cock.

"Ahhhhh-" Byng let her entire tongue droop out of her mouth, tilting her head up at him so he could see down her throat. Her intent was to allow Coye to do anything he wanted, so Byng made it evident that the entirety of her mouth was available. It was all for him, every last bit if he wanted.

Byng almost couldn't believe it when he reached out, grabbed her by her short, upward-curling hair, and pulled his lover's face closer to his erection. Coye didn't do it too roughly, but it wasn't gentle, either. He was direct with what he wanted, putting aside concerns of whether or not he was being polite, at least as long as this play session lasted.

Then, he smeared the tip of his drooling cock against the flat of her tongue.

Face reddening, Byng watched in disbelief as he started pleasuring himself at his own pace. Coye dragged his tip from top to bottom, avoiding putting it directly in her mouth. He was running along her tongue's every inch, and since Coye hadn't told her to start licking him, she kept it as still as she could. What a surreal feeling. It was almost humiliating away, which was typically more Coye's thing, but seeing the drunken expression on his face as he stopped caring, pulled at her hair, and thrust his hips against her tongue was worth all the humiliation in the world.

She could taste his stream of precum trickling onto her tongue, that bitter cream her instincts craved. Coye wasn't the only one throbbing- the heat between Byng's legs grew more insistent. She needed attention, needed to keep playing with herself like he'd ordered before, but Byng knew she couldn't unless he gave her permission.

Coye was ecstatic. Doing something so dirty of his own volition felt even better than he thought it would. His love for Byng's long tongue was at an all-time high, and he was already thinking of clever things to do with it. Before she knew what he was doing, Coye let go of his cock and grabbed her tongue with his hand, watching as her eyes shot wide open.

"Hwa?!" Byng reacted with shock. Never in her wildest dreams did she imagine someone would just up and grab her tongue like this. "Wah duh yuh hink hur- Mngh?!" She attempted to say something but was interrupted after Coye locked his thumb around his cock and started to jerk himself up and down, using her tongue like a toy.

Shayla didn't have it in her to ruin the moment, but damn. This was unexpected. She wanted to congratulate Coye for his creativity but knew pointing them out might make him self-conscious, stopping him from getting even crazier.

Loving the sensation, Coye kept up with this for a while. He enjoyed the strangeness that came from handling a writhing tongue and using it to masturbate himself, and Byng was seemingly into it on a strange level, too. She made little moans as he dragged himself across the warm wetness, making his pleasure all the more satisfying.

Still, it wasn't enough. Coye let go of her tongue, and before she could even gasp for air, he was already pointing his tip toward her lips. Closing his eyes and inching closer, he issued a single command.


And she did. His cockhead disappeared past Byng's willing lips as they encased his thickness, doing as she was told. Her heart raced from subservient excitement, which only got even better when his other hand found the opposite side of her head and grabbed her hair there, too.

"Don't stop..." Coye moaned with ecstasy as Byng's cheeks caved in, sucking down on his cock while he started feeding it to her of his own volition. Already well-known as a lover with low control over his inhibitions, it was a miracle Coye resisted shoving it straight down Byng's throat from the get-go. He surely wanted to, as she lavished him with love and attention.

As he kept sliding the first couple of his inches back and forth, the tightness of her pillowy lips and the insistence of her sucking only made him louder and louder. Wet, slurping, desperate noises filled the air with every thrust, broken up only by Coye voluntarily removing himself occasionally to allow Byng the chance to breathe before diving in even deeper.

Things were getting crazy, just as Shayla wished. Coye tightened his grip on Byng's hair, his strokes becoming longer, more insistent. It wasn't long until his tip poked up against the back of her throat, and Byng felt his precum trailing down her esophagus. For his first deepthroating experience, it was a good thing Coye started with Byng.

The Goddess of Pleasure created the Gengaggi race to satisfy Orcs, so stretchy jaw muscles and a lack of a gag reflex were necessary. Furthermore, it felt good for them- a Gengaggi's throat actually serving as a source of sexual pleasure. That, along with how it made her feel used as she sucked and sucked, set off all sorts of tingling sensations in Byng's brain, telling her how right this was in so many ways.

Byng didn't want to just feel him poking against the back of her throat, she wanted more, and Coye was about to give it to her.

"I'm... going to get even rougher...!" Coye gasped, then remembered to throw in an order so that he remained in control. "Coil your tongue around me while I- fuck- while I fuck your throat!"

Shayla wondered where he got this idea. As far as she knew, no one had ever brought up deepthroating to the pseudo-innocent cutie. It must've just been something that came naturally to him as a man- wanting to shove it deeper without regard for anything else.

Coye gasped mightily as Byng followed his latest instructions, her wet tongue snaking around him and constricting like a snake as per his orders. As she always did, Byng went above and beyond. She through in lots of nasty noises for his enjoyment, and then, the assault was upon her.

Her eyes went wide as Coye genuinely began fucking her throat. He pulled her hair rougher, his hips pushed harder, the thickest part of his cock widening her lips as he made the first venture down Byng's throat. He couldn't see it from this angle, but he was so big that it made a visible bulge appear on the outside of her neck the further he lodged himself within it.

There wasn't a single part of this Coye didn't find impressive. The power, the rush, the way Byng refused to stop sucking on him as he pounded past the back of her throat. Everything added up to make it better than he thought possible. While he was enjoying the benefits that came from domination, Byng was discovering her new submissive inclinations. It felt good to service her lover, to be used by him- and as practice for another girl, no less.

Coye and Byng were both happy with how their dynamic was evolving, as all it meant at the end of the day was they would have more options to express their love for one another.

Noticing that Byng was trembling and picking up on her arousal in the air, Coye could smell the extent to which his lover was turned on. This reminded him that acting dominant wasn't solely about satisfying your urges. To make the experience enjoyable for his partner, he needed to be considerate- focusing on himself while throwing little rewards of mercy to show his appreciation.

As Shayla could often attest to, Coye wasn't capable of being considerate when he was consumed by his drunken lust, which showed that this aggressive side of him was different than when he ached for relief.

"Make yourself feel good, Byng," Coye gave her permission while punctuating it with a mighty groan summoned by at last thrusting himself up to his hilt. His entire cock was now lodged down Byng's tight, clenching throat.

She moaned in gratitude as his head scraped the sensitive spots present, both hands speedily thrusting themselves between her legs. Another sound of ecstasy vibrated against his erection when two of her fingers slid straight inside her needy pussy, a finger from the opposite hand starting to abuse her clit. She pumped back and forth inside of her death, matching the vigorous roughness of Coye's persistent throat thrusting.

Though his command wasn't directed at the Pixie, Shayla ran with Coye's order regardless. Not even mana exhaustion could stop her from appreciating the sheer arousal she felt watching her lover throat-fuck that green-skinned slut. Her little voice of sexual satisfaction joined the chorus of naughty noises the moment her fingers dipped into her own wet slit.

Grabbing Byng's head and using it for his own ends was utterly different from the experience of passively enjoying a blowjob. There was the thrill of control over Byng, the sense of power it gave him, but more so than anything else, the fact that Byng would allow him to use her like this was even sexier.

He loved her so much. If he wasn't moaning and groaning, he would've told her so, but it was all he could do to keep at the pace he was going.

Every step of the way, Byng kept up with his demands, sucking, licking, and tightening her throat around him more than he could ever want, all while finding the time to tend to her own needs. The relentless pace she matched his endeavors soon threatened to overtake him.

"Almost... there...!" Coye warned though the oncoming release was apparent as Byng felt him throbbing in her throat.

Rather than backing away or trying to steal a breath of air before the explosive finale, Byng steeled herself, tears running down her cheeks as she struggled to slurp, suck, and constrict her throat around Coye until the very end. His balls tightened into his body, heavy with burning seed begging for release. Byng looked up at him with watery eyes, her expression challenging him to do whatever he needed to get off.

In the end, that fierce look of hers was what drove him to completion.

Coye groaned and arched his back, unintentionally pulling her forward by the hair and forcing Byng to throat every inch of him. Her lips kissed the base of his cock, twitching madly there in her grasp as it let out streams of thick semen straight down the hatch. His whimpering grew more feminine and loud, exciting Byng and Shayla both.

Even in his delirious pleasure, Coye found it in him to give him one last command. "Swallow it all!"

Considering how impressive any of his loads were, it was a tough order, but Byng was all for it. If he wanted her to drink down every last drop of the hot stuff barreling down her throat, then she would make him proud. Again, it wasn't much work for Byng since she didn't have a gag reflex and probably would have swallowed it all anyway, but it made him feel good to tell her to do it.

His orgasm inspired Byng to stir the insides of her tight, clenching pussy harder still, her clit facing endless punishment from her skillful hand. The length of Coye's climax caused her to get low on air. If she didn't feel so good, Byng might've cared more about that fact, but all she could do was see him through until he removed himself from her mouth at the tail end of his ejaculation.

"Help," the boy begged. "I'm... so sensitive, but there's still a little- haaah!"

"I got you," Byng was quick to comfort him and grant the mercy he desired. "Let it all out for me, okay?" She took one hand away from her snatch to grasp the slippery root of his cock, jerking away at it gently and soothingly so that it didn't overload his senses. Instead, it delivered just the right amount of pleasure for him to softly whimper and loll his head back.

Byng stuck her tongue out for him, making more 'ahhhhh' sounds as she milked the rest of his load into her mouth. When Coye was finally done, she finished the job precisely the way he asked. Byng gulped down all of the cum and even licked her lips clean, leaving him in a blissful daze. Byng might not have gotten to cum yet, but all of the masturbation she got away with made her very hot and bothered, and she was dreadfully excited for whatever came next.

As for Coye, he needed a quick reprieve. He took one by collapsing onto the blanket beneath him, barely holding himself up to hands behind his back. The boy was delirious, sensitive, and very, very happy. His smile was wide, and he couldn't do anything beyond gazing at Byng with eyes full of adoration.

She stared back, noting that this was usually where she would tease him somehow. Byng restrained herself this time around. For as much fun as teasing was, Byng wanted Coye to properly experience the afterglow of his domination. It would give him confidence, so she only smiled back and allowed him to savor the moment.

To add to the moment, Byng told him what any good submissive would. "Thank you for the delicious cum, short-stuff."

Coye gulped, completely unsure what to say to that. "Y-You're welcome...? Um..." He looked at Shayla, who still had a hand down her panties and wasn't trying to hide it. "So. How did I do?"

"Not bad, until whatever that was just now," the Pixie sighed and pointed a pussy-juice coated finger at him. "If Byng or any other submissive girl thanks you for your cum, you gotta be sure to praise them! You almost ruined the most important part, baby!"

"Damn it, I should've known better..." the boy hung his head, shame rising in his cheeks.

"Oh, ease up, Shay! Stop being so hard on the little guy!" Byng defended her man with passion and fervor. "This is the first time Coye's ever tried being dominant on his own. We gotta be loving and supportive, gahaha!"

Shayla rolled her eyes and sassed back at her. "Don't you talk to me about being loving and supportive. I had that shit on lockdown before I ever hooked the two of you up! Besides, I am being supportive. Do you know how hard it was to keep quiet and not tease Coye over any of that shit he just did? It was torture. Literal torture!"

"Thank you for your sacrifice. It really means a lot," Coye smiled with a bit of sarcasm. "I'm sure it took a lot out of you."

"It is what it is," Shayla shrugged. "You're not gonna grow if I sit here making sarcastic comments about your naughtiest desires, baby. I don't want you to expect that I'll make fun of you whenever you express yourself. You should feel unafraid to ask for whatever nasty shit you want." By the end of her statement, Shayla was blushing. She didn't expect to sound so emotional. If anything, she was happy to see him thinking outside the box and trying new sex acts after coming up with them himself.

"Shayla... that's really sweet of you..." Coye smiled back, appreciating his partner as much as ever.

"If you don't want to risk bruising his ego, you could just go inside while we keep having our fun," Byng pointed out with a lazy grin.

"And miss the big guy using you like the cheapest slut in all the Realms?" The Pixie blew a raspberry. "Fat chance of that, Greenie. There's nowhere else I'd rather be."

Byng expected as much and laughed, then turned her attention back to her lover. "Since we're already doing a little halftime thing here, how are you feeling? Did you have fun getting all rough with me, short-stuff?"

"So damn much," the boy exhaled dreamily as Byng observed his reaction with delight. "This kind of sex feels totally different from when you're on top of me, and it's not even that comparable to when I lose control of myself. It's... new. And I like it. Is it weird that I keep flip-flopping between what I like?"

"Please," Byng surprised Coye by giving Coye a playful punch on his shoulder- just a tap, but hard enough to make a point. "You were a virgin until, like, what? Two and a half weeks ago? And on top of that, you're only twenty years old. Sexuality is fucking weird. There's no way you'll understand everything you like or don't like after just a couple short weeks of messing around. You gotta keep trying stuff and always remember that your and your partner's moods are gonna factor into the kind of stuff you get up to, yeah? You're not gonna want to be dominant all the time, and neither am I. Sometimes I'm gonna want to be the one using you like the cheap slut, and who knows? Maybe there'll be a day when we're both feeling subby, and Suz will have to take care of us together? It all comes down to trust and communication, short-stuff. As long as we got that, there's nothing to worry about."

Coye was floored by Byng's sudden and surprising speech. He gaped at her for what felt like a couple minutes as he digested everything. The best he could come up with in response was, "Wow. You sound, um... like you've put a lot of thought into this..."

"Did you forget how long I struggled with my sexuality? I didn't know what the fuck it was that I wanted until I found those dirty picture books, but a lot of people have it worse off than me. They can't just crack open a book like I did and have all the answers! Fuck, dude. Some people go their whole life without figuring themselves out. As for you, you'll only know if you get out there and explore!"

Though the mood between them was light and full of love, Coye and Byng noticed someone's suspicious silence. They looked over at Shayla, who was now pouting and pretending not to notice their glances.

"Shayla?" He attempted to call out to her.

"Oh, don't mind me. I'm just the background Fairy who used to give you sagely advice and wise counsel every so often. You don't need me now that you have the Monologuing Goblin of Sexual Discovery, isn't that right?" She looked away. "Hmph. You know, baby? I'm starting to rethink my position on Coco. Yeah. I think you should go after her. It'll be nice for you to score some pussy that's certifiably a lot dumber than I am, for once. There's no chance that mutt'll go offering up wisdom beyond her years, unlike a certain someone..."

Coye awkwardly smiled at her latest show of pettiness while Byng laughed in her face. "He's got enough issues for more than one girl to solve, Shay. Lighten up. There's enough material to start trading therapy duty back and forth, gahaha!"

"I suppose that's true, but that doesn't mean I still can't be moody about how you stole my whole shtick," Shayla turned her nose away and pouted even harder.

"Oh well," Byng shrugged her shoulders and patted herself on the back, congratulating herself for doing her best with the prickly Pixie. "If you're just going to be pissy for the sake of it, then that's that! No use worrying about it now."

"I'm fine," Shayla grumbled yet insisted. "Pixies are moody and jealous. This is just how I am. I don't mean anything by it..."

"You don't say?" Byng raised an eyebrow and turned to Coye. "I seem to remember a certain someone who also acted jealous when I brought up what might happen if he didn't monopolize Suz and me..."

"D-Don't joke about that! You're mine!" Coye childishly exclaimed. No one said anything, but they both wondered whether he'd develop jealousy issues thanks to the dust.

"I sure am," she comforted him with a dreamy sigh. "And since I'm yours, you probably want to return to your special training, don't you? I know I do." Byng shot him a seductive look that reignited his passions and made him sweat.

"Yeah, I would like to keep going now that we've had a little break..." Coye affirmed with a cute nod of his head. His erection hadn't calmed down even after his first climax, which was nothing new. He was still subtly ready for further attention this entire time. "As long as the mood isn't ruined?"

"You're totally fine, short-stuff," Byng reassured him, smiling. "Just say the word, and we'll jump right back into it! Go ahead, your submissive little Gengaggi is waiting to serve your every command..." her voice was low and desperate, purposefully so.

Her teasing did its job, making Coye more aware of his naked lover and filling his thoughts with dirty ideas regarding what to do next. He recalled Shayla's advice, how hesitation was to be avoided when acting dominant, and Coye decided he would say the first thing that popped into his head no matter how it sounded.

"Lay down on your stomach," Coye commanded, grateful that the first thing he thought of wasn't outlandish.

"Sure," Byng smiled sweetly and stretched out on the blanket, laying down flat on her belly for him and propping her chin up by folding her arms beneath it. Her feet dangled in the air she kicked her calves back and forth a couple of times. "Like this, or what?"

"Yeah. Good."

"Good girl," Shayla corrected him by clicking her tongue. "You're not the only one who gets off on that, baby. Girls like to hear it sometimes, too."

"Oh," the boy blinked awkwardly. "Um, alright. Good girl." Coye couldn't help feeling that it was so strange being on the other side of this exchange, but he wanted to be fair.

Byng thought it odd, too, but in a cute way, primarily because of how hard he was trying. He'd say the line with more confidence sooner or later, so all she did was tell him, "Thank you," with a polite smirk. Again, she was holding back the fun things she could've teased him with in response, all to keep him in check.

With Byng now squarely in position, Coye advanced his agenda. He walked on his knees over to his lover, then swung one of his legs over the vast expanse of her hips to straddle Byng from behind. He bit his lip from excitement as his huge cock pressed straight between her fat ass cheeks as he lowered himself further down onto her. His erection dug into the expanse, shuddering at the sweaty softness of her flesh that enveloped him.

Byng made a little moan for his benefit, but he wasn't stopping there. His true intentions were much more perverse than rubbing his dick between her cheeks. He leaned down, knowing exactly what he wanted to do. The thought embarrassed him, but being dominant had no room for embarrassment. The beauty was that he didn't have to ask her and couldn't be judged for what he desired.

He would merely do it.

Lowering himself further still, his face met the side of Byng's torso, and she unexpectedly experienced a tender kiss at her side. She whimpered at the incredible feeling of his lips, only for Coye to kiss up her side and then past her shoulder blade. It wasn't long before he reached her neck, which he also kissed and, more tellingly, smelled. He took a deep breath of her scent while he was there, making being fully aware of what Coye wanted.

She was excited to see him be honest about his little fetish, happy to be able to thrill him in a way no one else could match. Her pheromones drove him wild, and the more he smelled, the more Coye's innovations faded. He wanted to taste her sweat and was tired of pretending he didn't.

Extending it past his lips, Coye pressed his tongue onto the tip of Byng's spine and licked the salty sweat off her back. She smelled and tasted faintly sweet, thanks to her improved hygiene as of late. It made him less self-conscious over how much this excited him, and the increased excitement was plain to see. He couldn't stop pressing his cock deeper into her ass, bellowing out a deep groan of arousal as he continued to taste her sweat.

Byng was still caked in it, giving him plenty to lick. As Coye did, he continued filling his nostrils with her scent, on top of sneaking in plenty of that sensual kisses to her flesh, ensuring he wasn't just being a weirdo who didn't reciprocate anything while indulging in his fetish. To make things better for both of them, Coye made use of the sweat in her ass crack to slip further down, angling his cock into the soft, wet, warm crevice between her thighs. He was deeply nuzzled between her lower lips now, pumping his hips to tease them both in time with his sensual foreplay.

As Coye enjoyed himself, Shayla was experiencing the most significant test of her willpower to date. It took everything she had not to start teasing him over his appreciation for sweaty tomboys, but at least Byng was now bathing regularly and had that going for her. Definitely not as bad as it was beforehand, but still pretty weird.

None of it really mattered, anyway. Shayla's hands were stuffed back into her panties as she watched him go regardless.

Byng was getting close to release. The thrusting between her lips teased and taunted her already excited slit. She was already near orgasm by the time he finished in her throat, and this was approaching overkill levels. The feeling of Coye there, as hard as he was and all slippery, wet, and throbbing from her sweat and juices humping her ass, did so much for her.

Coye could slip straight in at any second and fully penetrate her willing pussy. Byng was so wet that if he did, he'd probably end up bottoming out in one go. That tension, the anticipation of knowing what she wanted was so near drove her mad. Her lips drooled against him, steaming from the heat of their love and the summer sun. Byng groaned as Coye's hot tongue glided up her spine, causing her to start wiggling her hips and thrusting back so that her sex scraped against his aching cock even nicer than before.

Coye could feel Byng's lips pulsing and twitching around his length like they were trying to kiss and guide him where he needed to go. Byng was so near to orgasm that he could get her off like this if he wanted. She'd done an excellent job serving him thus far, and he knew from personal experience that he needed to give his submissive a reward. But if he just gave it to her, it wouldn't fit the roleplay they were attempting. He had to phrase it just the right way to please both his dominant ego and Byng's submissive desires.

"Are you close?" Coye asked rhetorically, punctuating the question with a rough and thorough thrust.

"Fuck, yes..." Byng groaned deeper still. She bucked back, ensuring Coye's cock slid straight across her point clit. "I'm so fucking close, Murrakhar... uh..." she stopped for a split second, Coye and Shayla picking up on her apprehension with that word.

"Murrakhar?" Coye paused.

"Sorry, not sure where that came from..."

Shayla's curiosity demanded an answer. "What's it mean?"

Byng started blushing deeper red. "It's, uh, a mostly outdated term referring to a Gengaggi's... y'know, sexual owner? Their master? It just kind of slipped out."

"Kinky," Shayla smirked with approval.

Coye smiled at her and teasingly thrust forward again. "I kind of like it."

"Yeah?" Byng raised an eyebrow and looked back over her shoulder. She was hesitant but interested. "Well... I guess it might be fun to have a little nickname for you when you're in charge like this, Murrakhar." The word sounded primal as it escaped her lips, exciting Coye more.

He made this excitement known by continuing to thrust, making up for their brief interruption with enthusiasm. Parroting the words that his lovers had used on him, Coye licked his way up to Byng's long ear and whispered, "Be a good girl for Murrakhar and cum for me. Now."

His delivery was improving. It came out visceral, almost threatening, and certainly a little demanding. There was still a touch of innocence behind the request, but that wasn't something Coye could ever do anything about. It was baked into his personality. Rather than a turnoff, however, it was another of his charm points. It made him sound desperate when he was trying to be in control, like he needed this to happen- needed Byng to cum for him.

"Yes- YES!" Byng closed her eyes, giving him exactly what he wanted.

She gushed against his cock as it sawed itself rapidly between her thick thighs, her voice growing shrill as the long-awaited explosive wave of ecstasy swallowed her. His thrusting, the scraping, the weight of his body laying on top of her- all of it added up to a fantastic orgasm where Byng came her little heart out. That alone was gratifying enough, but Coye had other plans.

Before her climax had even finished, Coye drew his hips back far enough to grasp the base of his cock and angle it against her orgasming pussy. He shoved it straight in, bottoming out precisely the way Byng expected he would. A vast, wet slap echoed out into the surroundings as her massive rear end cushioned his powerful thrust, the sheer size of it almost making it a challenge to penetrate Byng without being pushed back. The sudden insertion felt amazing for Coye, but it was even crazier for Byng.

"GAH! Wait- W-WAIT!" She cried, voice cracking. "I'm- fuck- super sensati-AHN?!"

Intentionally ignoring her plea, Coye growled into her ear, "Be a good girl, lay there and get used!

Byng felt primal satisfaction from his demand, and it was all she could do to whimper, "Y-Yes, Murrakhar...!!"

Her arousal was immense, her tight inner walls constricting him, appreciating Coye and his cock for all the fierce love he was giving her. She did as was commanded, making her body prone and still as she could, moaning deeper as his erection fought against the immense drag of her pussy.

Coye forcefully dislodged himself from her depths, his cock head scraping all sorts of her sensitive ridges. Worse, Byng's Murrakhar was getting experimental. Not content with the mindless way he typically pumped in and out of her, he started angling his hips left, right, and all around to try and hit different spots inside of Byng to see what she liked best.

Naturally, Byng's most sensitive spots all congregated at her deepest depths where her ridges clamped down the hardest and refused to let him go. Even so, Coye kept fighting against the intense suction to thrust right back where she liked it. Every time he did, it felt like the head of his cock was slipping out from a tight hand that didn't want to ever let him go.

Shayla watched the lovers with increasing interest, proud of Coye for trying new things, prioritizing Byng's pleasure, and not rushing this. His balls were still so full and heavy, impossible to empty because of his addiction, making it a wonder Coye could focus on anything other than his own relief.

Byng's body loved him for it, though.

All the poking and constant prodding, combined with how he looped both of his arms under her armpits, pinning her to the ground, earned Coye another orgasm from his lover. She wasn't exaggerating about still being sensitive, it wouldn't have taken much, but Coye gave her much and more. Byng shouted, trembling beneath his weight. As she came, her pussy tightened and clenched him so hard that he physically couldn't move an inch from her deepest depths.

He was pushing straight up against the entrance to her womb and couldn't control his impulses for much longer.

"Byng," Coye called her name with adorable desperation, pushing forward with all his strength. If he couldn't pull out as she gushed against him, he would try nudging himself just that tiniest bit further before he exploded into her core. "You're mine, Byng! All mine!"

"Yes, Murrakhar! Fuck! Fuck!" She mindlessly agreed, eyes rolling back and tongue falling limply from her mouth. "I'm yours- all yours! Do whatever you want with me! Use me! Breed me! I don't fucking care, I just- NNGH!" Her hands stretched out past the blanket, tearing chunks out of the earth as her fingers dug into the ground in a search for stability. The sound of her squirting was juicy and wet, staining the blanket the more she came.

"Gods, that's fucking good...!" Shayla clenched her eyes tightly shut, strumming her clit so hard it threatened to injure her delicate little wrist. Any second now, Coye was going to explode. He would fill that green slut of his with every drop she could wring out of him. The thought alone was more than enough to push Shayla into joining her friend in climax on the periphery of Coye's vision.

Byng's pussy gave Coye an unexpected chance. It stopped clutching for only a moment, allowing him to pull out if he acted quickly. He took the opportunity, dislodging his cock from her depths until only his tip remained embedded inside. Then, he viciously slammed his entire length until it crashed down on her cervix.

Her hundreds of folds squeezed tighter as he battered her depths, the loudest noise yet exploding from her clapping ass as Coye began to cum with all his strength. His orgasm was loud and powerful, making him tighten the pinhold he'd trapped Byng with as he arched himself into the curvature of her spine.

Coye's heavy load burst, white-hot love filling Byng to the brim. His orgasm was suitably as aggressive as their sex was, violently throbbing and shooting off for what felt like minutes until she was so stuffed and overflowing that it dripped out and mixed with the mess she'd made below. It was so strong he couldn't move an inch during his climax, and once it was done, Coye collapsed against Byng's body and showed no signs he would be moving anytime soon.

Now finished with her own climax, Shayla stared at the two and experienced a familiar mixture of arousal and jealousy. "Gods, I wish that were me..." She mumbled softly to herself under her breath. "Are you two having a good time over there? I don't have to heal anyone, do I?"

"Don't think so..." Coye responded after several seconds of delay. Afterward, he finally found the strength to pull his body off of Byng and looked down at her battered, dripping pussy. Beautiful. He was proud of his work and felt confident in his learning. "What about you, Byng?"

"I'm good," she sighed with contentment. "Assuming the numb feeling in my pussy wears off. If not, I'll get back to you, Shay... gahaha..." it was hard for Coye to determine whether or not she was being serious.

He rolled off of her and smiled weakly, looking Byng in the eyes. "So... how did I do?" Coye asked.

"I dunno, I feel like my feedback is gonna be pretty biased, Murrakhar..." Byng cackled. "It's hard for me to have any complaints right about now. Good thing we got an impartial judge here, right?"

"I'd say you pretty much nailed it in the second half, baby. You were probably about as dominant as you personally could get. Now is probably a good time to mention I'm a little scared of what I saw, though..." the Pixie shivered as her imagination led her to horrifying places. "If you start acting that brazen and confident with every girl around you? Fuck, this town is finished."

While amusing, Coye assured her it wouldn't be the case. "I doubt that'll be a problem. Really, I can't imagine just walking up to someone and treating them like this... it was embarrassing to act on my impulses so selfishly. No way I could do this with someone I didn't trust."

"For Cransmere's sake, I sure hope so," Shayla sighed.

"If you need more practice, why not try it out on Suz tomorrow? I'm gonna be out on solo quests, so you don't have to worry about me." Byng suggested.

Coye pictured his actions toward Byng and imagined Suzette in her place. He gulped. It shouldn't have been that different, but it felt like it would be. Would it feel just as good? Coye didn't know, but he wanted to find out.

"I'll see about it," he nodded. "Wouldn't hurt to try."

"Not sure how she's gonna respond to that," Shayla scratched her chin. "Suzette likes getting it rough from you, but when push comes to shove, she's still a total mommy domme. Not quite as flexible as you, Byng."

"Yeah? What about you, Shay?" Some of her energy was returning, allowing Byng to sit upright as she turned to the Pixie.

The topic hit a sour spot, and Shayla frowned. "If you hadn't noticed, my options are pretty limited by my size. I can tease him with magic and shit, but there's no other choice than letting him set the pace."

"Fuck, sorry," Byng scratched the back of her head.

"What about if we were the same size?" Coye asked with a dreamy smile. "I, um, sometimes think about the way you would treat me if-"

"First off, we won't be the same size. I'm gonna be taller than you, and that's a fact." Shayla crossed her arms. She totally got off on acting like Coye's cool older sister, so she wouldn't compromise on height. "And when I'm taller than you- whether that's through Pixie Dust shenanigans, magical size-changing mushrooms, or whatever the fuck ends up solving this little problem, I'll... hm... actually, you know what? I think I'd hate to ruin the surprise."

The way she phrased it was much worse than if she'd outright told him everything she wanted to do to him, to the point where Coye felt threatened in the sexiest way possible. Every time he roughed her up, every time he teased her, and every time she was humiliated by him, Coye knew that Shayla was keeping tally. She was going to put him through a sexual hell of his own making.

Coye would get to lie in the bed he'd made, but Shayla would never let him sleep on it.

"Well, that sounds like it's gonna be fun," Byng casually nudged the terrified boy with her elbow and cracked a huge grin. "As for now, how about we head inside and cuddle for a bit? I'm still wiped out, but once we're nice and cooled off, I'll whip us up something for dinner, and then it'll be my turn to dominate you for the rest of the night. This was fun and all, but I think you've earned yourself some payback, gahaha! How's that sound?"

Coye pushed the distant threat of Shayla the Cock Destroyer- Pixie Queen of Ultimate Domination, to the back of his mind, where he falsely convinced himself it could no longer harm him.

"Sounds great, Byng," he smiled. It seemed that being aggressive came with more rewards than he thought. He was in the mood for some role reversal right about now, too...

"Good boy," she teased, a familiar pleasant tingling sensation overcoming his heart as the words sunk in.

Shayla shrugged. "One step forward, two steps back..."


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